Life management lessons of choice and abandonment

Chapter 8 If you want to take it, you must first give it

Chapter 8 If you want to take it, you must first give it (1)
To have a garden of harmony, you must first plant a flower of dedication.

Happiness can't flow into your life without giving
As the saying goes: "Give someone a rose, and leave a lingering fragrance in your hand." A person who is willing to give is welcomed by others.On the contrary, those who don't know how to give will arouse the resentment of others with every move.Learning to give is the embodiment of good human nature, and it is also a way of wisdom and happiness in life.

After Master Xingyun attained Buddhist teachings, many people came to visit him.One day, a rich man complained to the master: "I was born rich, and the money my parents left me would last for several lifetimes. Why can't I feel the slightest happiness?"

Master Hsing Yun asked, "Where does your money go?"

The rich say, "Invest and expand my business."

Master Xingyun asked, "Is that all?"

The rich man nodded and said, "Yes."

Master Hsing Yun said with a smile: "There is a story in the Buddhist scriptures. It is said that two people who were about to reincarnate were summoned before the Buddha. The Buddha said: 'One of you is to be a taker, and the other It is to be a person who gives, how do you choose?' The first person thinks that taking can sit back and reap the rewards, and he is very comfortable. So he rushes to say that he wants to live a life of taking. The other person has no other choice, so he has to be a giving The Buddha fulfilled the choices of the two. The first person became a beggar in the afterlife, asking for and receiving charity from others all day long; the second person became a rich man, giving charity and giving to others.

The first person is often confused because of being rejected when asking, and always faces unspeakable pressure every time he begs.The second person feels incomparable happiness when he is doing good deeds.

This story teaches us to be a giver.If you know how to give, you will always have something to give; if you are greedy to take, you will always have something to ask for.The more you give, the more you receive; the more you take, the less you receive.Happiness cannot flow into your life without giving. "

Learn to give, and give yourself a good relationship and a harmonious living and working environment.We get far more than we share.Learn to give and give, and you will feel the joy of not asking for it.Kind "karma" is a kind of reward from the grateful beneficiary to the beneficiary.When facing the gains and losses in life, we should not be too short-sighted and not too narrow-minded.Helping others is helping ourselves, and when we pay for others, we experience the happiness and abundance of life.Learning to share is actually a wise and foolish "long-term investment", which is conducive to enhancing our image, improving our living environment, and is more conducive to our foothold and development in this humane society.The more help and encouragement one gives to others, the more one gains from others.

The power of devotion has always moved our hearts, and our hearts soaked in it, and we can't help but learn a kind of warmth and transparency, and the dust that was originally covered has been washed away without a trace.Open your heart to love, and let it be as fragrant as a rose.

Doing good deeds to others can often reap richer returns from others.

Only by opening your mind can you open your own sky

In a person's life, it is impossible for everything to be satisfactory and everything goes smoothly. If it is because of the failure to let others take a step, I always feel that I can't swallow this breath.It just makes your life harder.How big the heart is, how big the world is.If you can't break down the four walls of your heart, you can't find the feeling of freedom.

A fish was caught ashore when he was very young. The fisherman saw that it was too small and beautiful, so he gave it to his daughter as a gift.The little girl raised it in a fish tank, and every day when the fish swam around, it always touched the inner wall of the tank, and she felt an unpleasant feeling in her heart.

Later, the fish got bigger and bigger, and it was difficult to turn around in the fish tank, so the girl changed it to a bigger fish tank, and it could swim around again.But every time it touches the inner wall of the fish tank, its cheerful mood will dim. It hates this life of circling in circles, and simply suspends quietly in the water, neither swimming nor moving, and even food is not very good. have eaten.The girl felt sorry for it, so she put it back into the sea.

It kept swimming in the sea, but it couldn't feel happy in its heart.One day it met another fish, and the fish asked it, "You look depressed!" He sighed and said, "Ah, this fish tank is too big, I can't swim to the edge of it!"

After staying in the fish tank for a long time, my heart becomes as small as the fish tank.Even one day, when we reach a wider space, our narrow heart will be at a loss.

To open your sky, you first need to open your heart.French writer Victor Hugo has such a famous saying: "The most extensive thing in the world is the ocean, the sky is wider than the ocean, and the mind is wider than the sky." A broad-minded person is optimistic; a narrow-minded person, Extreme conceit.

Openness is a state of mind and a tolerance.Appropriately let go of your mind, give yourself a piece of sky, look far away, learn to let go, learn to fade, so that you will have more sources of happiness.On the contrary, if you close yourself, it is impossible to learn new things, let alone progress and grow.An open heart is free and can fly high and far; on the contrary, a closed heart is like a pool of stagnant water, which will never have a chance to make progress.An open mind is the starting point for self-improvement. Such people will take the initiative to listen to other people's opinions and improve their own work.

There are always bumps and bumps on the road of life, and there are no bumps and bumps that you can't overcome. As long as you open your mind, shake your hair smartly, and let the troubles go away with the wind.You will find that the sky is still blue and life is still beautiful.

Open your heart and let it be constantly baptized and watered by new ideas, otherwise wisdom will wither and die because of lack of nourishment.

Giving willingly is the true meaning of love

The ancient Greek philosopher Perik said: "The way we make friends is to give him benefits. When we really give favors to others, we do not do it because of gains and losses, but because we are generous. regrettable."

There was a lonely old man who had no children and was frail and sick. He decided to move to a nursing home.The old man announces the sale of his beautiful house.

Buyers flocked to the property because it was a prestigious residence.The base price of the house was 200 million yuan, but people quickly flipped it to 250 million yuan, and the price continued to climb.The old man sank deep into the sofa, his eyes full of melancholy.Yes, he would not have sold the house in which he had spent most of his life had it not been for his poor health.

A young man came to the old man, bent down and said in a low voice, "Sir, I also want to buy this house, but I only have 100 million."

"However, its base price is 200 million," the old man said lightly, "and now it has risen to 250 million."

The young man said sincerely: "If you sell the house to me, I promise you will still live here, drink tea, read newspapers, and take a walk with me. Believe me, I will take care of you with my whole heart!"

The old man stood up and waved for the people to be quiet. "Friends, the new owner of this house has been chosen, and it is this young man."

A kind heart makes the young man win the favor of the old man and become the master of the house.Kindness is like the wings of angels, which can bring splendor and beauty.Kind giving is a kind of energy, which not only helps others, but also creates more for those who give.Chernyshevsky once said that if a person's whole personality and life are dedicated to one moral pursuit, if he has such power, all other people will be insignificant compared with this person in this respect , then we see the sublime goodness in this person.Life is like this, when you pay for others, your life will be happy and sublimated because of your dedication, and what you get is the extension and value-added of life.

There are monuments all over the world to those who love and help others. These monuments are made of marble or bronze. They are also built in the hearts of others, especially the hearts of those who have been helped and touched.Love can make life more meaningful.The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.If a person loses the ability to love, his life will be extremely bleak.Give help and encouragement to others, not only will you not lose, but you will gain something.And, usually, the more help and encouragement one gives to others, the more one gains from others.Give others a kind heart, and you can infect them, and what you give back is the beating of two hearts.

Keep a kind heart of giving, and you will find that you have a lot to give to others.It is a kind of giving to sacrifice time for others; it is a kind of giving to applaud the success of others; it is a kind of giving to listen patiently to other people's talk;In short, as long as we maintain a benevolent heart in life, we will understand the true meaning of giving, and dedicate your love and selfless love to those around you.

(End of this chapter)

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