Chapter 19 Campus Express (4)
The sports meeting is on, and the students are scrambling to sign up to participate, and they all want to fight for honor for the class.At this time, the humility of the past was gone, and everyone was vying to say that they ran faster than others.During the competition, everyone was gearing up like little tigers, and went all out. My class won the No. 1 score in the school.

Our class is like a vast ocean, and our classmates are like drops of water.The teacher paid a huge price for every bit of achievement, and the teacher's hair did not know how much silver was added.In life, the teacher cares about us and loves us in every possible way.

If our class is compared to an orchestra, then the teacher is the conductor.Only under the command of the teacher can we play beautiful, pleasing and harmonious music.

The little author described to us a class that unites and loves each other.Grasp the appearance of the characters and select a few "most" to reflect the character of the characters, and from a few small things that the class members care for each other, it reflects the good mental outlook of the members of "our class".The ending sublimates the theme and makes the structure of the article more complete.

I chose tolerance

Wang Fang
When I was young, my mother often said to me earnestly: "Tolerance is the invisible expression of character. It does not need to be decorated with gorgeous language, nor does it need to be interpreted with vigorous actions, but it needs to be built with the sincerity of the heart..." At that time, I After hearing this, I seem to understand but not understand.

When I was in kindergarten, I quarreled with a child because of a toy.After returning home, I cried and told my mother the ins and outs of the incident, fully expecting that my mother would try her best to comfort me with the "love" a mother has for her children.Unexpectedly, instead of comforting me, my mother criticized me: "What does my mother usually teach you? Tell you to be 'tolerant', not to haggle with others, and to face everything with a tolerant attitude. In kindergarten, The older ones are your elder brothers and sisters, and the younger ones are your younger brothers and sisters. You must live in harmony with them. Hurry up and apologize to them..." I lowered my head and had to walk to the children's house...

This incident is etched deep in my heart.

There is one more thing I can't forget.It was the final exam, and I was doing the questions seriously.There is no sound at all in the classroom, even if a needle falls on the ground, it can be heard clearly.At this time, a note came from the next table.I opened it and saw that it was from "Stingy Ghost" Lu Lu.At this time, his eraser was lost somewhere, this is a great opportunity for me to take revenge!That time I asked him to borrow a knife, but he found an excuse to refuse, which is really a blessing to me!Besides, he is a boy, and if I lent him something, he would gossip, so I don't care about the gossip and live and suffer!

So I bowed my head and continued to do the questions.However, for some reason, I couldn't concentrate, and my heart was very messed up, and I almost didn't have the mind to do the test questions.Finally, I cut up the eraser I just bought and gave half of it to Lu Lu.At this time, my heart suddenly became more spacious.

After school, on the way home, I feel that the sky is bluer and the sun is brighter.Today, I once again experienced the good mood that "tolerance" brought to me.

Composition comes from life, and inspiration comes from life.The young author chose a life experience to show his inner activities delicately and vividly——the teaching of his mother made the young author choose tolerance again.The full text is profound and simple, thought-provoking and full of childlike interest.

Dividing line

I have the most stubborn temper in the class, and I love to quarrel with my deskmate the most.Just a few days after Xiaodong transferred to sit with me, I had a falling out with him.In order to vent my anger, I deliberately added another stroke on the original "[-]th line" to attract the other party's attention.Needless to say, Xiaodong and I ignored each other, but as long as he accidentally crossed the "[-]th line", it is common for "iron" fists to beat his hands and the tip of a pen to stab his flesh.

As time went on, our relationship became more and more tense.If it wasn't for a heavy rain, maybe things haven't turned around yet.

It was one day when school was over, the sky was overcast, and it was about to rain.Being far away from home, I hurried on the road.I thought it would be nice if the heavy rain came later, it's a small thing to get wet, but it's a bad thing to soak my rotten toes in dirty water.But as soon as I walked through a street, I saw big chunks of dark clouds pressing down menacingly.For my unlucky toe, I hurriedly ran to the eaves to hide from the rain, but I was so anxious to death!Who made my father and mother not in the local area, and there is only an elderly and sick grandmother at home, and I have already claimed in front of her that I don't need to send umbrellas.

I waited under the eaves, hoping the rain would stop soon.But God seemed to be trying to make things difficult for me, and kept pouring the rain on the ground.I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and kept complaining about my unsatisfactory feet.The heavy rain was pouring down non-stop, and the ground was covered with fog.Suddenly, I found a familiar figure in the distance——Xiaodong walking towards this side.I quickly tilted my head to one side. "Xiaobin, I know you haven't come home yet." He said as he opened the package, took out the rain boots, opened the umbrella and handed it to me.I looked at him gratefully, unable to say a word, only felt the warmth of his hands radiating from the handle of the umbrella.Suddenly, a warm current flowed through my whole body, and tears welled up in my eyes...

Needless to say, I was the first to arrive in the classroom the next day, and carefully wiped away the long-standing "dividing line" with a tablecloth.

This article is introduced from the "demarcation line", and introduces us straight to the point the awkwardness between "I" and "Xiaodong". Emphasizing the "tension" of the relationship, it is quite suspenseful to read.The alternating descriptions of several rain scenes and psychological activities immediately set off the touching behavior of "Xiaodong" who is anxious and eager to help.Due to the foreshadowing of the previous article, what "Xiaodong" did here is even more touching, and the final "reconciliation" has become a matter of course.The event itself is vivid and layered through the characters' language, actions, demeanor, and psychological activities, as well as the setting off of the scene.The ending played the finishing touch again, with profound meaning.

do your homework with your mouth
Everyone knows that we can't do homework with our mouths, but we often talk non-stop when doing homework.But in today's class, Mr. Liu punished us and educated us.

The thing is like this: "Ding Ling", after the class bell rang, Teacher Liu walked in with a smile on his face, and said to the whole class: "This class requires everyone to do their homework..." As soon as the words were finished, the classroom suddenly boiled , the sound of flipping books is mixed with the sound of twittering, the classroom is like a free market.Teacher Liu's face suddenly turned from "eyey" to "dark" and became serious.She stood up and said loudly: "Do you do your homework with your mouth? Okay, you want to say, now you all stop writing and do your homework with your mouth!" After hearing this, I secretly laughed, but after thinking about it carefully, I understood The meaning in Teacher Liu's words.Indeed, everyone should not talk, the classroom is so noisy, how can everyone do their homework with peace of mind?At this time, the students seemed to understand the truth of the teacher, and they sat upright, and I quickly raised my head and chest, and sat upright. The classroom was quiet, and the needle could be heard falling on the ground.

Seeing that the classroom was quiet, Teacher Liu said sullenly: "Have you finished your homework with your mouth?" We wanted to end this "practice sitting" quickly, and replied in unison: "It's done." Teacher Liu listened Said: "Then continue to practice sitting!" When we heard this, we quickly changed our words and said: "It's not finished." After hearing this, Teacher Liu said unhurriedly: "Then continue to do homework with your mouth!" After listening to Teacher Liu's answer, I really couldn't laugh or cry, and shook my head anxiously.

In this way, we sat for about half an hour before Teacher Liu showed mercy and let us go and let us do our homework.

This is really an unusual class, it makes us feel that we will never be able to do homework with our mouths again.

The title of this article is novel and attractive.The language is fluent and the structure is clear.The young author uses scene description and language description to portray the image of a smart teacher—not only maintains discipline, but does not punish students physically, and also tempers the children's character. The process of "practicing sitting" is described in detail, and the result of "we" being educated and deciding not to use "mouth" to do homework is authentic and credible.

The north and south poles of our class

Gu Huan
There are 51 students in our class, tall, short, fat and thin, with different looks; those who love to cry, those who love to laugh, those who are quiet, and those who are aggressive, have different personalities.But the most interesting ones are Chen Feng and Yu Linyi, one of them is very big and the other is very small.Chen Feng, I'm not bragging, just looking at his back, you'd think he's a teacher somewhere; as for Yu Linyi, he's so cute, two of them are not enough for one Chen Feng.So there are a lot of interesting things about the two of them.Last Thursday, Teacher Chen from another school came to borrow a class for an open class. On this day, the two of them made a lot of jokes.

The location of the public class is Class [-] ([-]), we have to go there.The desks and stools in that classroom were extremely low, and it was more uncomfortable for us to sit there than not to sit, but there was one person who was leisurely and contented——Yu Linyi!He said proudly: "How is it? You keep saying that I am small, and being small has its advantages. Look at how comfortable I am now, and the position is neither loose nor tight. It is just right. I think you should all be a little smaller. "Yu Linyi, you like this place, so stay here and be a first-grade student. I think you are just right." Some classmate retorted, but Yu Linyi was at a loss for words, made a grimace, and vomited. The tongue is silent.At this time, that teacher Chen entered the classroom, he saw Yu Linyi, probably didn't see his appearance clearly, so he said: "Why is this student so slow, he hasn't packed it up for so long, and he is going to class soon, Still not going out?" Now, the students all burst into laughter, and that Teacher Chen looked at us suspiciously, and only after he saw Yu Linyi's appearance clearly did he realize that he had identified the wrong person.Yu Lin blushed with shame, and lowered his head to the table.

The class has begun, and this class teaches about the year, month, and day.Everyone knows that months have different sizes, and it is difficult to memorize them by rote.Teacher Chen taught us a clever method: let's make a fist and determine the month based on the protruding and concave parts of the fist. The protruding part is the big moon, and the concave part is the small moon.After a while, Teacher Chen asked everyone if they had mastered it. The students all said they had mastered it, but Chen Feng kept shaking his head.The teacher asked him very concerned: "What don't you understand?" He lowered his head embarrassingly, and said in a low voice: "I am too fat, and my fists are full of flesh. There is no difference between protruding and concave." The words caused the teachers and classmates who were listening to the class to burst into laughter.

As for normal times, they have more jokes, so they are jokingly called the "North Pole" of our class by the students.The students said: "It would be great if both of them could move closer to the 'equator'."

At the beginning of this article, I gave a general introduction to the whole class, and then grasped the appearance, language, and actions of two typical characters and recalled two interesting events that happened during the public class.Through these two interesting incidents, the images of the two characters come alive on the paper, which makes people laugh.The young author uses simple and fluent language to vividly and meticulously describe a pair of clever, playful, lively and funny contemporary children, full of zest for life.

Fun to change advertising words

Yin Qiushi

As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the classroom was in chaos. Several male compatriots shouted: "Give me back my freedom!" ", while looking for a way out, the chasing classmates thought the neat desks and chairs were too rigid, making them dance "disco"...

Xiao Yating, who was sitting next to me, waved her hand, and the other girls in the class chattered about the "Long March". In less than half a minute, they "joined forces", established a "disturbing Soviet area", and started "making revolution". Started "Erlang's legs" and talked about the "boutiques" of the star-chasers.

I was doing my math homework, and I just figured out a difficult problem, but I was disturbed again.I really can't stand their "infrasonic jamming system".Inadvertently, I blurted out: "If you quarrel with me again, if you quarrel with me again, I will 'eat' you!" ruler.

After winning the first battle, I breathed a sigh of relief, and Wang Jintao, who was sitting behind me, spoke: "Genius, amazing, I will definitely give you a good publicity." A promotional activity began in full swing.Because of Wang Jintao's "good publicity", after a while, the slogan "doubled" that I "processed" became a catchphrase in the class.Individual students started to follow suit in a flash of inspiration. For example, when Shen Yi took Feng Yangpeng's things without permission, Feng Yangpeng immediately shouted: "Take it again, take it again, and I will tell the teacher if I take it again!"

What's more interesting is that when the class bell rang, the whole classroom was still "extraordinarily lively" because the students were still "playful".

The cadres on duty tried many methods but failed to improve, and finally "applied what they learned" and shouted: "If you quarrel again, if you quarrel again, I will write your name down!" Immediately, the effect was remarkable.Because this "reform" was recognized, for a period of time, this "processed" advertisement became a "magic weapon" for managing discipline class cadres.

Unexpectedly, the advertisement I changed unintentionally inspired the students and also helped the cadres on duty a lot.Ha ha!
The young author experienced the joy of "applying what he has learned" from the incident of "changing advertisement words with fun".The language of the full text is vivid, the structure is rigorous, and it is completed in one go.At the same time, we should also be able to realize that if you are a caring person, good at discovering the little things in daily life, you can also write a great article.

Teacher style
"Pig" teacher
As soon as the class bell rang, Teacher Zhu came to class with the Chinese homework we handed in for the first time.She strode onto the podium, stood still, and said to the students: "Everyone, look at me, am I a human being, or a pig?" After that, she wrote a big "pig" on the blackboard and said, "There is a pig." My classmates wrote me as 'Mr. Pig'!" At this time, the whole class burst into laughter.

As soon as I laughed, I thought, no, it turned out that I was "Ma Daha" and wrote Teacher Zhu as "Mr. Pig" in the sentence.It's okay, at the beginning of school, when I was promoted to a new class, I "insulted" the teacher, what will happen in the future... I dare not think about it.

As a result, in this class, I just bowed my head in shame and thought wildly. I had no idea what Teacher Zhu was talking about in class.After class was over, the students gathered around Teacher Zhu asking this and that, but I was as scared as a mouse afraid of a cat.

One morning, Teacher Zhu suddenly called me to the office.I thought to myself, bad, there is a problem with the homework again.I was so frightened that I couldn't move, and after a long time, I came to the office, stood far away from Teacher Zhu, bowed my head in silence, like a petty criminal, waiting for Teacher Zhu to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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