learn psychology everyday

Chapter 22 Workplace Psychology--Being a good running antelope

Chapter 22 Workplace Psychology - Be a good running antelope (3)
Then, make a schedule every morning, choose what you want to do that day from the weekly plan, and arrange a specific time to complete it; list all the calls that need to be made, and the content of each call.

Finally, a summary of the work plan must be carried out.Many people think of work summary very complicated, as if they need to write down the completion status of all completed tasks and the unfinished reasons for unfinished tasks in detail.This is a big misunderstanding!In fact, the work summary is going on at any time.

You must understand that the fundamental purpose of making a plan is not to put any pressure on you, but to give you an orderly and prepared work arrangement.So, instead of getting upset about not completing scheduled tasks, remember them and schedule them as soon as possible!At the same time, the work plan will also bring you self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

3. Prioritize important work

The question about how to organize your work is to put the most important tasks to be done at the beginning of the day, not the end.This way, you can keep your focus on the most important task at hand.

4. Don't hesitate and wait, act now
This one is an important supplement to the above three: don't hesitate and wait, act now.No job will disappear automatically because you avoid it, and no trouble will disappear because you don't think about it.You have no choice but to face it, to meet any challenge.

Quality, quality, work is not only about quantity, but more importantly, quality.Pay attention to the method of doing things, less effort, greater effect, twice the result with half the effort is the best embodiment of efficiency in the work.

Psychology class:
1. The more the better, not the more the better, but the best thing to do at the right time.

2. A lot of effort and little effect is the most inefficient embodiment.

Hot and cold water effect--handle the "weights" in the workplace skillfully

One cup of warm water, keeping the temperature constant, another cup of cold water, and one cup of hot water.When you put your hands in cold water first, and then put them in warm water, you will feel that the warm water is hot;There are two different sensations in the same cup of warm water, which is the hot and cold water effect.

The hot and cold water effect is a kind of human feeling psychology. In life, each of us has a steelyard, but the weight is not consistent or fixed.As psychology changes, so does the weight.When the weight becomes smaller, the weight of the object it weighs is larger, and when the weight becomes larger, the weight of the object it weighs is smaller.People's perception of things is affected by this weight.

Mr. Xu is a salesman of a certain car sales company. He has a strong working ability and his monthly sales performance is among the best.But he has never been appreciated by the leaders, and every good thing such as salary increase and promotion is not his turn.The reason is that when he makes monthly plans at the beginning of each month, he is always very high-profile, saying how much he can at least achieve this month.However, when the performance evaluation is carried out at the end of the month, although his monthly performance is ranked first, there is always a big gap from the Haikou he boasted at the beginning of the month.In front of the leader, he is a "bragger", and his words cannot be trusted too much.In the eyes of colleagues, I think his ability is good, but he is definitely not a reliable person.Such a bad impression, of course, every time the company raises salary and promotion, who would think of him.The biggest mistake Mr. Xu made was that he was too high-profile, and he had given the leader too high expectations before, but he failed to complete the task every time, which naturally made himself a compromise, but even if he completed it, it would be difficult for the leader to lead. Take it for granted because that's the amount you planned for.

Therefore, in the workplace, being too high-profile and ostentatious often does not bring you any benefits. On the contrary, it will compromise your own image and make others have a negative view of you.

Ms. Cai seldom gave speeches. Once she had to, the leader asked her to speak to a group of scholars and critics.Her opening remark was: "I am an ordinary housewife, so naturally I can't say wonderful words, so I implore all experts not to laugh at my speech..." After she said this, the audience felt a "weight" in their hearts. "It became smaller, and many people who began to doubt her also listened attentively.After her simple and plain speech was completed, the scholars and critics in the audience felt very good. They thought her speech had reached a very high level.They gave warm applause to Ms. Cai's successful speech.

The above two people, Mr. Xu is publicized and high-profile, and Ms. Cai is modest and down-to-earth. Their performances have received two diametrically opposed effects.In fact, this reflects a psychological effect in psychology, that is, the hot and cold water effect.

At work, we often encounter such things, reporting work plans, ordering sales plans and so on.You might as well use the hot and cold water effect to make a plan that can be completed within your own ability. If you exceed the limit, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Mr. Lu Xun said: "If someone proposes to open a window on the wall of the house, it will inevitably be opposed by everyone, and the window will definitely not be opened. But if it is proposed to remove the roof, everyone will give in accordingly and agree to open a window." His incisive thesis is about the specific application of cold and hot water effect.

1. Use the hot and cold water effect to win the other party's praise
In the world, it is inevitable that there will be times when your career will decline, it will be inevitable that you will accidentally hurt others, and there will inevitably be times when you need to criticize others. At these times, if you do not handle them properly, you will reduce your image in the eyes of others .If you use the hot and cold water effect skillfully, you will not only not lower your own image, but will get a good evaluation from others.When your career is on the decline, you might as well tell others the worst situation tactfully in advance, so that you can remain invincible even if you fail in the future; when you accidentally hurt others, you might as well apologize more than you should. Show your sincerity, and it will have the effect of turning hostility into friendship; when you want to say unpleasant words, you may as well declare in advance, so that you will not arouse the resentment of others and make others feel your good intentions.These acts of using the cold and hot water effect are essentially to first use one or two "foreshadowings" to make the "weight" in the other party's heart smaller, so that the "weight of the object weighed" by it will become larger.

2. Use the hot and cold water effect to urge the other party to agree.

Manager Zhang of a sales company plans to let Xiao Li, a salesman who lives in the urban area, work in a branch in the suburbs due to work needs.When talking to Xiao Li, Manager Zhang said: "The company researches and decides that you will take on a new important job. There are two places, you can choose one. One is the branch in the outer suburbs, and the other is the branch in the near suburbs. Company." Although Xiao Li didn't want to leave the urban area he was already very familiar with, he had no choice but to choose a slightly better one between the outer suburbs and the inner suburbs - the inner suburbs.And Xiao Li's choice coincides with the company's arrangement.Moreover, Manager Yan didn't waste much time talking, Xiao Li also thought that he had chosen an ideal job position, both parties were satisfied, and the problem was solved.In this case, the emergence of the "extreme suburbs" reduced the "weight" in Xiao Li's heart, so that Xiao Li smoothly accepted to work in the suburbs.Manager Zhang's approach, although giving people a feeling of playing power, but if it is considered from the overall situation and is responsible to Xiao Li himself, this approach should also be advocated.

3. Use the hot and cold water effect to arouse the other party's happiness.

One day, the priest John met the melancholy young man Richard by the river.

Richard sighed and frowned.

"Why are you so depressed, kid?" John asked with concern.

Richard glanced at John and sighed: "I am a veritable pauper. I have no house, no job, no income, and I live on hunger and food all day long. How can a person like me who has nothing Can you be happy?"

"Silly boy," John laughed, "Actually, you should be laughing!"

"Laughing? Why?" Richard asked, puzzled.

"Because you're actually a millionaire!" John said a little slyly.

"Millionaire? Don't make fun of me, a pauper." Richard was upset and turned to leave.

"How dare I make fun of you? Son, can you answer a few questions for me now?"

"What's the problem?" Richard was a little curious.

"Suppose, now I offer 20 gold coins to buy your health, would you be willing?"

"No." Richard shook his head.

"If, now, I offer 20 gold coins to buy your youth and make you a little old man, would you like it?"

"Of course not!" Richard replied bluntly.

"If, now, I offer 20 gold coins to buy your beauty and turn you into an ugly monster, are you willing?" "No! Of course not!" Richard shook his head like a rattle.

"Suppose, now I spend another 20 gold coins to buy your wisdom and let you spend your whole life in a daze, would you be willing?" "Only fools are willing!" Richard turned his head and wanted to walk away again.

"Don't panic, please finish answering my last question - if I offer another 20 gold coins now, let you kill people and set fires, and make you lose your conscience from now on, would I be willing?"

"My God! The devil would be willing to do such a wicked thing!" Richard replied angrily.

"Okay, I already offered 100 million gold coins just now, but I still can't buy anything on you. You say you are not a millionaire, so what?" John asked with a smile.

Richard suddenly realized.He thanked the priest John for his guidance, and walked to the distance... From then on, he no longer sighed, no longer depressed, and went looking for his new life with a smile.

Each of us has a lot of wealth, which is our health, youth, wisdom and conscience. As long as we firmly believe that we can obtain wealth by our own strength and have the courage to pursue wealth, we can change our destiny.

If you let the other party taste the "cold water" first, it will make the "weight" in his heart shrink, so he will be happy with the "warm water".

To sum up, whether it is in work or in life, the hot and cold water effect plays three major roles by making the "weight" in the heart of others smaller, but if it makes the "weight" in the heart of the other party larger, three things will appear. Big negative effect.In our work and life, we should avoid these negative effects.Finally, I would like to say that only when a person keeps the "weight" in his heart reasonable and consistent, can he correctly evaluate himself and external things.

Psychology class:
1. When a person cannot directly serve others a basin of "hot water", he might as well give others a basin of "cold water" first, and then offer others a basin of "warm water". In this case, this person's basin of "warm water" is equally Will get a good evaluation from others.

2. Sometimes you can change your thinking and see better results.

The frog effect - "easy" is the worst enemy of promotion

At the end of the 19th century, Cornell University in the United States conducted an experiment: the experimenter put a frog in a large boiling pot, and the frog would jump out of the pot immediately like an electric shock.So, the experimenter put the frog in a large pot filled with cold water and let it swim freely.Then heat slowly under the pot over low heat.Although the frog can feel the change of the external temperature in the pot, it does not jump out immediately because of its inertia, until the heat is so unbearable that it loses the ability to escape and is cooked.This is the famous "boiled frog experiment", or "frog effect".

The "frog effect" tells us that most of the changes in the competitive environment of enterprises are gradual. If managers and employees do not feel pain about the changes in the environment, they will eventually be cooked and eliminated like this frog. Know.

A person should not be satisfied with the vested interests in front of him, and should not indulge in the past victories and good wishes, but forget the gradual formation of the crisis and fail to see the failure approaching step by step, and finally die in ease like a frog.

The frog effect emphasizes the principle of "born in sorrow, died in peace".People are inherently lazy, always willing to settle for the status quo, and most of them are unwilling to change the existing life unless they have to.Knowing that you don't know this kind of comfort without a sense of urgency not only makes you ignore the changes in the surrounding environment, but also makes you lose many opportunities.

After Fang Tao graduated from college, under the arrangement of his father, he entered a chain drugstore as a salesperson.This pharmacy is relatively well-known in the country, and the overall benefits are good.Therefore, the salaries for the shop assistants are very good, and there are all benefits and insurance. More importantly, the work intensity is not high, and the working environment is very good.Fang Tao is personally very satisfied with this job.Although his work cannot be compared with his classmates in foreign-funded enterprises, compared with other classmates in the same service industry, it is "more than enough." Fang Tao is especially relieved that he can use it at any time. Worried about layoffs because my father and the pharmacy boss were always close friends.In his heart, he knew that no matter how poor his work ability was, the boss would never say anything about him because of his father.

Dominated by such "easy" thoughts, in the past two years in the pharmacy, Fang Tao greeted customers whenever they came, and "flirted" with beautiful female colleagues when he was free, and other leaders of the store sometimes arranged for him When he went out to negotiate business, he pushed as much as he could.When the medicines arrived, he was asked to help unload the goods, and he was full of displeasure, and his performance at work was mediocre.Later, he saw that the colleagues who entered the pharmacy with him were either assigned to management positions in the pharmacy by the boss, or were assigned to other important positions.As for myself, the leader has never said anything, and I am still just an ordinary salesperson.Fang Tao was not convinced by this.So, I came to the boss's office to ask for an explanation: "Why do other people have the opportunity to be promoted and promoted when they work in the store for about two years, but I am the only one who is ignored?".The boss looked at Fang Tao and said, "What the store needs are conscientious employees, not employees who just get paid and don't do anything. What's more, the store only promotes the kind of conscientious employees." , A person who has no awareness of going in, an employee who does not take the performance appraisal of the pharmacy seriously, and has never exceeded the quota and completed the task on time, is not qualified to be promoted." The boss said so, and the meaning expressed could not be more clear.It was only now that Fang Tao reflected on how he had been working for the past two years.While other colleagues began to study hard and improve their academic qualifications through various amateur training and learning channels, Fang Tao was playing games and mahjong instead of doing his job.When other colleagues suggested a store management plan to the boss, he dismissed it as childish and ignorant.His job in the pharmacy was muddling along, extremely comfortable, and he didn't enter into consciousness.That's why his career didn't develop, and at the same time, his image became lower and lower with the boss.

In fact, in the modern workplace, there are many people like Fang Tao who beat the clock for a day as a monk.They are all in the familiar work, muddle along, and then slowly strengthen their insensitive nerves. They have no motivation and passion to work, and they don't have the idea of ​​being prepared for danger in times of peace, so their work and future gradually decline.In the long run, it is likely to be like a frog in warm water - waiting for "euthanasia".

So, how do we avoid "euthanasia" in the workplace?

1.Be prepared for danger in times of peace and set yourself a lofty goal that you will not shortly pursue.

Coca-Cola, as the most outstanding company in the world's soft drink industry.When Roberto Goizueta took over as CEO of Coca-Cola, he posed these questions to top executives:

"What is the average amount of liquid beverages consumed per person per day by the world's 44 billion people?"

"64 oz." (1 oz is about 31 grams)
"So how much Coca-Cola is consumed per person per day?"

"Less than 2 ounces."

"So, in people's stomachs, what is our market share?"

Roberto Goizueta's series of questions just shows that a company and an individual should always be full of a sense of crisis and dissatisfaction.Success today does not mean success tomorrow.Only by constantly maintaining your own sense of crisis and setting ambitious goals, will you not be defeated in all aspects of competition in your life; only if you always maintain the mentality of facing a crisis, you will be able to survive the real crisis when it comes. ,Unflappable.

2.Learn in no time, let yourself grow up in no time, and give full play to your potential.

This is also the most fundamental point in a career, and it should run through our careers.Research by scientists has found that the ability of an average person in his life is only 8% of his full potential, and 92% is sleeping.Therefore, a person's life is a process of continuous growth, and one needs to constantly update one's abilities in order to maximize one's potential. Therefore, never indulge in the status quo, and don't give up exploring in the professional field, you will be in the new achieve greater success in the field.

We should learn from it to plan ahead, be prepared for danger in times of peace, and have a sense of crisis.This is true in life and career, sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.Looking back at the past, when we encounter violent setbacks and difficulties, we often stimulate our potential; but once we tend to calm down, we indulge in a life of comfort, pleasure, extravagance, and profligacy, and continue to encounter failures.

Psychology class:
1. Bill Gates has a famous saying: "Microsoft is always only 18 months away from bankruptcy." Both companies and individuals should have a sense of crisis at all times, so that you can make continuous progress and not be satisfied with the status quo.

2. Only by constantly surpassing yourself and surpassing the past can you grasp more opportunities.

(End of this chapter)

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