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Chapter 14 Social Psychology--Being a Popular "Fox"

Chapter 14 Social Psychology--Being a Popular "Fox" (3)
The characteristics of the halo effect, the direct result of the negative impact on people's cognition is prejudice.Bias is based on limited or incorrect sources of information.A person who walks into the halo effect maze is bound to be biased.Therefore, we must pay attention to avoiding the negative effects of the halo effect in the process of interpersonal communication, but also to use the halo effect skillfully to make our life more beautiful.Therefore, the halo is beautiful. Under its beautiful halo, let us see life calmly and objectively, and grasp communication.

Psychology class:

1.Overcome the mistakes of "overgeneralizing" and "love the house and the black".

2. "Bystanders are clear, authorities are obsessed", we must be good at listening to and accepting the opinions of others, and guard against the negative effects of the halo effect.Notice in time whether you see the other person fully.

3. When interacting with others, don't pay too much attention to how others evaluate yourself, and believe that you will be recognized and understood by others.

4. Dare to show yourself, let more people understand your strengths and strengths, and at the same time, let others understand your shortcomings as much as possible.

Stereotype effect - no one is perfect, so don't blind yourself

Stereotype effect refers to the psychological phenomenon that people have a fixed impression of a certain person or a certain type of person, store it in their minds like an imprint, and use this fixed impression as the basis for judging and evaluating people.

Stereotype effect means that people have relatively fixed, generalized and general views on something in society, especially when judging others, they often like to regard him as a member of a certain type of people, and it is easy to think that they are have the common characteristics of this type of people.Stereotypes are often a kind of prejudice. People not only have stereotypes about people they have been in contact with, but also have stereotypes about people they have not been in contact with based on some indirect information that is not very true.For example, in China, it is customary to have this kind of understanding: northerners are often considered to be bold and upright; southerners are often considered to be smart and adaptable; There should be benefits, no respect for human relations, and no human touch, that is, the so-called "no business without adultery"; professors should be gray-haired, gentle old men...

Stereotype effect has both positive and negative effects in interpersonal communication.The positive effect is that it simplifies our understanding process, because when we know the characteristics of a certain type of people, it is easier to infer the characteristics of individuals in this type of person, although sometimes biased; Representing others and treating others stubbornly will cause people to have the illusion of understanding, such as racial prejudice, ethnic prejudice, gender prejudice, etc. are the products of stereotypes.

Once a stereotype is formed, it is difficult to change. Therefore, in daily life, we must take into account the impact of stereotypes. "People's hearts are different, everyone is like its own face", after all, stereotypes are only a generalized and general view, and cannot replace living individuals, so the error of "generalization" is always inevitable.If you don’t understand this point, when interacting with people, “only stereotypes are the way to look”, like Zheng people who “cut their feet to fit their shoes”, they would rather believe in stereotypes as “size” than their own personal experience, and mistakes will occur , leading to the failure of interpersonal communication, naturally it will not help us to succeed.

In a middle school, one day, after the bell rang for the morning self-study, the class leader reported to the head teacher: "Li Xiangxiang and Wang Guigui were a few minutes late."After hearing the monitor's reaction, the head teacher hurriedly wrote down Li Xiangxiang's note in the class record book.Because the teacher in charge of the class knew very well that in all likelihood, Li Xiangxiang was the leader. On weekdays, Li Xiangxiang liked to organize his classmates to go out to have fun, while Wang Guigui was an honest person and usually obeyed discipline.

After the evening self-study, the teacher on duty came to the head teacher and said: "Li Xiangxiang and Wang Guigui didn't go to bed on time." Immediately, the head teacher became furious: this "scud" not only "flies all over the sky" by himself, but also "flies" with others, so he has to be careful. Repair repair him can not!
The next morning after the self-study bell rang, the homeroom teacher walked lightly to the window of the dormitory, stood on tiptoe, looked in through the glass, and saw Li Xiangxiang and Wang Guigui playing on the bed—Li Xiangxiang was kneeling on the bed. On Wang Guigui's body, hands kept scratching Wang Guigui's back.When the head teacher saw this, he was so angry that he rushed directly into the dormitory.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the head teacher, Wang Guigui pulled up his trousers in fright.Li Xiangxiang stammered and said: "Wang Guigui's body is rotten, it's not good... I'm sorry to apply the medicine in front of the students, so I have to wait for everyone to go to the self-study class to apply it."

The teacher in charge of the homeroom walked up to take a look and found out that there was a boil on Wang Guiwa's buttocks, and the smell of pus was strong.Seeing this scene, the homeroom teacher quickly took the cotton swab from Li Xiangxiang's hand, and gently cleaned the dirty blood around the boil for Wang Guigui.Wang Guigui shyly said: "Teacher, we were going to ask for leave, but because I was shy and Li Xiangxiang refused to say that I was doing things, so I didn't ask for leave. The three times of being late, please credit me. We will no longer... "

While helping Wang Guigui clean up, the teacher turned his head and glanced at Li Xiangxiang, and said affectionately: "I said it's no wonder, why is Wang Guigui late?" Li Xiangxiang understood the teacher's eyes, which were half praise and half guilt.

What a student!But why did the teacher blame Li Xiangxiang by mistake?Why would you see him dead?This is mainly caused by teachers looking at people with old eyes.In social psychology, this kind of influence caused by looking at people with old eyes creates a blinding error, which is the "stereotype effect".This stereotype effect often occurs in school education, especially in social interpersonal communication.Even Liu Bei and Sun Quan in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" made such mistakes: "Quan was not happy when he saw his thick eyebrows and nose, black face and short beard, and strange description." ".Although Pang Tong was as talented as Zhuge Liang, he was not favored when he met Liu and Sun because of his ugly appearance.It is this stereotype effect that affects our judgment and even deceives our thinking, making us unable to evaluate others objectively.So how to avoid one-leaf blindness and skillfully use the stereotype effect?
1. Treat others with a developmental perspective.In interpersonal communication, no one is perfect, and we can't always look at others with old eyes, "Farewell for three days, and look at them with admiration", historical experience is worth remembering.

2. See others holistically.Everyone has advantages and disadvantages. It is not correct to only look at the advantages or only the disadvantages.We have to start from multiple aspects and levels, and don't just see one island as inferior to the others.

The understanding formed by the stereotype effect is often the simplest and primitive understanding of things, which is not objective and comprehensive. Therefore, in interpersonal communication, we should take the initiative to avoid too strong stereotype effect.However, stereotypes are not static. The higher a person's cultural level is, the less likely they are to have stereotypes; the more they know about things, the easier it is to change stereotypes.

Therefore, we must use stereotypes reasonably in our work and life, and at the same time, we must not let stereotypes blind us!

Psychology class:
1. "Three days after farewell, you should look at it with admiration." We should look at people and things with a developmental and comprehensive perspective.

2. No one is perfect, so don't blind yourself to grasp the shortcomings of others.

The business card effect - brighten your "psychological business card"

The business card effect means that when two people communicate with each other, if they first show that they have the same attitude and values ​​as the other party, it will make the other party feel that you have more similarities with him, thereby quickly reducing the psychological distance with you and making the other party feel more similar. I would like to get close to you and form a good relationship with you.Here, consciously and purposefully, the attitudes and opinions shown to the other party introduce you to the other party like a business card.

Now business cards have become an indispensable way of communication in people's social communication.Although a business card is a small piece of paper, it contains important information about a person, such as name, position, address, contact information, and so on.People are using business cards as the simplest way to promote themselves, publicize themselves, sell themselves, and introduce themselves to each other in the fastest way, which is more convenient for future communication and prevents interruption of contact.

So, what is a psychological business card?In communication, a psychological business card refers to presenting one's own point of view, idea, position, attitude, etc. in a certain environment, and the psychological business card mainly plays a guiding role.Because at that time, the psychological business card can be said to be a novel stimulus, which is easy to attract attention, and it directly affects the other party's attention and thinking direction.If the point of view presented by your business card is friendly, then the other party will respond friendly, otherwise, they will hold opposing views and be on guard against you.

In interpersonal communication, especially when you meet for the first time, first seek consistency and retain differences. After you have a certain understanding and communication with each other, you can put forward your own ideas, that is, a psychological business card. The other party will be easier to accept, which is beneficial to your interpersonal communication.

Chang Ning is a salesman in the advertising department of a certain media, and the M advertising company that has business dealings with Chang Ning has a planning manager named Li Lin. In the same industry, Li Lin is notoriously cold.Although Chang Ning was unwilling to contact Li Lin directly, he had to deal with her because of work needs.Later, in order to deal with such a cold face, Chang Ning checked a lot of information, learned some relevant psychological knowledge in a targeted manner, and made a good plan in his heart, so that he knew what he knew.

Chang Ning and Li Lin met as scheduled.

"Your company has such a high reputation in the industry. I am really honored to meet your planning manager today." Upon meeting, Chang Ning greeted Li Lin very warmly.

"Ah, you are too polite!" After hearing Chang Ning's enthusiastic opening remarks, the "cold face" seemed to melt a little.

"However, I originally thought that the planning director of such a big company must be very old, but when I saw Miss Li today, she turned out to be so young and beautiful." Chang Ning said without losing the opportunity.

"Oh, thank you!" Hearing these words, Li Lin's eyes lit up. "Actually, Ms. Chang is young and promising. I have also admired your magazine for a long time. I am very happy to have the opportunity to cooperate with you today."

In this way, Chang Ning left a deep and beautiful impression on the other party in the first fight.And under Chang Ning's "honey policy", Li Lin doesn't seem to be as impersonal as others say.It has really shortened the distance a lot. Chang Ning seems to think that Li Lin is actually very honest and has a cute side.

In this way, Chang Ning successfully reached a cooperation with Li Lin.

(End of this chapter)

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