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Chapter 6 Habit Psychology--Abandon Bad Habits and Quirks

Chapter 6 Habit Psychology—Abandon Bad Habits and Quirks (1)
In life, we can always meet some people who are different, either they go on a crazy diet to lose weight, or they refuse unspeakable temptations due to personality reasons, and form habits that cannot be controlled and changed. So, how are they? What about psychological problems?

Binge Eating Disorder--A Dangerous Psychological Disease
Bulimia is a disease of eating behavior disorder. It is called "bulimia nervosa" in medicine. Improper means of removing food that has been eaten.

Love to eat snacks is a common feature of many girls.In their spare time, they always like to take out bags and bags of various snacks and taste them with relish, chatting and chatting while eating, which is very comfortable.There are not a few girls who have this kind of hobby and occasionally take the opportunity to satisfy their appetite, and it doesn't hurt.However, if this kind of "hobby" is too much, grabbing things and stuffing them into your mouth all day long, or even overeating, it is a bit abnormal, especially when this kind of gluttony is linked to mood changes, you should Consider whether there is some kind of psychological disorder, suffering from bulimia.

Bulimia usually occurs during two of the most important periods of puberty development: the onset of puberty and the transition from late adolescence to early adulthood, especially the latter, what we commonly call "young adults", where women are more likely to suffer from binge eating disorder .At present, although there is no single factor that can be used as the main cause of this disease, it is obviously related to women's use of eating as a substitute for regulation and control in the face of family and social pressure. The wrong way to deal with stress.Of course, it has a lot to do with the way of thinking that the patient has formed over a long period of time, such as psychologically, too much attention to the relationship between body shape and success, and various dissatisfaction with his appearance.

Qin Rui has been chubby since she was a baby, but when she was in high school, she was still chubby and shy.Although her height is less than 170 centimeters, she weighed 80 kilograms when she was the fattest.

After graduating from high school, her pursuit of slimness and love of beauty prevailed, and she put it into action and began to pay attention to weight loss.When she was almost 20 years old, her weight loss results were obvious. She lost 30 kilograms, and she has a very beautiful figure. When she walks on the street, she often attracts the attention of many people, which also gives Qin Rui a lot of confidence in communicating with others. Xin, Qin Rui enjoys this kind of life very much.Later, in order not to gain weight, Qin Rui paid attention to his diet all the time. He was extremely afraid of getting fat for a long time, and gradually developed binge eating disorder. This will immediately lead to overeating behavior, and you can't control yourself to eat food crazily, and you can't stop until the abdominal distension is uncomfortable.Although she was temporarily satisfied after binge eating, the accompanying sense of guilt, self-blame, and anxiety out of control prompted her to use inappropriate methods (such as vomiting, abuse of laxatives, diuretics, dieting, or excessive strenuous exercise) to clear her body. Ingested food in an attempt to prevent weight gain.However, in terms of bodily functions, this cycle of eating and vomiting is very harmful to the body.Because the human heart needs electrolyte balance if it is to work normally, and vomiting will lead to electrolyte imbalance, resulting in irregular heartbeat, and finally heart disease.One night, when Terry vomited, the potassium levels got so low that he had a heart attack.When the ambulance arrived, her brain suffered fatal brain damage due to lack of oxygen for too long, and she eventually became a vegetative state lying on the bed and unable to move.

This is a true story of brain death caused by eating disorders. This story tells young female friends all the time that although appearance is important, it should not be paid for at any cost.While many eating disorders are treatable, they are not completely curable.So, be on the lookout for warning signs of an eating disorder.Terry's story is tragic, but it also serves as a wake-up call that eating disorders can have serious, sometimes fatal, consequences.

The fairy-tale marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Diana officially ended in 1996. Princess Diana has been troubled by Charles and Camilla's extramarital affairs, bulimia and depression after marriage, and has attempted suicide many times.

Presumably many people still remember the scene of Princess Diana being interviewed: the noble princess nodded slightly, her pale blue eyes raised upwards, revealing infinite melancholy, telling about the unhappy marriage and the pressure of royal life, making She fell into anorexia and gluttony for a long time, committed suicide many times, cut her wrists, and hit a cabinet... It was this grief that made the British unable to forgive their future king.

On the eve of the wedding, Diana was in a much better mood as she received a gift from Prince Charles.The gift was a ring with Charles' name engraved on it, and it came with an affectionate card that read: "I'll be so proud of you when you show up and I'll be waiting for you at church tomorrow. Take it easy in front of the audience , dare to face them squarely.”

The card did help to soothe Diana's uneasiness, but it could not quite calm the anguish that had been smoldering in her for months.That night, she ate a lot of food and fell ill.This is largely due to the tense life atmosphere and circumstances, but the gift exchange between the Crown Prince and Camilla is also a factor in her bulimia nervosa.The disease took a toll on her body in later years.

In Diana's future court life, although Diana was still slender, slim, graceful, and beautiful, she suffered from various psychological disorders due to conflicts, anxiety, pain, and depression.Therefore, she often eats a lot of food. Sometimes, she even sneaks into the kitchen to find food to fill her belly quickly, and these things have become a major feature of her personal life.

Food is something we touch every day.It can be a treat, or it can be a source of problems.In the above story, Princess Diana suffers from psychogenic binge eating disorder, often referred to simply as binge eating disorder, which is characterized by binge eating—the inability to eat a large amount of food in a short period of time.Then find a way to remove food calories and remove these foods.

Bulimia mostly occurs with women.When we hear the name of bulimia, it is easy to think of some women who are too fat to walk, but it is not the case.

Patients with binge eating disorder are not obese. Their weight is often within the normal range, maybe a little fatter, maybe a little thinner.It's just that their weight will fluctuate greatly. In a short period of time, their weight may fluctuate by four to seven kilograms.

Patients with binge eating disorder tend to feel anxious easily, and they are used to venting with food whenever they are anxious.At the same time, a patient with bulimia has low self-esteem and lacks confidence in herself. She will use her body to evaluate herself extremely.

So, how can binge eating disorder be overcome and treated?

1. Change the circumstances of your life.

Don't always put yourself in an environment with no supervision and lazy rhythm, keep yourself busy, divert your attention, live a rhythmic life, let yourself be enriched, and have no time to take care of food, or do not give yourself the opportunity to touch food .

2. Don’t allow yourself to be a hungry lunatic.

Even if you don't need to be hungry all day to lose weight, there are many ways to reduce your hunger, and there are many tricks to make a low-calorie diet rich and varied.Breakfast and lunch can be full, and if you are not hungry, you will not have the desire to overeat.Just skip dinner or eat less. After dinner time, you can go to the gym and do housework to divert your attention.

3. Cultivate good living habits and achieve a healthy and regular diet.

Psychology class:

1. Establish a correct diet and weight cognition concept.

2. Cultivate the habit of regular and quantitative meals for three meals.

3. Prepare low-calorie foods to replace high-calorie foods.

4. Avoid eating alone and not doing other things such as watching TV while eating.

5. Use other methods to divert the desire to eat during non-eating times.

Fetishism--the unspeakable temptation

A fetish is a symbolic fascination with a sexual object.A fetishist seeks sexual pleasure by fondling, sniffing, biting, or playing with an object.The object of love can be related to sex, such as hair, underwear, bra, etc., or it may be raincoat, sneakers, denim jacket, etc. that are less related to sex.

There is such a kind of people in life, they are dedicated to the personal items of the opposite sex, use various methods, even sacrifice their own reputation to steal to obtain the items they want, and get sexual psychological satisfaction from these items.This is unbelievable to ordinary people, but there are indeed people in society who feel pain and annoyance because of this disease.

Psychologists believe that these people who specialize in women's daily necessities are very different from ordinary thieves. They are essentially a sexual psychopathology, that is, fetishism.Most of the men who suffer from this psychological disorder do not achieve sexual satisfaction through sexual contact, but arouse sexual impulse and sexual satisfaction through contact with objects worn or worn by the opposite sex.They steal underwear, panties, bras, headscarves, stockings, etc. worn by women, touch them, and store them up.

When the "thief" is caught and his suitcases and cupboards are searched, a large number of these things will be found.If they want to investigate the motive of committing the crime, their explanation is that whenever they see this kind of clothing, they can't help but want to steal it, otherwise they can't relieve their psychological tension.They get pleasure from stealing and stroking clothes after stealing back, but they commit the same crime again and again, and they don't correct it after repeated admonition.And if you investigate their daily behavior, there is no other performance of moral corruption or insulting women.Apart from this behavior, it is generally difficult to draw conclusions of poor quality.

People with fetishes behave in the same way. Basically, they often repeatedly collect items used by the opposite sex, and use this item as the only means of sexual excitement and satisfaction.In order to satisfy their abnormal psychology and habits, they will do everything possible to collect objects of the opposite sex they prefer, even at the risk of stealing, ruining their reputation, and bleak future.If you can't get these things, you will feel anxious.However, fetish patients have no interest in the opposite sex themselves, and simply direct their sexual desire to objects. It doesn't matter who these objects belong to, but normal fetish psychology is the opposite, a kind of "love the house and the crow" psychology.

In fact, fetishism is just a habitual behavior. Their psychology before and after stealing fetishes is quite complicated and full of contradictions. Before they succeed, they often feel anxious, nervous and uneasy. Once they succeed, although their sexual psychology is satisfied , but often because of this behavior of hating oneself, there will be psychological conflicts such as self-blame, regret, depression, pain, and low self-esteem.Therefore, there is often the intention to reform, but there is no act of reform.

Hua Qingqiang was a junior college student. He was tall, handsome, and well-mannered. He was very popular with girls when he first came to school.Not long after entering the university, some bold girls began to look for opportunities to get in touch with him, but within a few days of getting along, those girls automatically quit his life because they learned about Hua Qingqiang's unknown "embarrassment" from the school. "act.

Hua Qingqiang is 21 years old this year. Since he was in junior high school, he has been very fond of hiding girls' personal items, such as bras, panties, stockings, etc. He was discovered by his classmates twice because of stealing girls' personal items, and reported to the school. Here, he was severely criticized and educated by school leaders and teachers.Since entering junior college, he has been hard to change his nature, and he is still obsessed with girls' intimate objects.One day, he sneaked into the girls' dormitory again and stole girls' personal belongings. After being discovered by the school, the school sent him to the security department and began to consider whether he was sick, so he notified his mother and asked her to take him to see a psychiatrist. , receive psychotherapy.

Accompanied by his mother, he came to the psychiatric clinic. The psychiatrist received him kindly, and with his trust and consent, asked in detail about various relevant situations including his family background and early experience.

From this, the psychiatrist learned that he was born in a peasant family. His father was a grumpy, alcoholic, and rude person. At home, he often scolded his mother for no reason. Whenever his mother failed to do something well, he would beat her up. Kick.His father's violent behavior left scars on Hua Qingqiang's young heart, making him timid, stubborn and introverted.When he was 14 years old, his mother ended their marriage because he could not bear his father's violence, and he lived with his mother.In Hua Qingqiang's heart, he hated his father, but loved his mother very much, and liked to play with girls since he was a child. When he was 16 years old, he went to play with his sister next door, but as soon as he stepped into his sister's house, he heard the sound of her sister taking a bath in the bathroom. Qiang suddenly felt an impulse from the bottom of his heart, feeling both nervous and novel.Outside the bathroom door, he saw his sister's pink bra, and secretly hid it in his pocket.After returning home, he locked his sister's bra in his own drawer and took it out to play with whenever he had time. Every time Hua Qingqiang felt particularly excited and satisfied.

After entering the university, once he passed by the girls' dormitory building and saw the underwear drying outside, he suddenly had an impulse in his heart, and quickly stepped forward to steal a pair of girls' underwear, and then he felt nervous and satisfied a feeling of.From then on, whenever he passed by the girls' dormitory building, he would involuntarily look for the underwear that was drying outside.Once I saw it, I was extremely nervous, my heart beat faster, and my thoughts were very vague. I just wanted to take away these shorts, bras, and stockings.I am satisfied when I get it, but if I can't get it, I am very anxious, nervous, and search everywhere irresistibly, just like being attracted by a magnet.

Hua Qingqiang knew that his behavior was ugly and shameless, and he was determined to change his past, and wrote many self-warning oaths, but whenever desires broke out, he couldn't help himself and couldn't control himself.Afterwards, they often fall into the deep pain of regret and self-blame.

Hua Qingqiang's behavior and psychology are "fetish" in psychology.Fetishism generally starts in adolescence, mostly males, and most patients are heterosexuals, but most of them are timid about sex life or have low sexual function, and rarely have aggressive or violent behaviors.Fetish patients often cause a lot of trouble and misfortune to themselves because of their abnormal behavior, but they cannot restrain their behavior, so they often feel great pain.

In this regard, how to treat and overcome fetishism?
1. Fetishists are generally very clear in their hearts that their behavior is abnormal. From the heart, they are not willing to behave like this at all, but they cannot control themselves.Therefore, it is not difficult to overcome fetishism. As long as you help them establish a firm determination and confidence to correct their abnormal behavior, they will gradually change.Let them fully understand not to feel inferior because their behaviors are difficult to correct and easy to relapse, to strengthen moral cultivation, take the initiative to participate in social interaction activities that are beneficial to physical and mental health, and less contact with situations and objects that are likely to cause sexual impulse and sexual provocation. Literary and artistic works and film and television programs with pornographic content.

2.As a parent or doctor, help them recall and describe their childhood living conditions and symptoms, causes and process of their development, and then help him analyze the root cause of the disease, analyze the relationship between his juvenile life events and future behavior, and explain normal psychological development to him It is a perverted sex life, a perverted and immature sexual psychology, and a very naive and stupid behavior.

3.Tell him that whenever he has a fetish idea, he should try his best to recall the blame, reviled and punishment he received because of the fetish in the past, and think about the future impact on his personal future, family and future generations.Through disgust associations, you can effectively control your fetish behavior.

Psychology class:
1. Fully imagine the consequences of fetish theft

2. Enrich your life, cultivate some hobbies, and try to avoid opportunities to contact with the opposite sex and pornographic videos

Electra complex - the result of lack of communication with the opposite sex
The Electra complex refers to a girl who is unable to achieve psychological separation from her father in the process of growing up. As a result, the relationship with her mother is alienated, and her normal communication with men of the same age and even her marriage and love are often seriously affected.

The "Dictionary of Psychology" edited by Zhu Zhixian explained the Electra plot in this way: "The daughter's complex emotions against her father. Freud put the little girl's affectionate focus on her father, and wanted to put her mother aside and replace her. The desire of her position, that is, the potential desire of 'love father and dislike mother', is called Electra complex." In fact, this term originated from ancient Greek mythology.According to legend, in ancient Greece, Princess Erikura murdered her father because her mother was with her lover.After she knew the truth, in order to avenge her father, she even killed her mother with her brother.But Freud used this to illustrate the characteristics of children's sexual psychology. He believed that the little girl's affectionate focus on her father had a subconscious desire to replace her mother, especially when she found that she had no male genitalia during sexual development. Complain and envy the mother's possession of the father's love, this is the "Electra complex".

(End of this chapter)

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