Life management lessons of choice and abandonment

Chapter 7 Only when you choose the right way can you go further

Chapter 7 Only when you choose the right way can you go further (2)
Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way

Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way.The pursuit of wealth should not be at the expense of health, family, and happiness.

Once, a big businessman took a special plane to Israel to participate in a business negotiation, and the day of his arrival happened to be Saturday.Suffering from traffic jams in the US, it's odd that there are so few cars and no traffic on the streets here.He asked, "Are there so few vehicles in your capital?"

"You don't know something." Someone explained, "We start from Friday night until Saturday evening. It is the time for no smoking, no alcohol, and no sex. All distracting thoughts are put aside, rest and pray to God wholeheartedly. People are mostly staying at home, so there are at least half as many cars on the street than usual. From Saturday night onwards, our real weekend is when we enjoy ourselves."

"You really know how to rest and enjoy yourself," said the businessman enviously.

"Because we know that only with a healthy body can we enjoy a happy life." The man said proudly, "Health is the biggest capital of a businessman. If you want to have a healthy body, you must eat well, sleep well, and play well. We Jews Although the country has been subjugated for 2 years, it has wandered around the world for a long time, and it has been discriminated against and persecuted by others, but it has not become extinct because of this, which is inseparable from our emphasis on the art of self-cultivation.”

Health is not only the biggest asset for businessmen, but also for everyone.Only with a good body can we have the energy to do things and have the energy to create our own path of happiness.

Chasing wealth is for a better rest. In the hearts of successful people, the days when you liberate yourself are the real holidays.If a person is still worrying about work after work, or takes work home to do, he is very unfortunate, because he implicitly sacrifices time with his family and rest.

Chasing wealth is just to live a happier life. If you ignore the process of living because of the process of making money, it is a very uneconomical transaction.It is very sad for those who are busy making money all day long, although they have a lot of money, but lose the opportunity to enjoy life.

Wealth is for enjoyment, knowing how to rest, will have a rich life.

The weak wait for opportunities, the strong create them

Napoleon Hill once said: "Voluntary is an extremely rare virtue. It can drive a person to do what he should do before he is told what he should do." He said: " The world is willing to give great prizes to one thing, including money and honor, and that is voluntary." The reason for a person's success is to do things spontaneously, and the reason for failure is to passively accept doing things.

During the Warring States Period, the State of Qin once attacked the State of Zhao and besieged Handan, the capital of the State of Zhao.At this critical juncture, King Zhao decided to send his younger brother Pingyuan Jun Zhao Sheng to go to Chu State instead of him, requesting Chu State to send troops to fight against Qin, and form an alliance to fight against Qin.

When he arrived in the state of Chu, Lord Pingyuan presented gifts and discussed with the king of Chu about resisting Qin for a day, but the king of Chu was still hesitant.

At this time, Mao Sui, who was standing under the stage, put his hand on the hilt of his sword and quickly stepped up to the hall of the meeting.The king of Chu ordered him to retreat.Not only was Mao Sui not afraid, but he bravely approached the king of Chu and said loudly: "You Chu is a big country, and you are supposed to dominate the world, but you are as cowardly as mice in front of the Qin army. In the past, the soldiers and horses of the Qin army once Captured your capital and burned your ancestral tombs. This is such a shame that even we Zhao people feel ashamed. Have you forgotten, Your Majesty? Besides, the alliance between Chu State and Zhao State against Qin was not just for Zhao State. We Zhao State is destroyed, can Chu State last long?"

Mao Sui's words were just and righteous, which made the king of Chu nod in agreement, so he signed an alliance to fight against Qin and sent troops to rescue Zhao.After Mr. Pingyuan returned to Zhao State, he respected Mao Sui as a guest and used him highly.

Mao Sui won an alliance for Zhao and created opportunities for himself to succeed.The difference between successful people and mediocre people is that the former are active in everything; the latter are passive in everything.

"No chance" is always an excuse for those who lose.When we try to walk into groups of losers and interview them, most of them will tell you that they failed because they didn't get the same opportunities as others, nobody helped them, nobody promoted them them.They will also sigh to you: good positions are already overcrowded, high-level positions have been occupied by others, and all good opportunities have been taken by others first.In short, they have no chance.But people with backbone never find excuses for what they do.They never complain.They just know how to move forward as best they can.They don't wait for others' assistance, they help themselves; they don't wait for opportunities, but create them themselves.

Great achievements and achievements always belong to those who are full of fighting spirit, not those who blindly wait for opportunities.

Continuous learning is a lifelong commitment of successful people
If you want to win a place in this society, you must constantly learn new knowledge, be prepared for danger in times of peace, and keep making progress, otherwise you may be eliminated at any time.

During the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a military officer named Zhang Yao, who was promoted to be the chief political envoy of Henan because of his hard work and meritorious service.He was out of school and illiterate since he was a child, and was often discriminated against by his courtiers. The imperial envoy Liu Yunan said he was "illiterate", so he was appointed as the chief soldier.From then on, Zhang Yao determined to study hard so that he could be good at literature and martial arts.

Zhang Yao thought that his wife was very educated, so he asked his wife to teach him to read when he returned home.The wife said: It is possible to teach, but there is one condition, that is, to practice the ceremony of apprenticeship and learn respectfully.Zhang Yao fully agreed, immediately put on court clothes, let his wife sit in front of the Confucius tablet, and bowed three times and kowtowed nine times to her.

From then on, his wife taught him to read scriptures and history in his spare time.Whenever his wife puts on the teacher's airs, he bows and stands in silence to listen to the training, not daring to be disrespectful.At the same time, he also asked someone to engrave an "illiterate" seal, which he often wore on his body to warn himself.A few years later, Zhang Yao finally became a very learned man.Later, when he was the governor of Shandong, some people said that he was "illiterate".He wrote to the emperor for an interview.The interview results surprised the emperor and many ministers.When Zhang Yao took office in Shandong, he built embankments, built roads, opened factories, refined manufacturing, and did a lot of things that benefited the country and the people.Because he was diligent and studious, the emperor posthumously named him "Qin Guo" after his death.

Zhang Yao studied hard and studied hard, which not only made up for his own shortcomings, but also won the respect of others.This has been the case in the past, and today's society requires continuous learning.In the era of knowledge economy, we must change our concept and rely on knowledge to create wealth. "Live to be old, learn to be old" has become the main theme of this era.

American success scientist Grantner once said: "If you have the ability to tie your own shoelaces, you will have a chance to reach the stars!" Likewise, if you have the ability to keep learning, you will have a chance of success.

Learning should not only be more but also more refined. "If you can concentrate on making a needle, you should make more money than you can make a crude steam engine."It is much better to be 100% proficient in one field than to be [-]% proficient in [-] fields.Study hard and make progress every day. It can no longer be limited to a slogan, but it should become a habit.

If you can't learn new knowledge, you will lose your competitiveness in society.

The heartbeat of Linyuan Xianyu is not as good as the action of retreating and weaving a net
A philosopher once said: "We live in action, not in years." To change your life, you have to act. People who talk and talk will never succeed.Ideals can be expressed without words, but they need to be verified by actions.

In ancient times, there were two brothers who saw a wild goose in front of them. They bent their bows to shoot, but at this moment they raised their bars. One murmured to shoot it like this, and the other yelled to shoot it down. They wanted to cook and eat like that, but they forgot to let go of the arrow, and the geese flew away in the endless debate between the two.

It is better to raise your hand and shoot an arrow than to sit and talk about the heart.Actions can make complex things simple that seem difficult.Actions can make distant success within reach.Even if there are tens of thousands of reasons for the heart, but without the determination to realize the wish, without any action to implement, everything is just a dream.

Action is the key to open the door to happiness, as long as you think it is feasible, do it boldly and prove it with actions.Whenever we look forward to beautiful success, whenever we hope that we can wander in the reality of our dreams come true, we must remind ourselves that success requires not only heartbeat, but also action.Without action, there will be no flowering of dreams, and without action, there will be no sweetness and satisfaction of success.

To be successful, it is not enough to have a dream. You must also have the determination to succeed, cooperate with specific actions, and persevere to the end in order to succeed.Only by making up your mind and going through struggles can you be qualified to pick the sweet fruits of success.Many people like to daydream and feel at ease in their dreams.In fact, dozens of years of life are like a fleeting moment, and you can't stand the wait. If you want to achieve a hegemony, you must act immediately.No matter work or life, what we need is not only a start, but also a result, which is responsible for ourselves.You know, 100 dreamers are not worth one doer!

Reality is this bank, dream is the other bank, and the turbulent river is separated in the middle. We need to act as a bridge over the river.

If you don't give up the warmth of the night, you won't get the beauty of the morning sun
Someone once wrote this little poem:
If you don't give up the splendor of the flowers, you won't get the sweetness of the fruit;

If you don't give up the warmth of the night, you won't get the beauty of the morning sun.

This is true in nature, and so is life.During the long journey, there are troubles of giving up "brilliant" and "warmth", and also the joy of obtaining "sweet" and "brightness". Life is sublimated in the alternation of giving up and gaining, so as to reach a high-level state.

When Raphael was 11 years old, he went fishing on the island in the middle of the lake whenever he had the opportunity.One evening before bass fishing was banned, he and his mother came fishing again early.After installing the bait, he threw the fishing line to the center of the lake again and again, and the lake water rippled in circles under the afterglow of the setting sun.

Suddenly the other end of the fishing rod became heavy.He knew that there must be a big guy taking the bait, so he hastily pulled up the fishing line.Finally, the child carefully pulled a struggling fish out of the water.What a big fish!It's a bass.

Under the moonlight, the gills of the fish fluttered.Mom turned on the flashlight and looked at her watch. It was ten o'clock in the evening-but two hours before the perch fishing allowed.

"You have to put it back, son," said the mother.

"Mom!" cried the child.

"There will be other fish." His mother reassured him.

"There is no such big fish anymore." The child was very sad.

He looked around and couldn't see a single boat or fisherman, but he knew from the determined face on his mother's face that there was nothing to change.In the dark night, the perch shook its bulky body and slowly swam to the depths of the lake, gradually disappearing.

This was many years ago before Raphael became a famous architect in New York City.It is true that he did not catch such a big fish anymore, but he is forever grateful to his mother for it.Because through his honesty, diligence, and law-abiding, he hunted the big fish in life—and made great achievements in his career.

Raphael's mother, who freed a fish, also taught her son how to behave.There is an old proverb that says: For every lie a man tells, he has to tell more a metamorphosis

Like an apple, there is always a small spot at first, and then slowly expands, and finally the whole apple is rotten.Liu Ruozai is undoubtedly honest. If he had told a lie at that time, he might have been the champion that time; however, the problem is that if he had told a lie that time, he would have to tell more lies in the future; because of this , between honesty and champion, he chose honesty, which is commendable

Give up as you should, and giving up is also a kind of wisdom.The wonderful world is full of temptations. Things to give up are sometimes very beautiful. How easy is it to give up?The speed of social development is very fast, and the temptations increase accordingly. Many people stop their steps in the face of temptations, forget their own direction, and can only be entangled in the whirlpool and live a mediocre life.

In life in the world, unsatisfactory things account for nine out of ten, and the contradiction between acquisition and abandonment bothers us all the time. If we understand the way of giving up and the method of acquisition, and apply them to our lives, we can be freed from endless troubles. On the road of life, you can advance and retreat freely, open-minded and magnanimous.Only when there is giving up can there be gain.

Only by learning to give up can we stick to our principles in the face of temptation.

(End of this chapter)

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