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Chapter 20 Workplace Psychology--Being a good running antelope

Chapter 20 Workplace Psychology - Be a good running antelope (1)
The workplace is like a battlefield, which is related to people's survival and the realization of self-worth.From the moment I first entered the workplace, the role of life has changed. In the new stage of life, in order to make myself the leader of life, understand various problems in the workplace, and understand the deep-seated psychological factors of the problems. important.

The Broken Window Effect—Nothing Small at Work

The broken window effect means that if someone breaks the window glass of a building, and the window is not repaired in time, others may be given some implied connivance to break more windows.Over time, these broken windows created a sense of disorder.As a result, in this climate of public insensitivity, crime thrives and flourishes.In fact, this is similar to the situation that the Chinese often say "broken the pot and smashed it".

Philip Zimbardo, a psychologist at Stanford University in the United States, conducted an experiment in 1969. He found two identical cars and parked one of them in a middle-class community in Palo Alto, California, while the other Parked in the relatively cluttered Bronx, New York.The one parked in the Bronx, which he took off the license plate and left the roof on, was stolen that same day.The one in Palo Alto was ignored for a week.Later, Simbadu used a hammer to knock a big hole in the glass of the car.As a result, after only a few hours, it was gone.Based on this experiment, political scientist Wilson and criminologist Carin proposed a theory of "broken window effect", which believes that if someone breaks the window glass of a building, and the window cannot be obtained, the window glass will be broken. If repairs are made in a timely manner, others may be given some implied connivance to break more windows.Over time, these broken windows created a sense of disorder.As a result, in this climate of public insensitivity, crime thrives and flourishes.

The "broken window effect" is more straightforward, which is the suggestion and induction effect of the environment on people.It was extremely destructive in our upbringing.If you don't get stopped for the first time, you probably got it; Play late into the night; if someone in your home doesn't put things back in place after use, your house will soon be full of stuff; if you don't close the cabinet door the first time, it's not corrected, and you won't close it after all ;If you talk back to your father for the first time without deep reflection, you will talk back to your father for the rest of your life...Why can "details" "determine success or failure"?It is because the suggestive connivance of details to people will have a non-negligible impact on the outcome of events.

From the "broken window effect", we can get such a truth: the existence of any kind of bad phenomenon is sending a kind of information, which will lead to the infinite expansion of bad phenomena, and we must be highly alert to those who seem to be Accidental, individual, slight "mistakes", if you turn a blind eye to this kind of behavior, turn a blind eye, respond slowly or fail to correct it, you will connive at more people "to smash more window glass", which is extremely serious. It may evolve into the evil result of "the embankment of a thousand miles collapses in the ant's nest".

The work we do is made up of small things, so everyone should not underestimate or slack off small things at work or deal with them perfunctorily.There is nothing trivial at work.All excellent employees do the same little things as ordinary employees, the only difference is that they never think that what they do is just a simple little thing.Sometimes, a seemingly insignificant thing, or an inconspicuous change, can change your success or failure in the workplace.

A salesman of a clothing company ordered a batch of sheepskins for his unit.It was written in the contract: "Each piece is larger than 4 square feet and has scars." It should be noted that the comma should have been a period "." As a result, the supplier took advantage of the loophole and sent the sheepskins all If it is less than 4 square feet, the orderer will be dumb to eat Coptis chinensis, and the suffering will be unspeakable, and the loss will be heavy.

It is very unworthy and stupid behavior to lose a lot because of a small loss.

In enterprises, the same is true. If an enterprise wants to operate smoothly and a company wants to grow stronger, it must have strict rules and regulations, and must strictly follow the rules.

There is a company in the United States that is not very large in scale, but it is famous for rarely firing employees.But once, as a senior turner, Jack, in order to improve work efficiency, after working on the cutting table for a while, he removed the protective baffle in front of the cutting knife and put it aside.There is no protective baffle, although it has buried a safety hazard, but it will be more convenient and faster to collect the processed parts, so that Jack can finish two-thirds of the parts before the noon break.Unfortunately, Jack's actions were caught by the supervisor who accidentally walked into the workshop to inspect.The supervisor Lei Ting was furious, ordered him to install the protective plate immediately, then stood there and reprimanded him loudly for a long time, and claimed that he would cancel Jerry's whole day's work.As soon as he went to work the next day, Jack was called to see his boss.The boss said: "As an old employee, you should understand better than anyone else what safety means to the company. If you completed fewer parts today and realized less profits, the company can make up for them at another time, but once you happen Accidents, loss of health and even life, the company will never be able to compensate...

On the day he left the company, Jack shed tears. After working for several years, Jack had both good times and bad times, but no one in the company ever said no to him.But this time was different. Jack was ruthlessly expelled from the company because of the trivial matter of removing the baffle without permission. You must know that this company is a company that he has worked hard for many years, how much value has he created for it?How could the company treat him like this?
Jack couldn't understand, he thought it was just a trivial matter, why it was so serious that he wanted to fire himself.In fact, small things are not small. If there is a safety problem, it will be too late to regret the loss of health or even life.

Therefore, at work, we must pay enough attention to those seemingly minor and individual things, and don't lose too much because of small things.

Also as a manager, you must repair the "first piece of broken window glass" in time, otherwise, be careful that your glass will be completely shattered. Jerry's boss clearly saw this, and he managed to control the small problems in time. In the bud, major events were avoided.

Psychologists tell you: If you want to get rid of the bad habit of being indifferent to small things, you must do the following:

1. When receiving a task, don't feel contemptuous of the various details, you have to regard it as an important event.

Only in this way will you really value it, use your brains, and develop your potential to do it well.In fact, it is not easy to do this, you need to remind yourself from time to time: "Don't look at it as inconspicuous and very simple, but it plays a vital role in whether the whole task can be successfully completed. Only by doing it well , I can complete the task with high quality."

2. You must be serious and careful when you work, and don't just deal with it perfunctorily as it is an ordinary trivial matter.

You should take it as seriously as you do important things, handle every detail and link carefully and solidly, and complete it meticulously.In this way, you can use the power of "ordinary things" to advance your work progress and make extraordinary achievements.

People who can finally achieve career success in their work will not be satisfied with "almost" or "okay" in their work. What they pursue is to do their work to the best within their ability.

The daily work of hotel waiters is to smile at customers, answer customers' questions, clean the room, make bed sheets and other small things; the daily work of soldiers is queue training, tactical drills, patrols, cleaning guns and other small things; what you do every day may be Small things like answering the phone, sorting out reports, and drawing drawings.Do you perfunctorily deal with it and feel slack in your heart?Are you tired of it, feel that the work is meaningless and unmotivated?None of this should be your excuse.Remember: this is your job, and there is nothing small about it.It takes hard work and passion to make everything perfect.

When Archibald of the American Standard Oil Company was still a small employee, every time he was on a business trip, he would write "$4 per barrel of standard oil" under his signature when he was staying in a hotel, even the usual receipts and Letters are no exception, and those words must be written after signing.Therefore, colleagues gave him the nickname "$4 per barrel".Gradually, his real name was hardly used anymore.

Rockefeller, the chairman of the company, was very surprised when he heard this, and thought to himself: "There is an employee who works so hard to promote his company's reputation. I must meet him." So he invited Archibald to have dinner.Later, after Rockefeller stepped down, Archibald became the company's second chairman.

At the time of signing, it is a very small thing to sign "$4 per barrel of standard oil". Strictly speaking, it is not within the scope of Archibald's work, but he has always insisted on it Made it to the extreme.Although ridiculed by many, he did not give up because of it.Among those who laughed at him, there must be quite a few people whose abilities and talents surpassed him, but in the end, only he became the chairman.

Sales guru Joe Girard is also a detail-oriented person.He believes that when selling cars, character is more important than commodities.A successful car dealer must have a heart that respects ordinary people.His love is reflected in every little action of his.

Once, a middle-aged woman walked into Joe Gillard's car showroom from the opposite Ford dealership.She said she would love to buy a white Ford like the one her cousin drove, but the Ford dealer told her to come in an hour, so she came here first.

"Madam, you are welcome to come and see my car." Joe Girard said with a smile.The woman told him very excitedly: "Today is my 55th birthday, and I want to buy a white Ford car for myself as a birthday present." Ma'am, I wish you a happy birthday! "Joe Girard warmly congratulated. Then, he whispered a few words to the assistants around him.

Joe Gillard led his wife slowly past the new cars, watching and introducing them.When he came to a Chevrolet, he said: "Ma'am, you have a special liking for white, look at this coupe, it is also white..." At this moment, the assistant walked in and took the A bouquet of flowers was given to Joe Girard.He sent this beautiful bouquet of flowers to his wife, congratulating her again on her birthday.

The lady was moved to tears and said very excitedly: "Sir, thank you very much. It has been a long time since no one gave me a gift. The Ford salesman saw me driving an old car just now." , must have thought that I couldn't afford a new car, so when I asked to have a look at it, he declined and said that I needed to go out and collect a sum of money, so I had to come to you and wait for him. Now that I think about it, I don't have to buy it No Ford." And so the woman bought a white Chevrolet from Joe Girard.

Say "Happy Birthday" to the customers who come to see the car, notice the customer's love for white cars, and send the customer a bouquet of flowers to celebrate the birthday. Many small actions have created unprecedented benefits for Joe Gillard, making his marketing a brilliant success.He created the highest record of selling more than 12 cars in 13 years, and was hailed as "the greatest salesman in the world" by "Guinness Book of World Records".

Success is not accidental.Whether it's "$4 per barrel" or "Happy Birthday", you must have a belief in perseverance, a spirit of perseverance, a sense of responsibility spontaneously, a down-to-earth and pragmatic attitude, and a sense of detail. You can see the real power here.

All in all, whether a person can achieve outstanding achievements depends on whether he can do those ordinary little things well.Therefore, at work, even if something is insignificant, you must do it well seriously: if you can complete 100%, you must not only do 99%.

Psychology class:
1. There are no small things in work, don't underestimate small things, don't hate small things, as long as it is beneficial to your career, no matter what you do, we should go all out.

2. "Don't do good things because they are small, and don't do evil things that are small."

3. "See the spirit in the subtleties".Only with the spirit of doing small things can we have the courage to do great things.

Zigarnik effect - learn to relieve psychological pressure
At work, many people will show a nervous state because of the existence of work pressure, and this tense state will continue after get off work. In fact, with the arrival of get off work time, and One's body and mind cannot be relaxed because of this, which is the "Zigarnik effect".

The Zigarnik effect tells us that when a person accepts a job, he will have a certain degree of tension, and the tension will be relieved only when the task is completed.If the task is not completed, the tension persists.

The modern workplace is like a huge pressure cooker - the secretary is worried that the documents will not be in time for the boss's meeting, the sales director is afraid that the customers will ask too much, the marketing staff work 12 hours a day, and have to study hard at night, everyone's pressure is on the verge...

According to a survey in the UK, 15% to 25% of local employees have mental health problems during their working lives.8000 million British people take sick leave every year due to mental health problems, wasting a lot of human resources.According to an early survey by the Prince of Wales Hospital in Hong Kong, among the more than 260 interviewed staff, they took sick leave for nearly [-] days in the past month. Sometimes feel difficult, etc., and the symptoms often have appeared for half a year or more.Today, similar high-pressure workplaces are emerging in major cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Beijing.Heavy workload, fear of company bankruptcy, layoffs, salary cuts, complicated personnel, long working hours, frequent changes in work directions, and ambiguous job roles all put pressure on employees.Severe cases can lead to mental problems in employees.

Since 2001, Beijing Ips has conducted in-depth and extensive surveys on more than 5 professionals in various industries over a period of five years.

In the survey of "how much stress comes from work", 3% feel extremely great, 13% feel very great, and the highest proportion is relatively high, accounting for 42%.Combined, 58% feel that the workplace pressure is relatively high, very large or even extremely high.In other words, more than half of the people feel that the workplace pressure is relatively high.This figure is far higher than the 40% of jobs in the United States that are stressed.

So, where do these workplace pressures mainly come from?The survey summarized four reasons: first, career development; second, workload, which includes overtime hours and labor intensity; It is fun; the fourth is the balance between work and family.

In the workplace, who is under more pressure, men or women?Surveys show that men experience more stress than women.Men account for 38% of workplace development pressure, while women feel 35%; work load, 30% for men, 22% for women; pressure on interpersonal relationships, the difference between men and women is only 1 percentage point; work and family pressure, There is a basic balance between males and females.

What kind of damage does stress bring to people's body and mind?A psychological counselor said: The harm caused by stress is very worrying. We divide the harm of stress on us into 4 ways: the first way is the most serious, that is, it will kill you, let you die, there are many Sudden death is caused by stress, and the direct cause is stress; the second is that it makes you sick, and you can’t do anything when you are sick; Don't want to work anymore; the fourth is to let your work skills decline.

Speaking of Benjamin Harrison, I believe many people know that he is the 23rd president of the United States.Born in a prominent family, his father was a member of the U.S. Congress, his grandfather William Henry Harrison was the ninth president of the United States, and his great-grandfather was a veteran of the founding of the United States. He was a representative of the Continental Congress. Signed the Declaration of Independence.Benjamin Harrison received a good knowledge education since he was a child, graduated from the University of Miami, and worked as a lawyer after graduation.During the Civil War, he participated in the Union Army and won the rank of general. In 9, he became a U.S. Senator. In 1881, he was nominated by the Republican Party as the presidential candidate.During the presidential campaign, those candidates who were nominated for the presidency seemed very nervous. Everyone was always concerned about the progress of their votes. For these votes, the candidates could be said to be restless all day long and sleepless at night.

But Harrison, one of the candidates for the presidential nomination, was different. He seemed very calm, as if nothing happened, and his daily life and work went on as usual.Harrison's main vote base was in Indiana at the time, and it was already 11 pm when the Indiana election results came out.After waiting anxiously for the result, Harrison's friends couldn't wait to call Harrison to tell him the good news and congratulate him on finally being elected president.But who knows, the servant who answered the phone told Harrison's friend: "I'm sorry, Mr. Harrison has already gone to bed."

(End of this chapter)

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