Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 831 Trademarks

Chapter 831 Trademarks
When Jiang Hui was thinking about how to deal with Apple, he thought of Apple's relatively famous trademark dispute case in China in his previous life, and felt that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it.

As we all know, Apple did not make mobile phones at the beginning, but made computer products.

Therefore, in 2002, Apple only registered the "IPHONE" trademark for computers in China, and applied it to computer hardware, software and other products.

Exactly at this time, China's local Hanwang company began to develop smart fixed-line products, launched products such as "e-phone" and "i-phone", and applied for the registration of the "i-phone" trademark in 2004. The registered products Categories include mobile phones.

In 2007, Apple launched the "iPhone" mobile phone, but failed to enter the Chinese market. Until now, the "iPhone" mobile phone cannot be bought in the Chinese market.

It is said that one of the reasons is that the mobile phone "i-phone" trademark belongs to Hanwang Company, and the "iPhone" trademark and the "i-phone" trademark are similar trademarks, so Apple cannot register.

Of course, the main reason is that there is a competitor of Guanghui Mobile, and Apple can't even compete with Guanghui in the US domestic market, so there is no strength to open up the Chinese market.

Historically, until 2009, Apple proposed to purchase the "i-phone" trademark of Hanwang Company, and the two parties reached an agreement on the transfer of the "i-phone" trademark.Subsequently, in October 2009, Apple's "iPhone" mobile phone was officially sold in China.

Coincidentally, after 2009, Apple and Proview launched another lawsuit on the "iPad" tablet computer. Until July 2014, Apple and Proview reached a settlement of 7 million US dollars in the "iPad" trademark case.

Since then, "iPhone" and "iPad" products have become popular in all major cities in China, and almost "fruit fans" believe that "iPhone" only belongs to Apple.

When Apple's iPhone was launched last year, Jiang Hui ordered Xiang Weiwei to acquire the i-Phone trademark and the iPad trademark from Hanwang.

Moreover, Jiang Hui wanted to do more than that.

When ordering Xiang Weiwei, Jiang Hui specifically proposed that after the successful acquisition of these trademarks, additional trademark registrations for other categories of products should be added at the same time.

This is because my country's trademark registration implements classified registration. According to the principle of classification, there are currently 45 categories of goods and services.

When a trademark is registered in a certain class, the trademark is only protected within that class.

For example, Company A's registered trademark B is used in the production of food, and Company A cannot prevent Company C from using its registered trademark B in the production of automobiles.

Of course, if trademark B is a well-known trademark, its protected scope will break through the categories of goods and services.

For example, Moutai, although it is a wine maker, but if you apply for "Moutai" as a trademark of clothing or electronic products, it will not be approved at all.

"Apple only registered the trademark of the iPhone in the computer field in China. I asked the group's legal department to acquire similar trademarks held by other companies in the market and re-registered them. Basically, if Apple wants to sell in China Mobile phone, hehe, but we don’t even think about getting a pass in this level.” Jiang Hui answered Zhu Zhengfeng’s question with a smile.

"Will people think that we are deliberately cheating them?" Dai Fuqian said.

"It's just deceiving them on purpose, so what if you know. Why are there so many lawyers in the United States? As long as you are within the scope allowed by the rules, even if you deceive him, he can only admit it by pinching his nose," Jiang Hui said.

"Also, I not only registered the trademark of Apple iPhone and possible future iPad, I even registered the trademark of Apple with a gap. If Apple does not want to enter the Chinese market, then they will forcefully pinch us. As long as they still want the Tianchao market, they dare not raise the table and can only talk slowly," Jiang Hui continued.

The current Apple does not have the ability to overturn the table. As long as the last five years have passed, Krillo Mobile will not be afraid of Apple's overturning the table.

Although it is very difficult to develop chips, motherboards, and storage, with Jiang Hui as the golden finger, the development speed of Guanghui Group in these business areas is destined to go faster than others.

Although it takes a long time to build a factory, the technology of these core components is not only reflected in production, but even more in design.

Qualcomm, which is a mess in later generations, does not have its own chip factory, but who dares to ignore its influence?

Therefore, the first thing Guanghui Group has to do is to form a development team for chips, motherboards, and storage, starting with design and gradually mastering related technologies.

For example, in the design of chips, the Celestial Dynasty of later generations did a good job, and it was relatively easy to start and improve, and it was relatively simple to recruit people from China.

After the construction of Guanghui Group's own chip factory is completed, it will be the time for craftsmen to develop their expertise.

"So, in a short time, we don't have to worry about the threat from Apple," Zhu Zhengfeng said with a sigh of relief.

"You can't look at it that way. I always think that Apple, led by Steve Jobs, is the biggest rival of Guanghui Mobile, whether it is now or in the future, so everyone must have a full sense of competition and not live on the current credit book." Jiang Jiang Hui said.

"Don't worry, the design team of our entire company is full of passion, and they are constantly exploring new processes, new materials, and new technologies to continuously improve the technical level of Guanghui's mobile phone products, so that those who follow the trend will not catch up with us thoughts," said Zhu Zhengfeng.

"Those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will perish. As long as the products launched by domestic smartphone companies are not aimed at our iPhone market users, we will keep them for the time being so as to share the pressure on us from Nokia and Sony Ericsson. .But if they try to launch high-end models, then our patented atomic bomb is not just for Apple,” Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, we will ask the marketing department to follow up and report the market situation at any time. If there is any sign of something wrong, we will report to you as soon as possible," Zhu Zhengfeng said.

Although everyone likes to use the word "first time" to make fun of it, just like mocking the relevant departments, but I have to say that this word is really useful in many cases.

"Well, but everyone has to be aware of one problem. Patents and trademarks are just passive defense methods. The most important thing for the stable development of Guanghui mobile phone is to constantly improve your own level. You have to rely on your own strength to make iron. Ah," Jiang Hui said with emotion.

In the midst of this kind of question-and-answer communication, the day passed quickly.

In the next few days, it will be time for Jiang Hui to start busy building the core parts business.

(End of this chapter)

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