smart girl love tips

Chapter 14 The courtship secrets that a smart girl should know

Chapter 14 The courtship secrets that a smart girl should know (2)
If there is only love and nothing else, such as like-mindedness, division of labor and cooperation, mutual understanding, and knowing how to express feelings to support a marriage, love will be wiped out quickly.

4. Be absolutely honest with your spouse
Sometimes [-]% honesty will be self-defeating and even hurt the other party, so enough is enough.Sometimes it's okay to tell white lies.

5. Having a baby will bring you closer
If the foundation of that relationship itself is weak, even creating a life will not improve it, but will bring you more new problems.

6. As long as you really treat him well, you can get his love in exchange

This wrong concept does not know how many infatuated women have been "murdered".Love is the communication of each other's hearts, not a process of equivalent exchange. Your whole heart may not be able to exchange his whole heart.So in the face of a love that is doomed to have no "future", please don't waste your feelings and time.

no guessing games
Do you have such unrealistic ideas about your boyfriend-he loves me, so he should understand my desires and needs, why spend so much time talking about what I want?If so, you should examine your thinking.It is best not to play guessing games between men and women.

I believe that many girls have such an experience. They look angry, but their boyfriend keeps asking inexplicably: "What's wrong with you?" Girls always hope that their boyfriend is an ESP. I understand my own mind, but is such a person possible?
The expert said: "The couples who have a stable relationship have one thing in common. They never like to play guessing games. If there is anything in the relationship between the two that bothers you, you should directly bring it up, because you are forced to guess the reason for your anger. , will only make things worse."

In fact, in this situation, it is best to say what you want, what you are worried about, and what you want the other party to do. Don't sulk without saying a word, which will make the other party feel at a loss and depressed, and lead to conflicts and conflicts.But that doesn't mean everything has to be overly direct.The boyfriend bought a bracelet for Xiaoling, and Xiaoling was not very satisfied, so she said bluntly: "This bracelet looks a bit stupid." Although she didn't mean it, the boyfriend felt a sense of failure.So sometimes when telling some truths, it is best to think about whether your answer can be accepted.

The Emotional and Psychological Interests of Men and Women in Love
Men and women in love often have completely different psychological reactions due to their different positions.

Men use their eyes when they fall in love, girls use their hearts when they fall in love.A man's eyes rely on radiation, while a girl's heart relies on conduction.

When a man pursues a girl, he attacks quickly, but the result is often clear after the rain. When a girl pursues a man, she permeates slowly, but dripping water can wear away a rock.

The way a man tests a girl is by running away, and the way a girl tests a man is by being late for a date.

Men like to release bait to catch love, and girls like to watch love at all costs.

Men become pitiful after falling in love, and girls become neurotic after falling in love.

Men in love hope to simplify the complicated process, and girls in love like to complicate simple things.

Men want their girlfriends to experience as little as possible, but girls want their boyfriends to experience as much as possible.

A man wants to be a girl's first love, but a girl wants to be a man's last love.

Men are like old wine, which becomes more and more precious as time goes by, while girls are like fresh milk, with a short shelf life.

The older the man is, the cuter he is, but the girl is pale and dull.A girl who is too beautiful makes a man lose desire, while a man who is too rich makes a girl feel insecure.

Girls feel empty when they lose their love, and men feel tired when they get love.

Men are afraid of being called young, and girls are afraid of being called old.Girls use patient makeup to cover up their faces, and men use pretending to be deep to cover up their content.A girl's youth signifies a value, a man's youth a superficiality.

A man kissing a girl is a loan paid back, and a girl kissing a man is an investment given away.

The tenderness of a girl is a trap, and the depth of a man is an empty room.

A man likes to show off his brave pursuit, a girl likes to show off her rational refusal.

When a man sheds tears, people will feel weak, and when a girl sheds tears, people will feel pity.

A man's passion is a kind of pleasure, and a girl's passion is a kind of corruption.

Men are eager to confide their difficulties to girls, but girls are willing to listen to men showing off their success.

In language, girls are like funnels and men are like containers.But in life, a man is like a funnel, and a girl is like a container.

A man's love is like dewdrops, each of which is a complete existence, but not the whole existence, unable to withstand the sunshine; but a girl's love is like a broken bottle of beer, poured on the ground, the moonlight It emits a long-lasting wheat fragrance.

Girls' expectations of men have risen faster than prices, and men's feelings for girls have changed faster than the stock market.

A man is a girl's price, and a girl is a man's trademark.

The passport of a man is ability, and the passport of a girl is appearance.Girls hope that love is always on the way, and men hope that love can reach home in one step.

Men are strong when they are in love, and girls are weaker when they are in love.

Men fall in love because they attack rashly, and girls fall in love because they can't dodge.

Men are prone to hyperopia in love, and girls are prone to myopia in love.In love, girls learn to talk in their sleep, and men get rid of swearing.

In love, a man dares to promise anything, and a girl dares to ask for anything.

In love, a man is a girl's whole world, and a girl is a man's moon.

The personality of a man in love is redundant, and the mind of a girl is redundant.

In love, a man is a girl's wallet, and a girl is a man's shadow.

In love, men are ecstatically involved, and girls are ecstatically involved.

In love, a man looks forward to the fruit when the flowers bloom, but a girl thinks of the fallen leaves in the blooming season.

Girls in love often find out that there is no foundation stone after building a tall building, and men often find that there is no water flow after turning on the faucet.

What a girl leaves after a lovelorn is a wound, while what a man leaves after a lovelorn is a callus.

A man's pursuit of a girl results in a moment, and a girl's pursuit of a man results in a lifetime.

It is a man's sorrow that a girl realizes her own beauty, and it is a girl's happiness that a man realizes his talent.

Girls are full of fantasy when they are gentle, and men are full of desire when they are gentle.

When a man is in love, it means richness and maturity, and when a girl is in love, it means simplicity and slides into the abyss.

Girls fall in love like walking into nature, men fall in love like walking into a basement.

A man's love is like a walk in leisure time, a girl's love is like looking for a lost key.

When a man is in love, he asks for nothing from the other party, and when a girl is in love, he asks for everything from the other party.

Beware of love entering the misunderstanding
If you have no experience in love, or have not made enough psychological and ideological preparations, it is easy to stumble into the following misunderstandings of love:
Myth [-]: Love is romance and flowers
what is love?No one can tell for thousands of years.In romance novels and youth dramas, love is often the flower before the moon and the moon, Qingqing me, romantic roses.

But in reality, love is often not about romance, but about life.A caring text message when you go out, a knowing smile when you come home, a warm hug when you are in distress, and his relief and comfort when your career is not going well, this is love in real life.

Therefore, in reality, you should learn to cherish and enjoy the little things that love brings you in life, so that happiness and happiness can always be with you.If you blindly indulge in the so-called romantic love in novels and film and television dramas, thinking about others all day long, then happiness and joy will pass you by.

Misunderstanding [-]: stay together all day long, inseparable

In the eyes of some people in love, lovers must be inseparable.But in the journey of love, it is those lovers who stay together all day long and follow each other like shadows, who are often the first to reach the station of sadness.

"Distance creates beauty" is an unchanging truth.If you want the two of you to always maintain a sense of mystery, it's best not to see each other every night, and schedule some time for yourself to meet up with friends, or develop your own hobbies—whatever, as long as you do things you enjoy.Only in this way can he feel the passion of life from time to time, and it can also make him feel that the people he is obsessed with are colorful.

Of course, at the beginning, you may feel that you are not used to it without his warm arms and voice, but think about it, is there anything more overwhelming than crazy longing?
Misunderstanding [-]: Emphasize unilateral contribution
Many birds who are looking for in the sea of ​​love often have the same idea, and they will not give until the other party loves and gives wholeheartedly, and love while being moved.But love actually needs the hard work and dedication of both parties. When you give, there will always be harvest, just like farmers farming, even when autumn comes, what you harvest is not the expected melon, but the swaying branches and leaves, full of autumn scenery. It is also a kind of harvest.If you just blindly emphasize unilateral contribution, you will often just wait for the time to come.

Myth [-]: Unfair comparisons
There are very few people who have no love experience in their life. Having experience is a kind of experience and enrichment for life.But many people have such a misunderstanding, that is, they like to compare their current lovers with their former lovers, and this comparison is often unfair, because they often compare the shortcomings of their current lovers with the advantages of their former lovers. Come on, the more you compare, the more you feel that your current lover is full of flaws.

We must know that there are hundreds of flowers, each person is different, and everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages.To love someone, you must learn to appreciate his strengths and tolerate his shortcomings. At certain times, you must use a magnifying glass to enlarge his cuteness, and at certain times use a narrowing glass to narrow his shortcomings and shortcomings. Only in this way can we finally go hand in hand life after the end.If you always like to show off how great your previous lover was-and describe it honestly, it will only end up making your current lover extremely disgusted.

Misunderstanding [-]: Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years

People who have fallen on the road of love, nine out of ten cannot get up on the spot after falling, and are afraid to move forward.For example, if your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend cheated you out of money, you will be more careful about your current boyfriend or girlfriend in this regard.Another example, once loved wholeheartedly, but in the end suffered emotional failure, so when faced with another relationship, I put away my heart and stopped giving sincerity, for fear that after giving, it would be another failure.In this way, if you are unwilling to give or hesitate on the emotional road, you will only miss many beautiful scenery.

These things girls don't have to say sorry

There are two kinds of people in the world - the educated and the uneducated.As an educated woman, it is the most basic courtesy to apologize for doing something wrong.But before you know it, you have already suffered from a chronic disease called "Sorry Syndrome". What you get is not only annoyed, but also cowardly and useless.Do remember not to say "sorry" for doing any of the following things.

1. Splash back occasionally

Did he annoy you again?Then pick up the phone and scold him bloody.This is an effective release method, and when the vent is over, you will feel a lot better and feel that he is not so annoying.Splash back occasionally to let him know you're not someone to be messed with.Sometimes being too good-tempered will only make him ignore your existence.

2. Harsh selection of men

If you're having a bad feeling on a date, it's best to quickly figure out what's stupid about him that makes you feel bad, and don't put it lightly.Forcing himself to accept his obvious flaws is a waste of time, telling himself "it's not that big of a deal" is pointless.Especially when meeting for the first time, we must be strict with men. Our principle of making friends is to prefer the lack to the abuse, and find the best one if you want.

3. Have your own opinions on sex life

Since every woman's anatomy is different, having a harmonious sex life requires letting a man know how he feels.Don't worry, he'll be happy to accept your proposition.

4. Obsessed with other men

Don't dare to face up to the fact that you are already fascinated by a man other than your boyfriend, think about why he fascinates you?What qualities does he have that your boyfriend doesn't?What do you want?This is not to teach you to cheat on your boyfriend, because everyone has the right to choose, you know, the important thing is to choose a good husband for yourself, and you can't just hang yourself on a tree.

5. Staring at men intently

The times are different, let the so-called "shy" and "reserved" all go to hell.The next time a man who suits your appetite passes by you, don't hesitate, just walk over and stare at him, and discharge him boldly.The gaze full of goodwill and admiration is likely to make him take the initiative to leave his phone number to you.Don't worry about leaving a bad impression on the other party by doing this-"If a guy says he doesn't care about the girl's gaze, then he must be a boring liar. And his purpose of saying this on purpose is actually to attract The woman he was talking to." All the men said.

(End of this chapter)

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