Smart Women Should Read Men's Psychology: Secrets Men Don't Want You to Know

Chapter 10 A man's mind, a smart woman must be able to "guess"

Chapter 10 A man's mind, a smart woman must be able to "guess" (2)
Such men are curious, cautious, and ambitious. Before making a decision, they will definitely study the pros, cons, and feasibility of various options, and they will never act rashly.

3. People who like to read popular books
Men who like to read popular books such as street newspapers, weekly magazines, and gossip magazines are generally compassionate, optimistic and cheerful, and often use clever words to bring joy to others.They always have a steady stream of interesting topics to talk about and are often popular figures at the office or socially.

4. Men who like to read newspapers and news magazines
Most of them are strong-willed realists who are good at accepting new things.

5. A man who likes to read comic books

This type of man generally likes to have fun, has a free-spirited personality, and doesn't want to take life too seriously.

6. A man who likes to read the Bible
This type of man is aggressive and honest, respects those who hold power, and is also easy to understand others.

7. A man who likes to read detective novels
They have the courage to accept challenges in reality and are good at solving various problems.They are also willing to deal with difficult problems that others dare not challenge.

8. A man who likes to read horror novels
Most of these men's lives are too dull, which makes them want to find excitement and adventure.

9. A man who likes to read science fiction
Most of these men are rich in imagination and creativity, obsessed with science and technology, and like to make plans for the future.

10. A man who likes to read financial magazines

Most of them like to compete and strive to win. The happiest thing is to compare others.

11. A man who likes to read history books
Such people are creative, do not like nonsense, small talk, and would rather spend time doing constructive work than participating in meaningless social activities.

In fact, a man is a book in itself. If you want to understand the book of a man, you have to read the books that men like, which contain many of their secrets.

Peeping into Men's Characters from Travel Preferences
Psychologists believe that understanding a person's favorite way of travel can infer a person's potential personality.Therefore, in the face of a taciturn man, you might as well ask him what kind of travel he likes, so that you can grasp his most essential character traits in the chat.

Generally speaking, the travel methods that men prefer are as follows:

1. Enjoy the scenery
Men who like to appreciate the scenery don't want to be confined in a small room, and dull work often makes them feel irritable.Energetic and imaginative, they are excited by any new responsibilities or experiences in life.

2. Walk the beach
Men who like to walk on the beach have a slightly conservative and traditional personality, love solitude, and have the desire to live in isolation.However, since this type of person is very indifferent to friends and relationships, they make a good father because they give all their attention to their children.

3. Join a tour group

Men who like to participate in tour groups are generally very rational, they like to plan well in everything they do, and they don't expect any surprising unexpected trips.In addition, they have expansive personalities, like to share everything with others, and they are especially happy when others appreciate them.

4. Visit friends everywhere

Loyalty is the greatest strength of men who like to visit friends everywhere, and it is also the greatest motivation for them to do anything.When visiting friends or relatives, it will make them feel at ease.They are down-to-earth people.

5. Travel abroad
Men who love to travel abroad are fashion seekers who find life changes exciting.In addition, they have a humorous personality, are not easily overwhelmed by the burden of life, and always live a free and unrestrained life.

6. Camping
Men who like camping are supporters of traditional ideas, have high moral standards, independent personalities, and are full of creativity.This man's outlook on life is practical and objective.

7. Mountaineering
When you ask a guy who is going on vacation what he would like to do for fun and he says mountaineering, you can tell he is an introvert.Introverted mountaineering enthusiasts often form teams to challenge rock walls, with the goal of conquering sparsely populated and difficult-to-reach steep peaks.

Generally speaking, introverted people are more able to adapt to the harsh environment of nature. Needless to say, explorers, even climbers are almost all introverted people.Those who truly love mountaineering not only cannot resist the temptation of steep mountains, but also love the natural landscapes of mountains such as the sound of high streams, mountain plants, glaciers, insects and birds.When asked, "How many times do you have to climb to enjoy yourself", they will only answer: "Because there is a mountain I like there." Almost without exception, this type of men are all introverts who are quite demanding on themselves type of person.So when an extrovert says, "I like mountains too," you might as well assume that—at best, he only likes to go to the kind of hills where he can have a picnic.

In short, travel is a way for men to vent their emotions. Therefore, by examining the way men travel, we can also understand the emotions smoldering in their hearts. You are smart, you might as well give it a try.

Work attitude reveals man's personality
A person's personality traits are often reflected in his attitude towards work, so if you want to understand a man's personality, you can start with his attitude towards work.

Generally speaking, extroverted men are more courageous to take responsibility. At work, when there is no opportunity, they will actively seek and create opportunities, and when they have opportunities, they will firmly grasp the opportunities. Most of them are easy to succeed.

When an introverted person faces a job, the first thing he thinks of is his own responsibilities, consequences and other issues. He is always worried about what will happen if he fails, so he often shows a vacillating demeanor.Because of too many worries, you will be timid when you take action, and the result often ends in failure.

There is a kind of man who, after failing at work, will continue to find some objective reasons to excuse himself in order to try to shirk responsibility. Most of these people are selfish and vain, and they are often self-centered.On the contrary, there is another kind of men who blame themselves when they have problems at work and take all the responsibility on themselves. Most of these men are very timid.

After the failure, he can face the failure calmly and realistically, and can carefully and seriously analyze the reasons for the failure, make a summary and induction, and try not to make the same mistakes in the future work. Most of these men are really mature people.They are relatively stable and calm in dealing with others, and have a certain degree of aggressiveness. After their own efforts, most of them will succeed.

In addition, if the work goes well, he will be very happy, but if there is a slight setback, he will be discouraged, or even slumped. This kind of man has a fragile personality and will not be firm.

two.Men talk "unintentionally", women listen "intentionally"

A man's mind needs to "guess" from what he said casually. Usually at this time they are defenseless, and they can best reveal the true secrets in their hearts.Of course, just "listening" is not enough, you have to analyze it after listening. For example, a man often talks about his family, which means he is more family-oriented; a man likes to make phone calls after drinking, which means he is lonely...

Two-faced man: see the heart through speech
As we have said before, men are hypocritical animals. What they say and do on the surface is often not what they think in their hearts. This is like side A and side B of a tape, which often represent different contents.As a woman, we must learn to "see the essence through phenomena", otherwise we will be easily confused by the illusion of men.

American sociologist Greer pointed out: "People can usually know a person through two ways, one is the so-called long-distance knowing the horsepower, knowing the other person's personality in a long-term relationship; the other way is only from some simple signs. See through him. By interpreting some of his speech patterns, you can be sure of his true nature." Obviously, "Lu Yao knows the horsepower" is useless in women's identification of men, because men will try their best to cover up their other side, and The second way is not a bad way.

1. The more pertinent a man's speech, the more caring he is
We all know that everything has two sides, but we still often make the mistake of only looking at one side.For those men who are pertinent in speech and delicate in mind, we often only think of his subtlety and thoughtfulness as a man who can be entrusted for life, and forget his delicate "extensive" nature: he will prepare your luggage when you go out, and will Chattering about your purchase of an outfit he didn't like; picking up on your slightest emotion and pestering you for a harsh remark; he's the one who's most likely to initiate the cooking and take pleasure in it Men, but they are also most likely to nag about the price of vegetables.In short, his delicacy "benefits" every corner of life.

2. The gentler and considerate a man is, the more domineering he is

In life, the more people love and care about something, the more they want to possess it.A man is obedient and attentive to you, and many times it is to achieve the purpose of owning you. "Little birds rely on people" is the ideal of this kind of man. If you are a woman who likes to rely on others, maybe this "care" can make you fascinated.But if you have a strong personality, head-to-head encounters will naturally result in constant disputes.

3. The more a man emphasizes himself, the more vain and extreme he is
Beautiful women match Yingya, career success is a man's medal, and it is also a gift that many women book for themselves.Because of this, a man likes to talk about his talents, achievements, and intelligence. This dazzling aura can magnify his image in front of you, and it really makes you feel proud of this aura, thus ignoring the fragility behind the "first-class".

In fact, when a man shows off his superiority in front of women, most of the time it is just to emphasize that he is better than other men, and this in itself reflects the inferiority complex in the man's heart.In the end, even he himself believes this to be true, and any questioning from you will make him hysterical.

4. The more aggressive a man is, the less responsible he is

There is this kind of man who can find many reasonable explanations for the wrong events that happened. At this time, you may be moved by his rationality, but be careful, such people often have no sense of responsibility.Generally speaking, when something goes wrong, people's usual reaction is to apologize for their mistakes and ask for forgiveness, and most of these men will look for many explanations to justify themselves.The difference between the two is that one is considerate of others and the other is self-centered.Don't underestimate this habit of blaming others. He may stab you in the back and catch you off guard.

Remember: smart women are much happier. You should use your mind to identify objectively, and don't be confused by a man's temporary words.

The Four Language Styles of Men
A person's language style can reflect his attitude and philosophy of life from the side.When men speak, they will deliberately pay attention to the content of their conversation, so as not to reveal their true inner thoughts, but their language style is difficult to change, so we can generally understand a man's personality traits through his speaking style .

Men's language styles are various and cannot be detailed one by one. Here we only cite four typical and common language types and conduct a certain psychological analysis:

1. Subtle type

It is a relative style of speech, just as there is a bold school represented by Xin Qiji and Su Dongpo in Song Ci, and a relatively graceful school represented by Liu Yong and Wen Tingyun.Men with this language style belong to the delicate, sensitive and suspicious type.They don't want others to understand their true inner thoughts, and they always pay attention to others' opinions and feelings about themselves. They are rational and cautious men. , Not frank feeling.This kind of man has a lot of thoughts in his heart, and he is unwilling to confide to others casually, which can easily cause greater pressure on himself and be more depressed.

2. Straightforward type

Most of this type of men are frank and direct, without a strong chest, outspoken, and can't beat around the bush.In novels, this language style is mostly reflected in heroes and heroes, rough and straightforward, sincere and revealing.Such a man is trustworthy, easy to communicate with, enthusiastic in doing things, and generous to his friends.But everything must have two sides, and this kind of language style is also easy to hurt people, speaking too directly, too truthfully, regardless of the feelings of the other party, sometimes it will inevitably "hurt people's self-esteem".

3. Conservative

Such men are generally conservative, cautious, calm and slightly introverted.They don't know how to make jokes, and they speak in a very measured manner, saying what should be said, and absolutely not saying what should not be said.But sometimes if you are too disciplined, you will appear dull, stubborn, and serious, giving people a feeling of being unreasonable.

4. Humorous

Funny and humorous words can not only make people happy, but also embody wisdom.Men with this language style are optimistic, cheerful, smart and active. They tend to become the focus of the crowd. As long as they are there, they can avoid the embarrassment of the cold and play a role in adjusting the atmosphere.However, because this kind of man is very popular with women, he is usually more playful.

There are many types of speech, and each type has its environment and background.Judging a man's personality, taste, and quality through language style is an essential part of the basic method of understanding them.

When a man talks about his family, he is "talking" about his own life
Family members are relatives with the same blood flowing in their veins; family members are people who bring care, care and happiness to themselves; family members are the spiritual pillars on the road of life.A man, when the whole world abandons him, he still has a family.Therefore, when a man's topic involves his family, women should pay attention, he is actually "talking" about his own life, although he himself does not have this awareness.

A man's attitude towards life and work can be seen from his attitude towards his family.Some men care about their families and love their families. Even if they are busy at work, they will take time to have dinner with their families.Family is the harbor of their hearts, family brings them happiness, they will be proud of their family, when traveling with colleagues, chatting with friends, chatting with leaders, they will always talk about their family unconsciously.Such a man is very serious and optimistic about life, and naturally he is not bad at work, because they have family members behind them to support them.

In addition, there is another kind of man who rarely mentions his family, and you hardly know that he has an older sister or younger brother or younger sister.Such a man, on the one hand, may have neglected his family due to too many other things, on the other hand, he may have been hurt, for example, orphans or parents divorced, or the family is not happy.As far as the former is concerned, in today's society, modern people are under tremendous work pressure. They may lack attention to family members and family life quality because of work, but if they ignore family members' feelings because of work, even if they are successful at work , but also the biggest loser.

Almost every successful man will repeatedly emphasize the importance of family members. They are full of love and gratitude to their family members, which shows how important a family member is in a person's success.But there are also some men, although they keep mentioning their family members, what they emphasize is not their love and gratitude to their family members, but to show off their family's prominent status and huge wealth to others.This kind of men believe in "leaning on a big tree to enjoy the shade", and they don't want to rely on their own efforts. Become useless.

(End of this chapter)

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