smart girl love tips

Chapter 17 Every girl has a good life, and a girl who can fall in love has a better life

Chapter 17 Every girl has a good life, and a girl who can fall in love has a better life (1)
No one can escape the temptation of temperamental beauties

The beauty of girls has been eulogized and praised countless times by people, and literati and poets have almost exhausted the world's splendor for this.In fact, in the face of beauty, poetry, rhetoric, and music are powerless.No matter how good the poet and singer are, they will sigh Nami at the end!Beautiful girls are loved by everyone, but the most attractive and eternal beauty is often the girl with magnetism.So, what kind of girl is attractive?Three words: beautiful temperament.

Temperament is a sharp weapon for a girl to conquer the world, just like a mountain with water immediately reveals its aura.As long as a girl has the wings of temperament, she will immediately be in high spirits, with bright eyes and looking around, and become charming.

Jin Yuxi, the founder of the famous cosmetics brand Yue Sai, said: "Temperament and self-cultivation are not the patent of celebrities, they belong to everyone. Temperament and self-cultivation are not related to money and power. Regardless of age, even if you are the most ordinary member of this society, you can still have your unique temperament and cultivation."

So, what kind of temperament should modern women possess?
1. The beauty of personality
The charm of femininity is the beauty emanating from the depth of personality. Self-esteem, self-love, dignity, virtuousness, understanding, compassion, etc. are all beautiful personality characteristics.On the contrary, the girls who are frivolous, selfish, chattering and mean-spirited, no matter how beautiful and lovable they are, it is just a fleeting moment.

2. The Power of Gentleness

When it comes to tenderness, people will naturally think of the portrait of the Virgin Mary, and think of the gentle and holy smile of the Virgin Mary in the extremely soft background.This smile shows people her kindness, innocence, gentleness and fraternity, and her great artistic charm is enduring.What men like most is probably not the girl's appearance, but the girl's feminine beauty.

3. Poetic and bookish

Reading and thinking can increase a person's charm.Knowledge and self-cultivation can make one's eyes and ears bright, and it will also add an extraordinary temperament to a girl.Knowledge and wisdom are a pillar of the beauty of temperament. With this pillar, it can completely make up for the lack of appearance.

4. Valuable tenacity

Being soft and tender does not mean that girls are blindly obedient, dependent, and coquettish. Women should also have individuality, assertiveness, and freedom of behavior.This independence is a kind of flexibility in emotion and firmness in pursuit, a kind of self-sufficiency and restraint in will, and a behavior that is neither worldly nor deeply rational.No one will like those girls who see things differently, have no opinions, and cry when they encounter setbacks, no matter how beautiful they are.On the contrary, the spirit of unswerving and persistent pursuit of beautiful things can completely make an ugly girl beautiful.

In real life, almost all men and girls like to get along with such a girl, because this kind of girl makes you have a good impression on the eyes, and also has a special attractive power, which can constantly infect you and make you envious , let you follow.

Temperament is a kind of spirituality. If a woman only relies on cosmetics to maintain her life, her life must be pale.

Temperament is a kind of wisdom, which carves and shapes a person little by little, and a casual movement can attract everyone's attention.

Temperament is a kind of personality, which is hidden in differences. Only by continuous innovation can we have a distinctive charm and become an unforgettable person at first sight.

Temperament is a kind of self-cultivation. In the hustle and bustle of the city, you can practice a kind of "tranquility" and "quietness" that is beyond vulgarity, and only then can you smile when you face the vicissitudes of life.

For girls, temperament is an eternal temptation, because temperament can be obtained not only by appearance, but also possesses rich wisdom and common sense, and has a proud bearing and quality.

Today, with the improvement of living standards, there are endless ways to beautify and package girls.Unwhite skin can be whitened, abnormal facial features can be reconstructed, excess fat can be absorbed, and unattractive body can be trained, but so far I have not heard of such techniques as "girly temperament crash".

In fact, a girl's temperament is first of all congenital or innate, and secondly, the long-term cultivation of the day after tomorrow is also very important.However, deliberate imitation and temporary assault are difficult to change the temperament fundamentally. If it is not done well, "painting a tiger will not become a dog", and it will become a meme, which is not beautiful.

The truly noble and elegant temperament requires all-round cultivation and the precipitation of time.Like a shadow of a flower in a dream, like a ray of fragrance of life, it penetrates into the girls' bones and lives, so that they can still have a sense of beauty and wisdom, a calmness and Indifferent...

Habits of elegant women
Men are not immune to classy girls.Beautiful girls have their own beauty, but they have the same good habits.Habits accompany everyone's life, whether it is good or bad, it will affect their own life, and it will also bring many unexpected effects to their image.Whether a girl is elegant or not, a large part of it comes from her usual little habits.

So, if you want to make yourself more elegant, what habits do you need to pay attention to?
1. Exercise
Moderate exercise can keep your body in the most perfect state, and it can also make you look healthier and more lively, and make your mood more open-minded.Therefore, it can be seen from a person's attitude towards physical exercise whether he is a cheerful person or not.

2. Work hard
No matter how beautiful a lazy girl is, no one will praise her. On the contrary, a diligent girl, although not very beautiful, can often win people's favor.Putting aside the fact that work is to support the family, in fact, there is another very important thing about working hard, that is, it can reflect your own value to a greater extent, and also let people around you understand your abilities.

3. Competitive
It doesn't hurt to be moderately competitive, at least to show the self-righteous guys that girls can still do well.In this world, there is no girl who can't do it.Learn from the beautiful Karen Mok and be a competitive girl with "nothing I can't do".

4. Sweet and coquettish
Competitiveness can only be moderate, and besides being competitive, you must also know how to act like a baby. This kind of acting like a baby does not include acting like a baby between lovers, but a kind of verbal weakness, such as "Please help me, okay?" "Okay", "Please, is it okay"... This kind of coquettish tone can make oneself more pleasing, and the feminine coquettishness can also be fully expressed.

5. Don't hit people
Although you are very angry sometimes, you can't be violent, even if the other party is your child or lover.Hitting someone is a very bad phenomenon. Not only can you lose your grace, but it can also destroy the relationship between you.

6. Avoid being mean
It is best for an elegant girl to keep the meanness away from herself. No matter who she is to, she must know how to love herself, love others, understand herself and others, so that she can be favored by more people.

7. No smoking or drinking

The habit of smoking and drinking is very bad. Not only is it not good for the body, but it will also give others a frivolous impression.

8. Internet in moderation
In addition to the necessary Internet access to send and receive emails and check information, please refuse to use the Internet, because the Internet is nothing more than two possibilities: the first is to chat, and the second is to play online games.Girls who often chat online will also give people a frivolous feeling, while girls who often play online games often do not regard themselves as women, and elegance is even more out of the question.

Women's habits are directly related to their own elegance. Therefore, every woman who pursues elegance should start with small habits and resolutely prevent one or two bad habits from destroying her overall elegant image.

Matching makes every girl brilliant
Looks are born, but appearance is in your own hands.Girls who can match make themselves brilliant, and brilliant girls are always popular with men.

Clothes of different colors and styles also have colorful and interesting collocations.This kind of matching includes: matching of clothing and body shape, matching of colors, matching of styles, matching of colors and styles, matching of clothing and clothing, and so on.

The clothes are full of changes and can give people a fresh aesthetic feeling.Changing your attire at the right time can refresh your mental outlook.However, changing clothes does not necessarily require a large number of clothes, as long as they are properly matched, a few pieces of clothes can also be transformed into a large number of clothes.

1. The choice of color
In the colorful world of colors, not every color is suitable for everyone.Some people have a wider range of choices, some people have a narrower range of choices.How to choose the color of clothing that suits you, you should consider the following two points:

◆Color and skin color.Cool colors can cast a shadow on pale skin and make people look listless.A slightly warmer light red can make the pale face radiant and full of vitality.The cold bluish purple makes people with darker complexion lack vitality and luster.Black and yellow skin can choose a light-colored mixed color to dilute the contrast between clothing color and skin color.Fair and rosy is the best skin color, it is not suitable to use strong color system to destroy this natural color, choose plain color system, instead it can bring out the natural beauty.

◆Color and character, body type and occupation.Take personality as an example: enthusiastic and cheerful people prefer strong and bright colors, quiet and elegant people prefer plain and simple, dignified and stable people prefer cool and deep.These and the like cannot be listed one by one.In addition, there are body shape, age, occupation, etc., which largely determine your choice of clothing color.You can determine several color systems for your clothing according to your own characteristics.

2. Style selection
The choice of style mainly depends on your body shape and age, but also factors such as occupation and personality.

Human body shapes are diverse, how to cleverly develop strengths and circumvent weaknesses to bring out the natural beauty of the human body is a major task of clothing.Therefore, before purchasing clothing, you must fully understand the various parts of your body and understand the pros and cons of your body shape.

◆If your body is small, you can choose clothing with light color, strong texture, elasticity, moderate elasticity and simple style.And avoid choosing clothes with deep color and complex lines.

◆If you are short and fat, you may wish to choose clothes with soft texture, elegant patterns, suitable waist and a sense of verticality.It is not advisable to wear clothes with thick texture, warm colors, too tight or not smooth lines.

◆If your waist is thick, you can use a cardigan to cover it up.You can also exaggerate the upper body and hem to make the waist appear thinner.

◆If your legs are short, it is best to choose a dress, and lift the waist of the skirt, and then tie the waist with a wide belt.

◆If your breasts are too small, you can first choose a padded bra, and then choose a soft and loose upper body waist garment.

Throughout the year, in spring, summer, autumn and winter, a girl who is good at matching will never let her figure be buried in the crowds, but will dress herself up carefully to make herself a beautiful landscape.

So what are the important skills and requirements for matching according to the season?
1. Dress brightly in spring

The colors of spring are brighter, cleaner, and fresher. The place that best expresses the colors of spring is the beautiful botanical garden, where you can feel the strong sense of spring. But when we match clothes, the colors are brighter, but The concentration should not be too high, but should be more elegant, such as tender green, light yellow or even pink, so as to create a clean, fresh and pleasant feeling of spring.

Of course, the colors of the whole spring are not all the same, but they must be different, so as not to let yourself fall into a monotonous embarrassment.

The early spring season is still relatively cold, especially in the north, sweaters are still the first choice.But don't you have to wrap yourself tightly like winter?Of course not, skirts can be used to show the difference between spring and winter.You might as well find out all your sweaters, then find out long skirts or thick skirts, and re-match them from color to style. Even if these clothes are not the latest ones, wearing them one by one will have a special flavor.You can also put on your windbreaker when you go out, and in a fluttering feeling, let the people around you begin to feel your extraordinary bearing.

After early spring, the temperature began to rise gradually. This is the season when the green grass sprouts and the tender shoots sprout.The real spring is here, with the gentle breeze, bringing people a pleasant spring, this is the time to wear beautiful dresses.This is also the time to reflect a person's matching ability. Don't always feel that your clothes are not novel enough, and don't be afraid that your craftsmanship is not superb enough. As long as you can match your own style, you are still the most beautiful girl in this spring.

Here are a few spring clothing colors:
◆Loose water-red woolen sweater with a pair of water-blue jeans and unmodified hairstyle shows the vigor of spring. This unrestrained chic is also a kind of beauty in spring.

◆Pink V-neck sweater, paired with khaki slacks, restrained, quiet and rich in heritage, graceful and feminine, absolutely ladylike.

◆Romantic and beautiful: The hot pink dolman sleeve sweater with embroidered patterns makes the wide dolman sleeves look lively.

◆At noon, you can take off your woolen sweater and drape it over your shoulders or tie it around your waist casually. You will definitely attract the attention of people around you if you look different.

◆At dusk, you can put on a beautiful sweater and a red plaid skirt again, adding a bit of drunken hazy beauty to this charming dusk, and the creator of all this is the beautiful you.

◆If the upper body is a fresh and natural color, you might as well match it with a pair of black trousers. It brings mystery and yearning to others.

Of course, white is also a very wonderful color for spring. A white cardigan wool coat, a white thin sweater lined with a pullover, and a green silk scarf add freshness. A white dress can give people an elegant and pure feeling. Green belt Come a little more dynamic, black and white plaid long coat, wear black trousers, make you more heroic.

2. Dress lightly in summer

Summer is a hot season. At this time, you can’t use bright colors to set off your beauty like spring. Instead, you should use subtle, soft, cool colors with blue tones, or matte pink and bright colors. The combination of dark colors and ash feel gives people a poetic hazy and quiet, and there is also a bit of tenderness and romance in it.It can be said that there is no season of color that can match the colorful splendor of summer.

◆Hazy and poetic.A loose yellow sleeveless top with a pair of white mid-length trousers with two slipknots on both sides of the trousers, and a pair of light-colored sandals on the feet.

◆Enthusiastic and unrestrained.A yellow T-shirt, a red pleated skirt, and a pair of light-colored sneakers on her feet.

◆Lively and fresh.White T-shirt and short-sleeved shirt, red and white loose-fitting shorts, a red belt around the waist, and a pair of red sandals on the feet.

◆Romantic feelings.A blue top, shorts, tied with a thin belt around the waist, and a pair of sunglasses on the forehead.

◆Fresh, peaceful and full of vitality.A white t-shirt, blue denim shorts, and a pair of white sandals on the feet look fresh, quiet and full of youthful vitality.

3. Dress in autumn with charm
Autumn is a harvest season.Warm colors including yellow have become the most prominent colors in this season, such as orange, orange red, golden yellow, gold, tan, brick, rich warm green, warm blue and off-white.It seems that autumn is also a season of competition and beauty. Everything is still going on, so we must not relax a bit.

In this season, the tone of the clothing should be based on a saturated warm color, but the style is not necessarily the same. Like the environmental color, it has endless changes, and the matching is more free, and the more it can reflect a person's ability to match.

In this beautiful season, experts also gave us some suggestions, we might as well give it a try.

◆Elegant style.Black and white suit.

◆Elegant atmosphere.A sweater with a rose-colored pattern on a lotus root, and a silver-gray sundress with a bright belt.

◆Selection of fabrics for autumn clothes.Thin tweeds or fabrics that are soft and slightly thick, straight and not easy to wrinkle after garments have become ideal fabrics for making autumn clothes.

4. Dress chic in winter

The coldness of winter is enough to make us feel afraid, so the colors of winter clothes are best in warm colors, such as positive red, positive blue, positive green, positive yellow, positive gray and bright pink, wine red, purple, blue, and Navy blue, black, dark brown.Of course, in order to be consistent with the surrounding environment, white is also the main color of winter clothing.

◆A brown plaid suit with a white sweater inside and corduroy trousers of the same color as the suit underneath, giving people a warm feeling.

◆Skirts are not exclusive to summer, you can still wear skirts in winter.A burgundy dress is covered with a woolen suit of the same color, which can resist the wind and cold.

◆Light gray suit and trousers, lined with a white pullover sweater, fiery red scarf tied around the neck, giving people a feeling of cold outside and hot inside.

In addition, it doesn't matter if you don't know how to match, you can change your status quo by looking at more matching things.

◆Following the rules summed up by the predecessors, you can basically guarantee that there will be no mistakes; but sometimes you might as well make a taboo on purpose, and maybe you will wear something new and the effect will be better!

◆Color matching should pay attention to the relationship between size and quantity.The colors cannot be divided equally, but a theme should be paid attention to.

◆The decorative pattern on the fabric should not be repeated. In order to make up for this defect, the solid color on the fabric can be increased a little.

◆If the body is all in one color, then a little decoration with other colors can show more charm.This decoration can be handbags, scarves or belts and so on.

◆Clean out your closet frequently, and you will find that there are many things that can be matched. Being good at matching is also a necessary condition for dressing yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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