Life management lessons of choice and abandonment

Chapter 10 The most difficult thing in life is the choice

Chapter 10 The most difficult thing in life is the choice (1)
To be successful in life, we must exercise our freedom to choose.

—Bob Moore

Every Trauma Is a Maturity

When Bill Gates talked about his successful experience, he said: "My success lies in my choice. If there is any secret, it is still two words-'choice'." If you want to be among the crowd Stand out, if you want to realize your life value and life dream, then you have to learn to choose.There will be many good opportunities in a person's life, but the opportunities are not given by God, but created and chosen by oneself.

In the women's table tennis final of the Beijing Olympic Games, Zhang Yining won the championship and Wang Nan won the runner-up.Veteran Wang Nan drew a perfect end to his Olympic journey with a silver medal.After the game, the intimate scene between Wang Nan and her husband touched countless sons and daughters of China.

In the 14 years of the national table tennis team, Wang Nan won four Olympic champions and as many as 24 world champions. In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Wang Nan won the women's doubles championship, but unfortunately missed the singles gold medal.After the Athens Olympics, Wang Nan's skills have declined. Many people have doubts about whether Wang Nan will continue to participate in the Beijing Olympics.More importantly, the Chinese women's table tennis team has a large number of newcomers, and the pressure on veteran Wang Nan can be imagined.But Wang Nan never gave up, persisted in training, and continued to improve herself after the Athens Olympics, and finally qualified for the Beijing Olympics. During the Beijing Olympics, she passed all the way and reached the finals, setting a new record for the Chinese women's table tennis team championship. A lot of credit has been paid.

However, in 2005, Wang Nan unfortunately got thyroid cancer.During the preparations for the Beijing Olympics, Wang Nan had to treat his illness without delaying the training for the Beijing Olympics. It can be imagined that the road was difficult.To borrow the words of Wang Nan's coach Shi Zhihao, no one can bear the hardships Wang Nan has experienced.Fortunately, however, Wang Nan's thyroid cancer had been cured before she participated in the Beijing Olympics, and Wang Nan also used her performance to let people witness her powerful strength again.

Destiny always likes to torture people, but Wang Nan still insisted on her choice—to go all the way to participate in the Beijing Olympics, and with her own efforts, she won the runner-up in the table tennis final.It can be seen that fate is in your own hands. No matter what card God sends you, your fate must be chosen by yourself.

To choose your destiny is to conquer yourself.Life is a choice, everyone has experienced it, but because everyone chooses differently, they have different life paths.This fork in the difference lies in whether you can overcome yourself and be the master of your destiny.Those who cannot defeat themselves are not defeated by fate, but by themselves.

To choose destiny is to work hard to overcome problems and solve problems.The reason why happy people have more happiness than other people is because they know that life will never be completely in God's control and they don't spend too long on "why is life so unfair to me" Instead of entanglement, try to think of a solution to the problem.

The more options, the further you want
Life is like this, while choosing what to hold on to, you also have to let go of something.If you can't choose to let go, your life will become extremely heavy.If we can't let go, we can't choose, or we choose an unfavorable one hastily, and regret it because of it.

Scientists once did a series of experiments, one of which asked a group of testees to choose what they wanted to buy from 6 kinds of chocolate, and another group of testees to choose from 30 kinds of chocolate.As a result, more people in the latter group felt that the selected chocolate was not very tasty, and they regretted their choice a bit.


Why can't you get what you want when there are more options?
More choices mean that a dazzling array of desires shines in front of your eyes, dazzles your eyes, and dazzles your heart.At this moment, if you don't know how to let go, you can't choose.Sometimes, life is a big fire, and the only thing each of us can do is to rescue a little more from the fire, instead of choosing which is the most expensive and which is the most beautiful.

The more choices you have, the more you will test your ability to let go.When you can let go of everything and be simple and calm, the low point in your life is over.Sometimes we need to make choices in life, but what is the most difficult to give up, is it a morality or a relationship?Why can't some things be abandoned and sacrificed to obtain other eternities?In the journey of life, there are mountains and waters, wind and rain, and there are gains and losses.Only by understanding that letting go is also a choice can we have a peaceful and peaceful state of mind and live a calm and relaxed life.

When there are many roads in life in front of you, don't hesitate too much, just choose the one you think is the most suitable.

Listen to the opinions of the majority, discuss with the minority, and make your own decisions

In the arena of life, no matter how excellent and qualified a person is, if he fails to make key choices, it will be difficult to achieve success in his career.As the writer Liu Qing said: "The road of life is very long, but there are often only a few steps at the critical point." Many people are not lacking in confidence, ability, and intelligence, but they have not taken the key steps well, and they have not embarked on the road to success. way.A wrong choice may also "a misstep will cause eternal hatred".

If you choose the wrong entrance of life, you will usher in a lifetime of pain.In real life, it is difficult for a person to predict his own future destiny, but he cannot passively follow the trend and let fate dictate it.Instead, keep your eyes open to see the current situation and choose carefully, so that you can take the key dance steps on the stage of your life well.

Although Liu Bang once "thought that (Han) Xin was late" and appointed him as a general, Liu Bang never treated Han Xin as a confidant like he believed and relied on Xiao He and Zhang Liang, because Han Xin was always keen to occupy one side and seal the king and land.

After Liu Bang had stabilized his country, he couldn't help being very worried when he saw that Han Xin held great power and won the hearts of the army.He entertained his ministers, and was also worried when faced with congratulations from his ministers.Zhang Liang looked at his words and realized that Liu Bang was afraid that people with high merit would be difficult to control in the future, so he said to Han Xin in private: "Do you remember the story of Gou Jian killing Wenzhong? Since ancient times, one can only share adversity with the monarch, but not share wealth with him." .A lesson from the past, a guide for the future! We must take care of ourselves."

Although Han Xin thought Zhang Liang's words were reasonable, he still had illusions about Liu Bang: he had saved Liu Bang's life.But soon, Liu Bang took advantage of his wife Lu Hou to lift Han Xin's military power and kill him.

Han Xin made a mistake because he did not understand current affairs and made a wrong choice.People live in a complex society, with intricate interpersonal relationships and unpredictable changes in the world. Only by adapting to the current situation and waiting for opportunities can we gain a foothold in society.At every critical moment in life, use your wisdom prudently, make the most correct judgment, and choose the right direction that belongs to you.

Success is neither a complete acceptance nor a total abandonment, but the ability to correct one's goals and actions in time when changes occur at critical moments, and to take a few key steps well.At critical moments, it is necessary to calmly make the right choice with an open mind.

The road of life is long, but there are only a few key steps. If you are dyed in the blue, you will be green, and if you are dyed in yellow, you will be yellow. If you choose the right one, you will be able to get twice the result with half the effort, and you will be able to sail directly to the sea!
Maybe we can't decide the beginning of the story, but we can decide the ending of the story
There is a [-]th-century church relic in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. There is such an unforgettable inscription in it: "It must be so, there is no choice." Many times, it is limited to profession and life, and the job you choose may not be Many, maybe even waiting for the job to choose you.When you can't choose what to do, at least you can choose how to do it.

Ms. Ren Xiaoping, former vice president of the Beijing Foreign Affairs University, said that in her career, every step was arranged by the organization, and she had no autonomy.But in every position, she also has her own choice, which is to do better than others.

After graduating from university, she was assigned to the British embassy as an operator.Being a small operator is a job that many people think is worthless.However, Ren Xiaoping memorized the names, phone numbers, scope of work and even the names of their family members of all the embassy members by heart.Some calls came in, and she didn't know who to call for something, so she would ask more and try to help him find the right person.Gradually, the staff of the embassy went out, and instead of telling their translators, they called her and told her who would call and what to forward. There were many official and private matters that she was entrusted to inform. Ren Xiaoping became the overall responsible message Point, big secretary.

One day, the ambassador went to the telephone booth and praised her with a smile.

The newspaper's chief reporter is a well-known old lady who has won a field medal and was awarded a lord. She has great ability and temper.Drive the former translator away.At the beginning, they didn't want Ren Xiaoping, because they looked down on her resources.Later, I reluctantly agreed to give it a try.A year later, the old lady often said to others: "My translation is ten times better than yours".Soon after, Ren Xiaoping, who did a good job, was transferred to the U.S. Liaison Office in China as an exception. She also did a good job and was awarded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

When a person cannot choose to work, she can still choose: choose to do well, or choose to muddle along.In the same job position, some people are dedicated and responsible, pay more and gain more; some people have a nonchalant work attitude, so it is difficult to do any job well.In the workplace, there is no lifelong employment relationship. If your development cannot keep up with the development of your career, then you will become dispensable to the company.

Once you are engaged in a certain profession, you must be responsible and dedicated, love what you do, keep your spirits up in your work, constantly encourage yourself, train yourself, control yourself, and keep moving forward.Ability training is far more important than salary. The existence of the company provides more opportunities for your ability improvement and career development.The creative ability, decision-making ability and keen insight of many outstanding managers are not innate, but learned and accumulated in long-term work.Only by choosing to do a good job can we achieve an infinitely possible future for ourselves.

Work may have no choice, but you have unlimited possibilities.

Burst of energy in adversity

Choice determines the destiny of life.If you choose correctly, the efforts you put in will have beautiful results.Perhaps only when you are faced with a difficult situation will you discover the potential power of choice.

A group of migrating bison was suddenly attacked by several ferocious cheetahs.The herd of cows, who were still at ease just now, suddenly ran around in panic like wasps whose nest had exploded, avoiding the cheetahs and escaping death.The bison were knocked down while running, and they didn't fight, and even the struggle was so weak. They just wailed a few times, and they became the food of the cheetahs.

Suddenly, a seemingly weak bison turned suddenly at the moment when it was about to be overtaken by the cheetah. On the ground, a thick cloud of dust immediately rose around the body, like the waves of an exploding bomb.At the critical moment of life and death, the little bison stopped.

The little buffalo that stopped abruptly, not only was not intimidated by the cheetah, but turned around, lowered its head angrily, then raised its pair of sharp and hard horns on top of its head, and slammed into the charging cheetah.Before the mighty cheetah could see clearly what was happening in front of it, it was pushed against its body by the horns of the little buffalo, pierced into its stomach, kicked up high, and thrown into the air.

Suddenly, the situation took a turn for the worse. The fleeing bison were still running desperately, but the other cheetahs were stunned first, and then turned around and ran away.

It is much more useful to choose to look back and fight hard to overcome the difficulties you face than to run away blindly.There are more difficulties in life than happiness, and more suffering in life than enjoyment.The tragedy of life is not to choose.Only by relying on one's own choice can one control one's own destiny; only by making the right choice can one have a successful life.

(End of this chapter)

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