The Edge of Love and Pain: My Double Husband

Chapter 402 She can only be a woman

Chapter 402 She Can Just Be a Woman

She nodded, her hesitant expression fully showed that she still couldn't trust me, but she had no one else to turn to.After all, I've always been so weak, so uncertain, I really don't seem like a good helper.

But I must help her to the end in this matter, formally to save her, and internally, to "save" myself back then.

Fanyin and I also raised this matter yesterday, so today it is no longer difficult to speak.Doesn't he want a divorce?I'll discuss this first. If he can't do it, I'll find my adoptive father. If it doesn't work, I'll think about it again.There is still some time, maybe Fanyin will agree?
After talking about it, Xing Xing also asked: "Auntie, Dr. Shen said that there is a lot of blood on your bed, and that you refused to let her examine it."

"It's not much better." My quilt is dark, and I pointed it out to her: "Only this."

She looked at it, said "Oh", and said, "But how did this happen? Are you injured? Or is my father bullying you again?"

"No." I said, "It's just that you are here, help me up, I feel so sticky on my body, I want to wipe it off." In the morning, I found that my torn clothes had been taken off, probably because of Fanyin, I didn't even have new clothes next to my pillow, so I was ashamed to call a maid.

She immediately came to help me, and when I sat up, she immediately yelled.

I quickly explained: "I was too hot last night, so I took off my clothes."

"No!" She said in shock, "There's a lot of blood on the bed! You have it on your back too!"

I lifted the quilt and looked down, and found bloodstains on the bed, as well as the inside of the quilt, which had dried up.I must be bleeding, but I'm not on my period today, how can I bleed so much?

I was a little confused, and Xing Xing asked anxiously beside me: "Are you injured? Auntie? I'm going to call the doctor now..."

I quickly grabbed her: "Have you seen your father today?"

She shook her head: "I haven't seen him for several days."

"Oh." I said, "I'm fine, you help me to the bathroom, and then help me ask someone to make the bed."

She must have figured it out in her heart, stopped asking, helped me to the bathroom, and called again.After hanging up the phone, he said to me, "Let me wipe it for you."

"No," I said, "I want to be by myself for a while."

She opened her mouth and said nothing.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. If your father doesn't have time to talk to me recently, I'll go to my father directly and won't waste your time."

She nodded and said, "I'm not in a hurry."

"What's the matter? This expression?" I asked, "Scared?"

She bit her lip, lowered her head, hesitated for a while, and said, "Should I ask my dad? With so much blood, he must have been injured."

I shook my head: "Don't ask him, I'll ask him what's going on first."

She nodded and said, "Auntie..."

"What's the matter?" Such a tangled expression.

"My dad was hurt, will you forgive him for that?" she asked.

I asked, "What do you want?"

"I hope you don't forgive him."


"After I came back from the hospital, I kept avoiding Lin Zhunyi and never met him alone. The reason why I had this child was because he was injured that day to protect my father. I was a little worried, so I went to see him... "She whispered: "I don't know if he did it on purpose, but he took advantage of this opportunity. Although it was my father, I still feel... Auntie, don't think I'm cruel, I really feel that if You sympathized with my father, and it will not be good for yourself."

"You've really grown up," I said, "and much smarter than me."

She said: "My grandfather said that if you sympathize with a dog, you may get a pet, but if you sympathize with a wolf, you may only lose your life. Lin Zhunyi is a wolf."

"Your father is too." I said, "I asked you how you hope, because I was afraid that if I answered this way, you would feel sorry for your father."

She shook her head and said, "If he wasn't my father, I would never want to know him in my life."

Xingxing went out of course, because I didn't want to be seen by the maid.

I saw in the mirror that there was a lot of blood on my body, especially on my back, which had already dried up, so it was undoubtedly on Fanyin's body.

No wonder he was smoking in my room yesterday, so much blood, I would have smelled it yesterday.

But if you think like this, then he probably doesn't want me to know, but he got it all over the place by himself, and he didn't deal with it while I was asleep. Could it be that he wants me to ask?
I don't understand, but after tossing me so hard yesterday, I know that I will definitely not die. However, after all, if I want to talk about the stars, if I keep a straight face, he will definitely say that I am not qualified to talk about divorce.Therefore, I still have to take advantage of this to care about him and see his attitude before making plans.

After cleaning up, the maid opened the skylight on the roof so that the sun could shine on the bed.

I lay down again, typed for a while, then picked up the phone and dialed Fanyin's number.

After calling for a long time, he finally picked it up and said, "Lingling?"

"Yeah." I said, "Are you home?"

"No." He only answered without asking questions.

"Oh." I said, "Are you injured? Is it serious?"

He didn't speak.

I didn't say anything, waiting for his answer.

It took him a while to say, "No."

"Then why is there so much blood on my bed?"

"Ghost knows." His tone became irritable: "Is there anything else?"

"When are you going home?" I asked, "I have something to talk to you about."

"what's up?"

"I'll talk to you when I come back."

"I don't have time to go back today."

"What about tomorrow?"

"No time."

"What about the day after tomorrow?"

"No time." He said, "It's okay, I'll hang up."

"Then hang up." I said, "Psychopathy."

He hung up the phone with a bang.

I tried to call my foster father, but couldn't get through.

I had to contact my adoptive father, so I called Fanyin again, but it took him a long time to answer, and he was even more irritable: "What are you doing?!"

"I want to call my dad." I said, "Chat with Niannian."


"Why not?" I asked, "What are you doing?"

"Don't think I don't know what you want to do." His tone was more severe: "She is my daughter, and how I arrange it is my business. Since you are going to get a divorce, don't get involved in my housework. Understandable Is it?"

I said, "If you will talk to me about this, the divorce will be discussed."

He smiled coldly: "I won't talk about this with you, and you don't have to discuss the divorce either."

I was a little anxious: "Fanyin, are you sick?"

"Yes!" He started to get nervous: "Psychopathy!"

"It was fine last night, and you kept begging me so much, why do you change your face now?" I asked, "What exactly do you want to do? Don't go crazy while saving face, okay?"

"Last night?" He said angrily, "You still have the face to mention last night? Is it okay for you to start snoring in the middle of what I said?"


Did he talk that long?
I said, "You know I'm not feeling well, and you still bully me. Is it normal for me to be tired?"

"Am I comfortable?" He insisted, "Since you can see blood, why didn't you ask last night? You didn't smell it last night, so why didn't you ask this morning? See for yourself what time it is in the afternoon! What? Xing Xing went to you and wanted to participate in this matter, so he pretended to care about this matter, right?"


I said, "I thought it was my blood yesterday."

He bared coldly, "I didn't miscarry you."

It seems that I didn't care enough in time?

I couldn't figure it out either, so I didn't speak.

After a while, he opened his mouth again: "Is there anything else?"

"Now that you've said that, I won't pretend to care." I said, "I want to tell you about the stars."

Sure enough, he said, "That's my daughter and has nothing to do with you."

"Even if she is your daughter, she still has a personality and is an independent person." I said, "It's not someone you can manipulate."

"Oh?" He asked, "Su Lingyu, don't you want her to have a miscarriage?"

"Her own wish is to have an abortion." I said, "In her heart, Lin Zhunyi is a rapist, not someone she wants to have a child with. You are too. How can you marry your daughter to a rapist?"

"The problem is that the father doesn't agree to the abortion," he said. "It needs to be discussed between the two of them."

What the hell idea!It is sophistry!
I said: "Lin Zhunyi wants this child just to ensure that they can get married, how could he be willing? How can you force her to have a child if the stars don't agree?"

He laughed again, "Su Lingyu."


"In those few years, you kept talking about your son to me, thinking that I kicked him to death." Fan Yin said, "What? Now that the father agrees and the mother disagrees, you can have an abortion?"

I said: "But you still kicked to death. Besides, it is the stars who give birth to children, and the stars are the ones who suffer. I really don't understand whose father you are, and why you don't turn to your daughter? Do you think that giving birth to children is special? Easy? Do you think there is no risk or pain? Have you never seen me give birth? Do you know that your daughter may die on the delivery bed?"

He was silent for a long while, and his tone became more gentle, "Lingling, Xingxing's condition is very bad, and with this past, I'm afraid she won't be able to get married. And she had a medical examination before she came back, her body is not easy to conceive, The environment of the uterus is not good. I didn’t say that I would marry her to Lin Zhunyi, but if she has another miscarriage, I’m afraid she won’t be able to have any more children.”

I asked, "Why are you doing this kind of examination for her?"

"She was amenorrhea when she was about to be discharged from the hospital," he said. "The doctor thought she was pregnant and checked her."

I said, "I heard from Dr. Shen about this matter, but I talked to Xing Xing, and she was very firm."

"She doesn't know anything now, of course she is determined." He said, "It will be too late when she wants a child but can't."

"I don't think she doesn't understand anything, she made it very clear to me. She has never been happy, and she doesn't want to have another unhappy child. The one thing I feel most ashamed of Niannian and Yinyin is that they gave birth to They, because I was stupid before giving birth to them, I thought the word mother just gave birth to the child. But now you look at how they grow up, they are not happy, and I am also locked by the child, unable to leave This life is making me miserable. I could have made it worse." I said, "Not every woman has to be a wife and mother, she can just be a woman. As long as she understands the pros and cons, she has the right Refuse to enter the role of wife and mother, you can't force any woman to be a daughter-in-law, and you can't force any woman to be a mother, because it is not you who suffer, it is not you who suffer, and it is not you who may die! Lin Zhunyi is an outsider. What he did was to use your daughter as a tool to vent his desires. He is not her lover at all! Every father in this world wants his daughter to live well. How can you be so confused that you force your daughter to rape her? guilty child?"

(End of this chapter)

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