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Chapter 21 Workplace Psychology--Being a good running antelope

Chapter 21 Workplace Psychology - Be a good running antelope (2)
The servant's answer surprised Harrison's friend. He thought that Harrison must be like an ant on a hot pot now, but it was not the case.The next morning after the election results came out, a friend asked Harrison eagerly: "At such a tense moment, how can you still sleep like a normal person?" What's the use, knowing that tension can't affect and change any upcoming outcome of things. Therefore, instead of letting yourself suffer in anxiety and tension, it's better to let yourself take a good rest. This is probably the most sensible approach. "

Taking breaks is wise because work can be stressful.Harrison understood this, but he may not have known that what he was dealing with was actually a psychological tension caused by work pressure.

So how do we overcome the Zigarnik effect?Bruce Monroe, director of behavioral medicine at the Jackson Hole Society for Stress Medicine in Wilson, Wyoming, believes that the way to overcome the Zigarnik effect is to make people feel that they have some degree of control, which can help relieve stress. stress, so that people gain a sense of control and turn bad stress into good stress.

Therefore, people in a high-pressure workplace should discover their emotional problems early, rescue themselves, and find a suitable way to reduce stress.

1. Meditate and decompress.

Meditation is very important for stress relief.Meditation is not about removing things that are under pressure.There are also some people who think that they can go to the barren mountains and find a place where no sound can be heard so that they can meditate, but these are all negative methods.In the environment we live in, there are bound to be dead spots in our work, or we experience various unsatisfactory things. Pressure is inevitable. The question is how we face it.

Learning to meditate is a basic condition for dealing with stress. The methods include:

Routine Exercise - Every morning, before and after lunch, and before sleep, take a few minutes to take 10-15 deep breaths to settle in and allow time for quiet rest.

Learn to let go - Try letting go of your worries through relaxing music, meditation, reading, and introspection.

2. Self-regulation in a hurry.

In fact, many office workers often have to face heavy work, resulting in emotional distress. Psychologists believe that it is because of their lack of self-regulation.Some people often feel that they are busy, but through self-regulation, they can achieve order in chaos.For example, when there are many things to deal with, you can take a piece of paper and list the things that need to be dealt with one by one, think about the priority of various things, if there is anything to deal with immediately?Which can be given to others to do?What are there to face later?Just having a schedule in mind can reduce clutter.

In addition, each time period is only suitable for dealing with one thing, so you don’t have to deal with several things at the same time, and you will be less stressed. The pressure comes from being too busy. If you don’t know how to be quiet and focus, you will have a lot of anxiety.You know, the more focused you are, the more you can improve your work efficiency, and the clutter will disappear.There is a Chinese saying that power can be achieved in silence, which is very correct, because when we are quiet, we can concentrate all the sources of strength together, focus on one thing, and no longer worry about other things.

3. Mentality adjustment - Embrace stress with a positive and optimistic attitude

French writer Hugo once said: "Thoughts can turn heaven into hell, and it can also turn hell into heaven."

We must realize that crisis is a turning point, encountering difficulties, and generating pressure. On the one hand, it may be our lack of ability. Therefore, the entire problem handling process becomes an important opportunity to enhance our own capabilities and develop and grow; in addition, it may also be the environment or others. You can communicate and solve the problem rationally. If you can’t solve it, you can forgive everything and try to face everything with a positive and optimistic attitude.Just as some people study the so-called optimism coefficient, that is to say, a person always maintains a positive and optimistic mind, and when dealing with problems, he will have a 20% chance of getting a satisfactory result than the average person.Therefore, a positive and optimistic attitude will not only calm down the disordered emotions caused by stress, but also lead the problem to a positive result.

4. Get closer to nature.

While decompressing, you must pay attention to your personal health, because if you lack energy, not only will your work efficiency be poor, but your ability to withstand stress will also decrease.Good diet, sleep and exercise habits are the basic conditions for health.In addition, some activities can also help reduce stress, the first choice is to be close to nature.In foreign countries, forest bathing is very popular, and the suburbs are generally the first choice for forest bathing. The more trees, the higher the negative ion content, which can promote blood circulation and improve stress resistance.

Anyone, whether it is study, work, or life will have pressure, how to relieve the pressure, how to turn these troublesome pressures into benign ones, and how to make these pressures bring us not distress but cheer up.I think this should be something everyone should actively think about and face.In fact, no matter what method, the one who can really relieve and release your inner pressure is yourself!
Psychology class:
1. Reasonably arrange the work and make the work orderly, so that you will not feel that there will always be endless work.

2. Learn to self-regulate. It is better to live with a smile than to cry.

3. Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and turn bad stress into good stress.

Workplace shock - keep freshness at all times
Whether it is a young person who is new to the workplace or an experienced person who has worked for many years, they may suddenly lose interest in their current career and feel confused about their career. This is a normal phenomenon, which is called by psychologists. It is called "workplace shock".

You, who have always been active and responsible in doing things, start to feel bored and slack, and even occasionally have the urge to not want to work; Confused about the future, anxious and depressed...

What is going on here?
Ms. Zhang is the human resources director of a company. Regarding her current job, she used two very strong words to express her mentality: bored. In the past 7 years, she has changed several companies, but she has always been engaged in personnel work, from an ordinary position to a director.She feels that everything in the company is running well at present, and she is too familiar with the personnel process, and can control everything in the field, so she is simply tired of doing it.

In fact, the reason for Ms. Zhang's boredom is that she is too familiar with her work content and work environment, and her work lacks new ideas and challenges.Ms. Zhang's current situation is a typical "workplace shock".

A young female teacher who has been teaching for 10 years once described her current situation like this:
"Facing the same students every day, doing the same thing every day, day after day, year after year, step by step, and repeated. Repetitive, monotonous, and the initial sense of accomplishment and mission has long been exhausted.

But today's students, each one is so sensitive, so "individual"; the pickiness of parents is countless; and our society has developed high requirements for teachers - they are perfect in personality, omnipotent in learning, Materially they are poor, but in fact teachers are ordinary people and ordinary people; there is also pressure from competition among colleagues and the impact of education reform.It makes me feel that I have no energy to do anything, and what I do is meaningless. Now I only want to complete the tasks in the class, and it will be fine if there is no accident. Sometimes I feel that I will mislead my children.Moreover, my temper, which has always been gentle, has gradually become a little irritable. When I am very angry and annoyed, I will use it in class to vent my anger and catch late students to criticize, but I still feel very sad in my heart.At home, I am too lazy to talk, too lazy to communicate with my family.My family said I was extremely cold.My biggest expectation now is to retire, to get away from this endless job as soon as possible. "

The female teacher suffered from severe "workplace shock". For her, her current job is a burden rather than a manifestation of responsibility.

Do you often encounter similar situations at work, such as difficult creative desk planning, stagnant sales, endless financial statements... and always feel that your work is monotonous and boring, burnout and The loathing got worse every day.According to the survey, job burnout is now a "frequent disease". Most people with certain work experience have had similar symptoms of "burnout" in the workplace. Most of these symptoms are:
1. Loss of enthusiasm for work, emotional irritability, irritability, hopelessness about the future, indifferent to the people and things around.

2. Negative work attitude, becoming more and more impatient and impatient with the objects of service or contact, such as teachers who are tired of teaching, corporal punishment of students without reason, or medical staff who are tired of work and have a bad attitude towards patients, etc.

3. Decreased evaluation of the meaning and value of one's work, often arriving late and leaving early, and even planning to change jobs or even change careers.

4. The body's immunity is weakened, and it is very easy to catch a cold; and the skin condition is not good, and it will appear dry, tight or sensitive.

For people in the workplace, workplace burnout mostly comes from repetitive work day after day, year after year, and loss of passion and interest in work.Feeling extremely tired, which leads to depression and anxiety, which leads to burnout of work and life.

People in the workplace will almost always encounter this kind of situation, but some people adjust well and can shorten the "shock" period; Oxygen, make yourself into the workplace embarrassment.What should you do when you encounter a "workplace shock"?How to solve "workplace shock"?
Psychologists tell you: workplace burnout is not terrible, here are some suggestions to help you mediate:
1.looking for new

For example, like Ms. Zhang, she might as well use the time of vacation to change the environment and adjust her mentality. She can also use this time to consider changing the working environment, challenge herself, and find new motivation points.

2.Keep fresh

With the development of enterprises and fierce competition, enterprises will continue to have new positions. The previous regulations are not very standardized and mature, and some of them cannot keep up with the new situation and the development of enterprises.So, there is a lot to keep learning.Like Ms. Zhang, maybe she thinks she is proficient in the field of personnel, but in fact she should learn, try to keep the "water" in her "cup" fresh, pour out some old and outdated "water" in the "cup" Come out and keep adding fresh "water".In this way, there will be no sense of boredom, and it is possible to avoid "workplace shock" as much as possible.


No matter what job you are in, no matter how busy you are in the company, make sure to give yourself some time to relax every week.Or go climbing and swimming with your friends, so that your body that has been tense for a week can be stretched to the greatest extent; or meet friends, drink tea and chat in the tea bar, sing loudly at KTV, and release your emotional factors to the fullest; You can sit quietly in front of the window in your own study, read your favorite books, and drink your favorite tea; female friends can also go to the mall to have a shopping addiction and buy some beautiful clothes; you can also go to the beauty salon You can do beauty treatment in the hospital to refresh your image; you can also cook some delicious food to reward yourself and your family... In short, you have to learn to take a certain amount of time to get yourself out of the busy work and enjoy life outside of work The goodness brought to you.

4.Learn to "sneak in"

Excessive stress and fatigue often take a toll on people in the workplace.So we must remember: career success does not happen overnight, you must arrange your life reasonably to ensure that work and life are in a good balance.The busier you are at work, the more you should learn to "sneak in when you are busy", so that you can eat well, drink well, and sleep well, so as to ensure vigorous energy and enough physical fitness to calmly deal with the big and small work tasks in front of you.

Therefore, in the workplace, you must learn to be kind to yourself. While you want to stand out in the workplace, don't affect your life planning due to "workplace shock".

To be more clear, what is the work for?It is for a better life.

Therefore, while working, enjoy the satisfaction, honor and fun that work brings to you, and let work enrich your life and enrich your life!

Psychology class:
1. When you are unhappy at work, chat with friends and drink tea.

2. Set work goals, work hard to achieve them, and always have passion.

3. Make work part of you, not all of you.Know that work is for a better life!

Outstanding psychology—doing things is not the more the better, but the more effective the better

Outstanding mentality, from a certain point of view, has the element of being competitive, higher than ordinary people, wanting to surpass everyone, and let yourself show yourself in front of many people.

"Cai Gen Tan" said: "The article is perfect, there is nothing special, it is just right; the character is perfect, there is nothing different, it is just natural." Sometimes we work too hard or focus on one thing. Instead, the opposite effect will be obtained.

How much workload should there be, is the more the better?

IMG has an energetic female sales representative who is in charge of scouting out the stars of tomorrow among newcomers on the golf and tennis courts.There is a young tennis player on the west coast of the United States who is particularly appreciated by her, and she decides to recruit him to join our company.

Since then, even though she has to work 12 hours a day in the office in New York, she still does not forget to call California from time to time to care about the training of this player.When he went to compete in Europe, she would take advantage of his business trips to take time to visit and take care of everything for him.Several times, she actually didn't close her eyes for a week, busy flying around, tracking the player's progress, but there was still a large pile of long-standing reports at hand.

Once the young player participated in the French Open.According to the original schedule, the female sales representative was not required to attend the competition, but she convinced the supervisor that in order to maintain the relationship with the young contestant, she should be there.The supervisor reluctantly agreed, but the condition was that she had to finish some urgent business affairs before departure.As a result, she didn't close her eyes for several nights.

On the day of her arrival in Paris, at a dinner for the players, the press and special guests, she continued to stare at the American and, like a competent hostess, introduced him to dignitaries.It was the era when the Swedish tennis star Berger was in the limelight. He happened to be their client and the idol of the young player, so he was introduced to them naturally. Berger was chatting with some European sports reporters in a corner of the room. She and the young contestants went forward.When the other party looked this way, she said: "Berger, let me introduce this..." Oh my God!She actually forgot the name of her favorite player!

Later, that young player became a world famous player, but he has nothing to do with MG anymore.

The hard work of this female business representative is indeed admirable. If she is lucky and meets a sensible young man, her mistake is not a big mistake, because in this case, as long as the young man introduces himself, it will be fine. Don't care, it's also nothing.However, she works so desperately and desperately that she often makes mistakes at critical moments, which will cause tragedies of one kind or another.

Not only didn't everyone think that she was capable and outstanding, but on the contrary, he felt that she was getting twice the result with half the effort, and she didn't even remember the name of the simplest person.It had the opposite effect.

The more things you do, the better, because doing too many things is easy to make mistakes.Within the scope of ability, reasonable arrangements, orderly planning and completion, this is effective work.If you plan well, you can make tomorrow three times more productive than usual!
Are you busy every day, but always busy and useless?Do you feel that you have paid a lot, but all you get is scolding from your boss?Do you never have a moment to spare, but when it comes to summing up, you can't tell what you have accomplished?
If you are exhausted physically and mentally, but you have achieved nothing, then you may not be working hard, but you have not mastered the correct method to improve work efficiency, and you have wasted your life unintentionally.

You must also want to be an outstanding member of the company, and you must also want to work easily and quickly.The following suggestions are not a panacea, but they can provide some useful references for you to improve your work efficiency:
1. Divide all work into two categories, "transactional" and "thinking", and treat them separately.

All work is nothing more than two types: "transactional" work does not require you to use your brain, and you can follow the familiar process all the way, and is not afraid of interference and interruption; "thinking" work requires you to concentrate and complete it in one go.

For "transactional" work, you can deal with it in any order according to the plan; and for "thinking" work, you must carefully arrange your time and proceed without being disturbed.

For "thinking" work, the best way is not to do it in a hurry, but to think about it in daily work and life first: think about it while eating, think about it when you can't sleep, and think about it on the road.When your thinking has accumulated for a certain period of time, and then arrange time to concentrate on doing it, you will find that the results will be like spring water, and will come automatically without any effort. All you have to do is to record and organize them!

2. List the work plan and remind you of the progress you have completed in an obvious way.

A work plan is essential!This kind of plan is not to report to someone, nor to add pressure to yourself, but to let you remember what things need to be done, instead of being dizzy by invisible and unclear work pressure , not to be irritable.

First things first: Start each week by listing your plans for the week.The content of the plan is what to do this week.

(End of this chapter)

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