Chapter 14 Characters You, Me, Him (5)
The young author describes a lovely baby who has just turned one year old.First, through static description, the characters' appearance, clothing and the origin of the title are written; then, the dynamic description is used to describe the performance of the characters, with clear layers, lively language and full of vitality.

My "little emperor" sister

I have a baby sister, Junjun. She has black hair, a pair of watery eyes, and two thin lips. When she smiles, there are two small dimples on her rosy cheeks. She is very cute.Although she is only two and a half years old, she is the "little emperor" in our family.At home, both father and mother have to listen to her.Whenever she was upset, she would cry loudly, sometimes several times a day.As long as she cries, she can get what she wants.Crying is her magic weapon.

One Sunday afternoon, my cousin Lei Wei and I were playing with cars; Junjun suddenly came over and snatched Lei Wei's car away, and insisted on playing by himself.Lei Wei said angrily: "This is my car, why don't you let me play with it?" When she broke it, Junjun burst into tears.At this time, my mother came and asked: "What's going on?" "Lei Wei took my car..." Junjun cried. "Nonsense! This is my car, you broke it!" At this time, Junjun cried again, and my mother picked up Junjun and asked me, "What's going on?" The thing is said again.After hearing this, the mother said to Junjun: "Daughter, don't cry, mother will buy you one." The cousin standing next to her shook her head and said, "Oh, Junjun is spoiled, what can I do in the future!"

Once, my mother took me and Junjun to the store to buy things, passing by the toy store, Junjun stopped.Her eyes fell on a doll, and she clamored for her mother to buy that doll. When her mother touched her pocket, she found that she didn't have enough money, so she said, "My dear daughter, my mother didn't bring enough money. I can't afford it. I'll buy it tomorrow, okay." Is it?" "No!" Junjun yelled, and sat on the ground and started crying, and the passers-by all looked at Junjun in unison.My mother had no choice but to say: "Okay, I'll go back and get money to buy it now, okay?" This sentence was really useful, and Junjun stopped crying immediately, and took his mother's hand and said, "Quick! Hurry up!" Only then did we "smoothly" leave the toy store.

Another time, my parents told me and my cousin to take good care of Junjun before going out.After my parents left, Junjun didn't pay attention to us at all. He wanted to eat this and that, and finally pulled me to the ground and said, "Junjun wants to ride." I understand that she wants to ride again. Ride me like a horse.While my parents are not at home, I want to take care of this "little emperor".I said: "My brother is not a horse, so I can't give you a ride!" She showed her housekeeping skills again, "Wow... wow..." See if I ignore her, just lie on the ground and roll, I pull Watching my cousin quietly leave the living room, close the door of the living room, and let her cry her fill.We watched her through the crack of the door and she put her face in her hands.But her eyes peeped out through her fingers, she cried and looked, she was tired from crying, and when she was sure that no one was paying attention to her, she had no choice but to get up from the ground, hug her baby, and her magic weapon failed for the first time.

This is a refreshing article, which allows us to closely observe the life of today's "little emperor", and at the same time touches the reasons for this phenomenon and the way to deal with it.The character description in this article is quite successful, and the young author's language is lively and lively, successfully portraying the unruly and willful image of the "little emperor" sister.

little tv fan

Hong Haiyu

Haizhou is my cousin. He was only seven months old. He is chubby and has sharp round eyes.Although he is small, he is a "TV commercial fan"!It's strange to say that he loves to watch TV commercials the most, even when he is having a good time, as soon as he hears the sound of the commercials on TV, he will immediately focus on the TV, as if he is serious about watching the TV commercials. Like a machine eats it.

Once, while he was breastfeeding, he suddenly heard an advertisement for "big big" bubble gum on the TV.He immediately stopped sucking, turned his head around, and fixed his eyes on the bright and colored screen. Seeing how serious he was, I deliberately teased him to see how he reacted.I blocked his sight with my body, but I didn't expect him to turn his head to one side to look at it, and then to the other side to look at it. When he couldn't see it, he got angry!I saw him kicking his feet wildly, pushing his hands out, and babbling, as if to say: "Go away! Go away!" Then he lost his temper and burst into tears.He stopped crying as soon as I walked away, God!
Another time, the neighbor's TV set heard the sound of a "Wahaha" advertisement, and my cousin suddenly stopped his activities, looking for his own TV set with his eyes like radar.When he couldn't find it, he cried and made a fuss. My aunt thought he was hungry, so she quickly nursed him, but he didn't eat, and he still cried, his head kept turning.At this time, my aunt seemed to understand something, and immediately turned on the TV, and my cousin stopped crying, his eyes were fixed on the commercial program on the TV, and he was still grinning!

But when I was watching children's programs, he didn't respond, and made noises that affected my watching TV. I really don't understand why my cousin loves watching TV commercials so much. He is really a natural "little TV commercial fan"!
The young author writes vividly and concretely his little cousin who likes to read advertisements with a witty style of writing.In just a few hundred words, it vividly shows how the "little TV commercial fan" is obsessed with TV commercials. It has a strong breath of life, which makes people laugh and have endless aftertaste after reading.

Everyone loves "Little Doudou"

There is such a child, he is born with a big head, and the slightly protruding back of the head seems to have an unknown number of brain cells than other children.There are a pair of big talking eyes on his red apple face, and the shiny black eyeballs keep turning all day long.Besides, with his small cherry mouth, as long as he opens his mouth, it is like firing a machine gun.He has a pair of small hands with thin skin and tender flesh. As long as these small hands don't move for an hour, it seems that they will be sorry for anyone.Do you know who this kid is?He is my little cousin, little Doudou, the "pistachio" of my aunt's family.

Although Doudou is only 5 years old, he is very smart.That day, I went to my aunt's house, and as soon as I entered the door, I saw Doudou playing with building blocks with the boy next door attentively.With one hand, he held down the small "tank" which had already taken shape but lacked a barrel, and with the other hand he was still picking from the pile of building blocks. Once he picked the one he wanted, he nodded in satisfaction, and then carefully continued to the "tank". "Go up. "Huh? Why can't my building block be built up, and it keeps falling down?" The little cousin said to himself.He scratched his head, opened his eyes wide, and stared at the "tank" carefully. "Ask your sister to help you set it up!" Seeing that Doudou couldn't set it up, the boy reminded him. "No, let me think about it again, I will definitely figure it out!" Doudou's words showed [-]% confidence.Not long after, Doudou slapped his thigh suddenly, and shouted: "Oh! I have a solution!" I saw him lightly push a long building block with one round end and the other square end into the "tank" that had been built before. Plug in, and a "tank" with a high barrel is built.He jumped up with joy, laughed and screamed and clapped his hands.

Doudou is not only dexterous, but also has a strong interest in ancient poetry.In addition to being able to recite forty or fifty ancient poems by heart, he can often make up nursery rhymes by himself!That day when he went out to play with his father, he fell in love with a set of toys and felt itchy in his heart.But Dad pretended not to agree to buy it, so he made up a nursery rhyme as soon as he turned his eyes: "Toys are good toys, and Doudou likes this toy. Dad won't buy it today, and Doudou won't go back today!" Listen, filled with joy, immediately paid for the toy, Doudou held the toy in his hands, his little face suddenly smiled into a flower, then held his father's hand, humming the nursery rhyme "Toys are good toys", Hopping and bouncing went home.

The article grasps the appearance and behavior characteristics of the characters, and portrays the characters in a delicate and full manner.After reading the entire text, an innocent, lively, naughty and lovely "Xiao Doudou" image emerges before our eyes.

hipster aunt
Chai Jing
Today, my aunt went to the street to dye her hair.She said that it was time to celebrate the festival, and she should talk about fashion; she said that she had been a Chinese for decades, and it was time to taste what it was like to be a "foreigner"; she said that she would look better with dyed hair.No, black hair goes out and yellow hair comes back.I was also an aunt who was "malnourished" and her hair was yellow!Seeing my aunt's arrogance, I can't wait to bite her, what's wrong with being Chinese!
While eating, my younger sister stared straight at my aunt's hair, and said childishly, "Auntie, you should eat more vegetables. The teacher said that if you eat less vegetables and lack nutrition, your hair will turn yellow. You are so yellow I don’t eat enough vegetables.” My aunt laughed so hard when she heard this, and my father laughed so hard that his stomach ached, and they both slapped the dining table together and turned it over...

A few days later, my aunt went to the street again. She said that she wanted to dye her eyes. She had seen others dye them, and the results were good.Being a "foreigner" is enjoyable, otherwise it's not like it.In this way, my aunt's eyes changed color again.At that time, I thought that my aunt had an accident and her eyes were blackened by others, so I hurried to help her, but of course, it turned out to be in vain.

A few days later, my aunt bought a short-sleeved shirt and wore it over the long-sleeved shirt.She said it was fashionable.Within two days, my aunt was busy buying lipstick again.I looked at the dark purple dazzling, even some fancy color on my aunt's lips, and felt a little sick!But my aunt said that it is the color that represents life, and it is inviolable...

School is about to start, and everyone is going to celebrate grandpa's birthday. My aunt pays special attention to it: grandpa is already 70 years old, so he has to prepare well.My aunt stopped halfway and said that she forgot to buy flowers for grandpa and told us to go first.

When the door knocked again, my aunt appeared at the door.Before she could say a word, grandma came to close the door: "Hey, the old man came to fight on his birthday? Really!"

It turned out that my aunt changed her hairstyle again into a "hedgehog head".It is said to be the most popular nowadays.In this way, my aunt, who wore platform shoes at least five inches thick, was all in black, and had tall hair, was recognized by the grandma as a troublemaker.

well!Look at my fashionable aunt.

Is the hipster aunt really fashionable? The yellow hair of "malnutrition" looks like eyes that have been beaten blue by others, and the "hedgehog head" that grandma thinks is looking for trouble.This series of descriptions not only portrays the image of my aunt vividly, but also alludes to the phenomenon that some people blindly pursue fashion in today's society.

grandma using mobile phone

Zhou Jiale

Mom bought a mobile phone for grandma.In order to get acquainted with it as soon as possible, grandma thought about its usage when she was free.

One day, after my grandma finished her housework, she sat on the sofa and took out this exquisite mobile phone, her eyes narrowed for joy.I put down the book in my hand and went to my grandma: "Grandma, how do you use this phone?" I asked knowingly.

Grandma lifted the cover of the phone, looked at the buttons inside, and muttered: "Why did you press it, why did you forget?" Grandma felt worried.At this juncture, the phone suddenly buzzed and vibrated.Unprepared, grandma was so frightened that her hands shook, she threw the phone on the carpet, and exclaimed: "Oh, why is this thing still shaking? I'm afraid it's a leakage?" , I couldn’t help giggling, quickly picked up the phone, looked at the number, and explained to my grandma: “Grandma, it’s my mother who called you. This phone doesn’t have a ringtone, it uses vibration to remind you.”

A few days later, my mother bought another mobile phone case for my grandma, made of silk and satin, red ground and green leaves with yellow flowers, and there is a button loop twisted with a black cloth belt at the opening.

One evening, when grandma came back from shopping in the market, she just put down her bag when she heard melodious music coming from the bag.Grandma opened her pocket with lightning speed, went to take out her mobile phone, and flicked and fumbled, but there was no sign of the mobile phone.The music on the mobile phone kept ringing, and my grandma panicked, and with a "crash", she emptied everything in her pocket, and the mobile phone finally revealed its "true face of Lushan Mountain" among the pile of sundries.Grandma grabbed the phone, but there was still no way to answer it.It turned out that the beautiful mobile phone case was still worn on the mobile phone.Grandma hurried to untie the button on the mobile phone case.Maybe the mobile phone is deliberately against grandma. No matter how anxious grandma is, the button loop does not mean to relax in the slightest.Grandma was annoyed, and only heard a "pop", the button loop was broken by grandma, and then released the mobile phone from the mobile phone case.But the sound of the music also stopped, so grandma had to press the caller ID to call the other party back.

Later, the unflattering mobile phone case was severely put aside by grandma, and grandma didn't bother with it anymore.

You see, the way grandma uses her mobile phone is so funny!
Unique title, "fresh" content, refreshing.Today, with the rapid development of modern science and technology, "grandmother is equipped with a mobile phone", through the author's superb description and witty language, it shows everyone the many jokes when grandma used the mobile phone. It is not only true and close to life, but also It is vivid and vivid, especially vividly portraying the panic and clumsiness of grandma when facing new things.It is precisely because of this that the article adds a fresh and joyful color.This is also the most appealing part of this article.

Me and three "little foreigners"

Yang Qiang
At the gate of the west courtyard where we live, there is an apartment for foreign students, in which all "foreigners" live.Whenever I meet a "foreigner", I always feel itchy in my heart. I have learned English, so what would it be like if I spoke English with a "foreigner"?

One afternoon, I was playing in the yard, and suddenly I saw three "little foreigners" walking towards me, and my heart immediately beat a small drum "boom, boom".In a blink of an eye, they stood in front of me, two little boys and a girl.I looked at them, full of surprise.Suddenly, the tall boy said to me in unproficient Chinese: "Hello!" I raised my right hand very gracefully and said in English: "Hello!" He then said: "Is your name Sha ( What) name?" I still answered in English: "My name is Yang Qiang, what's your name?" This time, the "little foreigner" finally spoke English, and he babbled a lot, and the little girl tilted her head and said What, but I can't understand a word!Their tongues seem to swirl, making a "hissing" sound from time to time.God, what is this called English, the teacher never taught us this kind of weird English, what the hell!I stood there like a wooden man.Seeing that I didn't understand, they made gestures, pointing first to their mouths and then to me, and said, "You, Jon, OK?" Oh, I see, they don't know how to call me by my Chinese name , giving me an English name!

(End of this chapter)

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