Chapter 6

a happy face a happy face / face to face face to face / make a face (=make faces) make a face / on one's face on someone's face / in (the) face of face, regardless of / look sb. in the face to look directly at someone/lose one's face to lose acupoints/save one's face to preserve (restore) face/powder one's face to rub powder/shave one's face to shave one's face/show one's face to appear; to be present/in one's face in front of someone /keep a straight face with a straight face/put on a long face lengthened face/put a good face on to put on face for...; cover up something; be optimistic about.../set(put)one's face against strongly oppose; resist / face to (toward) facing / be faced with facing / face sb. down
Clothing factory/glass factory/colour TV tube factory/color TV tube factory/electric fan factory/TV factory/soap factory/match factory/blanket factory/furniture factory Factory/button factoryButton factory

Colored printing house/railway cars plant/electrical works factory/trade union/workers congress/director's office/office section/secretary's office/work groups/machine shop Machinery workshop/checking shop inspection workshop/store warehouse
Note ①fail is often used as a verb, which means "failure, failure". In addition, when fail is used as a noun, it only means "failure"; it is also used in fixed phrases without fail, meaning "must, must". ②failure is the noun form of fail, indicating.Failure, failed person, lack, insufficiency" also means "failure" in American English. For example: Failure is the mother of success. Failure is the mother of success. When the verb fail is interpreted as "failure", if the subject is a thing, followed by The preposition of, such as: The proper use of the drug never fails of its efficacy. Appropriate use of this drug is always effective. If the subject is a person, the preposition in must be used, such as: He failed in his chemical experiment yesterday. He failed in his chemical experiment yesterday. Chemistry experiments were unsuccessful.

fall asleep / fall behind / fall from / fall from ... / fall i11 sick; sick / fall into / fall off; fall / fall over forward / fall across / fall back Return / fall down fails; fall / fall in with agree / fall to start / fall to pieces collapse; collapse / fall on (upon) (night) comes; (silence) comes / fall apart falls apart
一Li Lei did very well in the English exam.
Oh, yeah! He is——English.

A. weak in B. angry with C. good at
D. afraid of
(Two districts of Beijing in 2003)
Analysis of the meaning of the sentence: ——Li Lei did very well in the English test. —Oh, yes, he is good at English.The answer is C.This question examines the usage of phrases, be weak in means "not good at, poor in..."; be angry with means "angry at..."; be good at means "good at, doing well in..." , be afraid of means "to be afraid of...", depending on the meaning of the context, only choose C.

family name surname/family tree genealogy/family butcher's frequented butcher shop/family computer video game console/family doctor family doctor/family man who has a wife and daughter/support a family to raise a family/found a family to build a family/big family Family/the close family close relatives/broken family broken family/family planning family planning/family tree genealogy/man of family well-born people/in a family way unfettered
home/house house
family refers to the entire family and is used as a singular.Used as plural when referring to family members.

fam(e) (fame)'ous (...of) famous, famous

be famous as (for) famous for

as far as in the range of ... / by far ... much; most / far away far away, very far / far from far away; complete take not / far into the night until late at night / far and away undoubtedly, definitely / far and near far away, in all directions / far away far away; far away / so far so far / as far as the eye can reach as far as the eye can reach / as far as I know as far as I know / as far as Iim concerned as far as I am concerned /by far is far; very much, ... much/go too far is too much

farther (of)/further (of); in addition/farthest farthest (of); to the greatest extent/furthest farthest (of); to the greatest extent
——is it from our school to Lupu Bridge?

About half an hour's bus ride. Shall we go to visit it?

A. How long B. How oftenC. How far D. How much
(Shanghai in 2003)
Analysis of sentence meaning: ——How long does it take from our school to Lupu Bridge?It's about half an hour away, shall we visit?The answer is C.This question examines the usage of how phrases, how long means "how long", how often is an adverb of frequency, meaning "how often"; how far means "how far, how long"; how much means quantity The question means "how much". According to the context, "half an hour's journey" should be C.

Do you know——from Wuhan to Xi'an?

A. how far it is B. how far is it
C. how long it is D. how long is it
(Shaanxi Province in 2001)
Sentence meaning: Do you know how far it is from Wuhan to Xi'an?The answer is A.What is examined is the object clause introduced by how.In addition to first paying attention to the statement word order of the object clause, you also need to know whether to use how far or how long for distance questions. How far is a question about distance, and bow long is a question about time.

Far is usually used in non-affirmative sentences without a modifier.

To express a similar meaning in an affirmative sentence, usually use a long way instead.Compare: He did not walk far.He didn't go very far. He walked a long way.He has come a long way. Far can be used to modify the comparative or superlative and placed before it; by far can also be used to modify the comparative and superlative. When modifying the comparative, it is usually placed after the comparative. If it is placed before the comparative, it should be in the comparative The definite article is used in the middle; when modifying the superlative, it can be preceded or followed.Example: (×) This book is by far better than that one.

This book is by far the better than that one.This book is much better than that one.

on the farm on the farm/farm worker
The car is running____It seems to be flying.

A. more and faster
B. much and faster
C. fast and fast
D. faster and faster
(Guangzhou City in 2000)
Analyzing the meaning of the sentence: The car is getting faster and faster, it seems to be flying.The answer is D. and connects two parallel adjectives in comparative degree (more and more+polysyllabic adjective) to express "more and more...", A, B, and C all have wrong words.

a fat baby/fat meat/get fat to grow fat;

Peter is___ than his father.

A. more fatter B. much fatterC. very fat
D. the fattest
(Henan Province in 2000)
Analysis sentence meaning: Peter is fatter than his father.The answer is B. much modifies the comparative degree of adjectives. more helps polysyllabic adjectives form comparative degrees, with C as the original degree and D as the superlative degree.

Father Christmas Santa Claus/Father's Day Father's Day

favo (u) r (favorite) +ite (adjective suffix) favorite

favor good intentions/do sb. a favor to help someone a favor / in favor of interested in / in one's favor by someone's welcome / most favored nation most favored nation / disfavour disappointed

favorite is used as an adjective to modify a favorite person or thing; as a noun, it refers to a favorite person or thing.

Example: She is her father's favorite daughter.She is father's favorite daughter.

feel happy (sad) feel happy (sad) / feel like doing sth.Want... / feel well (bad) feel good (bad) / feel worried feel anxious / feel as if (though) feel; as if / feel free to do sth.Feel free to do something / feel one's way groping
feel hungry / feel. . . doing sth. done feel... being...

a few (expresses certainty) some/no few than no less than/only a few/quite a few quite a lot/very few very few/a good few a lot, quite a lot/few and far between very few

little seldom/a little

1. The text is very easy for you. There are—new words in it.

A. a few B. a littleC. few D. 1 ittle
(2002, Haidian District, Beijing)
Analyze the meaning of the sentence: This text is very easy for you, there are no new words in it.The answer is C. Few new words, few table negative meaning, modify countable nouns.

2. In our exam. the more careful we are. the—mistakes we'11 make.

A. 1 little B. betterC. fewer D. smaller
(Hangzhou City in 2000)
Analyzing the meaning of the sentence: When we take an exam, the more careful we are, the fewer mistakes we make.The answer is c.It mainly examines the difference between few and little, and the concept and application of "the more..., the better..." sentence patterns.

①few is a negative meaning of "hardly any", but when the noun modified by few is used as the subject, or when the noun itself is used as the pronoun as the subject, the predicate verb must be in plural form.Example: Few of them are any good.Not many of them can be called good. ②(a)few can directly modify nouns, but when modifying personal pronouns, it should be written as (a)few of+personal pronoun object.

in the fields / on the field to the playground
Example: The players are running in the. football field. (√) The players are running on the football field.Athletes are running on the football field.

They tried a——time, but without luck. they failed again.

(2001 in Nanchang, Jiangxi)
Parsing the meaning of the sentence: They tried for the fifth time, but unfortunately they failed again.The answer is fifth. fifth means "fifth".Change ve to f, and then add ch. Ordinal numbers are generally formed by adding th to cardinal numbers, such as: seven_+seventh.

fight against (with) sb. ...fight (combat)/fight back counterattack/fight for fight for...

A. fight for B, struggle for C. quarrel
D. fight down
(Jiangxi Province in 2002)
Analysis sentence meaning: They fought for freedom.The answer is A. Fight means "battle, fight, fight". Struggle is often used as an intransitive verb. Its original meaning is "struggle", in order to overcome some obstacle or difficulty to achieve a certain purpose, and it is extended to mean "struggle". Quarrel mainly refers to "quarreling, arguing, complaining", and generally refers to a quarrel that uses mouth but not hands.And because fight for means "to fight for...", it is a fixed collocation.

be filled with filled with.../fill in(out) to fill in; fill in the blanks/fill. . . fill.../fill out expansion/fill up
full / fully
What's your bag——, Paul?

Clothes and some school things.

A. full with B. filled withC. filled with
D. fulling
(Jiangsu Province in 2000)
Analysis: One by one, Paul, what is your bag filled with?One by one clothes and some things from school.The answer is B.This question examines the phrases and sentence patterns related to the passive voice.They contain passive meanings, but some actually belong to the phylogeny.

find oneself unknowingly found / find one's way to arrive, enter / find out to find out / find fault (with) find fault, find fault

① "find+noun+adjective" is a commonly used sentence pattern, find followed by an adjective as a compound object, which means "find someone or something in what state".Example: I find the question easy to answer.I found that question easy to answer. ②find followed by the present participle as an object complement expresses a certain state of existence of a person or thing, and when it is followed by a past participle as an object complement, it has a passive meaning.Example: He found himself lying in a hospital bed.He found himself lying on a hospital bed. Ale found himself tied on the chair after waking up.When he awoke he found himself strapped to a chair.

fine=very well, so it can no longer be used with very, but it can be used with quite.Example: (X) That's very fine. (√)That's fine.great.

fin (end) +ish (verb suffix, carry things to the end) end, end

finish doing.../finish with finish, end, cut off with.../finish sth. off(up) eat up/finish off end; finish; eat up; use up; run out/finish sb. with a single blow

Finishing the last / final / last / end / end / ending / complete
Lily finished——the book yesterday.

A. read B. readingC. to read
D. reads
(Beijing in 2003)
Analysis of sentence meaning: Lily finished reading this book yesterday.The answer is B.This question examines the usage of the verb finish. Finish is usually followed by gerunds, nouns, and pronouns as objects instead of infinitives.The answer is reading.

Finish cannot be followed by an infinitive, but a gerund must be used; either a gerund or an infinitive can be used after begin.

catch fire; catch fire/fight the fire/make a fire/make a fire/on fire/set fire to set fire/set sth. on fire ignite; arson / open fire open fire, shoot / play with fire play with fire, do dangerous things

Fire itself is a material noun, and there is generally no article in front of it; but depending on the meaning, different articles must be added.If it refers to a pile of fire, the indefinite article a should be added in front of it, and the definite article the should be added to refer to it specifically.Example: Cotton catches fire easily.Cotton catches fire easily. /A fine fire was blazing upon the hearth.The stove fire was burning in the hearth.

first of all first / at first; at the beginning / for the first time for the first time, the first time / from the first from the beginning / first or last in general / (the) first thing first / first aid first aid / first floor (US) first floor; (English) second floor/first name 名宁/the first lady(US) President’s wife/at the first hand directly/at the first sight/in the first place fi- First / first half / first and foremost / first to last f1 from beginning to end / first finger (fore finger) index finger
first—class first-class, first-class
①When first is used together with a cardinal number, it should usually be placed before the cardinal number, unless first and the following noun form an inseparable phrase, such as: He got three first prizes.He won three No.1. ②Nouns modified by ordinal numerals (if the meaning is clear, the nouns can often be omitted) are usually followed by an infinitive as a post-attributive rather than a present participle.Another example: Who is the first to finish?Who finished first?
go fishing to go fishing ① (indoor) ground.floor ② floor
Mr Wang lives——the floor.

A. on, five B. on, fifth
C. in, fifth
D. at. fifth
(Dalian City in 2002)
Analysis of sentence meaning: Mr. Wang lives on the fifth floor.The answer is B. Both floor and story can be interpreted as "floor", but floor specifically refers to the "level" of a building, which is commonly referred to as "floor", or the ground on which to step.The story (storey in British English) refers to the space between the floor and the floor.The floor in the question can be replaced by story, but at the same time, the preposition in must be changed, that is, in the 5th story.

flower bed flower bed; flower bed / flower garden garden / flowers of speech gorgeous words / in flower blooming

as follows as follows, in turn/follow one's example with someone as an example/it follows that the result must be/follow on to continue/follow through to carry out to the end/follow up to chase/follow sb. in doing sth.follow someone to do something/follow the example of imitate, learn from the example of...
Following is used as a noun, meaning "the person or thing below" (the is usually used before it, but it can also be omitted in American English). When it is in the subject position, the number of the predicate should be determined according to the number of the noun behind it.Comparison: The following is my full name.Below is my full name. The following are our full names.Below are our full names.

delicious (tasty) food delicious food / agreeable food delicious food / canned food canned food / fast food fast food / heavy food greasy food / light food light food / plain food light meal / sea foods seafood / vegetable food vegetarian / animal food meat dish/mental food spiritual food/food chain food chain/food poisoning food poisoning/food and drink diet/favorite food favorite food

Linda. I've bought many. Now let's make the birthday cake.

A. fresh eggs B. chocolate milk
C. frozen food D. rice dumpling
(Shanghai in 2003)
Analysis sentence meaning: Linda, I bought a lot of eggs, let's make a birthday cake!The answer is A.

"many" modifies 'countable nouns, excluding uncountable nouns B and C.From the next sentence, you need to use eggs instead of zongzi to make a birthday cake.The key to this question is the usage of "many" and the meaning of the upper and lower sentences.

at the foot of. . .At the foot of ... / on foot walk
Timmy goes to school——every day. It's 5 minutes' walk from his home to school.

A. by plane
B. on foot C. by boat
(2003, Haidian District, Beijing)
Analysis sentence meaning: Timmy walks to school every day.It takes 5 minutes to walk from his home to school.

The answer is C.This question examines the collocation of phrases, in a bus means "taking a bus"; by plane means "taking a plane"; on foot means "walking"; From the next sentence "5 minutes' walk".It can be judged that only "on foot" meets the meaning of the question.

foot (foot)+ball (ball) football
football team football team / football player football player

field soccer field/defending team/attacking team/attacking team

goalkeeper goalkeeper/back defender/central half back central defender/half back avant-garde/forward forward/centre(forward) center forward/overhead kick barb ball/hand ball/header top ball; header/free kick free kick/short pass short pass /shoot shot/close—range shot/long drive/offside/pass the bail/take a pass/spot pass the ball in place/break through dribble the ball over others/set a wall and build a wall /wing play winger tactics/off side trap offside tactics/red card red card/yellow card yellow card
Jim play football and is onschool team.

A. a; the B. X; x C. the; the D. a:a
(Hohhot in 2001)
Analysis sentence meaning: Jim plays football, he is now a member of the school team.The answer is A. Football belongs to "sports noun".There is no definite article in front of it.The definite article the is not used before nouns expressing "sports" and "recreational activities". Similar words include basketball, volleyball, chess, cards, etc. The school team means talking about something that both parties know, so use the to modify it.

fool with playing with, fooling around/make a fool of sb.Fool someone/make fool of oneself do stupid things, make a fool of yourself

be short for... the abbreviation of / for example such as
for one thing first / for ever forever / for certain indeed; indeed

ask for something; looking for someone / look for looking for
pay for payment/stand for representative/wait for waiting/what. . . For why the purpose / be good (bad) for ... beneficial (harmful)
(Wuhan City, Hubei Province, 2001)
Analysis sentence meaning: What do you have for breakfast?Fresh oranges, milk, bread and eggs.The answer is C. Item B is "paying for..."; item D is "how do you think...?"; when asking what to eat for breakfast, the preposition for is generally used.

①When for is used to express a period of time and distance, it can sometimes be omitted, but if it is at the beginning of a sentence, it cannot usually be omitted, and it is usually not omitted in negative sentences.Example: He lived here (for) ten years.He has lived here for 10 years. ②for and because of express the reason and reason, but for is not used when it is due to illness or accident. He didn't come because of illness.He didn't come because of illness. ③ When for expresses the reason, it is not a subordinating conjunction but a coordinating conjunction, which should be placed between two parallel sentences in principle. The meaning of for as a price should be matched with specific numbers.Example: (×) I bought the book at ten dollars. (√)I bought the book for ten dollars.I bought this book for ten yuan. (x) You cannot buy it for such a Drice. (√)You cannot buy it at such a price.You can't get it for this price.

forget doing sth.Forget to have done something/forget to do sth.forget to do

①When using forget to express forgetting something, note that it is usually not used in conjunction with a specific location. If there is a specific location, it is best to replace it with other verbs (such as leave).Example: (×) He forgot his umbrella on the bus. (√)He left his umbrella on the bus.He forgot his umbrella on the bus. ②When expressing a negative meaning, forget is often used in conjunction with never or not ever, not in conjunction with always or forever.In fact, always and forever are generally not used in negative sentences.Example: (x)1 will always not forget this lesson. (×)1 will not forget this lesson forever.I will never forget this lesson.

Dad-when wilt you be free? You agreed to go to the seaside with me four days ago.
I am sorry. Jean. But 1 think 1 will have a holiday soon.

A. four—days B. four-dayC. four days D. four days
(Hebei Province in 2002)
Analysis of sentence meaning: ——Dad, when are you free?You promised to take me to the beach four days ago. ~Sorry, Jane, I think I'll have four days off soon.The answer is B.This question examines word formation knowledge, another example, a three-year-old child, a five-metre-tall tree.

four 4/fourteen 14/forty 40/four fold four times/four. footed four-legged / four-handed four-handed, two-person ensemble / fourpence four penny / fourpenny four penny / foursquare Founder; heroic and unyielding / four-way extending in all directions / go on all fours walking on all fours
be free to do sth.Free to do something / set free to release, to make ... free / free from without ..., not affected by ... / free of exempt from ..., get rid of / free with straightforward; (with money) casually /free of charge/free competition/free market/free market/free trade/free speech/free hand/free drink/free time/for free/free and easy carefree

of doing sth. .For example, it means "to do something freely", usually followed by an infinitive after be free, which is not customary
Please feel free to ask question.Please feel free to ask questions.

be(make)friends with make friends with.../help a friend help a friend
betray one's friend/entertain a friend/close friend/fair-weather(sunshine)friend wine and meat friend
friendly friendly / friendship friendship
"Make friends" must have two or more people, so the friends in make friends must use the plural form.Example: I made friends with him.I became friends with him.

be friendly with(to) friendly with someone
In modern English, friendly is only used as an adjective, not an adverb.Note that the adverb friendlily is hardly used in modern English.To express the meaning of "friendly", English usually uses prepositional phrases such as in a friendly way or in a friendly manner.

from now (then) on from now (then) / from time to time from time to time / from. . . to. . .From... to.../from above from above, from above/from behind from...behind/from door to door from door to door/far from from...also
We go to school——Monday to Friday
A. from B. on C. to
D. after
(Tongzhou District, Beijing, 2002)
Parsing the meaning of the sentence: We have classes from Monday to Friday.The answer is A. "" means "" and can be used for time and place.Such as: from the beginning to the end (from the beginning to the end), from morning to night (from morning to night), from side to side (from one side to the other).

Both in front of and in the front of are translated as "before...", but they have different meanings. in front of means "in front of... outside the range"; in (or at) the front of means "in front of... within the range".

pear/grape/peach/honey peach/cherry/strawberry/orange/lemon/banana/pineapple/melon seed/watermelon
fruit "fruit", means set meaning, uncountable.But if it indicates the type of fruit, it can be counted, such as: The potato is a vegetable, not a fruit.Potatoes are a vegetable, not a fruit.

be full of full; full / to the full / full name full name
It means "full of..." is to be full of, and this phrase is usually used to form the main table sentence pattern, not in the "There be..." sentence pattern.Example: (×) There were full of people in the shop. (√)The shop was full of people.The store is full of people.

in fun jokingly / make fun of ridicule, make fun of, make fun of...
make game of tease/play games

(End of this chapter)

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