Chapter 40

No sleep for one night.

Lying quietly on the bed, she recalled the time from high school to university, although it was only a few short years, it seemed as long as centuries.

When the tide of memories hit her, the turbulent waves hit her with nowhere to escape.The tendrils of memory entangled her more and more tightly, and she couldn't breathe so tightly.

After listening to her description, Dong Fangjing only said four sentences to her as before.

If you choose Lin Xia, then you will deeply hurt You Zimo. Since you don't want to hurt the child whose father saved his life, then you can only choose to hurt the person you still love again.

If you choose You Zimo, then Lin Xia will be the eternal pain between you, even if he doesn't say anything, you will not be happy if you continue like this, because he knows his place in your heart.

If you want to maintain such a seemingly peaceful state, under the condition that choosing anyone is a kind of harm, then you should not choose two people, die alone or accept a new relationship.

What is missed is missed, and even if the misunderstanding is resolved, the lost time will never come back.


A sharp cell phone ringing cut through the dawn, Yang Xiao poked his head out from under the quilt, and asked in a daze, "Whose cell phone is ringing?"

Calling at this time is an unforgivable crime for disturbing lucid dreamers.

In the silent dormitory, no one answered.

After carefully distinguishing the ringtone, Dong Fangjing knocked on Mu Yan's bed, "Mu Yan, is it your phone?"

Poking her head out of the quilt, Mu Yan rubbed her eyes and took a look, and it was her cell phone that was ringing.

With an apology on her face, she took a closer look, only to find that it was an unfamiliar number.

He hesitated to pick it up, "Hi, hello."

"Well. I am."

The three of them watched Mu Yan's expressions changed from the previous lazy one to the restless one at the moment.

"Where? Okay, I'll go right away."

"Mu Yan, what's wrong?" Shen Yiru rubbed her eyes and asked.

He actually went to the hospital again.Hospital, hospital... Mu Yan was only focused on getting dressed and getting out of bed, but completely forgot that there were three other people.

"Mu Yan, what's wrong?" Yang Xiao also spoke out.

"Sorry, I have to go to the hospital." Before she could turn around, she put on her shoes and carried her bag.

"Hospital?" Several people were still in a daze.

Before she finished speaking, Mu Yan opened the door and ran out of the dormitory.


"Master, please drive faster, okay?"

"Yeah." The driver saw the anxious look on the girl's face, so he said quickly, "I'll try my best."

Mu Yan didn't say anything, but just let out a "huh".

Suddenly, the car stopped at a T-junction.

"Student, the road is being built ahead, the frame that was just erected just now..." The driver turned his head, with an apologetic expression on his face, "Do you want to take a detour?"

road? "Master, how far is it from the Central Hospital?"

"It's about a kilometer away."

"A detour, how long will it take?"

"If you make a detour, it will take more than half an hour. Maybe there will be traffic jams, and the jams may take longer."

After thinking about it, Mu Yan handed the money to the driver, "Master, stop here. I'll run over."

"Run over?" The driver was still in a daze.

"Hmm." She took the change without hesitation, closed the car door, and started running wildly.

After running for an unknown amount of time, the figure of the hospital finally entered Mu Yan's sight.Regardless of her panting, she ran to the third floor in one breath.

As soon as she arrived at the corner, she saw a boy wandering outside the ward.Running in front of the boy, she breathlessly said, "I, I am Mu Yan."

The boy was stunned for a moment when he saw Mu Yan, and then he realized, "Lin Xia is here."

Pushing open the door of the ward, a weak and pale face came into her eyes instantly.

She knew how painful a gastric lavage would be because her mother was a doctor.

Lin Xia was slightly stunned, quietly staring at Lai Deren.

I really want to say, 'Are you playing a trick? ', but Mu Yan just sighed softly, "You can't drink alcohol, so don't drink it in the future. You think the hospital is run by your family, so you can enter it if you want."

Lin Xia just smiled slightly, but remained silent.

She frowned slightly, and unconsciously raised her voice, "Did you hear me, don't drink alcohol in the future, it's bad for your stomach."

Lin Xia didn't respond to her, but raised her eyes to look behind her, and asked softly, "You came here by yourself?"

An 'um' signified her answer.

Lin Xia was silent for a while, and then asked very flatly, "Does he know?"


With a clear voice, he said word by word, "Your boyfriend."

Mu Yan lowered her eyes, "I didn't tell him."

Fortunately, after a while of silence, Lin Xia suddenly smiled softly, and he looked at her, "It's not appropriate for you to be here."

After waving his hand, he turned around, "Go back."

Hearing this sentence, a burst of anger surged into Mu Yan's heart, "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting, since you saw me, then go back." Lin Xia turned her back to her and stopped looking back at her.

"Lin Xia, stop making trouble." The grievance overflowed in my heart.

Lin Xia didn't speak, and still turned her back to her.

"You stupid……"

After saying this, Mu Yan turned around and hurried out of the ward.

He's an idiot, what does he know, he doesn't know anything.He didn't know how anxious she was when she learned that he had been taken to the hospital by ambulance.He and the dormitory didn't explain the situation and just came over directly.

From the dormitory to the school gate, from the road construction site to the hospital, she ran over thousands of meters like this.

She knew that she shouldn't have come today. They had lost that kind of relationship long ago. What does it matter to her whether he lives or dies?

But, why did she come to the hospital involuntarily after receiving this call?

She really is a douchebag.Why does my heart feel so uncomfortable looking at his pale face?

With the closing of that door, his heart suddenly closed tightly.

Although he didn't look back, he still knew that she had left.

'You stupid. '

Lin Xia's lips overflowed with bitterness. Indeed, he is an idiot. He should be very happy to see her coming, shouldn't he?She was worried about him, so he should feel relieved... Why did he say such things on the spur of the moment?He is really an idiot, why study law.


"Student Mu Yan..." The boy looked at Mu Yan sitting on the bench in a daze, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Mu Yan looked up at the boy, shook her head, and said softly, "It's okay."

The boy sat down beside her, handed her a bottle of water, "have a drink."

"Thank you." Mu Yan took the water, looked sideways at the boy, and asked with some doubts, "Are you his?"

"Roommate." The boy smiled, as if feeling emotional, "Although I have been in the same dormitory with Lin Xia since the freshman year, I never thought that he would be like this."

"What will happen to him?" asked unconsciously.

The boy sighed softly, "Actually, our dormitory discovered that something was wrong with him before. Since the second semester of his junior year, he suddenly changed his usual style, from staying at home for nothing to going out almost every day. S next door ran away, he never did this before. I don’t know if he is checking people, or doing something else. Every time I come back to see him, he always has a smile on his face, and we are secretly guessing him Did he fall in love with a girl? He showed more smiles in those days than he did in the previous three years.

However, after he came back one night many days ago, his expression changed completely. He no longer had the smile he had before, but became taciturn and in a daze. drink.Looking at his decadent appearance, we didn't know what to say.

But that day, when the two of us were in the dormitory, he told me about it.Seeing that he was decadent again, I took a can of wine from him and drank it too.He had told me about him and that girl, so this time he told me too.He said that the girl he had been waiting for had fallen in love with someone else, and he was not wanted anymore.After saying that, tears flowed down his face.

I don't know how to comfort him, but I can understand his mood, so I drink with him.Because I also liked a girl.Seeing her with other boys, the feeling of heartache is indescribable in words.So I don't say anything, just drink with him.

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, we could hear faint crying, and I knew he must be thinking about her again, but we didn't say anything, just pretended not to know.Although there is a saying that a man does not cry when he has tears, but that is only the first half of the sentence, and the latter sentence is the most important, but it does not reach the point of sadness.A boy's tears are only shed for the person he loves the most.For a boy like Lin Xia, he would not shed tears easily. If it wasn't for his deep love, how could he...

In fact, when he was a sophomore, he told me about that girl.There were still many days before I left school, and I came back early, and Lin Xia happened to be in the dormitory, and he was always the last to leave and the earliest to come every time he was on vacation.We had nothing to do, so we bought a few dozen beers and started chatting, saying that we were telling the truth after drinking.Lin Xia, who is usually so good, took off his disguise, but looked like a fragile and helpless child. Maybe it was the effect of alcohol, so he told me the story between him and that girl.

He said she was the one he loved, the only one he loved.But he lost her and couldn't find her no matter how hard he looked.He thought she had lied to him, but it turned out that everything was false.She has always loved him and has never changed.He said that he was sorry for that girl, she loved him so much, but he hurt her like that in the third year of high school.He thought he was the only one who loved her, but in the end he realized that she loved her deeper than him.He said, why is she so stupid?It's enough for him to be stupid, but he also likes someone who is even more stupid than him.

After saying those words, he cried, crying very sadly, like an abandoned child.I've never seen Lin Xia like that.Normally, he is so outstanding and perfect, it would never make people think that he would have such a vulnerable and helpless side.

Although he usually doesn't show his feelings for that girl very much, we all know that he loves that girl very much, because there are always photos of her and him in his wallet. I have seen it before, that is a A very beautiful girl, and he is very suitable.Once, the second child in our dormitory accidentally touched his watch to the ground.Thinking that watch was very important to him, because Lin Xia's face immediately changed at that time.Although he didn't say anything radical, judging by his expression, it should be given to him by that girl.

Since he was a freshman, there have been many girls who like him, whether they are from this department or from other departments, and some girls come to him directly.But he ignored all those girls, and many boys said behind his back that he was pretending, and he would only accept it if he had to descend from a fairy.Lin Xia turned a deaf ear to those words and still went her own way.No matter what others say about him, I know that he has been waiting for that girl. He said that she is the first and the last.He wants no one but her.He said that although they lost each other now, one day, he would find her out of the vast crowd, hold her tightly in his arms and never let go.No matter how many years, he will wait for her, always waiting for her..."

No matter how many years, he will wait for her, always waiting for her...

The tears that were originally drooping are now like a flood that has been released from the sluice, surging and surging, and it cannot be stopped.

"Okay, don't say any more..." Mu Yan suddenly interrupted the boy's words, "It's enough."

The boy took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to her, "Student Mu Yan, Lin Xia is waiting for you, right?"

No doubts, just a simple affirmation.

The boy took a deep breath, "May I take the liberty to ask why you two separated..."

Mu Yan pressed her head between her arms, and after a while, she said in a low voice, "...I have to..."

The boy nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Suddenly, Mu Yan raised her head, "How did you know my phone number?"

"Last night we had dinner together in the dormitory and drank a lot of wine. Who knows, Lin Xia was sent to the hospital after drinking. However, when he was sent to the hospital, he kept saying a name vaguely. We listened carefully , seems to be called 'Mu Yan'. So we checked his phone and found your number."

Calling her name, the idiot...

The boy sat with Mu Yan for a while, and when he was about to get up and walk into the ward, Mu Yan grabbed him abruptly.

"Let me take care of him." She lowered her eyes and said softly.

The boy took his hand off the doorknob of the ward and smiled slightly, "Okay, if you need anything, you can contact me."

"Thank you."

The boy left, leaving only Mu Yan still wandering alone in the empty hospital corridor.

What he said caused bitterness and pain in her heart.

Waiting for her all the time, still calling her name, when this is a novel, still calling her name.

Wiping away the tears on her face, Mu Yan got up and called Dong Fangjing, saying that she would not be going back to the dormitory today.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door again and entered.

Hearing the sound of the door knocking, Lin Xia turned around, but when he saw it was her, he immediately turned around again.After a while, he said in a low voice, "Why are you back?"

Staring at his back, she took a deep breath and said without any tone, "Even if you don't want to be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore, I'm here to take care of you as an old classmate." She specially strengthened the "old classmate" stress.

Lin Xia didn't speak, but stared at her quietly to help him settle everything.

She was still so beautiful, just one aspect made him miss her so much.

Suddenly, a bell rang, and Mu Yan took out her phone from her bag, but when she saw the name on the screen, she hesitated for a while, and finally picked it up.

"Brother Zimo, I'm in the hospital Fangjing is sick, and I will take care of her in the hospital all day today."

"No, don't come here, I'll just take care of her here."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Yan suddenly lowered her head and silently said 'I'm sorry. '

"His phone?" A question suddenly rang in my ear.

Glancing at him, Mu Yan didn't answer, but gave him a questioning look.

Looking at her calmly, Lin Xia chuckled, "Did you lie to him for me? Obviously that Fang Jing is not sick."

Mu Yan didn't speak.If she didn't say that, it would be a kind of harm to You Zimo.

It's all her fault to get to this point.Three people, three injuries...

Gazing at the scenery outside the window, she could feel Lin Xia's gaze was on her all the time.

Suddenly, Mu Yan turned her head and said angrily, "What do you always see me doing?"

"A very beautiful jade pendant." Lin Xia smiled slightly.

Jade pendant?Mu Yan lowered her eyes, only then did she realize that the jade pendant protruding from her clothes probably fell out because she ran too fast just now.She hurriedly put the jade pendant back into her clothes, raised her eyes to look at Lin Xia who was probing, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

Suddenly, Lin Xia smiled slightly, "Do you still keep the necklace I gave you?"

Mu Yan was slightly startled, and it took a while before she said, "Why are you asking this?"

Lin Xia continued to smile, "It's just that you don't have it around your neck."

"Morning, throw it away..." Mu Yan turned her eyes away, and there was a dodge in her eyes, "Do you still expect me to bring that with you after we broke up?"

Let her throw it in an exquisite box, lock it in the last drawer, and keep it well.

"Really?" Lin Xia smiled slightly, but did not continue.

The atmosphere fell into deathly silence for an instant, Mu Yan sighed, didn't look at him, but said softly, "I'll go out for a while."

Suddenly, Lin Xia's voice rang in his ears, "Mu Yan, you have never changed, have you?"

no change?

Finally, she turned her eyes and stared at him, as if she didn't understand what he meant.

"You said you've changed, so why don't you dare to look into my eyes, just like before, looking straight into my eyes."

When saying this, Lin Xia coughed because of too much force.

"Are you okay..." Mu Yan hurried over to support him, "Stop talking."

Lin Xia clutched his chest, the pain left by gastric lavage made his handsome face tense.He frowned tightly, Mu Yan saw it in his eyes, but felt pain in his heart.

"Stop talking, have a good rest." She supported him, made him lie down in a more comfortable position, covered him with the quilt, and asked casually, "Does it still hurt?"

Seeing him shaking his head, she just breathed a sigh of relief.Moving a stool, she sat down in front of his hospital bed.

"If you feel uncomfortable, I'll call you a doctor." The soft tone was the tone she used to him before.

Lin Xia closed her eyes and calmed down a little after a while.

"Mu Yan..." Suddenly, he opened his eyes, staring at the snow-white ceiling above his head.

Mu Yan looked up at him, her tone softened a lot unconsciously, "What's wrong?"

After a while of silence, the familiar clear male voice sounded again, "Let's forget everything and start over."


Lin Xia has a fever.Although the doctor told him to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days after gastric lavage, he still had a fever on the first night.

"Doctor, is he alright?" Mu Yan asked with concern as she watched the doctor examining Lin Xia.

"Drinking so much wine at such a young age. Are you his?" The doctor looked up at Mu Yan, and scolded him casually, "Why are you looking at him? If you don't know how to drink, don't let him drink." , I have a bad stomach, and I drank so much wine."

The doctor's reprimand hit the head and face.

Mu Yan lowered her eyes slightly, without a word of excuse.

Lin Xia didn't hear the doctor's criticism, but she heard everything clearly.

Of course the doctor didn't know why he was drinking, but she knew.

He obviously can't drink, can't drink, but still drinks so much.

this idiot...

After the doctor left, Mu Yan quietly tucked the quilt for him, and sat in front of his bed.

Lin Xia...

Taking a deep breath, she dialed the familiar number, "Fang Jing, I won't go back tonight."

"Well, he has a fever, and I'm here to take care of him."

"If he asks, please tell me."

"Well. I'll be back tomorrow morning."

Quietly staring at the still shining mobile phone screen, what is she doing?

Doing so not only hurt Lin Xia, but also You Zimo.

How good would it be if she hadn't met them?
Night, like a roaring beast, tore apart the splendid day.

Because of the pain caused by gastric lavage, he couldn't help frowning his eyebrows while sleeping.Seeing his uncomfortable appearance, she was also heartbroken.

On the way, the inspecting doctor came to change Lin Xia's medicine a few times, while Mu Yan stood beside him and stared at the changes in his brows without blinking.From slightly frowning to tightly wrinkling, and then from tightly wrinkling to slightly frowning, his brows never opened.

Lin Xia...

Looking at the white belly gradually appearing in the sky from a distance, Mu Yan slowly retracted her gaze, and turned to stare at the figure lying on the hospital bed.

The man who had just finished changing his medicine also fell into a coma, and finally, his beautiful eyebrows did not frown any more.

Sitting back by his bed, staring at his peaceful sleeping face, Mu Yan couldn't help but smile slightly.

Such a clear and quiet face, maybe only he can have it.Like a child, with a pure and flawless face.During that trip by the sea, she also observed him quietly.

Raising her hand, just when she was about to tidy up his messy hair, her hand suddenly stopped in mid-air, she hesitated for a while, but she finally put it down.

Because, he no longer belongs to her.

"Lin Xia, how good it would be if we never met?" A sentence overflowed from his mouth.

Suddenly, she remembered how in high school, when a girl in the class said that he had good features and looked like a girl, he heard this sentence, although he was angry, he deliberately suppressed it.

It is conceivable that if a big boy is said to be like this, anyone will be angry.

However, looking at it carefully now, his outline is really soft and beautiful.

His mother must also be a beautiful woman.

Tucking the corner of the quilt for him, Mu Yan took a pen and lightly wrote a line on the paper.Putting down the pen, she breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly put the note under his water glass. Turning her eyes, she stared at his sleeping face again.

She stared at him without blinking, as if she wanted to engrave him into her soul.

His black hair, his beautiful eyebrows, his eyes, his nose bridge, and his thin lips, all of him are deeply engraved in her soul.

Suddenly, she kissed his cold lips softly as if uncontrollably.

This is the last time.She told herself that she was no longer qualified to love him anymore.

The tears that fell from the corners of her eyes slid down the corners of his mouth to his neck, turning from warm to cold.

Feeling the trembling of his eyelashes, she hurriedly got up and wiped away the tears from her cheeks.

Resisting the soreness in her heart, she murmured softly, "Lin Xia, don't wait for me anymore, I am no longer worthy of you. I have accepted another relationship selfishly, and I am no longer worthy of your love. .In the future, there will definitely be another girl who will love you for me. A person who really likes you, without cheating or hiding. Try to accept her, okay?"

"Thank you for letting me meet you in my best years."

You will always be my favorite person...

She knew that he was awake.So, she spoke up.

After stroking his black hair lightly, Mu Yan picked up the bag and quietly closed the door of the ward.

Leaning against the cold door of the ward, her tears burst out again unscrupulously.

Finally, it's all over.

'You are the first and the last. '

'I will be by your side, I hope you will show a happy smile. '

'I love you and we will always be together. '

'It's always just you. '

'He said that although they lost each other now, one day, he would find her out of the vast crowd, hold her tightly in his arms and never let go.No matter how many years, he will wait for her, always waiting for her...'

Trembling, she took out her phone, and tremblingly pressed a few words.


Suddenly, my heart was empty, and my eyes were plunged into darkness, only the line of words on the phone screen was still jumping and shining brightly.

'Zimo, I will wait for you where I am, and I will always be here waiting for you. '

She left.

However, she didn't realize that when the door was closed, he who was lying on the hospital bed suddenly opened his eyes.

Staring quietly at the white ceiling above his head, suddenly, two drops of crystals fell from the corners of his eyes.

Is everything over?
(End of this chapter)

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