Chapter 709
If ASUS is depressed, it is because the release of Gpad has completely suppressed the prospect and future of the upcoming netbook.

So, for Apple, the release of Gpad is a blow to the head.

In 2000, the "iPad" was already an extremely important project within Apple. It was originally a secret project based on multi-touch research and development, and it has been carefully protected by Jobs.

After mastering the multi-touch technology, in 2002, Apple's hardware development department had the first iPad prototype, but this machine was relatively thick and the battery performance was too weak.

So Apple continued to improve touch technology, while tablet plans were postponed indefinitely.

"Jonathan, are you sure our iPad project has not leaked any picture information?" Jobs said with his hands on the desk.

The Apple iPad is a project promoted by British-born design director Jonathan Ive. After seeing the Gpad released by Guanghui Mobile, Jobs' first reaction was: This is the iPad in my mind.

Immediately afterwards, he wondered whether his company's iPad project had leaked a lot of information, or how could he find so many things similar to iPad but more mature on Gpad.

In the eyes of Jobs, Gpad is an upgraded version of Apple's iPad project.

The screen and battery technologies that previously affected the launch of the iPad all happen to be addressed on the Gpad.

"Absolutely not, Steve, as you know, I have always attached great importance to confidentiality work. Besides, for the iPad project, I have put in so much effort over the years. How could I let the information of the iPad leak out? ", Jonathan said decisively.

Jonathan can be said to be the father of the iPad, and he has put a lot of effort into this product.Just like the appearance size, at the beginning he customized more than 20 templates, covering various sizes and screen ratios, trying to find the most suitable size for this product.

Jonathan understands that if the ultimate ambition of the tablet is to replace the paper in the hands of consumers in the fields of office, education and reading.The iPad can be sized to a typical magazine, paper size.

So, in the end, the team settled on the size of the iPad at 9.7 inches, which Jobs called the "golden size" that wasn't too big or too small.

The Gpad of Guanghui mobile phone also directly borrows from this size.

"The Gphone last time was so similar to our iPhone, and the Gpad this time is so similar to the iPad we are planning. It's really hard to believe that it's all a coincidence," Jobs said.

"Since the Gpad has been released, I think we have to restart the iPad project that has been shelved, and strive to launch it in the first half of next year," said Jonathan.

"Okay, it's up to you to continue to follow up on this project. I trust you the most in the whole company because of your design ability," Jobs said with emotion.

To the outside world, Jonathan is like Apple's secret weapon.

Jonathan and his team rarely participate in industry events or award ceremonies, and Jonathan himself rarely appears in Silicon Valley social occasions.

In the Apple headquarters, the offices of Jonathan and his team are not allowed for ordinary employees to enter.

In fact, the first half of Jonathan's life was relatively ordinary.

Born in London in 1967, Jonathan was raised by his father, who greatly influenced him.

Jonathan's childhood living environment was relaxed and his family background was average.His father, Michael John Ive, was a silversmith, and his mother, Pamela Mary Ive, was a psychiatrist.

Later, Jonathan went to the Simford Foundation School and became an alumnus of the famous football star David Beckham.

After entering the university, Jonathan came to the sponsor's company as an intern as promised, and designed a new type of pen.

Throughout his campus life, he never showed any interest in computers.He was convinced that he knew nothing about technology, and he was very frustrated because it was clear that computers were showing their importance in all areas of life, and this trend had a lot of momentum.

Eventually, near the end of his campus life, Jonathan became attached to Apple.

In 1992 he moved to California to fulfill one of his dreams, becoming an Apple consultant.

Because I received a plan: to assist the development of Apple laptops - making it easy and convenient for users to use, and beautiful.

This prompted him to design a series of new models for Apple.

And gradually became the most influential person on Apple's famous products.

In 1997, Jobs returned to Apple and took back the ruling power.Jobs quickly began to reorganize the company.

Jonathan barely survived the initial chaos, though.

At that time, Jobs drastically reduced Apple's more than 60 products to only 4, and ran around the world in search of a real super design star.

He once sent invitations to Sapa, the designer of IBM Thinkpad, as well as several outstanding architects and car designers.

But when Jonathan's résumé was dug up from the dust, Jobs realized he had found the man he was looking for.

"He's inside Apple."

At that time, Jonathan, who had already packed his bags and was about to leave with the dismissal money, was left behind.

From then on began his glorious second half of his life.

"Glory Mobile launched the Gphone first, and then the Gpad. Both products are strategic products that we see in the future. I think it is necessary for our company to recruit a few foreign students from the Chinese Dynasty, so that they can study every move of the Guanghui Mobile and collect relevant information. intelligence, to avoid being attacked by them again,” Jonathan suggested to Jobs.

After entering the 21st century, Chinese students studying abroad began to spread all over the world, especially in the United States.

As long as Apple is willing, it is not a problem to recruit as many Chinese students as possible.

After all, although the current Apple company is not as awesome as the later generations, it is definitely a pivotal member of the American technology community.

It is very difficult for many native-born white Americans to get in, let alone Chinese students studying abroad.

In the United States, as an international student, if you do not have a good job after graduating from university, then you will not be able to get a green card in all likelihood.

You can't tell when you leave the United States, and the officials of the embassy will no longer give you a visa. At that time, it will be interesting.

"Your suggestion is very good. In the past, we underestimated this Chinese company too much, thinking that it was just a coincidence that they launched the Gphone, but once it was a coincidence, it is hard to say the second time. I don't want to have a third time." Jobs said depressed Said.

"Tomorrow, I will arrange for people to go to Stanford University to recruit several doctoral students for internships, and after a period of observation, I will determine the candidates," Jonathan said.

Then, Jonathan and Jobs talked about how to deal with the rise of the glorious mobile phone. In this way, the good friends spent a day in depression.

(End of this chapter)

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