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Chapter 23 The Psychology of Knowledge-Deciphering the Code of Effective Learning

Chapter 23 The Psychology of Knowledge-Deciphering the Code of Effective Learning (1)
There is no limit to life but no limit to knowledge, live to learn.From childhood, adolescence, youth, middle age to old age, learning will accompany us throughout our lives and affect our development throughout life.In the process of learning, people always ask if there is a magical learning method: it can improve efficiency, make learning easier, make thinking more flexible and smooth, and be able to control knowledge well.The following psychological learning methods may help you succeed and make you truly the master of knowledge!
The psychology of learning weariness - why children don't want to learn

The psychology of learning weariness is a kind of inferiority complex caused by poor academic performance, coupled with external pressure, which makes learners lose confidence and interest, followed by a feeling of boredom and resistance to learning, and objectively The obvious behavior, this kind of emotion exists more among poor students.

Adolescence is the golden age of studying, and under the pressure of one-sided pursuit of higher education rates, the society and the family put the burden on the school, and the school puts the pressure on the teacher, and the teacher puts all the burden on the student: desperately extending Class hours, overtime work, students from morning to night, weekends do not rest.These make students overwhelmed both physically and psychologically.They can't taste the fun of learning, but only feel the boundless bitterness.

The ancients said: "Things must be reversed when they are extreme." When students' psychological burden is too heavy and it is difficult to improve their academic performance, they will be tired of studying.While they hate learning, they also miss a lot of meaningful knowledge in and out of textbooks.This is a great loss for young students.

Wei Hui is an only child and grew up under the doting and pampering of his family.After entering middle school, he was still fond of playing rather than studying.He is in class, can't concentrate, thinks about things that have nothing to do with study all day long, and sometimes falls asleep in class.During self-study, other students were immersed in reviewing, but he made a lot of noise. Not only did he not study, but it also affected others' study.

For this reason, the teacher had talked to him and punished him, but to no avail.In the end, the teacher had nothing to do with him, so he went to his parents, but the parents couldn't do anything about it. They beat and scolded him, but Wei Hui still didn't know how to repent, and his resistance to learning became stronger and stronger.

Over time, Wei Hui and other students began to find various reasons to play truant together, cut classes, and secretly went to Internet cafes to play games.When the principal talked to Wei Hui in person, Wei Hui said something like this: "I just don't like going to school, I don't like textbooks with typefaces, I don't like math formulas that are disgusting, I don't like my classmates who laugh at me, and I don't like Criticizing my teachers, anything other than studying is my joy in life."

Wei Hui's extreme aversion to learning is a typical manifestation of teenage students' aversion to learning.Students who are tired of learning generally lose interest in school learning and life, replaced by irritability and boredom, as well as indifference, evasion, and confrontational mentality and behavior.

It stands to reason that learning can increase knowledge and master skills. It should be a very interesting pleasure, and it is also in line with the curiosity and eagerness of young people.But why do some students feel tired of studying?

1. Some parents are eager to hope that their children will become a success, and they backfire.

In order to make their children successful and enter university, some parents start planning their children's learning and growth from birth. There are more and more phenomena that children should not lose at the starting line, so that children's school age is getting younger and younger. .But children's growth and learning should be a gradual process. Excessive pursuit of results not only violates children's physical and psychological characteristics, but also does not consider their acceptability; it makes students overwhelmed, hard to understand and difficult to digest, resulting in a vicious circle over time. Treating the study that was originally of great interest as an unbearable hardship will cause children to be bored or even fearful of learning.

2. Some parents love their children too much, fearing that they will be a burden.

Some parents feel that their children are their "little sun", they follow their children in everything, pamper and love them, and they have no requirements for them in their studies. Hard, not solid.Because children regard learning as too easy, once they encounter difficulties and are unable to overcome them, they will feel tired of learning.

3. Do not start from the actual situation of the students, and the requirements are too high.

Some schools regard a score below 99 as a "failure", and make up lessons.Even if some students get [-] points in the test, they still have to listen to the accusations of "why did they lose this point" from their parents and teachers.

4. Some teachers are not teaching properly. There are both educational ideological problems and teaching art problems.

In schools with poor student resources, some teachers feel that teaching is futile, and their distaste for teaching also affects students' learning emotions.In schools with better student sources, some teachers focus on the "admission rate", and the students' after-school life, cultural and sports activities, etc. seem to have nothing to do with them, making the students' study life monotonous and boring, thus giving birth to a psychology of learning.At the same time, some teachers lack artistry in teaching methods, blindly filling the room, and students seem to understand but do not understand, so they are helpless in front of a lot of homework, resulting in a feeling of weariness.

It is understood that the emotion of being tired of studying is common in middle schools.So, how to carry out the psychological counseling of weariness?

1. Cultivate high achievement motivation.

Outstanding students generally have high achievement motivation. They believe that they can achieve high achievements in their lives and try their best to achieve them.They believe that as long as they work hard, they will succeed.Of course, ideals must match reality, since not everyone can become an astronaut or a sports star, but it turns out that high achievement motivation does have a positive impact on students' learning.

2. Use effective learning strategies.

Effective learning strategies can help students successfully complete their studies.Most of the students with learning difficulties are due to improper learning strategies, which are not suitable for course learning or individual learning.Learning strategies come from direct instruction from the teacher, and may also come from other classmates or friends.When students use a new strategy, no matter what method they use, they must try to put it into practice, and make adjustments and modifications in practice to make the strategy suitable for their own learning.

3. Stimulate children's interest in learning.

Interest is an important internal factor for arousing and maintaining attention, and it is an attitude and psychological tendency of individuals seeking to approach certain things and engage in certain activities during the learning process.To give full play to students' learning enthusiasm and initiative, it is necessary to make students have a strong interest in the knowledge they have learned. It is an effective way to arouse students' curiosity. Let students learn with "why" before they will be fascinated. Maintain a positive learning attitude.Einstein once said: "I think that for everything, only interest and hobbies are the best teachers. It is far more than a sense of responsibility." Once learning becomes an interesting activity, it can not only improve the learning effect, but also improve the students' subsequent learning ability. interest in this course.Efforts should be made to cultivate students' interest in what they have learned, so as to change the phenomenon of lack of learning motivation and distraction due to "no interest".

Psychology class:
1. Cultivate children's interest in learning
2. Improve children's learning ability

3. Minimize the psychological and academic burden of students
4. Teachers and parents should pay attention to the scale of criticism, and let children feel the joy of success when they succeed

Epiphany learning - to know at once means to know nothing

The epiphany learning method proposes that perception is retained in the form of traces, and advocates the importance of memory and imagination for learning, and learning is the overall understanding of problem situations.

"Learning through insight" is a learning method often used in philosophy courses.Explained from the perspective of Gestalt psychology, epiphany is a sudden understanding of the problem situation, which leads to rapid learning, and a sudden understanding of the relationship between the goal and the way to obtain the goal or various conditions.To achieve epiphany learning, it is necessary to have the comprehensive function of the accumulation of the amount of thinking about the problem and the triggering of the external situation.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Thorndike's "trial and error" learning and the Gestalt school emphasized that "epiphany" is recognized as the most authoritative learning theory.

Koehler's chimpanzee learning experiments on Tenerife, South Africa, found that when chimpanzees learn to solve problems in a purpose-blocked situation, it does not go through the process of trial and error as Thorndike explained.

In order to study the learning of chimpanzees, Kohler designed six types of experiments, the most famous of which is the "receiving pole problem".

He locked the hungry chimpanzees in a cage, placed bananas far outside the cage, and placed several bamboo poles of different lengths between the cage and the bananas. The length of each bamboo pole could not be used to get bananas alone.

The problem that his smartest orangutan, the Sultan, has to solve is: how to connect two bamboo poles to get the banana?
It was found that the chimpanzee did not move disorderly when facing the situation. After several failed attempts to fetch bananas with a single bamboo pole, he suddenly showed a comprehension, so he connected two bamboo poles together to achieve the goal.

Koehler's experiment shows that chimpanzees have already grasped why and how their actions are performed, and what the final result is, and have understood the relationship between their actions and the situation, especially the target object.In Kohler's view, the orangutan's solution to the problem is not a blind "trial and error" process, but an "epiphany" of the problem, a brainstorm, and a plan.

Koehler called this learning phenomenon epiphany learning.Epiphany refers to the sudden awareness of the solution to a problem, which is achieved by the learner reorganizing or reconstructing the form of related things.He believes that learning does not need blind trial and repeated practice, as long as the individual understands the relationship between various stimuli in the whole situation, epiphany will occur naturally.This learning theory has become one of the important learning theories in western psychology.

There is a story about the great mathematician Gauss, which is also true.When he was 10 years old, the math teacher asked the students to add the numbers from 1 to 100 (that is, 1+2+3+,...,+100).The children who were older than Gauss counted and added up the numbers one by one with a dull head.Gauss was not in a hurry. After serious consideration, he calculated the number 5050 by using the method of finding the sum of the first n terms of the arithmetic series that he had never learned.Obviously, Gauss's thinking process is not to try directly after getting the problem, but to analyze the relationship between the purpose and the situation, resulting in an "epiphany".The Gestalt school believes that when people observe external things, what they see does not completely depend on the outside world, but there is a certain "field" power in the human brain, which organizes the stimulus into a certain "Gestalt".Thus it determines what kind of things people see, that is, "epiphany".

Just like the moment when Newton saw an apple fall to the ground, the moment when Archimedes jumped out of the bathtub... Since ancient times, there are too many masters who have come out of "epiphany".Even the most ordinary ordinary people often have some experiences like this: Encountered a difficult problem, thought for a long time but failed to solve it, suddenly, "aura" flashed, "Ah, so it is like this!".This is epiphany.

How does epiphany emerge, and does it have anything to do with language?
Einstein once said, "My thoughts do not come in the form of words. I seldom think in words. Once a thought comes, I may want to express it in words afterwards." His This sentence reminds us that language may not be needed when epiphany comes, or that creative thinking may not need to intervene in language.Scientists once did such an experiment, which was to give children a "brain teaser" problem: When a caterpillar wanted to cross the river, there was neither a boat nor anyone to help it, but then it passed smoothly. passed.What is the answer?The answer of many children is: the caterpillar turned into a butterfly and flew over.When the scientists asked the children what they thought of when they got the answer, the children said: "A butterfly appeared in my mind."

Is there a law for the emergence of epiphany?

Creative thinking is also a part of normal rational thinking, which is not miraculous, but compared with conventional thinking, it needs to mobilize more attention, or in other words, it is to transfer attention from the original direction to another direction.If you don't really care about this issue, the attention you mobilize may be very limited, and you may even be a little short of epiphany and you can't go beyond it; if it is something you really care about, for example, a boy wants to pursue For a girl, he may try his best to mobilize all minds to do this, that is, to have a persistent and unremitting exploration of the problem, which will play a positive role in the emergence of epiphany.

Epiphany is not a "special ability", but a common cognitive ability that everyone can have. So, is there any way for us to improve it?

1. Sufficient sleep.

In 2004, German scholar Wagner and others published a paper in the British "Nature" magazine, proving that sleep can promote the occurrence of epiphany.They compared the ability to solve problems through epiphanies between people who slept at night or those who didn't, and found that those who got enough sleep had higher epiphany abilities than those who didn't.Maintaining a clear mind and sharp thinking skills will help people to get out of the deadlock and gain an epiphany.

2. In a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

Research on children's creative thinking also shows that under conditions of greater stress and mental burden, children will often choose conventional thinking; while in a more relaxed environment, creative thinking and epiphanies will continue to emerge.This shows that a relaxed and pleasant learning and working atmosphere may be conducive to the generation of epiphany and creative thinking.

3. Epiphany also needs a triggering situation.

Paying attention to the combination of learning content and actively creating a corresponding learning environment is very beneficial for stimulating the feeling of epiphany.Moreover, epiphany is a completely personal experience, closely related to personal comprehension.

Psychology class:
1. To achieve epiphany learning, it is necessary to have the comprehensive function of the accumulation of the amount of thinking about the problem and the triggering of the external situation.

2. Don't give up at the beginning.Only by persevering can you experience the joy of "enlightenment".

Thinking patterns - if you don't learn to think, then you will never learn to think

Thinking is the human brain's generalized and indirect reflection of objective reality. It reflects the nature of things and the regular connections between things.Thinking, like perception, is the reflection of the human brain on objective reality.Thinking refers to the thinking activities of analyzing, synthesizing, reasoning, and judging one or more objects.

A philosopher once said such a philosophical sentence: "There is no shortage of capable people in this world, but people who can think."

All plans, goals, and achievements are products of thought.Why do some people achieve great things, while others remain mediocre all their lives?In fact, opportunities for success are everywhere, but it favors people who are good at thinking.Others have succeeded, but we have not. It is not that others are lucky, but that they are good at thinking, observe the world more, and think more about their own lives.

In fact, we all study and work together, and who is smarter or luckier than the other is not the biggest gap. The biggest gap lies in who thinks more, thinks deeply, and thinks right.A sudden epiphany is a kind of thinking. Sitting there silently meditating is a kind of thinking. Writing down and expressing what one reads and thinks is also a kind of thinking. If you keep thinking diligently, you will make great progress.

When most people look at outstanding people, they often only pay attention to their work results and brilliant performance, and seldom track and analyze their behavior habits.In other words, I just envy the more apples in other people's baskets, but I don't pay attention to how they get more.In fact, everyone has the ability to do their job well, but some people have not really grasped the true meaning of ability, and the outstanding ones have already made their shining footprints on the small road of thinking.They rely on their extraordinary thinking and ability to assess the situation to continuously create brilliance.

Mountains change with potential, water changes with time, and people change with thoughts.Napoleon once said that there are two most powerful things in the world, one is the sword and the other is thought.And thoughts are mightier than swords.

It is a common desire for all living beings in the vast world to improve their ability to survive and compete.So, what caused the level and strength of ability?The answer is also: "thinking".

Someone sold a piece of copper, and the asking price was as high as $28.Some reporters were very curious, and later learned that the original bidder was an artist.Either way, his asking price was undeniably sky-high for a piece of copper worth only $9.For this reason, he was invited into the TV station to tell people his truth.He believes that: a piece of copper is worth $9; if it is made into a door handle, its value will be increased to $21; if it is made into a monument, its value should be increased to $28.His idea impressed a financier on Wall Street. As a result, the piece of copper worth only $9 was made into a beautiful bronze statue, which became a monument to a successful person, and the final value increased to $30.The gap between $9 and $30 can be attributed to the crystallization of thinking and the embodiment of creativity, or the difference between the prices is the value of thinking and creativity.From this, it is not difficult for us to see how important thinking is to our work and life.In real life, people who are good at thinking about problems and changing their thinking can always win opportunities for themselves to let people discover their talents.

All the great achievements of human society are accomplished through repeated thinking, exploration and practice.If you pull back the curtain of history, you will find that all those who have the ability to create great achievements in ancient and modern China and abroad have gone through a lot of hard thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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