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Chapter 8 Habit Psychology--Abandon Bad Habits and Quirks

Chapter 8 Habit Psychology—Abandon Bad Habits and Quirks (3)
Cleanliness is a common and stubborn mental illness. In layman's terms, it means being too clean.Cleanliness addicts know that it is unnecessary to pay attention to hygiene, but they just can't control it. They live a very tense life, and their goal in life is to pay attention to hygiene. They are concerned about bacteria and viruses all day long, and have no time to take care of other things.

It is understandable for a person to love cleanliness and pay attention to hygiene, which is good for himself and others.But everything has a "degree". If it is too clean and pays too much attention to cleanliness so that it affects normal study, work and life, it is a cleanliness.Bacteria are everywhere and are constantly growing. It is impossible to completely eliminate them. Using the most powerful body wash and disinfectant will not help. Moreover, a large part of bacteria is not only harmless, but also beneficial to the body's metabolism. We Fungus, mushrooms and the like that are often eaten are also visible fungi.

Most of the cleanliness patients are women, which is related to women's inherent weakness and love of cleanliness.Most of the cleanliness patients are people with higher education levels, and even medical staff with professional knowledge cannot completely avoid it.The symptoms of cleanliness are similar. For example, many housewives like to keep their rooms spotless. The sheets and tablecloths must not have any wrinkles, the cabinet glass must not be stained with oil, and there is no strand of hair on the floor tiles. You must change your slippers before entering and leaving the house... …

In order to keep them tidy, they need to deal with a lot of tedious housework, which will take up a lot of their time, and naturally require the concerted maintenance of family members. They must pay attention to everything and every step of the way, so as not to damage the results of the cleaning.It is hard to imagine that after a tiring day at work, living in such a home would be very comfortable, unless it is a wealthy and leisure class. The old adage "If you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world" is still there. It is of course necessary to do a good job in personal and family hygiene, but everything must have a "degree". I don't know if it is worthwhile to spend a lot of time and energy on these details. ?
Aunt Chen is over 50 years old this year, but her cleanliness of her body has reached the point of being picky, and she has to wash her hands as soon as she holds something. Complete peeling, suffering from dermatitis.What's more serious is that after taking a shower every night, Aunt Zhang feels that any clothes she puts on will stain her skin, so she always goes to bed naked without any clothes on.Not only that, Aunt Zhang strongly urged her husband to do the same. If her husband refused, Aunt Chen would feel that her husband was dirty and refused to share the bed with him.My husband tried his best to persuade Aunt Chen, but he still couldn't get rid of Aunt Chen's stubborn thinking.In the end, her husband couldn't bear it anymore and asked the court for divorce. He said to the judge: "I think this kind of married life is an inhuman life."

In Chinese history, there is also a person who loves cleanliness like Aunt Chen. He is Ni Yunlin, a great painter in the early Ming Dynasty.The degree of his love for cleanliness has also reached the point of "breathtaking".According to historical records, his four treasures of study - pen, ink, paper and inkstone - were managed by two servants and cleaned at any time.He also ordered people to carry water to clean the sycamore tree in the courtyard every morning and evening.Once, a good friend of his came to visit him. Because the two had such a good talk, they forgot the time and could only stay at his home at night.He was very worried about his friend's stay. He was worried that his friend would dirty his house and he would not be able to sleep all night.In the middle of the night, he heard his friend cough, which made him anxious.When it was dawn, he ordered his servants to find out where his friend's sputum was.The servant searched every corner and found no trace of phlegm, and was afraid of being scolded, so he found a slightly dirty trace and called him to come over to look, saying that it was here.He glanced sideways, then closed his eyes in disgust, covered his nose, and told the servant to clean up quickly.

People with cleanliness seem to be very hygienic, but they don't feel happiness, they only feel tension and pain, they have no time to enjoy life, and spend most of their life on hygiene.In fact, they can also realize that there is no need to pay too much attention to hygiene, but they have strong anxiety and fear from their hearts, and they have to take certain actions to comfort themselves. Some doubts and associations cannot be shaken off.

Those who are obsessed with cleanliness should have a necessary understanding of the obsession with cleanliness and its consequences. If they are neglected and allowed to develop, they will gradually cause personality changes, easily become sensitive, stubborn, capricious, manic, hinder sleep and diet, and seriously affect work, life, In terms of health and interpersonal relationships, once you are bedridden due to illness and need to be taken care of by others, you will feel uncomfortable everywhere, and even lose self-control and violent abnormal actions will appear.Living with a person with serious cleanliness, the family members will not be able to bear it, and the patient himself will feel the pain, because they can perceive their own problems, but they cannot get rid of themselves. They live in long-term and chronic anxiety. Some people have committed suicide in order to seek relief.

Therefore, cleanliness is a kind of psychological disorder. In the final analysis, perfectionism is at work, and it is also a typical manifestation of obsessive-compulsive disorder.So, what should I do if I get cleanliness or have this tendency?Because cleanliness is a behavior pattern that has gradually formed over a long period of time, it will take a long time to form, and it will take a long time to get rid of it. We need to adjust their psychology and behavior and prescribe the right medicine to overcome them. Experts suggest that you can use the following methods:

1. Clarify the dangers of cleanliness.The pathogen of the disease is always present, and the human immune function can prevent the outbreak of the disease. Properly "dirty" can even help to improve immunity.Frequent washing of hands and clothes does not do much to prevent disease, because most pathogens cannot be killed by washing.In addition, even if you don't have other serious diseases, forcing yourself to "speak hygiene" is also a kind of mental illness.Moreover, being too nervous and anxious will also reduce people's immunity, allowing harmful germs to take advantage of it, which will endanger people's health.

2. It is a step-by-step habit of overcoming cleanliness.Cleanliness patients can write down the tension and fear they feel and the scenes one by one, and then start with easy things to control their behavior every day, and gradually reduce the frequency and time of washing hands.

3. Extreme impact therapy.When cleanliness patients use this therapy, relax their whole body, close their eyes lightly, and then apply various liquids on their hands, such as oil, ink, etc., and say some words to describe their dirty hands while applying them, until they can't stand it and die. until you open your eyes.When you open your eyes, you will find that your hands are not as dirty as you think.This will have a kind of ideological impact on myself, indicating that "dirty" comes more from my own ideas, which does not match the actual situation.

Psychology class:
1. Start with the easiest little things, such as reducing the number of times you wash your hands every day as much as possible.

2. Distract your attention, do more exercise, and don't let yourself have too much free time to think about hygiene issues.

Anorexia--the "side effect" caused by slim disease

Anorexia is a psychological disorder in which the patient intentionally causes the weight to drop below the normal physiological standard and tries to maintain this state. It is also called slim disease.

Xiao Sheng is a third-year student. Regarding weight, Xiao Sheng’s goal is 80 catties. But when he first entered college, Xiao Sheng’s weight was 96 catties. When he was a sophomore, the students around him were all trying to lose weight, thinking that the thinner they were The more beautiful she is, and Xiao Sheng is not a slim type, so she set a goal for herself, and her weight should be controlled within 80 catties.Perhaps it was from then on that Xiao Sheng began to consciously go on a diet. Every time he ate, he counted how many calories he ingested and how these calories were consumed. He looked in the mirror countless times a day to see how he looked in the mirror. In 2001, Xiao Sheng's father died unexpectedly in a car accident, and his mother was seriously injured and hospitalized. While suffering the pain of losing his father, Xiao Sheng also had to take care of his mother, let alone eat.While caring for her mother in the hospital, she nearly fainted several times from hunger.

So after a period of dieting, Xiao Sheng's weight dropped to more than 70 catties. Slimness is slim, but Xiao Sheng's health is in jeopardy. Sometimes she would faint when taking the bus. Menopause occurred for the first time, and the longest period was one year.

When Xiao Sheng was young, he lived with his grandmother. He loved singing, dancing and playing. Later, he returned to his parents. His father was a soldier, and he rarely saw him laughing. His mother was also very capable. The family was very strict. Xiao Sheng didn't like restraining her and suppressing her. Perhaps her character was completely distorted at that time.Sometimes, she feels that her parents are indifferent to her, and she feels alone, with no one to support her.In addition, she is a perfectionist, hoping to be perfect in everything, perhaps because of this, she fell into this vicious circle and couldn't extricate herself.

Xiao Sheng suffered from anorexia nervosa, which was caused by her pursuit of slimness.This form of anorexia nervosa can take a person's life when it is severe. In August 2006, 8-year-old model Luisel Ramos died on the catwalk. She died of heart failure caused by anorexia. die.In December of the same year, Reston, a skinny Brazilian model, died of complications from anorexia. In March 22, according to Hangzhou City Express, a beautiful girl in Hangzhou died of anorexia.The list goes on.

And what is anorexia nervosa?Anorexia nervosa, also known as anorexia nervosa, is a psychological disorder in which the patient intentionally causes the weight to drop below the normal physiological standard weight and tries to maintain this state.It is also called slender disease, which is the result of young girls' pursuit of beautiful lines and devil figures.More common in adolescent girls and young women.It is characterized by prolonged unexplained anorexia, marked weight loss, and amenorrhea.The age of onset is over 10 years old, mostly female adolescents. If not treated in time, it can lead to severe malnutrition, extreme exhaustion of the body, and affect the physical and mental health and development of adolescents.

How to tell if you have anorexia nervosa?The health manager of Shanghai Ciming Outpatient Department put forward the following aspects, which can help you make a judgment.

I regard losing weight as an essential habit in my life. Even though I am already very light and slim, I still talk about losing weight from time to time.The criteria for evaluating yourself are whether your body is curvaceous, whether you are overweight, extreme fear of obesity, and strong desire to lose weight.No matter how hungry you are, you force yourself to refuse to eat, or take laxatives after eating, or self-induce vomiting just after eating.Eat a lot of food in a short period of time, and then quickly excrete the food out of the body. In the long run, it will cause gastrointestinal failure, vomiting as soon as you eat, and unable to eat.Menstrual irregularities or interruptions occur.

These are the criteria for judging whether a person has anorexia nervosa. If you find that you have the above symptoms, it proves that you already have the precursor of anorexia nervosa.It may make you very nervous, but health management doctors tell you not to be too nervous. The following opinions can help you overcome these problems:

How to correct anorexia caused by non-disease factors?
1. Eat three regular meals a day, regular and quantitative, and properly control snacks.Regular eating habits must be developed so that the digestive system can "work" with ease.When it's time for dinner, the digestive system will be eager to eat, and then eat to replenish the body's energy.But it is unrealistic to never eat snacks. The key is not to eat too much snacks, not to crowd out the main meal, let alone replace the main meal.Snacks can't be eaten as you want, they should be arranged between or after meals, otherwise it will affect appetite.

2. Proper restraint on cold drinks and sweets.Cold drinks and sweets have a good taste and fragrance, and basically everyone loves to eat them. However, these two types of food affect appetite, and these two types of food have a strong satiety effect, which affects eating meals, so be restrained.

3. A reasonable mix of meat and vegetables in the diet.The nutrients needed for human activities depend on intake from food, but the needs for these nutrients are not equal. Some nutrients need more, and some need less, so you should understand this knowledge and pay attention to each nutrient. The ratio between, in order to achieve a balanced diet.

4. Properly supplement nutrition to change the malnutrition status.Because the impact of malnutrition on a person cannot be underestimated.If you do not eat for a long time, you will not only cause yourself malnutrition, but also make the gastrointestinal function extremely weak.Therefore, in order to overcome anorexia nervosa, eating can start with soft food, small and frequent meals, and gradually increase, instead of rushing for success.

Therefore, women should not blindly restrict their diet in pursuit of slimness. We should advocate scientific diet control, so as not to affect study and work, and cooperate with appropriate physical exercise to gradually enhance their physique.Vitality, health and nature are the "beauty of fashion" that girls should pursue.

Psychology class:
1. It is necessary to control weight, but not to lose weight blindly
2. Always pay attention to physical and mental health. You may not be willing to admit that you have anorexia at the beginning, but you cannot ignore the condition
(End of this chapter)

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