Life management lessons of choice and abandonment

Chapter 6 Only when you choose the right way can you go further

Chapter 6 Only when you choose the right way can you go further (1)
On the road to success, you can go further by letting go of some luggage.

No one stands without faith
If you don't have faith, you can't stand. If you want to achieve great things, you must put credibility first.Only in this way can we win the trust and support of others, thus laying a good foundation for career development.

Chen Gang opened a computer company, and he promised customers that the goods would be delivered on the same day.

One day, a user urgently needed a computer accessory to rebuild a multifunctional database.After Chen Gang learned about it, he wanted to send someone to deliver it, but all the employees left after get off work, so he decided to deliver it himself.

On the way, there was heavy rain and the river swelled, closing 14 bridges along the way, causing traffic jams and making it impossible for cars to drive.According to common sense, in this special situation, Chen Gang has a good reason to return, but he was not intimidated by hunger and the hardships on the way, and he continued to move forward bravely, skillfully using a pair of roller skates stored in the car to slide towards the goal Land, usually only 4 minutes away by car, turned into a [-]-hour trek.After Chen Gang arrived at the user's location, regardless of the fatigue of the journey, he promptly relieved the user's difficulties, which greatly moved the user.

This incident caused a great impact in the local area, he won the trust of users, and his computer soon became a hot commodity that users rushed to buy.Soon Chen Gang made a fortune.

Many successful people start their careers, just like Chen Gang, relying not on capital or knowledge, but on reputation, and the virtue of trustworthiness helps them succeed.

Credit is your deposit, commitment is your check, if you lose your credit, you will have nothing.Franklin once said: "Reputation is as important as life, and it is a priceless treasure that can never be recovered if lost."

Credibility is the starting point of your success.Mr. Hart, the mayor of Boston, said that he has witnessed the popularity of keeping promises and fair transactions. 90% of successful businessmen are known for keeping their promises, while those who do not keep their promises eventually went bankrupt.It can be seen that reputation is enough to determine the success or failure of a businessman and even an enterprise.

Credibility is a label of a person.You may be able to remedy any failure, but the consequences of losing credibility are irreversible for you!On the road of life, reputation is your label, cherish your reputation, and you can realize your ideals in life.

It is disadvantageous for people without faith. To control one's own destiny, one must establish one's own reputation.

The greatest support to success is self-control

Dr. Parek, general manager of India's Ramuli Group, visiting professor of Harvard Business School's MBA and other business schools, once said: "Unless you can manage 'self', you can't manage anyone or anything." 2005 In [-], when Li Ka-shing talked about his own success, he also emphasized the importance of self-control:
Paul Getty is an American oil tycoon who used to be a smoker.Once, he stayed overnight in a hotel in a small town.Getty woke up at two o'clock in the morning and wanted to smoke a cigarette.Unexpectedly, the cigarette case was empty.But the hotel restaurant and bar were closed at this hour, and his only hope of getting cigarettes was to get dressed, go out, and buy them at the train station a few streets away.The more smoke-free, the greater the desire to smoke.Getty was dressed to go out, and when he reached for his raincoat, he stopped suddenly.He asked himself: what am I doing here?Getty stood there wondering how a so-called reasonably successful businessman, someone who thought he had enough sense to give orders to others, would leave his hotel in the middle of the night and walk a few blocks in the rain, just to get a Cigarettes?After a while, Getty made up his mind, crumpled up the empty cigarette case and threw it into the wastebasket, took off his clothes, put on his pajamas, and went back to bed, with a sense of relief and even victory, a few minutes passed. Into dreamland.Since then, Paul Getty has never taken a cigarette again. Of course, his career has grown bigger and bigger, and he has become one of the world's top rich men.

Paul Getty's achievements began with the idea that he could control himself.Self-control is the balance wheel that directs your actions.It helps your action, not disrupts it.Unable to control yourself, this is a common problem among young people, and it is also the mortal enemy of success.If you want to change the world, you should start by changing yourself.If you want to be a winner, you must rely on your own efforts to achieve.

Self-control is a kind of self-regulation of one's own life and practice, and it is also a catalyst for self-success.Self-control is a science as well as an art. If you do a good job of self-management, you can gradually move towards self-improvement and stimulate your own potential, so as to realize the greatest value of life.There has always been a popular saying in society: "Impulse is the devil." If you don't know how to restrain yourself, you will only do more and make more mistakes.So how to restrain yourself?

Method [-]: Hint yourself and divert attention.

Things that make you angry usually touch your dignity or vital interests, and it is difficult to calm down all of a sudden, so when you realize that your emotions are very agitated and seem to be out of control, you can take timely hints and divert your attention Use other methods to relax yourself and encourage yourself to restrain your impulse.People's emotions often only need a few seconds or minutes to calm down.But if bad emotions cannot be transferred in time, they will become more intense.For example, the more a sad person thinks about being sad, the more he feels that he has many reasons to worry; the more an angry person thinks about being angry, the more he feels that his anger is justified.

Method [-]: Mobilize reason to control your emotions.

When encountering strong emotional stimuli, you should force yourself to calm down, quickly analyze the cause and effect of the matter, and then take the "delay strategy" of expressing emotions or eliminating impulses, and try not to fall into impulsive, reckless, simple and rash passive situations.

Method [-]: Carry out some targeted training to cultivate your patience.

Combining your hobbies and hobbies, choose a few things to do that require meditation, care and patience, such as calligraphy, painting, making fine handicrafts, etc., not only cultivate your temperament, but also enrich your spare time life.

The faculty of self-control is one of the principal traits of nobility of character, and it produces in man a power which nothing else can give.

Your subconscious mind is where your emotions originate

The American blockbuster "Inception" interprets dreams brilliantly, and its rich imagination is amazing.In the film, the hero enters a dream, hovers on the edge of his subconscious twice, and almost never returns to reality.This begs the question: what is the subconscious mind?Psychologist Freud divided human consciousness into conscious and subconscious.Consciousness refers to the content that people can perceive about their own thinking, emotions and behaviors when they are in a waking state; while subconsciousness refers to complex experiences such as feelings and desires hidden under the conscious level, because they are controlled and suppressed by consciousness, but individuals cannot. Awareness of awareness.

If your subconscious is full of pessimism and despair, it will affect your own actions and bring you the result of negative failure.On the contrary, if you can actively use your subconscious mind, you will achieve unexpected results and even create miracles.

Mrs. Yates has been lying in bed for more than a year because of a bad heart. The longest journey is to go from the room to the garden to sunbathe.But then she regained her health, she said:
I thought I would be bedridden like this for the rest of my life.If the Japanese hadn't come and bombed Pearl Harbor, I would never have truly lived again.

When the bombing happened, everything was thrown into chaos.A bomb fell near my house, shaking me out of bed.The army sent trucks to pick up the sea, and the wives and children of the army soldiers took refuge in schools.People from the Red Cross called those who had room to spare.They knew I had a phone next to my bed and asked if I would help out with the contact center.So I recorded where the wives and children of the navy and army soldiers are staying now, and which gentlemen the Red Cross will ask to call me to find their relatives.

Soon I found out that my husband was safe.So, I tried my best to cheer up those wives who didn't know their husband's life and death, and I also comforted those widows—many wives lost their husbands.A total of 2117 officers and soldiers were killed this time, and another 960 were missing.

At the beginning, I was still lying on the bed and answering the phone, and then I was sitting on the bed.Eventually, as I got busier and busier, I forgot what was wrong with me, and I started getting out of bed and sitting down at the table.Because helping people who are worse off than I am, I completely forget about myself, and I don't have to lie in bed anymore, except for the eight hours I sleep every night.I found out that if it wasn't for the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, I would probably be a loser for the rest of my life.I was comfortable lying in bed, I was always waiting passively, and now I know that subconsciously I have lost the will to recover.

Mrs. Yates was a blessing in disguise. Her busy life made her forget her own pain, and her positivity added to the positive effect of her subconscious mind, thus allowing her to recover.Dr. Murphy, the master of the subconscious mind, said: "We must constantly use words full of hope and expectation to talk to the subconscious mind, and then the subconscious mind will make your life situation clearer and make your hopes and expectations come true."

Studies have shown that if the entire human consciousness is compared to an iceberg, then the part that emerges from the water belongs to the scope of conscious consciousness, accounting for about 5% of consciousness. In other words, 95% of the consciousness hidden under the iceberg belongs to The power of the subconscious mind.The subconscious mind composes real things according to the picture in our mind.Once accepted, it will eventually become a fact.No matter how smart you are or how successful your background is, we should all know how to make good use of our potential abilities, and if you are good at controlling them, you can control your own destiny.

Usually, the subconscious state refers to the state shown by human behavior when the brain wave is in the a wave, referred to as the "a state".When people's brain waves are in "a state", people's conscious activities are obviously inhibited, they cannot carry out logical thinking, and they are in an unconscious state.The brain receives or transmits information by intuition, inspiration, inertia, imagination, etc.At this time, the self-suggestion done can smoothly enter the subconscious mind.So, how to make the brain wave present a state?You can learn from the following three methods:

Method [-]: Take a deep breath

Breathing is very important for calming the mind and relaxing the whole body.When the mind is calm and the whole body is relaxed, breathe deeply, about 1 times a minute.Even in an unsafe state, as long as you take a deep breath 10-3 times, your mood will become stable.This is because by breathing deeply, the body can absorb more oxygen from the air.At the same time: carbon dioxide is excreted from the body, blood circulation becomes smoother, good energy is added to the brain and body, and the energy can be concentrated and the mind is stable.

It should be noted that the secret of deep breathing well is to focus on exhaling, as long as all the dirty air in the lungs is spit out, then a large amount of fresh air will naturally enter.

Method [-]: Imagine the scene when you are happy
Imagine a happy scene, and after a few minutes, a wave will appear.If possible, summarize the good memories of the past in a notebook or album so that you can see them at any time.

Method [-]: Listen to music

Psychological research has found that music can relax the body and mind, and can effectively make the brain waves present a wave.Under normal circumstances, the heart beats 70-80 times per minute. Under the influence of beautiful melodies and music, brain waves can be changed into a waves very effectively.

It is the various thoughts and concepts in your subconscious that make you who you are today and who you will be tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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