smart girl love tips

Chapter 13 The courtship secrets that a smart girl should know

Chapter 13 The courtship secrets that a smart girl should know (1)
If he loves you very much, don't make things difficult for him

In life, we often encounter such a situation: some people, especially beautiful girls who are not afraid of being chased by others, "test" their lover's sincerity in order to make things difficult, just like the princess in a fairy tale who wants Prince Charming to go to the forest to defeat the huge monster. Devil, wait for him to return in triumph, and then kiss his heroic toes... Is this method advisable or not?
Manman grew up in a pampered and pampered family, almost everyone loved her and depended on her in everything.She has a boyfriend who loves her very much. On the night of his proposal, Manman said capriciously: "If you can stand downstairs in my house for 100 days, I will marry you, because then I will know that you are love." mine."

The boy wanted to make another effort and struggle, but the girl walked away after finishing speaking, without giving him a chance to continue talking.

In order to be able to live with his beloved forever, the boy really came downstairs to the girl's house early the next morning, holding a bouquet of roses in his hand, and stood there "stupidly".The girl saw the straight figure of the boy through the curtain, but did nothing, but continued her life. This was the first day.

From then on, no matter it was windy, rainy or scorching sun, the boy really stood there every day, his face became thinner and paler... But the girl didn't seem to be moved at all, watching him stand from the hot summer to the windy day In autumn, I was even quite proud.

However, on the night of the 99th day, just a few minutes before the 100th day, the girl opened the window and saw the boy still waiting there. For some reason, the girl burst into tears, and she finally understood Knowing how much she loves this boy, she went downstairs desperately...

Unfortunately, when she came to the place where the boy was waiting for her, the boy was no longer there, and a bunch of withered roses and a letter lay quietly on the ground. The girl opened the letter, and it was clearly written :

If you really love me, you won't use this almost difficult method to test my love.I wish you would run down when you saw me here, but unfortunately you didn't... 99 days of waiting proves that I love you; one day of leaving proves that although I love you, I also have dignity.I'm sorry, I'm leaving, I hope the next one will love you as much as I do!
Manman stood there stupidly for a long, long time...

Yes, assessment, there is nothing wrong with it.Just don't equate assessment with making things difficult.Making things difficult is the sharpest word in love. It will not only seriously hurt a person's self-esteem, but also widen the distance between the two.

What girls rely on to conquer men
What do girls rely on to conquer men?Sometimes a girl who is not beautiful has a good relationship with men, what's the matter?In fact, what girls use to conquer men is not only appearance, but also self-confidence and self-cultivation.

1. Confidence
You should understand that the office is not dominated by men, you should also know that your rights are equal to those of male colleagues, and you should understand that your ability is not inferior to anyone else, so you can look at everything with confidence everyone.

2. beautiful
Girls who are truly stunning and amazing are still rare animals, so girls who understand this truth also know how to change themselves, make up for their innate deficiencies, and become pleasing to the eye.Clothes, hairstyles, cosmetics... What girl doesn't make a man stunned when everything is available?Beauty has no age distinction, girls at every stage have their own beauty, if you know your own beauty, and learn to use your own beauty, you will be invincible and invincible - who likes a sloppy yellow-faced woman?

3. Calm
Girls are not naturally calm animals, they will yell at everything they encounter.The next time you want to scream, pinch yourself hard, you will get used to it and you will have a long memory. After a long time, calmness will naturally arise.At that time, even if you are so scared that you can't breathe, others will only regard you as a leisurely walk in the garden, and admire your courage and courage in the face of danger.

4. Orthodoxy
You must be an orthodox girl who is not rebellious. In everyone's mind, a girl who has received an orthodox education is not frivolous and will not let the office become a romantic place. Everyone knows that you will behave in a well-behaved manner, and you will not worry about your office. The atmosphere is "bad".

5. Concern
A girl's concern is one of the most touching things in the world, no matter whether it comes from her mother, wife, lover or colleagues.A gentle word of concern from you can sometimes be remembered by the person you care about for a lifetime.

6. Quiet
You have to be like a tomboy, slamming doors and banging tables in the office all day long, who can tell you what is going on, and of course you can't gossip like a boring woman in the old society, you have to at least be like Half lady, learn to smile to answer or interrupt questions and topics you think will affect the unity of the group.

7. Health
Now who still likes a sick beauty like Lin Daiyu?In the workplace, you look miserable all day long, and others feel uncomfortable looking at you, and think you are hypocritical, aren't you embarrassing yourself?

Treat past love history lightly

Most men like to show off how popular they are with the opposite sex, so as to show off their abilities.When they talk about their past love history, they are mostly just to show off, not because they are particularly attached to one of their lovers, nor are they necessarily remembering the past history of love, they may just want to show off.

However, girls are extremely insecure creatures. Once she knows that your past love history is so brilliant, she will inevitably have a question mark in her heart: Is he a man with a heart?Will I continue to face competition from other girls in the future?He is so popular with the opposite sex and has such a wide range of choices, can he really settle down for me alone?
Yes, if a boy really wants to talk big and turn over his past love history to show his current lover, then he will fall into an abyss beyond redemption.Because, as long as you make a small mistake in the future and arouse your lover's insecure heart, you will face torture and endless doubts by crying, making trouble, and hanging yourself.

Just show off to your male friends the flirtatious history that you think you are proud of. If you have to say it, please don’t tell it to your current lover.Just stop everything and don't let what has happened in the past affect your future with her.You don't want to tell the other party not to take it to heart, it's over, etc., it's impossible.Once a word is spoken, it has sown a seed in the hearts of those who listen, and you will not be able to uproot it.

A girl has had more than 5 boyfriends, and each relationship has entered a state of cohabitation.However, all her boyfriends know about her past is one of the shortest lovers among them.That lover was the one she had the least sense of and impression of.

Why just mention him alone?She said: "Because there is nothing to talk about between me and him."

Why not be honest?Could it be that the previous relationship was so ulterior?The girl said that there is nothing to hide in any relationship, but there is no need to tell others, especially the current lover. "I don't believe that my current boyfriend would want to hear how much love I had with those old lovers in the past, or their disloyalty to me. If it were you, would you want to hear these things? Of course not. You Will you be happy because the other party is honest with you? Of course not, you will only have pimples in your heart. I don’t think you should ask for trouble like this.” She said confidently.

Some girls like to bring up the infidelity of their past lovers to awaken the pity or sympathy of their current boyfriends. This is the most stupid way.It may be possible to achieve the goal in a short time, but the effect of this medicine is too strong. If it is not handled properly, it will become a psychological burden for the other party in the future.

Therefore, please don't be too honest about the past love history. If you have to say something, you must say it pickily and lightly.

There is no absolute perfection in the world

Have you ever wondered if you are marrying the same person you imagined?This kind of doubt is shared by almost everyone, and it can be regarded as a kind of "normal helplessness".In fact, the real problem is not whether you have found the right person, but whether you are doing everything possible to change the other person or trying to adapt to the other person.

There is such a story, the couple had a big fight, the wife was disappointed and angry with her husband, and announced loudly: "You are not the man I wanted to marry at all!" The husband turned his head to look at his wife, smiled wryly, and sighed. Said: "I never was."

When we are in love, we always tend to fantasize about our lover too perfect. In our eyes, our lover is shrouded in a halo of ideals, and we often turn a blind eye to his weaknesses.Only after we got married did we realize that it was just a phantom or a dream, and when we reached for it, we couldn't catch anything.

It is said that marriage is the tomb of love, but in fact it is not the fault of marriage.It's just that because the two get closer, your personal habits and hobbies will be fully revealed. This is a time to test your patience and tolerance.

Yuanyuan is 30 years old this year, and she has been in love with her husband for 3 years. Her husband, who is 7 years older than her, is from the south. There are great differences in eating and living habits from her who grew up in the north. For example, Husband likes to walk barefoot at home, but Yuanyuan is not used to this habit, always nagging him to put on slippers.But my husband said that he has always been like this, and he feels very comfortable and at ease.After persisting several times to no avail, Yuanyuan decided to give up the "transformation" of her husband. She said: "I need to take a longer view. He has so many advantages that I like. How can he be covered up by this little regional difference? This kind of thing is going to be a big fight, and it’s a small loss? The best way is to turn a blind eye."

Be honest about your current relationship

Whether you like it or not, whether you are happy or unhappy, how you like it or how you are happy, it is best to express it in an appropriate way.The reason for expressing is because we want to let the other party know how to love us better and please us.

Girls in particular are most taboo about "saying everything is okay" and "it doesn't matter anything", as if it doesn't matter if you are happy or unhappy, which makes others really don't know what to do.She always maintains a certain temperature, and has no special feelings to express, but it will make the other party feel very tired.

So "Sassy Girlfriend" is very popular. She is actually not difficult to deal with, and she can clearly distinguish between moods and anger. You don't need to let boys guess there, you can know what you should do to make the date go well. How to do it Conflicts can be avoided.

Try to express your feelings!In this way, the communication between the two people will be smoother, and you can avoid some unnecessary guesswork.

Also, it is most taboo to conceal the current relationship status when dating.You may have another lover, or you may be dating many people at the same time, or your attitude is that you are still making choices. These choices are all right, but you must be frank with your object, and don’t pretend to be in front of him. He looks like he only likes him, but behind the scenes, he can show the same affection for other people, waiting to receive a lot of affection and energy from the other party.

The reason for many love killings is actually because of this, being deceived by the other party's feelings, being messed around, and finally discovering that you are just the object of being used, not the object of love.The feeling of embarrassment and pain, which is aroused in some people, can easily become the motivation for revenge, which is terrible and undesirable.

When it comes to falling in love, it ends up in this situation, of course it is not what love should have.Remember, when you are in a relationship, you don't have to confess the past, but you must confess the reality.

Lies About Marriage We Can Not Hear
Marriage is a matter of two people, and there should not be too many people involved.But the reality is not necessarily the case.Do your relatives and friends like to give you some advice on marriage, teaching you to do this and that, making you at a loss.Their intentions may be well-intentioned, but their opinions may not be correct.You must know that although the opinions of the older generation are good references for action, parents and elders are far more rash and blind than children and juniors when it comes to marriage.Here are five of the most common marriage lies.

1. If he loves you, then he must stand the "test"

Love has never been as strong and resilient as people imagined, and it can withstand repeated debugging, waiting, and tempering.It is like a very fragile and fragile glass and porcelain, which needs to be cherished and carefully maintained by both parties.So don't play those little tricks of "testing" love and artificially create obstacles and pain for each other.

2. You can change him
This erroneous concept is harmful. It is absolutely impossible for you to change your spouse into the character you like. If you force the other party to change, it will only bring dissatisfaction and anger to the other party.

3. The only thing needed is love

(End of this chapter)

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