Chapter 13 Characters You, Me, Him (4)
Dad's face is like the sky in June, and it changes as soon as it changes.When he is nice to me, my father can be "low-spirited", as if he wants to lift me up to the sky.However, this was mostly when I got a 100 on the test.When he was "bad" to me, my father would blow his beard and stare, and slap the table "bang bang", so I had to be more sensible and stay away.Once, I just finished my homework and watched TV for a while, and I happened to be caught by my father.Dad seemed to have turned into an angry lion, rushing in like a gust of wind. "Oops!" I hurried to the back room and closed the door.Dad knocked on the door twice, and shouted loudly: "You don't want to come out!" After a while, the helpless footsteps went away.

Dad is very good at boasting about himself. He is one of the "Top Ten Excellent Young Teachers" in our city.He'd show me his picture in the paper--hey, with a mustache.Recently, there was a TV series called "Shanghai Tango", in which there was a protagonist named Ren Tianxiang, who looked very much like his father.Whenever my father watched this TV series, not only did he not stop me from watching it, but he also hugged me on his lap to watch it with him.As soon as Ren Tianxiang appeared, he would say: "How about it, Dad is handsome!" I said: "Handsome, but a bit like..." I know Dad's temper, and I will never say the word "bad boss" from.

Dad is very popular, especially the school women's basketball team he trains. In the city's basketball games, he has defeated many strong teams and even won the championship.He is the "cool brother" in the hearts of women's basketball sisters.As for those team members, they seem to be his own daughters, and they call me "jealous"!

well!People call him "Cool Brother", but I can only call him "Dad".

This article with distinctive personality, full of childlike innocence and childishness is very successful.The proposition is novel, the language is humorous and lively, and it is very expressive. It describes a "cool guy" dad to us.

Cao Xiaolin

We are a family of four: father, mother, sister and me.The four people have different temperaments and characteristics, but together they make the family full of joy.

joke dad

Dad is a man who loves to tell jokes.One day after dinner, he told a joke again: "Once upon a time, there was a scholar, one day, he explained to the students that 'this is a corpse'!" At this time, Dad lay down on the three-seater sofa and repeated: "This It’s a corpse!” We laughed out loud.Mom laughed and chattered: "Look at you, what do you look like!" Dad said: "My respected wife, this is called 'Smile, ten years old'. Otherwise, you would have become an old woman long ago!" There was another burst of laughter in the room.

nagging mother
No matter how big or small the mother is, she always nags endlessly.One day, I was going out for a spring outing, and a few classmates were already waiting for me outside the door, but my mother was still nagging: "Lin, bring the sweater, or you will catch a cold... Have you brought the money? The knife for peeling fruit Take it!" He slipped the knife into my pocket. "Mom, I'm leaving." "Be careful on the road, watch out for the car! If you are tired, pay attention to rest. Come back early, don't play on the road, don't quarrel with classmates, and listen to the teacher..." I walked away, she I don't know what to say at the door.

gluttonous sister

My sister is beautiful and smart, but she has a greedy mouth.When I was eating, I had just served the meal, and the two egg rolls had already been swallowed into her stomach.I glared at her twice, but she put two pieces of lean meat into the bowl again and smiled at me.One day, my grandma brought a bag of apples, and as soon as I turned around, several were missing.I saw that her jacket pocket and trouser pocket were already full of apples, and she still had a big one in her mouth.I said to her: "You are a little greedy cat!" But she said: "Who asked you to be my sister? If you call me sister, I will give you an apple." It made me dumbfounded.

How about, do you like our family?Do you understand the characteristics of our family?
The little author portrays a happy family to us with humorous language. "Dad who likes to tell jokes", "Mother who likes to chatter", "Sister who is gluttonous", the young author has grasped the biggest characteristics of the characters, not only can grasp the language and actions accurately, but also describe vividly.

family guest book

He Jianrong

Sunny Saturday, May 5

Dad holds an important position in the town government and is very busy with work. Mom is a teacher in the town's junior middle school and has heavy teaching tasks.The whole family has a full work and study schedule every day, and it is rare to exchange ideas together.Parents often argue over the matter of oil, salt, firewood and rice, with red faces, red lips, and swords, and sometimes they even throw bowls and glasses.

Later, I built a family guest book for my parents. My father would notify us on it, and I would sometimes report happy events at school to the adults.

One day at noon, I came home from school and opened the guestbook: "The armed forces are behind, and the food and grass go first. To stabilize the family, I will buy rice." Dad came back from get off work and laughed, and immediately borrowed rice from the neighbors. He sang the symphony of pots and pans in a hurry.My mother was very happy to see her when she came back from buying rice.Another time, my mother and I went home to eat Chinese food. Seeing that the food had been set on the table, but there was no sign of my father, I opened the guest book and said, "The raw rice has been cooked, my good wife, please You swallow it. I will have a meeting in the county, and the meeting will last for three days." Mom smiled sweetly while reading.

I remember that during the Spring Festival this year, my mother and I went to my grandmother's house, and it was too late to tell my father who was going to the countryside.My mother wrote in the guest book: "360 five days a year, pots, dishes and spoons are strictly enforced. Now I am lucky to bring my son back to my mother's house, and then ask my husband to learn how to cook." The next day we came back from my grandmother's house and saw my father. In the guestbook, he wrote: "A man can bend and stretch, and can do everything in the hall and kitchen."

Since I set up this family guest book for my parents, there is no more confrontation in the family, but full of joy and happiness. Heh, guest book, your contribution is really not small!
"Family and everything prosper." After the family set up a guest book, there was no more verbal confrontation, and the whole family was filled with joy and happiness.The level of the article is clear, and the reasons, functions, and use of the guestbook are written, and they are described in an orderly manner.The language is light and playful, especially the words in the guestbook, which are very distinctive and lifelike, making it a joy to read.The ending is lyrical and the center is highlighted.

father is the boat mother is the sail
When I was still close to my parents, I often heard such a beautiful nursery rhyme: "Father is the boat, and mother is the sail, carrying the little me to the golden shore..." At that time, for this The first nursery rhyme, I feel very confused and incomprehensible.

When I first went to school, I envied some classmates who had parents who were artists or engineers. I really hope that my parents can become artists or engineers all of a sudden!Childishness is a thing of the past.Now, I no longer envy anyone, I deeply feel that my parents are the best parents in the world!

My father is very busy with work and is often away from home, but he still cares about my study very much.In my eyes, he is both a loving father and a strict teacher.

When the final exam was approaching last semester, my father went to Beijing on a business trip.Before leaving, he repeatedly told me to study hard and get good grades in the exam.A week passed in a flash.The night before the exam, I suddenly received a telegram from Beijing.I opened the telegram carefully, and what jumped into my eyes were 11 big words: Pinger, study hard and strive for good grades.Dad, Dad, you are thousands of miles away, but you still care about my study so much!I feel full of strength all over my body.

At night, I was lying on the bed with this telegram in my hand, and my father's kind face seemed to appear in front of my eyes, and my father's kind words seemed to be heard in my ears. He picked me up and gently pricked my face with beard stubble like when I was a child, and we laughed together...

The exam was over, and I got a good score of 95 in both English and Mathematics.On the way home, I thought: Two 95 points came, and my father also has credit!
One Sunday afternoon, my mother and I were watching a children's fashion show on TV.A pink spring and autumn shirt attracted me. I pushed my mother and said, "Mom, you can also buy me such a dress." Mom shook her head.I was not discouraged, and pestered my mother and said: "I want to buy it, I want to buy it!" My mother suddenly stood up and said softly: "Come on, Pingping." Curiosity prompted me to follow my mother into the bedroom.

Mom took out an old photo album, opened the first page, and showed me a yellowed photo.The picture shows a girl in her twenties, wearing a gray blouse, a pair of dark gray pants, and a pair of "eyes" on her knees.This girl is vaguely the mother of the year.My mother patted me on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Mom was 20 years old at that time, and she was wearing old clothes worn by grandma. Now, Pingping, mother also knows how to dress her daughter up beautifully, but everything Don't overdo it, understand?" I blushed and hung my head in shame.After a while, I raised my head abruptly, and said to my mother's smiling eyes, "Mom, I don't want new clothes anymore." My mother smiled gratifiedly.

Dad, Mom, from the age of 1 to 12, you gave me not only fatherly and motherly love, but also a lot.Today, I am satisfied and proud!

"Father is the boat, and mother is the sail, carrying me to the golden shore..." I seem to have heard that beautiful nursery rhyme again.However, for this nursery rhyme, I am no longer confused and incomprehensible.

A beautiful nursery rhyme, the little author never understands it until he understands it, and in the middle is the understanding of the deep father's love and mother's love.After reading this article, we can't help being moved by the sincere parent-child relationship.This kind of parent-child affection is infiltrated in every sentence and every word of the article.

special person

i have a cousin like this
Chen Jinzhu

During the summer vacation, my 3-year-old cousin came to our house as a guest, so the house became lively.

Every morning, the sun has risen by a pole, and everyone has finished their breakfast, but my cousin is still lying in bed and refuses to come out.So the whole family used the "wheel tactics". The mother's scolding, the grandma's temptation, and the grandpa's dragging all went into battle, but the cousin was unshakable.In the end, Dad came and picked him up from the bed, so he was too scared to sit on the bed.This made my father think that his image in the eyes of his cousin was affected, and he often complained: "You are all pretending to be good people, so let me be a big bad wolf..." We asked our cousin: "How is my father?" He was stunned for a long time every time, and then tremblingly squeezed the word "good" from between his teeth.It makes people feel strange and pitiful.

My cousin is a little mischievous, just gave him a small bamboo basket, and in a short while, the small bamboo basket will be dismantled by him, so angry that grandma picked up the rolling pin and wanted to beat him, so he fled to grandpa's " under the umbrella".But grandma was still angry, so she insisted on hitting him twice with a rolling pin.When the cousin heard this, he said pitifully, "Grandma, don't hit me, it hurts!"

"No, if I don't hit you, you still have to spoil things!" In fact, when grandma saw his pitiful appearance, half of her anger disappeared.

"Isn't it possible to use a rolling pin?" the cousin who is good at observing words and expressions took the opportunity to say.

"Then what do you say to use?"

"Is this okay?" My cousin hurriedly broke off a bamboo branch that was only half a foot long and thinner than noodles from the broom.

After lunch, my cousin began to doodle on the paper.Suddenly, he yelled: "Look, I drew a bird!" Everyone leaned forward, and saw two circles, one big and one small, drawn with black pen on the paper, and two crooked circles were drawn on the big circle. A triangle, twice as long as a great circle.A semicircle is drawn on the small circle, and the bird's legs are under the small circle.I praised: "Children over 3 years old can draw birds. It's amazing!"

My cousin pointed here and there, and introduced us with great interest: the big circle is the head, the two triangles are the mouth, and the small circle is the body... We asked him: "What is the semicircle on this body?" He smiled smugly Said: "What are you talking about?" "Wings?" "I said, why are you so stupid? This is the bag, the little bird used it to put the handkerchief in the kindergarten..." Another burst of laughter covered his next words.

The language of this article is witty and humorous, which is worth learning from.The young author grasps the character characteristics of the characters, closely focuses on the theme, and vividly portrays the image of an elegant, simple and honest little cousin.The description is detailed and nuanced, which properly shows the characteristics of the little cousin.

brother life file
Zhang Wenyu

File One: Punching and Kicking

Before my younger brother met us, he was "impolite" to his mother.For a while, I "punched and kicked" my mother's stomach, and for a while I "popped a balloon" inside.You can't hear him when you scold him, and you can't hit him when you hit him. Alas, he is so majestic.

File [-]: "Hate Paper" to the Bone

Just 10 months after he was born, his younger brother "hated paper to the bone".If there is a piece of paper in front of him, whether it is useful paper or waste paper, he will not let it go.Fortunately, I was split into two and "forgotten", unfortunately "broken to pieces", and even more unfortunate was "bitten" by my younger brother... Even my most beloved storybook was "badly handed" by him.

File [-]: Handy
When eating, as long as the mother puts the bowls and chopsticks on the table, the younger brother will move quickly.Just listen to a "bang", and a bowl is "gloriously sacrificed".The younger brother danced happily, a bit like Qingwen tearing up fans.

File Four: Jumping Champions
Every day, as long as I open my eyes, my brother will keep moving.When he is happy, his two calves are like springs, and they keep jumping.His mother who took care of him was so tired that his waist was sore and his back was sore, but he still jumped proudly, as if to say: "I want to break the Guinness World Record for 'jumping'!"

File Five: Some Like It Hot
As long as you make your brother laugh, he will reward you: he will wrap your head in his two chubby hands, gnaw on your face, and leave you with drool all over your face.As long as you try his "enthusiasm", you will definitely be intimidated and avoid it next time.

In fact, my brother still has a lot of files, let me tell you about them next time!

The writing method of this article is novel and the language is concise.Through the narration of the younger brother's life files, the young author writes about his lovely younger brother vividly and concretely.Thanks to the careful observation on weekdays, the little author writes the characters' movements and expressions vividly, and the image of a naughty and cute little baby comes alive on the paper.The young author is good at choosing appropriate and expressive vocabulary, which enhances the charm of the article.

Naughty "Christmas Man"

Fang Miaohong

After school today, the teacher took the baby who just turned one year old into the classroom.She looks so cute, with a small red face, a pair of big round eyes, a small red mouth, and yellow hair, she looks like a little foreign girl.She wears red hats and clothes, like a "Christmas man".

The teacher put her down and let her move freely on the ground, and she just swayed and walked forward.She walked crookedly, like a cute little duck.The classmates rushed up to surround her, some shook hands with her, some made her laugh, and some stretched out their little hands to hug this cute "Christmas man".At this time, Teacher Wang asked her to sing a song for everyone. She was embarrassed and looked at us without saying a word.She didn't sing and we sang, we sang two interesting songs for her in unison, and we also meowed like dogs and cats, probably because our voices were too loud, and "Little Christmas Man" was so scared that he cried.Several classmates immediately twisted their bodies to dance and make faces, and finally made her laugh.At this time, Teacher Wang went out to wash his hands, and the "Christmas Little Man" was walking around in the classroom, looking around, looking for his mother everywhere.Unable to find her mother, she ran out of the classroom crying again.

This mischievous "Christmas man" knows how to cry, but her actions amuse us all, it's so funny!
(End of this chapter)

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