Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 29 Discovering Your Emotional Intelligence

Chapter 29 Discovering Your Emotional Intelligence (1)
Assessing emotional intelligence takes EQ training beyond stasis or mere desire.When you know your EQ score, you will find that your experience with EQ is more authentic, relevant and personal, and more conducive to helping you improve your EQ skills.

(The first section correctly understands emotional intelligence assessment
Assessing the value of emotional intelligence is a bit like wondering if you'd be a good dancer with your current partner.

Of course not absolutely.The emotional intelligence strategies discussed in this book do not depend on you knowing how well you will score on an emotional intelligence assessment.Although this assessment provides another perspective on your emotional intelligence skills, you can still develop them quite easily without taking this assessment.This assessment provides you with an objective new perspective on your behavioral characteristics, and it can be used in addition to what you learn in this book, but in no way replaces the benefits you can get from what you read.

First and foremost, an EQ assessment will tell you which skills are your strengths and which areas require time and effort to improve.You'll know a lot more about your own tendencies and behavioral traits than you would ever realize on your own.A brief description of you on the assessment will provide you with an overall emotional intelligence score, personal and social competence scores, and scores for each of the four emotional intelligence skills.High or low scores will indicate the actions you need to take most to improve your emotional intelligence.

(Second section EQ test
The emotional intelligence assessment questions describe will help you understand your strengths and current skills that will give you the greatest opportunity for improvement.Improving your emotional intelligence skills through objective assessment, study, and practice is the same as improving your math, language, physical education, and music skills.

Quiz Description:

Under each question in each quiz, there are three options A, B and C, please choose one and circle it.Remember, for the accuracy of the assessment, the answer you choose should be the closest to how you actually do it, whether it's the way you're going to approach things, or the way you've used it in the past.Please don't make choices based on what you currently think is the best option or the most commendable course of action.While trying to get approval for everything you do is not an emotionally intelligent way to respond.Finally, a standard answer is provided for you to have a clear understanding of your test results after answering all the test questions.

quiz topic
1.You've been asked to complete a difficult task and you're frustrated and angry about it.How do you deal with this?

A.Take a breather and rest.Then clear your mind and create a plan to get the job done efficiently.

B.Still very frustrated, but in the meantime doing my best to keep up with the task.

C.Find someone who will listen to you, whine, vent, and get the job done as quickly as possible.

2.You are accomplishing a very important task.You used to find it fun, but now you're getting a little bored by doing the same thing over and over again.How do you deal with this?

A.At this moment, first think of a way to complete the task as quickly and efficiently as possible, and then look for an opportunity to change jobs.

B.Put it at the bottom of a pile of material, and move on to other more interesting things.

C.Invest the shortest amount of time and effort to get things done.

3.You work very hard to achieve your goals.In the end, I found that I gained much more than I expected.How do you deal with this?

A.Enjoy your successful moments, then sit back and start resting, stop working, and live on your laurels.

B.On the basis of this success, set some new goals for yourself to work hard and struggle.

C.Keep working hard so your performance doesn't fall short of the standards you set before.

4.You think of some solutions to solve a problem.But others tell you that your proposal has little chance of success.How do you deal with this?

A.Take into account the opinions of others and revise your own plan.Then calculate the risk cost of program implementation.

B.Bow your head to the opinions of other people, and deny all the plans you think of.

C.Ignore their advice, trust your own judgment, and move on to the plan.

5.You've been working on something for a while, but find it difficult to assess how far you've gotten and how you can improve.How do you deal with this?

A.Keep doing what you're already doing because no one has complained about your performance so far.

B.Trust your own judgment and make some adjustments to your actions accordingly.

C.Complete a self-assessment questionnaire and discuss it with someone whose opinion you trust, then make some adjustments to your actions.

6.You are checking data to make a decision, but you find that some important information is missing.How do you deal with this?

A.Assume that the missing data is irrelevant, and then make the final decision based on the information you have already processed.

B.Go to the trouble of tracking down missing data and wait until all the data is collected before making a decision.

C.Based on reliable information, speculative assignments are given to missing data, and decisions are made accordingly.

7.Someone asks you to perform a task that you strongly dislike doing.How do you deal with this?

A.Put in minimal effort and get the task done as quickly as possible.

B.Keep procrastinating on tasks and finish the things you like to do first.

C.Dedicate as much of your time and effort as possible to this task to the best of your ability.

8.You are completing a very important task.Several colleagues ask you to suspend what you are doing and go drinking (playing cards) together.How do you deal with this?

A.Thank them for their invitation and explain to them why you cannot go with them at this time.

B.Without thanking the other party, they flatly refused their invitation.

C.Offer to the other person to join them later if possible, even if it's just out of politeness.

9.You are faced with a task that is long in duration and difficult to implement.This task requires you to work hard and pay close attention to every detail to reach the goal.Someone comes to you with a suggestion that there is a quick and easy way to do it.How do you deal with this?

A.Seriously consider the other party's suggestions, but reject anything that may affect your work principles and standards.

B.Ignore the other person's advice and stick to the tried-and-true and correct way to accomplish the task, no matter how much time it takes.

C.Immediately adopt the other party's suggestion and get things done as quickly as possible.

10.The organization is asking you to take on extra responsibilities, and you know that means a lot to your team.But you feel that you are not up to the new role.How do you deal with this?

A.Agree.Put aside your existing tasks without any intentions, and give priority to completing the new duties you have assumed.

B.Refusing to take on additional responsibilities on the grounds that you already have a lot to accomplish.

C.It means that although taking on extra responsibilities will make your work very hard, you are willing to be ready to face new challenges.

11.You've been on a team that's been successful, but you've played only a small part of what the team has achieved as an individual.How would you react to this?

A.No matter how small your role is, be happy with what the team has achieved and take pride in your contribution to it.

B.Congratulate your teammates and get on with what you're doing; leave them to celebrate what they've achieved.

C.Refuse to join in the festivities on the grounds that you have little to do with the team's success.

12.You've been working really hard for months to improve your performance.But so far, there haven't been many signs of success.How would you react to this?

A.Keep trying, trusting that you are doing the right thing by setting high goals for yourself, and that in due time your goals will be achieved.

B.Reduce your effort, because you feel that you don't have to work so hard, and you can meet the requirements of others by playing casually at a certain level.

C.In order to achieve your goals, reaffirm that the hard work you put in will not be in vain.But seek improvements in method for ultimate success.

13.There's a little problem with something your team is working on, and you feel like you can fix it.How would you react to this?

A.Propose your own proposal immediately, and don't give others the opportunity to compete in front of you.

B.Wait for others to ask if there is anything they can do to help with the problem.

C.Confidently present your ideas in front of team members and invite them to help you implement a solution to the problem.

14.Your group is facing an important task, but no one has volunteered to do it.And you have the confidence to do the job well.How would you react?
A.Sitting on the sidelines, waiting for others to ask me if I want to do it.

B.Let the group members know that they are willing to take on the task and that with their support, they will feel more confident and able to get things done.

C.Don't hesitate to volunteer for this task without consulting others.

15.There happens to be an opening for a certain position, but it requires you to take on additional work and responsibilities.How would you react to this?

A.Don't apply because you feel you can get the job without controversy.

B.Submit your application to demonstrate your ability to do the job.

C.Sit on the sidelines and see if there is anyone better suited than you for the role before deciding whether to apply.

16.A high-level working group will be established to study various approaches to a problem.Although no one has invited you to join the group yet, you understand that they will consider those who volunteer.How would you react?
A.I am unwilling to recommend myself, because I feel that if no one invites me, then they must think that they are not suitable to participate in the group and do not have the ability to do research.

B.Self-referral, volunteering for the group.And let others know that I have the ability to make a positive contribution to the work of the group.

C.Let others know that if no one volunteers, then you are happy to do so.

17.You notice a crisis looming, and no one seems willing to take charge.How would you react to this?

A.Be proactive and take the lead in taking some control over unfavorable situations until you get the necessary outside support.

B.As soon as possible, find someone who has the ability to control the situation at the first time to maintain order.

C.Mind your own business.I don't want to be condemned by others because I made a mistake by being active.

18.You're asked if you'd like to play in an event as an alternate for the home team, but you probably won't be invited to do anything.How would you react to this?

A.Accept the person's invitation as an opportunity to join a new group, experience and learn new things.

B.Reject the other party's invitation and feel that you can use that time to do more meaningful and valuable things.

C.Accept the invitation, but let the other person know that you would rather be doing other things than being their backup.

19.Some unexpected bad news comes, which makes you and your colleagues feel anxious and depressed about your future development prospects.How do you deal with this?

A.I hope everyone can be happy and cheer up.It is recommended that everyone hang out together at night and don't take the bad news to heart.

B.Let yourself fall into a negative and pessimistic state of mind for a period of time.

C.Try to keep yourself in a happy state of mind, concentrate all your thoughts, try to find various ways, and try to turn the situation to your advantage.

20.Unexpectedly, others gave some negative feedback about your performance.How do you deal with this?

A.Listening to all kinds of criticisms they put forward, I don't express any opinions of my own, but express dissatisfaction in my heart.

B.Resolutely express opposition, thinking that the other party's opinion is unreasonable and unacceptable.

C.Listen carefully to the feedback of others, combined with your own assessment, and think about the various methods you can use to improve your own performance.

twenty one.Despite your best efforts, you have been unable to achieve the goals you set yourself.How do you deal with this?

A.Stick to your goals, but reexamine the ways you seek to achieve them to see if they are appropriate.More effort will be put in if necessary.

B.Don't want to give up, and make up your mind to work harder in the future.

C.Readjust your goal and adjust it to a level that you can achieve.

twenty two.Without any mental preparation, you are asked to adjust your position in the team and work in a new position that you are completely unfamiliar with.How do you deal with this?

A.Rejecting a job change because you feel it would be unfair for you to be asked to take on new responsibilities at short notice.

B.Discuss with others what specific obligations your new role will entail.Then, after full consideration, rely on your own ability to respond to challenges and accept new jobs.

C.If the conditions are determined to be met, then agree to engage in a new job during the probationary period.

twenty three.You're rushing to meet a deadline for an important project, but then you run into unexpected trouble.How will you deal with it?
A.Do your best to meet deadlines to the highest possible standard no matter what.

B.Explain your unique situation to others and ask for extra time to complete the task to your satisfaction.

C.Keep silent about the problem and be content to do your best under the circumstances.Even choose to take shortcuts if necessary.

twenty four.You interviewed for a job, but it didn't work out.Even though of all the candidates, you seem to be the most qualified one.How will you deal with it?
A.Indicate that you feel you did well in the interview.However, you must have met someone who played better than you that day, so you didn't succeed.

B.Blame yourself for not being adequately prepared for the interview.

C.Say you didn't do well in the interview because you didn't really want the job.

Quiz Result Statistics:

Calculate your emotional intelligence test results against the following criteria:

Compare your own answers in the test with the standard answers given in Table 4-1. If they are consistent, please put a "√" on the relevant option; if they are not consistent, no other marks are required.Finally, count the number of "√" in your three grades in Table 4-2.

Table 1-[-]: Comparison table of test question numbers and standard answers

quiz number
Answers given to quiz questions

Highest EQ

Lowest EQ

intermediate level
Table 2-[-]: Statistical table of test results
horizontal classification
Highest EQ

Lowest EQ

intermediate level
corresponding result
Explanation of test results
The column with the most "√" represents your EQ level.

(Categorical evaluation of emotional intelligence in the third section
In each of the following questions, there are three alternative answers: A, B, or C. Among the three answers to each question, one of the three answers represents the smartest response to emotional expression, and the other represents the worst response, and the third describes a compromise between the first two responses.

Sometimes, you will feel that among the three options, you can choose two answers.If so, try to choose the one that reflects your truest and deepest side.In the context provided by each item, choose the one that is closest to what you personally do or have done in the situation and circle the corresponding answer A, B or C.

1.Someone questioned what you said.How would you react?
A.You say, "I knew you'd react that way."

B.Ask the other person, "What's wrong with my point of view?"

C.You say, "I have other ideas, but I want to hear other people's opinions first."

This question is to evaluate "keeping an open mind" in self-regulation.Option C represents the most intelligent response of emotional expression, because this kind of questioning and challenge is not intentionally issued by the other party, but seeks to start a discussion from the perspective of a bystander; at the same time, it also shows that the respondent is interested in There are other different views on this.On the contrary, option A, because it shows an aggressiveness towards the questioner, may cause the two parties to "resent each other" instead of an orderly exchange of views with each other, so it is the most stupid way to express emotions.

2.You need a report urgently.How would you convey your message to the authors of this report?
A. "I want you to deliver the report to me today."

(End of this chapter)

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