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Chapter 24 The Psychology of Knowledge-Deciphering the Code of Effective Learning

Chapter 24 The Psychology of Knowledge-Deciphering the Code of Effective Learning (2)
Einstein's special theory of relativity was established after "ten years of thinking".He said: "Learning knowledge requires thinking, thinking, and thinking again. This is how I became a scientist."

Mogel was silent for six years before he wrote a book and made a statement.During these six years, he focused on thinking and specialized in philosophy.Historians of philosophy believe that these six quiet years were actually the most productive thinking moments in Mogel's life.

Therefore, we must be good at thinking in life, and be diligent in thinking when encountering things, especially some problems that others cannot solve, we can solve them in a different way; we must muster up the courage to do things that others dare not do; Things, we have to work hard to think about and realize. "Only unexpected, nothing impossible", although this sentence is a bit exaggerated, but from a certain point of view, it also has a certain truth.There is no hurdle in this world that cannot be overcome, the key depends on how you walk.There is no knot in this world that cannot be untied, the key depends on how you untie it.People who are good at thinking will never be intimidated by difficulties. Even if there are many thorns ahead, they can overcome them; even if the road ahead is muddy, they can go through both wind and rain.

Thomas Edison said, "If you don't learn to think when you're young, you'll never learn to think."

Therefore, if young people want to become useful, they must learn to think independently.As the parents of children, they should also work hard to cultivate their independent thinking ability in their adolescents and children.Because there are many manifestations of being different, the most meaningful aspect of which is the ability to display and express unique ideas.

There are many things parents can do to encourage their teens to think for themselves, the simplest of which is to listen to their children narrate their own thoughts.Although a child's thoughts are often naive, childish and even ridiculous, we must suppress the desire to correct him, seize any interesting and reasonable arguments in his conversation, encourage him to "explain" deeply, and let him taste The joy of thinking increases the confidence of self-exploration.

Independent thinking requires creativity, and an effective way to cultivate creative thinking is to encourage children to make up stories and record them. "How to Be Smarter" is a book about children's intellectual development. The author, a well-known American expert on children's intellectual development, Jane Hailey, especially recommends this method. She believes that doing this is not only a language training for children, What's more important is to help children use their imagination and reasoning ability to reach unexpected conclusions.The specific method is to let the child make his own proposition, tell him that you are going to be his secretary, and then record it completely in his language without embellishing it.This kind of practice is a process full of fun, and children will be very happy to think that "so I can still create, and create such interesting 'thoughts'".This love of creativity and thinking will benefit children for life.Some well-known inventions come from the whimsical imagination of inventors when they were young.

Independent thinking requires fluent expression as support.Writing a book is naturally a way, but if you want to exert the influence of your own thoughts on things that are closer to reality, the ability and courage of oral expression are indispensable.

Psychologists specifically put forward the role of performance in enhancing people's self-confidence and freedom.Especially for those who are shy by nature and shy about showing their faces, participating in some amateur performance training and even performing on stage provides them with a good opportunity to enhance their self-confidence. While acting out the characters in the play, they can explore their inner emotions and thoughts. Exercise the ability to express yourself, and have the courage to stand on the stage and face the crowd.

Cultivating the ability to think should start when they are young, so that they can effectively lead them to the road to success.

Every child has different abilities, some have strong memory ability, some have strong memorization ability, some have strong oral expression ability, and some have strong comprehension ability, but no matter what kind of ability is strong, they need to think, so how to cultivate children's thinking ability .Here are some methods for reference:
1. Simple reasoning questions.

When children are still young, pay attention to often asking them some questions that require them to answer through simple reasoning and judgment.For example, parents can ask their children: "What will happen if I forget to turn off the tap and leave it running all night?"

2. Ask some difficult questions.

Parents or teachers can ask children some difficult problems for them to solve in real life.For example, let the child take the clothes from the hanger by himself, and then give the child some short poles and ropes, inspiring him to think of connecting bamboo poles to solve the problem.

3. Let the children learn to "debate".

Debate with children frequently, which can trigger children to think carefully and cultivate their agility of thinking.Argue with your child about a person or issue.This not only exercises children's thinking ability, but also improves their cognitive level of problems.

4. Learn to ask questions.

The level of questioning is closely related to the level of thinking.A well-posed question not only determines that the level of thinking must be at a higher level, making people think deeply and far, but also helps to innovate.Parents, in particular, should encourage their children to question some commonplace things. Even if children sometimes answer naively, parents should not simply deny it.

Such exercise opportunities are necessary to develop the independent ability of teenagers when they are young.Perhaps because of this theory as a basis, many good schools in the United States have acting classes, and various acting classes are also set up in the community for students to participate in after school.There are many parents who send their children to a summer camp in the United States. This is just a very ordinary summer camp.But its activities are very interesting.One of the things that interests many young children is acting classes.Through some simple performance skills, children's interest and confidence in self-expression can be trained. Performers can express their feelings freely in the loose stage norms, and add people's imagination and creation to the characters. They create learning opportunities not available in the classroom.

If you want to become talents, you must cultivate your own independent ability. Of course, this also requires parents to educate them from an early age.It is very necessary for every teenager and their parents.

How can a person who has no thinking consciousness be useful?
Confucius, a Chinese sage, said: "Learning without thinking will lead to death, and thinking without learning will lead to death."

Watt saw the water boil, and invented the first steam engine in his unremitting thinking.Newton saw the falling apple, and after much thinking and thinking, he discovered the law of universal gravitation.

The lives of Watt and Newton are wonderful because of thinking. "Life should leave some time for thinking", which tells the inner relationship between thinking and learning, thinking and work, thinking and life, and also shows the inevitable connection between thinking and life.Among all existences in the world, only human beings are good at continuously improving their own value through thinking.Whether you can think is also an important watershed for a person's success in life and career.

Life cannot be without thinking.

Thinking is a good habit, it inherits the essence, removes the dross, and breeds wisdom.Being good at thinking will definitely benefit you a lot.Because thinking can resolve the crux of contradictions, clear the rigid way of thinking, and make it clear, and build new thinking and ideas.At all times and in all over the world, those who achieve great things have developed the habit of diligent thinking.Thinking supported their lives.They also broaden their lives by thinking.

Psychology class:
1. Learning without thinking means nothing, thinking without learning means nothing.

2. The mind is the self-talk of the soul.

3. Thinking will guide action to success.Thinking has become a habit, action has become a habit, can success be far behind?
Repeated learning - all human nature and promise are not as powerful as habit
Repetitive learning is something that grows out of the environment, doing the same thing over and over again in the same way - over and over again - over and over and over again thinking about the same thing.And once a habit is formed, it's like a cement block hardened in a mold—it's hard to break.

The Jews called learning "repetition."Literally, it means reading, speaking, listening, practicing many times, and finally memorizing the entire content of the article.This resilience is universal among Jews.

This kind of resilience is not an innate quality, but developed in the Jewish way of life.Year after year, the Jews would eat a kind of tasteless bread for a whole week when their holidays came, to appreciate the feeling of hard work.After the meal, they also read scriptures to thank God for his gift.This tradition has been observed throughout the long history of the Jewish people.

Jewish children raised in this environment, even if they are not bright, will constantly practice and review to achieve an understanding of something.It is this enterprising zeal that distinguishes the Jew from other peoples.Inventor Thomas Edison said: "Genius is 90.00% inspiration plus [-]% [-] hard work." Most of the Jewish students have higher grades than the average person, and the important point is that they will not give up when they encounter setbacks in the middle. Spirit.

In 1988, 75 Nobel laureates gathered in Paris.Someone asked one of them: "Which university and laboratory did you learn the most important things you think?" Unexpectedly, the gray-haired scholar replied: "It was in kindergarten." He asked again: "What did you learn in kindergarten?" The scholar replied: "Distribute half of your own things to the children; don't take things that are not yours; put things neatly; wash your hands before meals and rest after lunch; I apologize; learning requires thinking and careful observation of nature. Fundamentally speaking, this is what I have learned.” The scholar’s ​​answer represented the general thinking of the participating scientists.To sum up the general opinion of scientists, they think that the most important thing they have learned throughout their life is the good habits that kindergarten teachers have cultivated for them.

Bacon is considered to be the founder of inductive logic, and he has made great achievements in his life. When he talked about habits, he said with deep emotion: "All nature and promises are not as powerful as habits." It can be seen that habits are tenacious, and it is not easy to correct bad habits. Good habits are not easy.Habit is a tenacious and huge force that can dominate a person's life. Therefore, people should cultivate a good habit through education from an early age.Connecting people and things in real life, after careful analysis, you will feel more and more that the scientist's words and Bacon's words do contain profound truths, especially when it comes to learning issues, which are applicable to almost everyone.If you are eager to get better academic performance, if you are eager to use time effectively, if you are eager to make achievements in academics, then please develop good study habits as soon as possible. Habits are the automation of behavior. Special volitional efforts do not require the monitoring of others, and act according to the rules under any circumstances.Habits, once formed, become a force that governs life.

In today's knowledge age with advanced information and increasing knowledge update speed, learning is very important to everyone.We should not understand learning in the sense of pure school learning. The scope of learning is extensive. Learning book knowledge is learning, learning social experience is learning, and understanding new information is also learning. Learning opportunities are everywhere. It depends on us. Is it grasped.Because, it is necessary to develop learning into a habit so that we can adapt to this era.

Psychologists have demonstrated that when a behavior is repeated a certain number of times, it becomes a habit.So habit formation requires repetition.Without this repeated patience, good habits will not be happy to take care of you.Statistical data of teaching research at home and abroad show that for the vast majority of students, 20% of learning is related to intellectual factors, and 80% is related to non-intellectual factors.Among the main non-intellectual factors such as confidence, will, habits, interests, and personality, habits occupy an important position.Those who have made achievements in academics in ancient and modern China and abroad.Both have good study habits. Darwin said that our life is as regular as a clockwork machine. When my life is over, I will stop in one place. Darwin said "rules" , It refers to good habits, of course, including study habits.When talking about the reasons for their excellent grades, the students in the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China with outstanding intelligence all emphasized that they have good study habits, and developing good study habits is conducive to the establishment of a stable physiological and psychological "dynamic stereotype".A habit is a regular behavior pattern formed by a person over a relatively long period of time, and once formed, it is difficult to change.Therefore, we should develop the habit of loving learning and cultivate learning as a habit so that we can make progress every day.

Kuang Heng of the Han Dynasty was very diligent and studious.Because his family is very poor, he has to work every day to earn money, and only at night can he study in peace.But he couldn't afford candles, and he couldn't read books when it got dark.Kuang Heng felt sorry for the wasted time, and felt very painful.Kuang Heng's neighbor's family is very rich. At night, candles are lit in several houses to brighten the house.Kuang Heng summoned up his courage one day and said to his neighbors, "I want to study at night, but I can't afford candles. Can I borrow an inch of your house?" Said: "Since poor people can't afford candles, why should they read books!" After hearing this, Kuang Heng was very angry, but he was more determined to read the book well.

When Kuang Heng returned home, he quietly cut a small hole in the wall, and the candlelight from the neighbor's house came through the hole.Taking advantage of the faint light, he read books eagerly, and gradually finished reading all the books at home.

After reading these books, Kuang Heng felt that the knowledge he had mastered was far from enough, and his desire to continue reading more books became more urgent.There is a big family nearby with a lot of books.One day, Kuang Heng rolled up his clothes and appeared in front of the rich man's house.He said to the master: "please take me home, I'll give you Baigan live without reward: just let me read all the books in your family." The master was moved by his spirit and agreed to his request to end.

Kuang Heng studied hard in this way, and later he became the prime minister of Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty and became a famous scholar in the Western Han Dynasty.

People's natures are similar, but their habits are different. Habits are formed slowly, and are easiest to form when you are young. Once formed, it is very difficult to change them.Therefore, we must develop the habit of learning from an early age and enrich ourselves.

A good habit is that the capital stored by the child will continue to increase in value, and the person will enjoy his interest throughout his life.Here are some ways to help develop a study habit:

1. Memory habits.

1 minute memory, linking memory with time, it also contains the habit of paying attention. How many words are written, how many words are read, and how many words are memorized in 1 minute. When the time is clear, the concentration must be good.Students' intelligence and attention are the most critical.Be sure to link learning tasks with time, and cultivate learning habits through 1-minute attention and memory.

2. The habit of "thinking"
"Think" is the habit of independent thinking.In modern families, the only child accounts for the vast majority, and most of them are too dependent. To let them grow up, parents must work hard to cultivate the habit of independent thinking in them.Parents can try to do this: don’t rush to ask for an answer after each question, leave enough time for children to think, let them have enough time to think independently about the questions raised by adults; if they really can’t think of it, parents can help them Find the information together to find the correct answer, so that children can experience this learning process and experience the joy of success at the same time.

3. The habit of "speaking"
"Speaking" refers to language expression ability, which includes answering teachers' questions, correcting other people's speeches and participating in group discussions, etc.No matter what the situation is, students are required to think first and then speak, and then speak after thinking, and gradually make the sentences complete, well-organized, coherent and smooth.

In the process of children's speaking, teachers and parents should pay attention to correcting children's wrong pronunciation and words, and teach them to speak long and short sentences, and control the speed of speech by demonstration methods, so that children can develop correct, orderly, Good habit of complete words.For those children who are timid and not good at expressing themselves, teachers and parents should actively guide them, give them a lot of praise and encouragement, so that children can speak out their ideas boldly; expressive ability.

4. The habit of reading.

Read Chinese and foreign masterpieces or biographies of great men, and have a dialogue with high-level thoughts, and insist on reading for half an hour to an hour every day.

5. The habit of writing.

Write a diary, if there are words, it will be long, if there are no words, it will be short, and develop a good habit of writing a diary every day.

6. Make a habit of planning.

Everything is forewarned is beneficial, not forewarned is useless.Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate the habit of planning in children.It will help in the process of growing up in the future, and everything likes to be carried out in a planned way.

7. Don't do big things, but do small things quickly.

This is also a very important habit.If you can't reach the big goal, quickly set a small goal.If you can't solve the difficult problems, choose the easy-to-do problems that suit you.The most terrifying thing in life is that you can't do big things, you can't do small things, you can't achieve high, you can't get low, you can go up, but you can't get down, you can afford to be rich, but you can't afford to be poor.So let children know "never say never" from an early age.

Time is life.Our lives are being consumed minute by minute, and we don't usually feel that, but when we think about it, it is worth being vigilant.We waste a lot of time every day without realizing it.If we can develop a habit of using our spare time to study, no matter how short it is, we will use it to do something beneficial to our body and mind, then we will eventually achieve something.

Good habits are intricate, "Don't do something small for something small."After the habit is formed, there will be no reluctance, and the situation will be calm and logical.Cultivating the habit of loving learning is something each of us must do.

Psychology class:
1. Cultivate learning into a habit, which will benefit you for life.

(End of this chapter)

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