Chapter 57
Many Harvard people believe that learning is the first choice of the times.In this regard, Kirby said in "Learning Ability": "Although the formal learning life is over, you will still be a student all your life. Your real learning life will not end until life and the world say goodbye. It shouldn't have ended."

Summers, the No. 20 seventh president of Harvard, also mentioned that students are facing many challenges today when knowledge is more practical. Therefore, they should maintain the habit of continuous and extensive learning.

Regarding the benefits of studiousness, there is such a famous comment in the Analects of Confucius: "With his eagerness to learn, if he leaves it for years, it will disappear in a short time."It means that if a person can have a willingness to learn, then after a few years, this person will be incomparable and will surely achieve great achievements.

"Sex is similar, but learning is far away."There is no difference between everyone, but it is precisely the acquired learning that allows them to have their own strengths, and thus embark on different positions and fields.The importance of learning is what Confucius has always emphasized.Learning is the only way for a person to go from ignorance to wisdom. If you want to become a great career, you must have relevant knowledge, otherwise it is daydreaming.So when knowledge comes, Confucius said, "Isn't it a joy to learn and practice it from time to time? In a city of ten houses, there must be someone who is as loyal and trustworthy as Qiu, and he is not as eager to learn as Qiu."It can be seen that the importance of learning is far greater than innate conditions such as talent, and diligence can make up for one's weakness. If you can realize the importance of learning earlier, then you will reach the end one step earlier than others.

Eagerness to learn first manifests itself as hard work. Lazy people clamor to learn every day, but they are too lazy to take action and get no results at all.Diligent learning philosophy and correct learning attitude are the two indispensable elements of a studious heart.

Hardworking people are likely to succeed.When someone asked Mr. Lu Xun why he was able to achieve such great achievements in literature, Mr. Lu Xun said: "I don't have any talent. I just spend the time when others drink coffee to read and write books."This is the recipe for success.Diligence is something that most mediocre people are too lazy to do. They can find all kinds of reasons to comfort themselves and stifle their eagerness to learn in the cradle: How can I study this weekend? The weather is so good that I should go to the park Forget it, I’m too tired today, cancel the plan to read the book, and read it another day; what’s so good about this book, I’ll forget it after reading it, why don’t you read it, and go out to play for a while... In the long run, you will If you lose the habit of learning, studiousness will become a myth for you.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Xiubin is not the darling of fate. He was born in a poor family, and he is not a talented person.However, Xiubin's eagerness to learn is obvious to all. He has been a studious child since he was a child, because he has a special preference for physics and chemistry.

He always uses some spare time to learn those knowledge by himself.At that time, in order to support his family, he still chose to work in a pharmacy where the salary was not high, but he could study and do experiments when he went out to work.In his spare time, he did not rest like others, but instead used various "equipment" in the pharmacy to conduct experiments and concentrate on research.Those equipment are nothing more than used pans, kettles and various bottles in the pharmacy.The hard work did not hinder his study. In just a few years, he learned all the physics and chemistry textbooks in junior high school, high school and even university through self-study.Years of hard work will not be without returns, and his eagerness to learn has finally brought him feedback: he has successfully developed three internationally leading new achievements.Today, he serves as the president of the National Society for his outstanding contributions in electrochemistry and outstanding leadership.

Learning is an integral part of both the individual and the collective.Without an eagerness to learn, individuals cannot make progress; without an atmosphere of eagerness to learn, collective development will also stagnate.Establishing learning-oriented enterprises and cultivating learning-oriented talents are the requirements of contemporary society. In the 20s, one-third of the large companies listed on the "Fortune" magazine's list of the world's top 70 have disappeared. A mistake is to ignore the importance of learning.

Yin Mingshan, chairman of Chongqing Lifan Group, once said that learning is an indispensable quality and mentality of an individual, and those who do not want to learn cannot exist in our enterprise, nor can they survive in our society.In order to create a good learning atmosphere, so that all members of the company have a studious heart, he carried out some reforms, set up a punishment mechanism, and supervised learning.For example, the group selects 800 outstanding employees to take the exam. These 800 outstanding employees take the exam at the same time. The head office sets the questions and invites internal experts to mark the papers. After the top 20 are interviewed by the president, 8 are admitted. No.1's monthly salary increased by 5000 yuan; No.2's increased by 3000 yuan, and No.3's monthly salary increased by 2000 yuan.For the remaining 5 people, each person will increase by 1000 yuan per month.He believes that the learning process is important, and if he can learn something every day and advance a certain distance, the future gains will be considerable.

No plowing, no harvest.A studious heart can make us gain a little bit every day. If we make progress every day, we may be able to reach the "differing" state in a few days.We may not be geniuses, we may not have talent, but being diligent and studious can also help us reach the peak of success.Even a genius, if he is not learned and skilled, and does not seek to make progress, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve anything.Geniuses come from hard work, and a studious heart is just to show his genius side.So, no matter what your nature is, whether you are talented or clumsy, you need to have a studious attitude.A studious mind can forge ore into gold, and can make any man into a genius.

(Chapter [-] Optimism, Mastery, Optimism in Life

Pessimistic people are always sighing: Where is my happiness? Who took my happiness away?In fact, happiness is a mood, a state of mind, which is controlled and given by oneself. How can outsiders deprive you of the right to be happy?Keep an optimistic attitude, and happiness will always be by your side.The adjustment effect of mentality is huge, the same thing in different mentality, but it shows a completely different situation.Optimistic people are always able to see beauty and hope, so they feel happy; pessimistic people always see darkness and despair, so they cry and feel world-weary.

Let's read a short story below. This humorous legend may make you laugh, and I hope you can appreciate the preciousness of an optimistic attitude.

★It's a good thing

Once upon a time, the king of a certain tropical country had a very optimistic personal servant. He could always find reasons to be optimistic and happy from bad things. Sometimes the servant's optimism sometimes made the king unbearable.

One day, the king and this valet were out hunting, but when the king was chopping coconuts for lunch, due to excessive force, the machete accidentally cut off his toe.At this moment, an attendant came from a distance, holding the hay he had picked up in his hands. The king frowned and cursed, "This damn coconut, this damn machete, hurt my toe."The optimistic attendant comforted the king and said, "Don't worry, this is good news."

The king was in so much pain that he cried out angrily, "What? Say it again?"

"This is a good thing! There must be benefits behind this superficial accident that we haven't seen yet." The attendant replied affirmatively again.

The king was furious, thinking that this damn slave was laughing at me, so he grabbed the slave and threw him into the dry well, angrily looking for the way back to the castle.

Unexpectedly, on the way back, the king was captured by a group of indigenous people because he had no generals. They thought that the king could be used as a sacrifice to the mountain god this month.The aborigines brought him to the tribal priest, who checked the living sacrifice from head to toe, and when he noticed that the sacrifice was missing a toe, he ordered the aborigines to release the prisoner: "This sacrifice is not qualified. , How can you pay homage to the gods without a toe, you can find another person and let him go."

The king recovered his life due to the previous injury. He returned to the castle, remembered what the attendant said, and felt that it was very reasonable-the superficial accident may have hidden benefits.So he led a group of warriors to rescue the attendant who fell into the well.

When the king reached the dry well, he thought the attendant must be weeping sadly, but he was whistling happily, not worried at all.

After the king rescued him, he sincerely said to the attendant: "You are right. Fortunately, this accident rescued me from the sacrifice of the gods. They wanted to throw me into the volcano, but they saw When it came time that I was missing a toe, I was let go. It was a miracle. You are a prophet, I shouldn't have thrown you down the well!"

"Oh, no, king, it's a good thing you threw me in the well," said the attendant.

The king was puzzled: "What conclusion do you have this time?"

"If you hadn't thrown me into the well and saved my life, I'm afraid I would be serving the gods in heaven now." The attendant explained. ★
What an optimistic attitude, I think if we also have such a happy attitude, I am afraid that no ups and downs or setbacks can bring us down. "It's a blessing in disguise, but you know it's not a blessing."With such an optimistic attitude, you can face gains and losses calmly.Edison was such an optimistic person, and this optimism gave his inventions a helping hand.

★Optimistic Edison

When Edison was 67 years old, a fire broke out in the Edison factory he had worked so hard for, and the entire factory was destroyed.On that day, Edison lost no less than 200 million U.S. dollars, and all the meticulous research for so many years was destroyed.What is even more distressing is that because those factory buildings were made of reinforced concrete, people thought they could be fireproof at that time, so his factory insurance investment was very small, and every dollar was only insured for a dime.

When his son Charles Edison heard about the disaster and ran to find his father nervously, he found old Edison standing near the fire, his face flushed and his white hair blowing in the cold wind.Charles later described to people: "I am very sad. He is no longer young, and all his hard work has been ruined. But when he saw me, he shouted: 'Charles, where is your mother?' I said: 'I don't know.' He cried again: 'Go to her, come to her at once, she will never see such a scene again in her life.'”★
Look, what an admirable spirit!For optimistic people, things that look terrible to outsiders can be transformed into things that can be faced calmly.Life is only a few short decades. If you always look at the world pessimistically, where is your happiness?Optimism is the catalyst for a happy life. No matter what setbacks you encounter, you should accept them optimistically and actively change them. A happy mood can help you overcome difficulties and win victories more efficiently.

(End of this chapter)

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