Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 667 1 Steps Forward

Chapter 667

Ford Motor in crisis also showed the unique high efficiency of Americans.

Pi Wei also received contact from Ford again, and flew to the United States with Guan Weidong for another negotiation.

The subject of this negotiation is engine technology, and it seems that the acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover still needs to be tossed for a while.

Before departure, Guan Weidong and Jiang Hui reported the corresponding situation again.

"Mr. Jiang, our current asking price is 1.8 million U.S. dollars. Ford hopes to make a deal at 2.4 million U.S. dollars, that is, 8000 million U.S. dollars for each displacement engine technology and production line. Negotiations should make some concessions."

"Have you made it clear to them that we need their cooperation to dismantle, transport and install the production line, and complete the training for our factory employees?"

For Brilliant Motors, although a group of employees have been recruited, Ford's help is still needed to complete the construction of the engine line and put it into operation.

"They have all been proposed, but Ford said that they are only responsible for assistance, and we need to be responsible for the corresponding transportation costs, personnel travel expenses, etc."

"This is no problem. We can even hire some employees from their engine factory to work in our factory. Anyway, the production line is sold to us. They must lay off a group of employees."

"I don't think this is a big problem. The U.S. auto industry is currently in a downturn, especially the three major U.S. auto giants. One is worse than the other. As long as we don't recruit core technical talents from others, it doesn't matter how many people we need."

"Well, in the early stage of the construction of the engine factory, it is also beneficial to hire more experts to guide our employees, and it is considered as paying tuition fees."

"Then what is our bottom line? It is estimated that Ford will not accept 8000 million U.S. dollars, but we think 4000 million U.S. dollars is a bit expensive. You must know that the entire Aston Martin was sold for more than 4 million a few months ago. What about dollars."

"We can add another 3000 to [-] million, but ask them to give more support in personnel training."

"Okay, then I understand, if there is any situation, I will contact you when I encounter any problems."

"Well, play it by ear, and finish the agreement as soon as possible. Our factory has already started construction. After signing the agreement, recruiting good manpower, and then arranging training, it's almost time for our new model to make prototypes. Then the factory is almost ready to be built."

Jiang Hui also didn't want Weidong and Pi Wei to delay the negotiation for too long because of the price difference of 2000 million.

Although it is estimated that Ford Motor will also lower the price if it drags on, sometimes time is money, and Jiang Hui really doesn't want Guanghui Motor to continue dragging on.

A car's gearbox, body parts, air conditioner, headlights, wiring harness, etc. can all be purchased, but it is better to make the engine yourself.

Looking at the world, none of the car companies that have really developed uses other people's engines.

"The heart of the car", the nickname of the engine is not for nothing. If the heart is not your own, then what's the point?

Dearborn, Michigan, USA.

Dearborn is a city in southeastern Michigan, United States.On the banks of the Rouge River, one of the satellite cities in the western suburbs of Detroit.

The population of this city is only 10,000+. Compared with the cities of the Celestial Dynasty, this population...

In fact, this place was a small village with only 1900 residents in 844.Since the headquarters of Ford Motor Company moved from Detroit in 1917, it has developed and established a city in 1927.

Now it is a famous automobile industry city, and has industries such as aircraft parts and metal products.

Dearborn is the location of the Ford Red River Plant, which was established by Henry Ford to manufacture parts for the Ford Model T and is also the birthplace of the famous Ford Mustang.

The plant now produces Ford F150 trucks.At one time the plant employed 120 people to complete the production from iron ore to the final car product.

However, due to the poor performance of Ford Motor in recent years, the city also reveals a decadent atmosphere.

After Guan Weidong and Pi Wei got off the plane, they rented two Land Rover Discovery and came to Dearborn.

The United States is called a country on wheels, and this is not a joke.

It is said that the Celestial Dynasty has a vast land and abundant resources, regardless of whether it is true or false, but basically except for a few western provinces, there must be no place that fits the bill.

But the United States is different. The land area seems to be about the same as that of China, but a lot of people's land is suitable for human habitation.

In addition, the population of China is five or six times that of others, and the population density of China in most places can reach more than ten times that of the United States.

In this case, if you don't have a car, it is basically impossible to move an inch.

So basically adults in the United States have their own cars, and it is very common for each family to have more than one car.

"Every time I come to the United States, I feel that there is no change. It is completely different from China," Guan Weidong said with a little emotion.

"Yes, big cities like Wuyang and Shenzhen in China are really changing with each passing day. If you don't go there for a few years, it will be completely different."

"They developed early, and the standard of living five or sixty years ago caught up with our country now. It is impossible to continue to develop at such a high speed. Otherwise, what is wrong with other countries?"

Several people chatted, and soon arrived at the hotel where they were staying.

Ford Motor already has staff waiting for the Guanghui group at the hotel.

Looking at the Ford employees waiting for him in the hotel lobby, Guan Weidong and Pi Wei looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

It seems that this negotiation is very interesting.

"Mr. Pi, Mr. Guan, thank you for your hard work. I have already booked the rooms for you. You can have a good night's rest to beat the jet lag, and then we will start the meeting tomorrow morning."

The person Ford sent was a young girl from the legal department named Lilith.

"Okay, we'll be at Ford headquarters tomorrow by nine o'clock."

Guan Weidong and Lilith confirmed the arrangements for the next day, and then went to check in.

Although Dearborn is not a big city, thanks to the location of Ford Motor's headquarters, there are still several good hotels in the downtown area.

After all, suppliers, advertisers and other personnel from all over the country and even the world come to Ford headquarters to negotiate business every day, bringing a lot of people to the small city.

"Everyone go back and have a good rest and recharge your spirits. Negotiations will be carried out in accordance with domestic discussions. There will be no meetings tonight."

After Guan Weidong finished talking with everyone, they went back to their rooms to rest. Dinner is a buffet, so everyone can eat according to their own time.

(End of this chapter)

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