Life management lessons of choice and abandonment

Chapter 36 Love is a Game of Choices

Chapter 36 Love is a Game of Choices (3)
In the face of irresistible love, people's hearts are full of confusion. Some people are at a loss, and some people will give everything for love.However, it is easy to fall in love and difficult to get along with each other. How many people really "hold hands and grow old together"?The famous detective novelist Agatha Christie once said: The greatest misfortune in life is to get what you want.Detective novels are also applicable to the love between men and women. The short-lived characteristics of men’s physical pleasure determine that they pay more attention to the process of capture. All physical pleasures are almost the same. The only difference lies in the flirting stage. obvious.

Lijun's boyfriend, Jiaming, is a sailor. When they first started dating, Jiaming was always together. Jiaming often asked for leave to stay with Lijun.

Later, Jiaming felt that he should pay more attention to his work and went to sea more and more times. Lijun began to panic and "cared" Jiaming more: where did he go today, when will he come back, and he must come back to accompany me during the holidays. When you come back, I will pick you up... But Jiaming chose to escape in the face of Lijun's infinitely approaching love.After getting drunk once, Jiaming yelled at Lijun: "Stop following me, you have no freedom at all. I am your boyfriend, not your prisoner."

Lijun is infinitely close to being with Jiaming, but in the end she can only push Jiaming's love further.Smart women are well versed in the oriental beauty of "the flowers should be half-bloomed, the wine should be half-drunk", instead of blindly showing the splendor and beauty of "the lotus leaves are boundless in the sky, and the lotus flowers are red in the sun".Some things, there is too little room for it, like boiled water that can see the bottom at a glance, without the charm that can be expected, which makes men lose their interest in exploring.

In "Lust, Caution", Wang Jiazhi and Mr. Yi are in the cafe for the first time. Jiazhi's tone is innocent and natural, her eyebrows are mature and coquettish, and she looks very sexy.In fact, for Mr. Yi, such an old and cunning crocodile, he has never seen any kind of woman, and he can't see through the tricks of a woman. It can be seen that he enjoys it and is addicted to the little tricks played by women-her mystery Men are being encouraged to continue exploring.If we meet each other every day, what kind of mystery is there?No matter how beautiful a stupid woman without a sense of mystery is, it is useless. A man knows everything about you, and he will not only pick his nose and eyes, but also lose interest because of the loss of mystery.Smart women know this very well, they won't give what they want easily, but they won't let men think they are old-fashioned women.They often show some sultry little sexiness to seduce a man, but they don't completely satisfy him.When they treat men, they always keep a hand.The remaining part is the fortress that men will always feel mysterious and always want to conquer.

When pursuing "Taiwan's No. 3 Beauty" Hu Yinmeng, Li Ao once said: "If there is a new woman who is beautiful and wandering, charming and confused, beautiful and excellent, sad and sexy, incomprehensible and unreasonable It must not be someone else, it must be Hu Yinmeng." However, when the two of them entered their real married life, the mysterious veil on Hu Yinmeng's body was lifted, and all the hazy beauty of the moon in the mirror and the flowers in the water disappeared. , Li Ao, a great talent, retreated on the road of love. This marriage between a talented man and a beautiful woman ended after only [-] months.When asked by the media about the reason for breaking up with Hu Yinmeng, Li Ao's words were somewhat vicious: "In my heart, she has always been perfect. One time when I woke up in the middle of the night, I suddenly saw Hu Yinmeng grinning on the toilet because of constipation. I feel that perfection has been broken." Although the words are vicious, it is not completely unreasonable to think about it carefully. When a woman loses the sense of mystery in a man's mind, it also makes a man lose interest in continuing to explore. Gradually, they were sent down from the "goddess" to passers-by A, B, C, Ding and the like.

Two men and women who have just met each other will very eagerly hope to get tired of being together every day. Although this is a matter of course, it will also create a disadvantageous situation.Once two people stick too tightly, aesthetic fatigue will occur, and the flame of love will cool down rapidly.In a philosophical sense, it is human nature to like the new and dislike the old, whether it is a man or a woman.It is human nature to like new things and new things, but not to old things and things we are used to.So, to keep every date fresh and keep him interested in you, be sure to implement a policy of not seeing each other every day during the relationship.

I don't want to see each other every day, it's for better love.

Conditions and love, how to choose
In November 2007, the Social Investigation Center of China Youth Daily and the News Investigation Center of conducted a survey on 11 young people.According to the survey, 8932% of young people believe that compared with the previous generation, the status of love in people's minds is declining, but 69% of young people believe that their generation is more pursuing true love; 40.0% of young people think that this generation is more important 85% of young people believe in love at first sight due to the economic conditions of the other party.

"Economic foundation" is an important condition for many people to find love, because in the eyes of these people, without certain financial strength, it is difficult to maintain their future married life.In fact, for many people, conditions and love are a dilemma.

Yang Feifei is an unmarried woman with very good conditions, beautiful and temperamental, who teaches in a middle school.Moreover, Yang Feifei's parents are very rich, and there is an endless stream of matchmakers coming to her house to propose marriage.From college to work, many men have pursued her and hoped to marry her back home.In the end, the finalists she picked were two completely different types of men.

One of them is a doctor who works in a well-known hospital in the country. He has a promising future and a good personality. He is a person who can't find any faults.The other is a company employee who works in a big company. He is handsome and smart, but his family's financial conditions are not very good.Yang Feifei fell into confusion and trouble.Although Yang Feifei prefers company employees emotionally, she thinks it is better to choose a doctor as her husband.

People around feel that Yang Feifei, who is more realistic, will choose a doctor in the end.But, amazingly, she ended up choosing the corporate staff.

After a vigorous love affair, she and the company staff finally got married.It has been several years since she got married, and she is very satisfied with her married life, and she is very happy.

Since conditions are more important than love, why did Yang Feifei finally choose love, but still get happiness?Because Yang Feifei chose according to the "correct formula" of modern life.For example, when you want to marry someone, your motivation is 100.Among them, the man's own conditions account for 40, and love must be at least 20 or more.The remaining 40 will be filled by love or one's own conditions.A marriage with conditions accounting for 10 and love accounting for 90 cannot withstand the crisis of love fading; a marriage accounting for conditions accounting for 90 and love accounting for 10 makes neither party feel the joy of life; a marriage accounting for conditions accounting for 40 and love accounting for 20, Although the minimum preconditions are met, none of the reasons is sufficient to make both parties lose confidence in the marriage.In Yang Feifei's choice of marriage, conditions accounted for 30% and love accounted for 70%, which was within the tolerance range of sufficient and necessary conditions, so she could start her married life smoothly.

How do you choose between conditions and love?In life, love is very important, but not the only one.Love is just a branch protruding from the green tree of life. She has reason to be the most luxuriant and most beautiful life, but she is not life itself. For love does not mean that you have a reason to give up life among other important tasks.True love needs the nourishment of conditions to survive.Therefore, between condition and love, there is no opposite contradiction, but just two aspects and two levels of life.

In the face of love, don't be confused by some external "happiness conditions", so that you can choose your love ratio rationally.

Why Women Want to Marry Big Big Wolf
Recently, there is a popular saying: to be a man, one must be a Pleasant Goat, and to be married, one must be a Big Big Wolf.With the popularity of the domestic cartoon "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", "Big Big Wolf" has successfully entered the list of high-quality men by virtue of his various doting behaviors towards his wife, and has become the natural love partner in the hearts of Chinese women.Why are so many white-collar workers, especially women, chasing Big Big Wolf?Next, let's take a look at how Big Big Wolf wins the hearts of thousands of women step by step.

1. Put your wife first

As long as the wife ordered "Hurry up and catch the sheep", Hui Tailang immediately activated his fighting ability and went to catch the sheep with all his strength.Many times, Big Big Wolf has successfully caught the sheep, which can be eaten by itself first, but he never did this once, and always worked hard to send the lambs to Hong Taro. The braised or boiled mutton is all up to his wife Calculate.It never refuses his wife's request, even if it wants to exchange ten sheep for a tiger fur coat, it can agree without blinking an eye.

Even after Big Big Wolf was beaten by his wife, he could still say something like this: "Wife, wife, don't be angry, anger will be bad for your skin!" In his diary, Big Big Wolf wrote: "Maybe everyone thinks that I was beaten It’s pitiful to be scolded by your wife. But, I think she is the best wife in the world!” Such a man always puts his wife first, which is a prerequisite for a woman to be a high-quality man.

2. Smart, capable and persistent

The various inventions and creations of Big Big Wolf are amazing.Women, if you find such a high-quality man with super hands-on ability, you no longer have to worry about unexpected situations in the family. If the fuse in the house is blown, he will fix it; if the toilet is blocked, he will clear it; The chair legs were broken and he nailed them.Big Big Wolf thought of countless ideas for catching sheep, and many of them were extremely innovative.He also used these ideas to catch the little sheep many times, although in the end because of the needs of the plot, the little sheep can always escape smoothly, and then he will play a trick on Big Big Wolf.But after every failure, Big Big Wolf never gave up and shouted: "I will definitely come back!" Finding such a smart, capable and persistent man will also find sweet love and a happy life.

3. Actively do housework

Although Big Big Wolf goes out every day to catch sheep and feed his wife very hard, but he still insists on doing housework, washing clothes, cleaning the room, and does not need his wife to intervene in any work. He loves labor so much. Marrying such a man and woman will not worry about changing quickly. Yellow face woman. 4. Good at cooking
When there is no sheep, Big Big Wolf is afraid of starving his wife, so he cooks for his wife himself. Not only does he have no complaints, but he also knows how to cook in different ways to meet his wife's beauty needs.A man who is good at cooking can nourish women like flowers, which is one of the necessary skills for contemporary high-quality men.

5. Dedicated to emotion
In today's era of mistresses, Big Big Wolf's loyalty to his wife is worth learning and commending.Although it occasionally can't resist the little white fox's winking eyes and shows courteousness to others, and the wrong behavior of giving the caught frog to the other party happens, but the wife will obediently go home when she calls.

6. No bad habits

Mr. Big Big Wolf doesn't have any bad habits in life, he doesn't smoke or drink, and he only lives for his wife every day.Now that the society has progressed and the conditions have improved, many men have learned to drink and smoke, and some even gamble, leaving early and returning late.In a marriage, these are the most unacceptable. What a family needs is stability, not no expectations.A woman hopes that her husband will spend more time with her, instead of being an empty shell at home, alone, there is no difference between married and unmarried.

What a woman wants to marry is Big Big Wolf, and it is also a love that puts herself first.

(End of this chapter)

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