Chapter 14

print printing; publishing/portrait portrait; portrait/photo photo/art art, fine arts/fine arts art/painter painter/oil painter oil painter/draw line painting/paint painting (painting)/brush drawing brush painting/ink painting ink painting/water color Watercolor painting/oil painting/modern painting/classical painting/pen drawing/paint brush/drawing board/play of light and shadow; the use of light and shadow/in gay colors are colorful
It means "in the picture" is in the picture, and the preposition on cannot be used.Example: There are three cats in the picture.There are three cats in the painting.

a piece of one, one page, one piece

When piece is used with an adjective, the adjective is usually placed before the piece, not after the piece.Example: 1 want a small piece of paper.I want a small piece of paper. ②a piece of is used with uncountable nouns, not with countable nouns.Example: (×) He is reciting a piece of poem. (√)He is reciting a piece of poetry. (√) He is reciting a poem.He is reciting a poem.

a Young Pioneer / the Young Pioneers
from place to place everywhere / place of interest scenic spot / take one's place seat; take a seat / take the place of (=take one's place) instead / change places change position / high place senior position; upper class society / keep one's place marked to see Somewhere /give place to give way to /in place where it should be placed; appropriate /in place(of) instead, use... instead of.../keep in place to fix/out of place in inappropriate position, incongruity; incongruity

Take place is used for historical events and gatherings, not for natural phenomena such as earthquakes.

by plane by plane/on(in)a plane by plane/take a plane by plane/fly a plane by plane/get into a plane on the plane/get out of a plane off the plane

He——two thousand trees since 1985.

A. plants B. planted C. will plant
D. has planted
(2002 Chaoyang District, Beijing)
Analysis sentence meaning: He has planted two thousand trees since 1985.The answer is D. Since means "since..." and should be used together with the present perfect tense.

a plate of a plate.../on the plate in the plate

at play / play a game / play football / play the piano / play with sb.Play with someone/play with sth.Take something to play / play a joke to make a joke / play a part in to work in ... / play tricks on sb.Deceive someone / play against ... against, competition / play the fool / play it safe / play the game fair; honest / play fair fair game / play a trick (on) trick; tease / play politics sleight of hand / one-act play one-act play

drama/modern drama/dance drama/comedy/musical drama

be pleased with to be pleased with, to be pleased with

① means "a polite request", use would you please, and its negation is to add not after please.Example: Would you please not be late?Please don't be late, please? ②please cannot be used as an answer to thank you.Example: (X) "Thanks a lot. Please." (√) "Thanks a lot. That's OK." "Thank you very much." "You're welcome".

Pleas (e) (happy) + ed (... of) happy, satisfied

Be pleased with... Feel satisfied with / be pleased about (at, by) sth because of ... and happy / be pleased to do happy to do ...

When pleased is followed by abstract nouns or noun phrases, the preposition at is usually used to connect people or tangible objects, and the preposition with is used to connect.

Plen (full, sufficient) + ty (noun suffix) rich, a lot

plenty of quite a lot; sufficient/in plenty (after the noun)
police office / police officer / police station
Police, like people, is a collective noun and is treated as a plural.

Such as: ten police 10 police officers.

be polite to polite to
the poor
win popular support win the support of the public / be popular with sb.Be loved by someone/popular song
welcome welcome; popular / fashion fashion / fashionable fashionable / unpopular, unpopular / out of fashion
Mr Li is one of____in our school.

A. a popular teacherB. more popular teacher
C. most popular teacher D. the most popular teachers
(Liaoning Province in 2000)
Analysis sentence meaning: Mr. Li is one of the most popular teachers in our school.The answer is D.Means "one of the most". A does not match the meaning of the sentence, B uses the comparative level, which does not match the meaning of the sentence, and C uses the superlative level, but the definite article the should be added before most.

as. . . as possible as possible.../if possible if possible
possibility/possibly/possibly/possibly/impossible/be able to/unable/can/can; maybe/may can; possibly, perhaps; wish/mightpossible, maybe; will, can/likely Very likely/maybe maybe; probably/perhaps maybe/probably very likely, maybe
post office / post code / by post
practice doing sth.Practice doing something / practice the law
be(get)prepared for preparing for.../be prepared to do willing and able to do/make preparations for preparing for.../prepare. . . for preparing for; counseling someone to do

They are busy——for a trip.

A. prepare B. to prepareC. preparing
D. preparing
(Jiangxi Province in 2000)
Parsing the meaning of the sentence: They are preparing for the trip.The answer is C. be busy doing sth.Means "to be busy doing something", and prepare for sth.Means "to prepare for something." Both the phrases prepare for and be ready for can mean "prepare, prepare". ①prepare for means the process of doing "preparation" by hand, and also instructs you to be prepared in your heart. ②be ready for emphasizes the state of "ready".Such as: Are you ready for the writing?Are you ready to write?
a birthday present / bring a present / bring a present / receive a present to accept a gift / refuse a present to reject a gift / send a present to send a gift / at present now.Currently / for the present temporarily / be present at attend, present

——I forgot to bring my notebook.

——. You can borrow some paper from me.

A. Help yourself B. I'm sorry
C. No problem D. so careless
(2003, Haidian District, Beijing)
Analysis sentence meaning: ——I forgot to bring my notebook. ~No problem, you can borrow some paper from me.The answer is C. Help yourself means "Please take care of yourself, you are welcome", which does not meet the meaning of the question; exclude "I'm sorry".It means "I'm sorry to bother you", and it is used to apologize, which is not the meaning of this question; so careless means "so careless", which means to give up blame; compared with "no problem", no problem is more in line with the meaning of the question.

pull on put on (clothes, footgear, etc.) / pull out of ... pull out / pull through (from a serious illness) to recover health, tide over difficulties / pull up from ... pull up / pull down pull down / pull away

push. . . aside put... Push to the side / push on push; push forward; strive forward / push one's way squeeze forward / push to the front of squeeze to the front of the team / push oneself (to do) spur yourself to do... / push over sth.Push down, scrape down / push back to force back / push for urge (do something) / push into push (do something) / push off go away / push up raise
put down put in, write in; calm down; let ... get off; put down / put off postpone; postpone / put one's heart into concentrate on ... / put out put through connect (telephone) / put on wear; wear; put on / put up hang; lift up; build / put aside put aside; save / put away tidy up; store / put into put into; translation / put up one's hand(s) hold / put a stop(an end) to stop ; make stop/put above to be more important than/put across to make it clear; cheat/put in order to sort out; rectify/put into effect execution; To extinguish; produce; publish / put up with endure / put. . . in prison put... into prison/put on performance
The workmen busy——the small parts together in the workshop.

A. is:with
B. are; putting
C. is; putting
D. be: with
Analysis sentence meaning: Workers are busy assembling small parts in the workshop.The answer is B. be busy doing means "to be busy doing something", be busy with "to be busy with"; "The workmen" is a plural form, and auxiliary verbs should also be in plural form, and A, C, and D can be excluded.So choose B.

① Note that when expressing "a quarter of an hour", it is generally not a quarter alone, but a quarter of an hour.In a quarter past ten (a quarter past ten), a quarter to ten (a quarter to ten), if it exceeds a quarter past a certain hour, use past; if it is a quarter of an hour before a certain hour, Then use the preposition to.Example: It is about a quarter past nine.It's about a quarter past nine. ② 1/4 is a quarter or one quarter, 2/4 is two quarters or a half.

quest (ask) + ion (noun suffix) question
beyond (without, out of) question no doubt, sure / out of the question impossible, impossible / put a question to sb.Ask someone a question/question mark question mark/colour question race question/in question question/leading question main question/open question open question/substantial question substantive question/out of question undoubtedly/stock question old question/put the question to Bringing up a vote/question about raising questions about.../question sb. on sth.just to question someone

question—master TV Q&A host

Choose the correct translation: there is no doubt that he was wrong.

A. He is absolutely wrong. B. Out of the question he is wrong.

C. Out of question he is wrong. D. He is wrong out of the question.

(Nanjing City in 2002)
The parsed answer is C. Out of question means "without a doubt", and out of the question means "impossible or impossible". There is no question but that. . .It means " beyond doubt", where but can be omitted.Pay attention to the difference with problem.

Means "to ask someone a question" is ask sb. a question or ask a question of sb. , instead of asking a question to sb. , but it may be put a question to sb. .

This is because of means the source, which means "get the answer to the question from someone"; and to means to give it to someone to answer, so it is used together with put.Example: (×) May I ask a question to you? (√)May I ask a question. (√)May I put a question to you.May I ask you a question?

be quick at sensitive to doing...; strong ability to accept / find a quick way of doing sth.find a shortcut to do
① When quick is used as an adverb, it has a strong tone and is mostly used with verbs expressing actions.

It is usually placed after the verb except in exclamatory sentences.Example: Please come quickl please hurry up! ② means "sensitive in a certain way" is be quick at sth.Or be quick of + noun; "to do something quickly" is be quick at doing sth.Or be quick to do sth. .Example: Mary is very quick at learning drawing. Mary is very quick to learn drawing.Mary is very quick at learning to draw.

quite followed by the structure of "a/an+adjective+noun".Example: It was quite a perfect day.The weather was fantastic. ②quite is not used directly in front of comparatives.Example: (×) She's quite older than me. (√) She's rather/much/a bit older than me.She's much/much/older than me. ③ When used with certain adjectives, such as sorry, etc., or the adverb much and the pronoun a few, only use very, not quite.Example: (X) I'm quite sorry. (√) I'm very sorry.I'm very sorry. ④quite is usually not used together with the adverb too (too), in this case, rather, far, much, etc. can be used instead.Example: The book is rather too difficult for the students.This book is too difficult for students. ⑤ When there are pronouns such as another and a few as modifiers before the noun, you can only use quite instead of very.Example: (x) It's very another thing. It's quite an other thing.That's another matter. ⑥When quite is followed by a noun, it is usually placed before the article.Example: (X) She is a quite beauty. (√) She is quite a beauty.She is such a beauty.

race failed
a race against time / a rat race / lose a on (over, upon) the radio / turn on (off) the radio on (off) the radio / turn up (down) the radio on Large (small) radio volume/long wave long wave/radio noise radio noise/radio wave radio wave/radio path radio wave propagation path/radio channel radio channel/radio field radio field/radio facsimile radio fax/radio window radio window/radio reception radio reception/radio data radio data/radio search radio search/radio station radio station/radio traffic radio communication business/radio telescope radio telescope/radio signal radio signal/radio input radio signal input/radio repairing radio repair

color television receiver color TV/television field hair (fax)/radio operation radio operation/television telephone TV telephone/television cinema TV movie/fax (fax) fax/TV set TV/television translator TV transponder/telegram wireless telegram
(×)I heard his speech by the radio. (√) I heard his speech on the radio.I heard his speech on the radio.

be caught in the rain / look like rain / rain cats and dogs / rain or shine
We won't have our sports meeting if it——tomorrow.

A. rains B. will rain C. rained D. the rain
(Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 2001)
Analysis sentence meaning: If it rains tomorrow, we will not be able to hold the sports meeting.The answer is A.This question examines the usage of if.In the compound sentence introduced by if, if the main clause uses the simple future tense, then the subordinate clause uses the simple present tense.

① rain is usually used as an uncountable noun, but if there is an adjective before rain, an indefinite article can be used at this time. ②rain can also be used in plural form.Heavy showers or monsoons. ③Rain can be used as both a noun and a verb.It is better to say heavy rain rather than a big rain.Similarly, wind and snow should not be decorated with big, but a strong wind and a heavy Snow should be used.

Example: There was a heavy rain last night.It rained heavily last night.

or rather rather / rather than; non / would rather rather / would rather. . . Than would rather... rather than unwilling / rather too slightly; a little

①rather can be used before comparatives and too, but fairly cannot. Fairly cannot be used with verbs or nouns.Example: I did rather better this time.I did a little better this time. ②When rather than connects two components as the subject, the number of its predicate should be consistent with the number of the previous subject.Example: The teacher rather than the students is to blame.The teacher is to blame, not the student. ③rather itself already has a comparative meaning, so the comparative level cannot be used.

Example: (X) I trust you more rather than him. (√)I trust you rather than him.I trust you more than him.

The visitors Haikou——April 29.

A. reached, on B. came to, in C. arrived,on D. got at, on
(Hainan Province in 2001)
Analyzing the meaning of the sentence: The tourists arrived in Haikou on April 4.The answer is A. Reach is a transitive verb that means "arrive", reach=arrive in(at): get to. on here means time. on April 29 means "on April 29".

Reach is a non-continuous action when it is used as the solution of "reaching". When it is used in the perfect tense, it cannot be used in conjunction with an adverbial expressing a period of time.Example: (×) I have reached Shanghai for more than a month. (√) I reached Shanghai more than a month ago. (√)I have been in Shanghai for more than a month.I have been in Shanghai for more than a month.

read after sb.Read with someone / read aloud read aloud / read sb. sth. (=read sth. to sb.) read to someone/read out; read out loud/read about(of) read about.../read one's mind(thought) see someone's mind/read over(through ) read from beginning to end, carefully read

1. Lily finished——the book yesterday.

A. read B. readingC. to read
D. reads
(Beijing in 2003)
Analysis of sentence meaning: Lily finished reading this book yesterday.The answer is B.This question examines the usage of the verb finish. Finish is usually followed by gerunds, nouns, and pronouns as objects instead of infinitives, so the answer is reading.

2_Her mother told her——in bed.

A. not readB. not to readC. don't read D. to not read
(Tianjin City in 2000)
Analysis sentence meaning: Her mother told her not to read in bed.The answer is B.Examine the usage of students' infinitive to do as a complement, and pay attention to the position of not when negating the infinitive. In "tell sb. not to do sth.", the negative word not must be placed before the infinitive of the verb.

Read is an intransitive verb when interpreted as "read up", and cannot be used in the passive voice.

Example: (x) This poem is read well. (√)This poem reads well.This poem reads very well.

be(get)ready for ready for.../be ready to do sth.Willing to do something / get (have, make) sth. ready to get ready
real (real) + ly (adverb suffix) really, really

In "Oh, really", the pitch of really is low and high, expressing surprise.

be received into be accepted / receive a degree to obtain a degree / receive a letter from received ... letter

remember doing sth.Remember to do something / remember to do sth.Remember to do something / remember+sb. +doing remember that someone once (do...)/remember ten clauses remember
Remember this, children—careful you are—mistakes you will make.

——We know, Miss Gao.

A. The more. the moreB. The fewer. the more
C. The more,the fewer D. The less, the less
(Huanggang, Hubei in 2003)
Analyzing the meaning of the sentence:--Remember this, children, the more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make. ——We got it, Mr. Gao.The answer is C. "the+comparative..., the+comparative..." means "the more... the more...", depending on the meaning of the context, only choose C.

remember+to do remember to do something (future); remember+doing remember what has been done (past)
a school report score report card/make a report to make a report/prepare a report to prepare a report/It is reported that. . .According to reports/report+clause report/report+doing claims/report sb.Report on someone/a weather report
report card student transcript / grade report result notification / reading report written report
reporter correspondent, reporter / address speech, speech / say, speak / speak; speak a certain language / tell / talk, talk / chat / conversation; conversation / dialogue / pronunciation / accent; tone / read reading; reciting/recite reciting; narrating/oral oral; oral/spoken oral, oral/repeat repetition; repeating, redoing/again again, again/loud loud (ground), loud (ground) /inform to tell, to inform/instruct to notify; to instruct; to educate/announce to announce; to inform/declare to announce/publish to announce, to issue; …advertising
Sorry, I can't hear you clearly. Will you please your e-mail address? I'1l write it down.

A. review B. recite C. report
D. repeat
(Shanghai in 2003)
Analysis sentence meaning: Sorry, I can't hear you clearly, can you repeat your e-mail address again?I will make a note of it.The answer is D.This question examines the analysis of verbs, review means "check, review, review"; recite means "recite, read aloud", report means "report, report"; repeat means "repeat. Repeat".Choose repeat according to the title.

rest on supports with...; is based on...; relies on, trusts/rest sarisfled with.../take a rest rest/rest day rest day/rest home sanatorium (institute)/rest house guest house/rest on fact
armrest chair by hand / unrest restless / restful calm, quiet / rest1ess restless
①To express the rest of people or things, usually use the structure of "the rest of...".Example: He lived rest of his life in Paris.He spent the rest of his life in Paris. ②the rest When "the rest (object), the remaining part" (note that the is before it) is used as the subject, the number of the predicate should be determined according to the content it refers to.Example: The rest of the money was stolen.The rest of the money was stolen.

re (again, again)+turn (turn) return, return

by returns in turn/return from Return from.../in return as a reward/in return for in exchange for.../return home home/return to somewhere back to a certain place/return to normal to return to normal
a rich harvest / a rich library / a rich library / become rich / rich soil / rich in / the rich rich, rich
①The noun riches is interpreted as "wealth" and "wealth", and the singular form is not used.Example: All his riches are NO good to him if he is in ill health.All his wealth is of no use to him if his health is not good. ②Usually, "be rich in..." is used to express "abundance in material aspects"; "be rich with..." is usually used to express "abundance in emotional aspects".Example: Our country is rich in natural resources.

Our country is rich in natural resources. She is rich with feelings.She is an emotional person.

right away immediately; immediately / on the right on the right / to the right / all right (body) is normal; (situation) is normal; suitable, can / human rights human rights / right now now, just now / That's all right .You're welcome. /on one's right on someone's right
When right is used as an adjective, it cannot be modified with very, but it can be modified with quite.

(×)Your opinions are very right. (√)Your opinions are quite right.You are right.

ring sb. up to call someone/give sb. a ring to call someone / ring back to call back / ring off to hang up
ring up+object structure: the object is a noun and can be placed in the middle or at the end of the ring up, if the object is a pronoun, it must be placed between the ring up.

give rise to cause, select
a bridge over(across) the river / sail on the river sailing on the river / swim in the river swimming in the river

by road by road

in Room 2 in the 2nd room/in the room in the room/leave room leave a place/make room for to...let a place
dining—room restaurant/sitting—room living room/waiting—room waiting room

Please help me move the table in.

But there is not enough——for it.

A. place B. floor C. room
D. the ground
(Inner Mongolia in 2001)
Analysis sentence meaning: - please help me move the table inside.One but there's not enough room inside to put it down.The answer is C. When room means "space", it is an uncountable noun.This is to be judged according to the context.Such words also include glass, paper and so on.Such as: A glass is made of glass.Glasses are made of glass. (The glasses can be counted, but the glasses cannot be counted) Give me a piece of paper, please.Please give me a piece of paper (the paper cannot be counted, but it can be counted when speaking as a newspaper).

all the year round; throughout the year / round the world all over the world / turn round and round around / all round around ... (all) / round the clock non-stop around the clock / round up to bring ... together / come round come / round about in the vicinity; around

round is commonly used in American English when expressing the usage of prepositions.

run after hunt, chase / run behind follow / run into accidentally encountered / run out of used up, exhausted / in the long run from the long run / run a race / run a risk adventure / run across unintentionally Come across/run away (open)/run over (run) past (come);

——Excuse me, can you show me?


A. what B. How to run the machine?

C. whether
D. where
(Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, 2001)
Analysis sentence meaning: - can you tell me how to start this machine? --certainly.The answer is B, "how + verb infinitive" as the direct object.

(End of this chapter)

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