Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 157 Recruitment

Chapter 157 Recruitment
Regarding the lawsuit against Facebook, Jiang Hui arranged to go to Weiwei to see if his brothers, sisters or teachers knew any law firms in the Boston area and entrusted them to help handle this case.This matter will not have any immediate results, so Jiang Hui turned his attention back to the country.

Before entrusting a headhunting company to help with the vice general manager and HR manager of Wuse, the headhunting formula has already provided the resumes of several people to Li Shigui, and Li Shigui printed out the resumes and gave them to Jiang Hui to let Jiang Hui choose candidates for interviews. is now a relatively well-known rising star in China. Most of the candidates recommended by headhunters as deputy general managers have years of experience in the Internet industry, and some are returnees who have worked in Google or Microsoft.

Jiang Hui flipped through his resume, and suddenly a familiar name came into view: Fang Dawen.In his previous life, Jiang Hui liked stock trading for a while, and he often went to to see how various financial people analyzed the is a very good website for understanding Shanghai and Shenzhen real-time market conditions, Hong Kong stock market conditions, fund market conditions, US stock market conditions, bonds, repurchases, futures and other information. Although it is not well known, it can be regarded as a comparative Successful website too.Jiang Hui knew that the founder of this website was Fang Dawen, but he would not start Xueqiu until a few years later.

Fang Dawen graduated from the Chinese Department of Kyoto University and joined Southern Sunday after graduating from university in 1997.A few years later, he left "Southern Sunday" to go to other newspapers, and moved to the media industry many times.Although he currently has no management experience in Internet companies, his rich media experience is actually very suitable for another company that Jiang Hui is planning: Weibo.Jiang Hui plans to ask him to meet and have a talk first. He can be the deputy general manager of Xiaonei.

Jiang Hui then selected several candidates for the interview of the deputy general manager and the personnel manager.Since Fang Dawen is more suitable for Weibo, it is necessary for Jiang Hui to consider recruiting two deputy general managers for Xiaonei at the same time, so as to avoid rushing to recruit people again.

Since the office of was still under renovation, Li Shigui chose a coffee shop near Imperial University of Technology as the interview place.In fact, Jiang Hui doesn't like drinking coffee very much, but the construction of coffee shops now has a sense of class. In the absence of his own office, choosing a coffee shop is also a good choice, so he didn't raise any questions about Li Shigui's arrangement. What an objection.

Since multiple people were arranged for interviews at the same time, in order to avoid time delays as much as possible, Jiang Hui gave everyone one hour, which should be enough.

Fang Dawen was the first to interview. Five minutes before the agreed time, Fang Dawen entered the coffee shop and called Li Shigui. Li Shigui got up and took him to Jiang Hui's side.

"Hello, Mr. Fang, please sit down, what would you like to drink?" Jiang Hui said.

"Let's have a cup of mocha, thank you," Fang Dawen said.

"I already have a general understanding of Mr. Fang's situation in my resume, so let me introduce myself first," Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, hello. Before I came to the interview, I studied the Xiaonei website carefully. I already know a lot about your situation, President Jiang. I would like to hear your introduction to the vice general manager of the Xiaonei website. ", Fang Dawen said with a smile.

"Before I talk about my requirements for the deputy general manager of, I have a few questions. Mr. Fang has been working hard in the traditional media industry. I'm curious why you are interested in Internet companies?" Jiang Hui said .

"Because I have been working in the traditional media industry, I have paid more attention to the development of new media. I have been in traditional media for a long time, and I have a deep sense of anxiety. The Internet industry is developing very fast now. The impact of several major portal websites on traditional media is that some websites such as have not yet had such a large audience, and they have begun to attract various people to pay attention to and use them. I think that in the future, the way for everyone to obtain information and publish information will become more and more Internet. So when a headhunter asked me, I immediately agreed to give it a try," Fang Dawen said.

"You majored in Chinese at university, and you may not be good at computer technology. What confidence do you have to be the deputy general manager of Xiaonei?" Jiang Hui asked.

"Mr. Jiang, you are recruiting the deputy general manager of Xiaonei, not the head of the technical department or the development engineer. As the deputy general manager, I only need to know what functions I need and what problems I need programmers to solve. I don’t need to know what programming tools are used to implement it,” Fang Dawen said.

" is currently an SNS website that serves college students. Do you think it will continue to be geared toward college students or open to all users?" Jiang Hui asked.

This question is concerned by many people, and it is often asked. Jiang Hui hopes to find someone who agrees with his own ideas to manage the school intranet.

"From my past experience, in order to develop a product, it must have its own characteristics and insist on its own characteristics. has only been able to develop in just over three months by firmly grasping the needs of college students. Development and growth. I think at least in a short period of time, Xiaonei must continue to serve college students. As for whether it needs to be developed for other users in the future, I think it can be considered next year,” Fang Dawen said.

Jiang Hui was very satisfied with Fang Dawen's answer, this idea was basically exactly the same as his own.I think so mainly because I have absorbed the experience and lessons of later generations, but Fang Dawen made his own judgment based on the current information, which is much smarter than Jiang Hui.

"What do you think about the treatment?" Jiang Hui said.

"As for salary, I don't pay much attention to it. I want to rely on my ability to lead the company to grow. As the company grows, my personal interests also grow," Fang Dawen said.

"That is to say, Mr. Fang, do you want to get dividends or equity from the company? You don't have any requirements for salary?" Jiang Hui asked.

"It can be understood in this way," Fang Dawen said.

"Compared to what you have heard that I acquired Hao123 last month. At that time, I was negotiating with Hao123 at a valuation of 60.00 million. I can give you [-]% of the equity as salary first, but the premise is Your performance in the next three months will be recognized by all shareholders. Although I am a major shareholder, we will not evaluate according to the proportion of shares. Twenty shareholders have one vote. We now have more than ten shareholders. If you pass the approval of [-]% of the people, you have passed the assessment," Jiang Hui said.

"No problem, I agree," Fang Dawen said.

(End of this chapter)

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