Chapter 37

The words "doing the right thing but not the person" are typical "there is no silver 300 taels here", so we must be more careful. "..., I am right about the matter and not about the person! Don't think too much about it." Are you familiar with this sentence?I believe you have shown a "knowing" smile.This is what we Chinese are good at, a classic "duanzi" that can't be more classic.But do you believe this sentence?No matter what your answer is, I absolutely don’t believe it—obviously, if you really only go for “things”, there is no need to say such nonsense as “right for things but not for people” to make “superfluous things” for yourself. explanation of.As soon as you say this, it is equivalent to "there is no silver 300 taels here", which shows that you are going for "people".So, you must be careful when you hear the words "right to the matter but not to the person" - nine times out of ten there will be another "unlucky guy" who will be "calculated".

It's not that I'm too pessimistic, too negative.To be fair, in fact, we Chinese really want to "treat things and not people" from the bottom of our hearts. It's just a pity that for thousands of years, we Chinese have been too familiar with "treating people" instead of "treating people". Things", I am too used to putting "'battle' between 'people'" before "things".Therefore, although everyone is suffering, everyone is helpless, and everyone is completely tired-when the "thing" comes, we will still be unconsciously taken by the "person" behind it.Because of this, talent in the workplace should be doubly careful.Such words as "outspoken", "straight-tempered", "the prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach", "can afford and let go" are all deceptive nonsense.If you believe it, you will be faced with two extreme situations in an instant-either you will be seriously hurt (because of your own "hypocrisy": you are far less "open-minded" than you think), or you will be seriously injured. Hurt others (because of other people's "hypocrisy": everyone will overestimate their "moral cultivation" and "psychological endurance").Therefore, even if you really wanted to be "right to the matter and not to the person" at the beginning, as long as you don't pay attention to your expression method and naively think that you are just a "speaking outspoken" expression, you will not be able to get others' approval. Powerful assistance to do the "things" you want to do well.Therefore, it is futile to try to avoid the importance of the "people" element, nor can it bring good results in "things".If we want to do a good job of "things", we must boldly admit the objective existence and importance of the "to people" element, and then carefully "manage" this "to people" element, in order to truly achieve "things" The ultimate goal of doing a good job.Therefore, remember to "twist your tongue" when speaking, and try to fully evaluate the feelings of "people in the matter". Some things should be "more straight than straight", and you must say less or not say anything that is not absolutely necessary. This has extremely practical significance for the "survival" and "doing" of people in the workplace.

(End of this chapter)

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