Chapter 16 Campus Express (1)
writing tips

Classmates, we spend most of our time on campus every day.Those wonderful lives left an indelible impression on us.When we usually compose, we often encounter the topic of campus life, so how can we vividly and concretely record these colorful campus life?
[-]. Analyze the topic and find out the problem
1. Locate the question mark.The title eye is the content that the article needs to focus on, and is the main basis for determining the central idea.For example, "Remember an Interesting Thing", "Remember a New Thing", and "An Unexpected Thing" all write about one thing.Before starting to write, it is necessary to figure out where the focus of the composition is, what is the center, and what to write about.According to the topic, decide to write a few things.For example, "There are many new things in our school", which requires us to write three or more things; "This thing makes me educated", only requires us to write one thing.

2. Before composing, we should consider well that the composition requires us to write about where and when it happened.Like "An Impressive Chinese Lesson" and "Examination Symphony", the incident should happen in the school.In terms of scope, ""June [-]" Masquerade Party" and "Broadcast Gymnastics Competition" each have their own time and space intervals.

Second, the content should be specific, and the details should be appropriate
When writing a specific thing, it must be detailed.For example, when describing a radio gymnastics competition, all the classes in the school participated. If it is obviously inappropriate to describe each class in detail, one or two of the most exciting classes should be selected to write in detail, and the rest can be omitted.

[-]. Arrange the order of the narrative

Generally, one thing should be written in the order of its development (cause, process, result), and the ins and outs of the matter should be clearly written. This order can also be broken, and flashbacks or interjections can be used appropriately.

[-]. Combining character creation to write

Writing things is inseparable from writing about people. In the process of narration, it is necessary to write the characters' language, demeanor, actions, and psychological activities in detail and realistically, so as to refine the ideological quality of the characters and better express the central idea.

Campus Activities

Li Yuanlong

At present, cadres all over the country practice competition for posts. Today, this trend has also blown to our class.In the class meeting, Teacher Sun overturned the "re-election" system for class committee cadres and asked the students to "democratically" elect for a new term.

In the past, I was the "old head" in the class, and I sat on the "throne" for five years.I also know that it was all helped by my inseparable good friend-"100 points".As the head of the first class, of course you have to "catch the ducks to the shelves-croaking" in your studies. This must be an important one.So I thought I was sure of winning this election.I straightened my waist, staring at the blackboard and the teacher intently, waiting for the laurel crown to fall firmly on my head.

Unexpectedly, Li Yi and Zhang Dan were on equal footing with me.Our votes are equal, forming a "three kingdoms" situation, who can take on the "heavy responsibility" of the leader?Teacher Sun made a decisive decision: "Students have sharp eyes, let's choose!"

The students commented one by one.It was my turn, and my heart was like a fish just caught ashore, "thump, thump", and kept jumping.I pricked up my ears and eagerly listened to the voices of my classmates.

"Li Yuanlong studies well, and is qualified to be a monitor!"

"You're good at discipline, you're smart, you can be one!"

"Except for Li Yuanlong, I don't support it!" Even Zhou Jie, who doesn't like to talk, cheered for me.

Hearing such a high evaluation from my classmates, I was relieved and smiled knowingly.Suddenly, Cheng Yaojin appeared on the way.Guo Wenjun was picky: "Li Yuanlong shouldn't be. Usually he always likes to say '100 points are mine, no one wants it'."

Yang Ya also charged forward: "Li Yuanlong is boastful, his tail is almost up to the sky." Seeing that he had evidence, Li Yi also had plausible arguments: "Li Yuanlong is too proud to say that he is a 'genius'..."

This sentence touched my shortcoming, like a series of cannonballs, it made me dizzy and burst into cold sweat.

Seeing that the throne in my hand was "shaky" and changed hands, my heart was a little bit disheartened.My "loyalists" are getting fewer and fewer, and almost all of them have "followed" Zhang Dan. My "Cao Ying Army" existed in name only and fell apart.

In the end, Mr. Sun obeyed the "public opinion" and elected Zhang Dan as the class monitor, and there was a burst of cheers in the classroom.As for me, I learned a lot and gained wisdom, and I also understood the most ordinary and basic truth of being a human being.

A narrative, if it can achieve twists and turns, ups and downs, and full of suspense, will definitely attract readers.The young author of this article dedicated a hearty and exciting class campaign for the readers.In the class election, as the young author of the "Old Squad Leader", I thought that with the support of good grades, I would be able to keep the "throne", but I didn't expect the result to be quite unexpected.Rich language descriptions and delicate psychological descriptions are a major feature of this article.

This event is great
Li Huimin

It snowed all day and all night.This morning, I opened the door and took a look: Oh, what a silver-white world!The thick snow is loose and soft under the feet, which is a good time for snowball fights.Finally, it was time for extracurricular activities, and the class leaders couldn't wait to organize the whole class to prepare for a big battle.When we came to the back playground, the male and female students were "stationed" on the east and west sides of the playground.The battle started, the female students were divided into two groups, the front shot, and the rear made ammunition - holding snowballs.A few classmates in front of me and I tried our best to throw at each other, and the male classmates did not show weakness. In addition, they had a favorable terrain, and it seemed that we would be defeated.

what should I do!At this time, I had an idea and came up with a "smart plan".I asked the forward classmates to spread out.The male students thought we were going to "flee the battle", so they were "hooked" and rushed forward.Although we were "shot" in many places on our faces and bodies, we all know that the best is yet to come!Taking advantage of the chaos, I have already led a few "main team members", holding the snowball, bent down and walked around to the back of the male students. Just as they were concentrating on rushing forward, who would have thought that we had taken their "old nest" by surprise? ".So, we raised snowballs one after another, and threw them hard at the boys' heads and buttocks, making them yell "Ouch, Ouch".Before they could get over it, I quickly grabbed a ball of snow and stuffed it into the back of fat little Zhu Zhiguo's neck.I saw him grinning from the cold and shaking his head, which caused the students to laugh.At this time, the female classmate on the opposite side also rushed over, and the dense "cannonballs" were fired at them.You see: "Little Doctor" Zhang Qingyin's glasses have been knocked off the bridge of the nose, just like a "trick fortune teller", who has lost all the "grace" of a scholar.Wang Tao, who is usually quiet and reticent, has white snow on his nose and eyebrows, and now he said humorously: "Do you think I look like Santa Claus?" All this made everyone laugh again.It seems that the male students couldn't resist our "two-sided attack" tactic after all, so they had to hang up the "exemption card".As a result, laughter and laughter echoed over the playground for a long time...

What a great event!Because it is not only interesting, but also makes people understand: as long as you use your brain to do anything, you can win!

The article closely revolves around the "snowball fight" and describes the scene very vividly and interestingly.It specifically writes the process of how the girls turn the tide into victory.Although it is a "battle", there is no "smoke of gunpowder". Instead, it is full of laughter and laughter, showing childlike innocence and fun.End the question and sublimate the theme: as long as you use your brain to do anything, you can win.

Aunt Chen
The day before the winter break, our fifth grade students had an activity called WhiteElephant (White Elephant).Although it is called White Elephant, it is actually an auction that lets us know a thing or two about financial management.

This auction needs to be quiet, our students' auction can't be like adults, noisy, and other classes are still in class?
The day before the event, the teacher asked each of us to bring some things we didn't use to school.I prepared dozens of Pokemon cards and two beautiful pop bead bracelets.The next morning, everyone gathered around me, one said: "I can definitely get them!" The other said: "I will give all the Pokemon cards to my brother, and keep the bracelet for myself." The teacher put I took out a piece of paper, with "Name" printed on the top line and "货" printed on the bottom line.If you want to get a certain item, you have to sign your name in the "Name" column, and then write how much you are willing to pay for the item in the "Bet" column.

The event has finally started!Everyone wrote down the money they "earned" in one semester (you know, these money are all "fake money", which was "printed" by the teacher and sent to us little by little) on a small "credit card" , and then began to "attack" the "castle" on the table.I have 2573 yuan, so I can compete for it.

At first, I took a fancy to a small bag of candy, and someone had already bet 100 yuan on it, so I bet one 200 yuan.After a while, I came back and saw that person bet 300 yuan, so I bet 400 yuan, and then he bet 500 yuan.I bet another 600 yuan, but he was determined to win, and finally put in the big ticket: 1000 yuan.I think it's a waste to spend 1000 yuan for such a small bag of candy.So I decided to abandon the "old product" and enter the "new era".

I looked around in the classroom, and suddenly my eyes lit up, and I found a big bag of candy. It belonged to my good friend John. He actually brought such a big bag of candy, which contained 200 pieces!At this moment, a female classmate came over and bet 1940 yuan—this was all her funds!
1940 yuan...

1940 yuan!
She only has 1940 yuan, but I have 2573 yuan!I am more than her!I can get this bag of sugar!So I bet all my 2573 yuan, and many people came over, looked at my bet, shook their heads, and left.At that time, I was very proud, let's see who of you dare to compete with me for hegemony!

Afterwards, I regretted a bit: I shouldn’t bet all 2573 yuan on one thing, 2000 yuan can be a sure bet, and leaving 573 yuan can be of great use!
In this article, the author describes in detail a fun-filled "auction" event, filling the text with tension and joy.The full text closely follows the detailed arrangement of the event scene, and describes one's own actions, expressions, and psychology in a wonderful and fascinating manner.

Zhang Guyu

Be bolder, stand up and speak out bravely, elections are often difficult problems for people to overcome when they were children, and I am the same. Although I have longed for the selection of class cadres this time, I still cannot make up my mind to stand up and recommend myself bravely. .

The team meeting for the election class cadres started, but I still couldn't make up my mind. I stood up and said, for me, it is not a difficult task, but it is not easy either.As long as you say a few words, you have the hope of being rated as a class leader.Let me tell you, I am afraid that others will make fun of me, and if I get nervous and say something wrong, then I must be "the game is over"!Don't talk about it, for fear of missing a good opportunity, you know, a mistake will cause eternal hatred!Although it's not that serious, if I give up, then I won't even think about being a class cadre this semester!I really want to be a good student in the eyes of others, and the class leader is the proof!

Watching others speak one by one, I mustered up the courage to raise my hand, when others stood up and spoke again!I suddenly thought, I want to be the team leader, what if I can't be selected?That's a shame! "Students should be brave. Some people have the ability but don't speak up. How can they succeed?" The teacher's words were like a fire, which ignited the fire of hope in my heart again. I took a deep breath and mustered up my courage. , holding hands tightly, stood up and said: "I... want to be a squad leader, because I have also been a squad leader in the original school, and I also want to serve the current class." I finished speaking in one breath, I sat down with a hot face, and it was strange to say that I was much more relaxed. The only thing I can do now is to wait quietly, waiting for the judgment of my classmates and the decision of the teacher.The short 20-minute wait felt like a long 20 centuries. During this time, I thought a lot: What if I can’t be chosen?The answer is to participate; if I choose, what should I do?The answer is to keep trying...

Finally, the teacher announced the candidate for the class leader!I listened attentively, not daring to be distracted, not daring to blink. "Squad leader: Chen Xuan, study committee member: Yu Yingpu, team leader—" Team leader!It's the captain!Is there me?My heart was beating wildly, and I patiently listened to the result. "Zhang Guyu..." There's me!have me!I wanted to yell happily, but I still stabilized my emotions and never showed my true intentions in front of my classmates!
While I was extremely excited, I also felt the burden on my body. I will never forget that I am a small team leader and a role model for my classmates. I will never forget that the small card with a horizontal line is my proof. , I can't be like others, do not write homework, play every day, because, I am a small team leader, a "waiter" who serves everyone and the class!
The young author of this article mustered up the courage to defeat himself, and finally won.The young author extracts valuable themes from an election, and pays attention to psychological description. The characters' psychology twists and turns with the development of things, and the portrayal is better.I believe that most of my peers feel the same about the contradictory psychology of the young author. The success of the young author is the hope created by courage.

Smart is wrong

Lu Xu
Last Monday, the homework assigned by the teacher was to recite the text "Unforgettable Water-Splashing Festival". At that time, I couldn't read this text fluently, let alone recite it.

When I got home from school, I thought hard and finally came up with a "smart plan" to deal with teachers and parents: the first natural paragraph is only a few sentences, I only recite the first natural paragraph, and then...

In the evening, I changed the homework strip to "recite the first natural paragraph of the text" and handed it to my mother.Under the supervision of my mother, I quickly recited the first natural paragraph fluently, and then asked my mother to write "the first natural paragraph has been recited" on the homework with a pencil.After my mother left, I erased the words "the first natural paragraph" with an eraser, leaving only the three words "recited" and my mother's signature. I thought to myself: Who said it is difficult to recite the text?Isn't this easy to get done?I was proud of my "masterpiece" for a long time!

In class the next day, the teacher asked us: "Have you memorized the text?" "Lu Xu, please come to the podium and recite the text to everyone." My heart suddenly rose to my throat, and I walked up to the podium.After reciting the first natural paragraph, my mouth seemed to be glued, and I couldn't open it anymore. I had to admit to the teacher that I only recited the first paragraph of the text. "Then how can you say you have memorized it?" As soon as the teacher's words came out, the whole class burst into laughter.My face turned red, my ears felt hot, and I said in shame, "I will never do this again."

Although the teacher didn't criticize me, I still felt very ashamed. I finally understood what it means to be misunderstood by being clever. In the future, I must be down-to-earth and be an honest, hardworking and good student.

The title of the article is ingenious and attracts readers.In order to avoid memorizing the text, the young author came up with a so-called "smart plan", but was finally discovered by the teacher.

Through this incident, the young author was deeply inspired.The language of the article is accurate and humorous, the psychological description is vivid, and the theme is clear and profound.At the end, the little author clicks on the question again, making the article a perfect ending.

(End of this chapter)

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