Life management lessons of choice and abandonment

Chapter 9 If you want to take it, you must first give it

Chapter 9 If you want to take it, you must first give it (2)
Giving is a kind of dedication and a manifestation of love.

The best satisfaction is to satisfy others
With money and success, maybe you won't be happy yet.But as long as you learn to give and give, you can add value to your life.A foreign writer once wrote such an article:
There are two seas in Palestine, one is fresh water, with fish in it, called the Sea of ​​Galilee.The Jordan River, which flows down from the mountains, has made this sea with splashing waves.It sings in the sun, men build houses around it, birds build their nests in the thick foliage, and every creature is happy in it.

The Jordan River flows south into another sea.There is no fish here, no leaves, no birds singing, no children laughing.Unless there is an emergency, the traveler always chooses another route.The air on the surface of the water here is heavy, and no animal is willing to drink water here.

These two seas are next to each other, why are they so different?

The difference is this: the Sea of ​​Galilee accepts the Jordan River, but never holds on to it. For every drop that flows in, another drop flows out. Receiving and giving go hand in hand.

The other sea is very shrewd. It collects every income miserly, never giving in to the impulse of generosity, and every drop of water it can only get in and out.

Galilei is generous and lively, while the other one never gives.

The other sea is the Dead Sea.

Two seas, two kinds of people, two different outlooks on the world.Different concepts determine whether your life is a sea of ​​happiness or a sea of ​​darkness.This is how life is, when you give, your life will be happy and sublimated because of your giving, and what you get is the extension and value-added of life; when you only know how to accept, your life will become a dead sea, without any worries. There is no life to speak of.

If a person gives help and encouragement to others, not only will he not lose, but he will gain something.Pay more, and you will understand more and more the meaning of paying a little more.

Mother Yang planted a chrysanthemum in the yard.

Three years later, in the autumn, the small yard turned into a chrysanthemum garden, surrounded by golden and yellow flowers, and the whole small mountain village exudes a strong fragrance.

Mother Yang kept the courtyard door open all day, and when she saw the neighbors passing by, she warmly greeted or invited them to come in and sit by the door, so that the chrysanthemums all over the courtyard could attract more attention.

As a result, the small mountain village seemed to become more beautiful in autumn, and a golden smile shone on Yang's mother's face.

Finally, someone asked Mama Yang for some flowers to plant in her yard, and Mama Yang agreed.She personally picked the freshest trees with the thickest branches and leaves, dug out the roots and sent them to other people's homes.The news spread quickly, and people came to ask for flowers one after another.In the eyes of Yang's mother, each of these people is more intimate and closer to each other, and they all have to be given.In a few days, all the chrysanthemums in the courtyard were wiped out.

Without chrysanthemums, the yard is as lonely as without sunshine.

On the last dusk of autumn, Mama Yang's daughter accompanied her for a walk in the yard.Missing the chrysanthemums all over the courtyard, the little girl couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Mother Yang gently took her daughter's hand and comforted her: "It's so good, there will be a village of chrysanthemums in three years' time!"

A village of chrysanthemums!
The little girl couldn't help feeling hot, and looked at her mother again, her white hair had increased a lot, and the wrinkles on her face were like petals of chrysanthemums, which were vivid and moving.

"It's better to be happy alone than to be happy together." The chrysanthemum fragrance in a courtyard is not as good as the chrysanthemum fragrance in a village.When we have good things, we don’t close the door to enjoy them alone, but invite others to share and give good things to everyone. What kind of sentiment is this?Although Yang's mother has become nothing on the surface, in fact, her heart is already full of the joy of sharing, which is incomparable to any form of possession!
"Our life is created by our thoughts", knowing how to give, and pursuing a better life, even if we can't make everyone's world better, at least we can make our own world better.

Learning to give is a kind of wisdom in life and a way of happiness.

Extend your helping hand, there will be rewarding surprises waiting for you

In life, when you encounter difficulties, whether you know them or you don't know them, extend your helping hand.You will have an invisible return.

In the second year of Lu Xuangong (607 BC), Xuanzi was hunting in Shouyang Mountain (now southeast of Yongji County, Shanxi Province) and lived in Yisang.Seeing a man who was very hungry, he went to inquire about his condition.

The man said, "I haven't eaten for three days." Xuanzi gave him food, but he kept half of it.

Xuanzi asked him why, and he said: "I have been away from home for three years. I don't know if my mother is still alive. Now I am very close to home. Please let me give her the food I left behind."

Xuanzi asked him to finish the food, and prepared a basket of rice and meat for him.

Later, Ling Zhe became a warrior of Jin Linggong.Once, Linggong wanted to kill Xuanzi, and the spirits turned against Jin Linggong's men in the fight, so that Xuanzi could escape.

Xuanzi asked him why he did this, and he replied, "I am the hungry man in Yisang."

The world is so magical.Maybe Xuanzi didn't expect that the kindness to Ling Zhe back then would save his life.If you want to get it, you must give it first, and giving it in a timely manner is better than building a seven-level pagoda.Helping others is a virtue.Extending your helping hand may sacrifice your own interests, but the process of reaching out to help others proves your worth.As the saying goes, if you teach someone, you will reward him with a gift. Sometimes helping others unintentionally can lead to unexpected gains.

Living in social groups, people need to help each other.Maybe one day, you need someone to lend a helping hand to you too.Sending charcoal in the snow is more touching than icing on the cake. To lend a helping hand at the right time is to create more opportunities for yourself.

Stretch out your hand to the humble - praise them; Stretch out your hand to the arrogant - exhort them; Give a helping hand and you'll have a friend, a blessing to give.

Giving to others is equivalent to giving to yourself.Stretch out your hand, and don't stand idly by while you are able to help others.

Tear down the "walls" of the mind and sow the seeds of giving

Romain Rolland said: "Happiness and happiness cannot depend on external material and vanity, but on your inner nobility and integrity." Learn to give and give, and you will feel the joy and satisfaction of sacrificing yourself for others without asking for anything in return.On the contrary, your life will be bleak.

Lina is a wealthy lady in the United States. She built a garden outside Atlanta.The garden is so big and beautiful that it attracts many tourists, who have no scruples to go to Mrs. Lina's garden to play.

Young people danced cheerfully on the grassy lawn; children plunged into the flowers to catch butterflies; old people squatted by the pond to fish; some even set up tents in the garden, intending to spend their romantic holiday Midsummer night.Lina stood in front of the window, looking at this group of people who were so happy that they were singing, dancing and laughing heartily in her garden.The more she looked at it, the more angry she was, so she asked the servant to hang a sign outside the garden gate, which read: Private garden, please do not enter without permission.But it didn't work at all, and those people went into the garden in groups to play.Lina had to send her servants to stop it, and there was a dispute, and someone knocked down the garden fence.

Later, Lina came up with a brilliant idea. She asked the servants to take down the sign outside the garden gate and replace it with a new one, which said: Welcome to come here to play. In particular, remind everyone that there is a poisonous snake in the grass in the garden.If anyone is accidentally bitten by a snake, please take emergency treatment measures within half an hour, otherwise life will be lost.Finally, let me tell you that the nearest hospital is in Weir Town, about 50 minutes' drive away.

This is really a wonderful idea. After seeing this sign, those fun-loving tourists are discouraged from this beautiful garden.But a few years later, someone went to Lina's garden again, but found that because the garden was too big and there were too few people walking around, it was really overgrown with weeds and poisonous snakes, and it was almost deserted.Lonely and lonely Lina guards her big garden, and misses those happy tourists who once came to her garden to play.

Building a "fence wall" for yourself will only isolate others and lonely yourself.Confining oneself in a narrow circle, the result is that while closing oneself, it also isolates happiness and happiness outside.

Everyone has a beautiful big garden in their hearts. If you contribute your own garden, other people's flower seeds will also fall in our garden, and other people's happiness will also be shared with us.You must know that happiness is like perfume. When you pour it on others, you will also be fragrant and charming.

Even if you have mountains of gold and silver, the highest honor, and admirable love, you may not be satisfied.Satisfaction is the highest state of life without seeking. With a heart of kindness, you can generously donate money even when strangers encounter difficulties. Only by learning to give and give can you reach this state.When people live in this world, there is nothing better than being happy and cheerful.

Sow the seeds of giving, and you will feel the joy and satisfaction of giving yourself to others.

(End of this chapter)

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