Life management lessons of choice and abandonment

Chapter 35 Love is a Game of Choices

Chapter 35 Love is a Game of Choices (2)
When people are under a lot of psychological pressure, they are prone to overeating, which is also a way to relieve stress.Therefore, when you are broken in love, you might as well go shopping to relieve your mental burden by releasing the pressure in your heart.

6. Self-sublimation method

Sometimes, people have desires that cannot be expressed directly, so they need to express their ideas in a different way.When you lose love, you will feel very painful, but there are always reasons for losing love. For example, it may be because you don’t know how to manage your relationship, or you didn’t do well in any aspect to make the other party dislike you. At this time, you must turn the pain into an upward motivation and try to make up for it. own shortcomings.

7. Self-transfer method

Do something that you really care about and are interested in.Doing something you love can bring you great pleasure, which can compensate for the pain you feel from a failed relationship.

Only by letting go of the lost love can we welcome new happiness.

Cherish what you have - the understanding through the millennium
What is the most precious thing in the world?

Once upon a time, there was a Yuanyin Temple where many people worshiped Buddha every day.On the beam in front of the temple, there is a spider with a web. Because of the influence of incense and devout worship every day, the spider has the Buddha nature.

One day after more than 1000 years, the Buddha visited Yuanyin Temple and was very happy to see that there was a lot of incense here.When I left the temple, I accidentally saw a spider on the beam.The Buddha stopped and asked the Spider: "You and I are destined to meet each other finally, let me ask you a question. After practicing for more than 1000 years, what insights do you have?"

The spider was very happy to meet the Buddha, so he agreed quickly.The Buddha asked: "What is the most precious in the world?" The spider thought for a while, and replied: "The most precious things in the world are 'unobtainable' and 'lost'." Buddha nodded and left.

The spider was still practicing on the beam of Yuanyin Temple.

One day, there was a strong wind, and the wind blew a drop of nectar onto the spider's web.The spider looked at the sweet dew, and saw it was shining brilliantly, very beautiful, and instantly fell in love with it.Suddenly, they have whipped up strong winds, swept away the dew, spiders are very sad.At this time, the Buddha came again and asked the spider: "Spider, what is the most precious in the world?" The spider thought of nectar, and said to the Buddha: "The most precious things in the world are 'not available' and 'lost'." Said: "Okay, since you have such an understanding, I will let you go to the world for a while."

The spider was reborn into a family of officials and became a rich lady. Her parents named her Spider.In a flash, the spider was 16 years old and turned into a slim girl.

One day, the emperor decided to hold a celebration banquet for the new champion Lang Ganlu in the back garden.Many young girls came to the banquet, including Zhu'er, and the emperor's little princess Changfeng.Zhuangyuan Lang performed poems and songs during the banquet, showing off his talents, and all the girls present were impressed by him.The spider son knew that this was the marriage bestowed upon her by the Buddha.

After some days, Zhu Er Buddhist temple, accompanied by her mother, when the deer are just willing to come, accompanied by her mother.After worshiping the Buddha, the two elders talked on the side.Zhu'er and Ganlu came to chat in the corridor, Zhu'er was very happy, and finally could be with the person he liked, but Ganlu didn't show his love for her.The spider said to Gan Lu: "Don't you remember what happened on the spider web in Yuanyin Temple 16 years ago?"

Ganlu was very surprised and said: "Miss Zhu'er, you are very beautiful and lovable, but your imagination is a little richer." After that, he left with his mother.A few days later, the emperor issued an imperial edict, ordering the new subject champion Ganlu to marry Princess Changfeng, and Zhuer to marry Prince Zhicao.

This news was to Zhu Er as a thunderbolt from the blue sky. She couldn't figure it out that the Lord Buddha was treating her like this.For several days, she did not eat or drink, and her life was at stake.After the prince Zhicao found out, he rushed over and said to the dying spider: "That day, among the girls in the back garden, I fell in love with you at first sight. I begged my father, and he agreed. I won’t live.” Then he picked up the sword and prepared to kill himself.

At this time, the Buddha came, and he said to the soul of the spider who was about to hatch: "Spider, have you ever thought that the nectar (the deer) is brought by the wind (Princess Changfeng), and it is also the wind that takes it away in the end." Yes. Ganlu belongs to Princess Changfeng. He is just an episode in his life to you. Prince Zhicao is a grass in front of Yuanyin Temple. He has seen you for 3000 years and loved you for 3000 years. , but you have never looked down at it. Spider, let me ask you again, what is the most precious thing in the world?"

The spider was enlightened all of a sudden, and she said to the Buddha: "The most precious thing in the world is not 'unobtainable' and 'lost', but the happiness that can be grasped now."

After finishing speaking, the Buddha left, and the spider's soul also returned to its place. She opened her eyes and saw the prince Zhicao who was about to commit suicide, immediately knocked down the sword, and embraced the prince affectionately...

After a reincarnation in the world, the spider finally understands that the most precious thing in time is the happiness that can be grasped now.Know how to cherish the happiness of the moment, and don't regret it until you lose it, so that we can taste the joy of life in time.People often only realize the value of something after losing it.

Someone asked the Buddha: How to make people no longer feel lonely?The Buddha said: Every heart is born lonely and incomplete, and most of them spend their lives with this incompleteness, just because when they meet the other half who can make it complete, they either neglect to miss it or lose the qualification to own it.

Many times, people tend to turn a blind eye to their own happiness, but feel that the happiness of others is very dazzling.Unexpectedly, the happiness of others may not be suitable for oneself; even more unexpected, the happiness of others may be the grave of oneself.Don't feel dejected about "can't get" and "lost", cherish the happiness you can grasp!
Cherish the happiness in front of you and grasp the love in your hands.

It's not about love, it's about courage

Love, refuse to hesitate, wait and see.Only by courageously putting it into action can there be any hope of reaping its sweetness.If you really fall in love with someone, don't be afraid of rejection, go for it bravely.

Chen Mei graduated from university and was going to a faraway city. Four boys who had a crush on her at the same time went to see her off together.Chen Mei knew that this trip might never have anything to do with them again.When the train was about to start, the four boys seemed to want to say something, Chen Mei asked with a smile: "Aren't you reluctant to leave me? If you are really reluctant, just follow me!"

The four boys looked sad and didn't know what to do for a moment.Just as the door frame was about to be put away, one of the boys jumped onto the train, rushed to Chen Mei's seat, and hugged her tightly in his arms.Chen Mei did not refuse, she leaned on the boy's shoulder, tears wet his collar.

The three boys on the platform were stunned for a moment. Before they could react, the train drove out of the platform.

A year later, in another city, at Chen Mei's wedding, the other three boys asked her, "When did you decide to marry him?"

Chen Mei said: "It was the moment when he leaped onto the train regardless of his body."

The boys were still a little unconvinced, at this moment Chen Mei asked: "At that time, why didn't you come with me?"

"I thought you were joking!" said a boy.

"At the time, I hadn't had time to make any preparations," said the second boy.

"I originally thought that the future will be long, and we can discuss it in the long run." The third boy said.

They each have their own reasons, however, the starting train will not stop for these reasons.

Li Bihua said: "The place I most want to travel is the heart of my crush." ​​Sometimes we "secretly love" someone, but we don't have the courage to pierce the window paper.So we wait in hesitation and timidity, until the other party is really far away from our sight, only to realize that we have missed many opportunities.Be brave, maybe you will be able to step on the train of love.

Love is a fate. Fate begins with careless pursuit, but it cannot stand careless waiting. It needs to be cherished by people at both ends of fate.Hold the courage in your hands, don't let the other party wait too long, after missing the season of love, even God can't hold back the footsteps of love.People who really cherish love will think that it is hard-won, and when passing by, don't let go of love's hand.Be brave to express the love in your heart. With the power of courage, we will be able to go further on the road of love.

Reservation makes us always dare not say love, but also misses the opportunity of love.

Add some fun freshener to love
One day at noon, the sun was scorching the earth, the sun was dazzling, and there were few pedestrians on the street. Song Shan walked by the overpass alone, and saw a young man struggling to carry a girl onto the overpass.Beads of sweat oozed from the young man's forehead.Like this "Zhou Yu beats Huang Gai, one is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer", Song Shan usually sees it a lot, so she didn't pay much attention to it at first.But the moment she passed by them, she suddenly felt that the boy's legs were shaking violently, unlike the playful lovers she usually met.So Song Shan stepped forward to help her, and asked the boy: "Is she sick? Is she going to the hospital? Why don't you take a taxi?" The boy just bowed his head in silence.

When they came to the bridge, the girl suddenly burst into laughter, and the boy hurriedly apologized to Song Shan while wiping his face:
"Sorry, thank you, we are playing a game."

"What?" Song Shan was a little annoyed in embarrassment.

It took a long time for the girl to stop laughing, and went up to explain: "Today is our third wedding anniversary, we came here specially to go shopping and wanted to buy something to celebrate, but it was too expensive and I was reluctant to pay. So I remembered the book I read in school. An article in which the protagonists marked their wedding anniversary this way. So we did.

We don't have money, so I don't let him buy any gifts as souvenirs, but he has plenty of strength, so I let him carry me up the bridge, and it takes a year to carry me back and forth, and he is so tired.If we have our [-]th or [-]th wedding anniversary in the future, and I ask him to recite me so many times, he still has to recite..."

While wiping the sweat from the boy's forehead in distress, the girl laughed again.

It can be seen that taste is not the patent of the rich. Love can use flowers, candlelight, and music to create a dreamlike and colorful realm, and it can also emit a sense of happiness in poverty.

Many women are born lovers, no matter how busy they are at work, they will sneak in. An elaborate make-up, a silk scarf, a brooch and other small finishing touches are the momentary expression of tasteful thinking.Who said there's no fun in the office?Put some beautiful and practical thoughtful things on the desk, such as Garfield mobile phone holder, etc., will wake up the vigor and vitality in your small space.

Sexual life is not exclusive to women, but it is built by men and women together, and the world will be more colorful.A man can accumulate more personalized things to create a romantic life. The clothes don’t need to be all famous brands, but he must know how to match colors; he doesn’t need to spend a lot of money to invite friends to dinner, but he must know how to order food.Occasionally, I want to participate in some cultural activities, such as watching art exhibitions and listening to concerts, so that I can calm down and think about the meaning of life.Even a married man should know how to have fun in a besieged city.After the fire of love continues to burn for a period of time, it will eventually become weaker and weaker.This is because couples in love often show their best sides to each other, and try their best to create a fun atmosphere. After "the raw rice has been cooked", they think that roughness is no longer needed.As everyone knows, love without ups and downs is lifeless, but after adding fun, love will be full of vitality and fun.

If love is a piece of fragile porcelain, taste is its glue.

Fall in love every day, but don't meet each other every day

(End of this chapter)

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