Chapter 9
Looking at these cute little guys, I couldn't help reaching out and picking one up to play.Unexpectedly, something terrible happened. I saw the female cat jump out of the nest and bite my trouser leg tightly.I was quite surprised!I moved my feet, trying to get rid of the mother cat's mouth.However, the female cat also moved her body, as if she was playing a tug-of-war with me!Now, I'm in a hurry, I want to run, it's bad if the trouser legs are torn, these are the new trousers my mother just bought for me!Suddenly, the kitchen door opened, and it turned out to be the aunt with the vegetable basket.As if I met a rescuer, I immediately called out: "Auntie, come and help me!" My auntie looked at me and then at the mother cat, and couldn't help laughing and said, "Put the kitten in the box quickly. "I quickly put the kitten down, and the mother cat let go of my trouser legs.

"It's really strange. As soon as I put down the kitten, the mother cat stopped biting me. Why?" I asked my aunt suspiciously.

My aunt said: "If you are taken away by a stranger, what will happen to your mother?" Then I suddenly realized: it turns out that the mother cat is afraid that I will take away its kittens!

Unexpectedly, animals love their children so much, it is really touching!I have to thank my aunt, she made me understand a truth with such a simple example.

This article narrates an incident that the young author personally experienced during the summer vacation. Through such a trivial matter as a mother cat protecting a newborn kitten, "I" understood a truth-maternal love is great.The occurrence and process of the incident are described clearly, the movements of the mother cat and the psychological description of "I" are vivid, the theme is well expressed, and the life interest of children is written.

childhood fun
Lin Ru
What is childhood?I said, childhood is a palette that makes my life colorful; childhood is a Rubik's cube, turn it, turn it, turn out my emotions. An incident when I was 5 years old flashed in my mind from time to time, and often made me laugh secretly.

That day, my mother bought me a colorful little clay figurine, which was beautiful: golden hair, big eyes, wearing a hat, pink top, and a purple skirt.I carry it in my hand or plug it into the tap of my little bike all day long to show off to the neighborhood kids.

After a period of time, I suddenly found that the body of the clay doll was a little dirty, as if it was covered with some dust, and I thought, why don't I bathe the clay doll?
Just do it, I quickly found a basin, filled it with water, and then found a bag of washing powder. Like my mother, I soaked the clay doll first, then sprinkled the washing powder on it, and gently washed it with my hands. Wipe it on, then put it in water and rinse it off.In this way, I washed it several times, but the more I washed it, the more anxious it became. Not only was the clay doll not cleaned, but it became more and more dirty. As I washed more times, the clay doll became smaller and smaller, and the golden hair , The beautiful clothes couldn't be covered and fell off.In the end, the clay dolls melted.Seeing that the clay doll was gone, I burst into tears.When my mother came back and saw that I was so sad, she asked me what was the matter. After hearing what I said, my mother laughed until she shed tears.Then she told me: The clay doll will melt when it touches water, so the clay doll is gone.

When cooking, my mother asked, "Where did the salt go?" I woke up, and it turned out that I used the salt as washing powder.

Silly, I thought I was smart and did something stupid.Of course, I do much less stupid things now, but the "washing mud doll" is like a beautiful shell, which will always be preserved in my memory.

The little author wrote about a little thing he personally experienced, "bathing a clay doll", and the child's innocence is vividly and interestingly displayed here.Although "I did something stupid", the "washing mud doll" is like a beautiful shell, which will always be preserved in "my" memory.

I did a trick with my mother

Zhu Qingqing

I have a "two-faced" mother.

My mother has two "faces", one is gentle, kind, and smiling, and the other is serious, cold, and frosty.After a while, she was gentle and amiable to me: "Baby, come here and let me hug you." Even her voice was so delicate, I was flattered.But in the blink of an eye, before the smile on her face disappears, she will have a storm, lightning, thunder, thunderbolt and hail, making me tremble and not knowing what to do.Moreover, the two faces of my mother are on the same side, which makes me, a person who looks at the "weather" and acts, sometimes really confused and don't know what to do.However, anyway, I have also followed her 10 tricks, "seeing the wind and making the rudder", I am still well versed in this way.

No, my mother bought a new dress, red, a change from the previous "black crow" style.To be honest, she is quite pretty, but seeing her twirling in front of the full-length mirror, admiring herself, and acting affectionate, I became impatient and wanted to spoil her interest, so I took a good "After the First Sunshine on the Drinking Lake" "Rain" was adapted into "Looking at the Chrysanthemum View on Mom's Face": "My mother's face is sunny and square, and her face looks like chrysanthemums. If I want to compare my mother to Xizi, it's just that my face is not pretty enough."

After reciting crooked poems, I stepped back to avoid being swept away by my mother's broom.Sure enough, my mother's face "turned from sunny to cloudy", and her face was as long as an eggplant.When I saw that the "weather" was not good, I quickly changed my words: "My mother's face is sunny and square, and her face is like a peach blossom. If I want to compare my mother to Xizi, I am afraid that Xizi is not pretty enough." After hearing this, my mother immediately disappeared Xue Rong, with a happy smile, hugged my face and said, "It's my daughter who understands my mother's heart best." Her rosy white face was even more cheerful.

To be honest, to deal with a difficult mother, the skill of "following the wind and making the rudder" is essential.

Only by careful observation and experience can the real side of the characters be shown to everyone.The young author dares to write about the true side of his mother, not only needing courage, but also careful observation. At the same time, the author's writing skills are also quite good, so the written articles are witty, witty, real and vivid.

My mother and I "AA system"

Zhu Lian
Today, my mother said to me: "From now on, we will implement the 'AA system' - spend your own money."

Mom stipulates: 1 yuan for washing dishes, 5 yuan for washing clothes, 5 cents for making quilts...

Just do it.After eating, my mother and I competed to wash the dishes.After I washed the dishes, my mother had to check. If the dishes were not cleaned, the "salary" would be deducted.

After washing the dishes, I soaked a large basin of clothes in washing powder, and I started washing after a few minutes.Dad's work clothes are so dirty, it's really hard to wash!The washing left me with foam all over my face, cramps in my hands and feet, and back pain.What's even more exasperating is that the water was cut off when it was time to wash the clothes, so I had to fetch water from the well.The buckets of water were really heavy, and I was so tired that I was sweating profusely, panting, and couldn't even straighten my waist.

well! The "AA system" can exhaust me, a little princess who usually "reaches out for clothes and opens her mouth for food".However, I also understood some truths from it: Mom and Dad work very hard, and it is not easy to earn money. We should learn to be independent as soon as possible, and share some things within our capabilities for them as soon as possible.

The title is the eyes of the article.The topic of this article is vivid, novel and attractive.The little author wrote about washing dishes and washing clothes.The former is briefly written, while the latter is written in detail, which is clear and clear, and from it, the principle of "learning to be independent" and "doing what you can do" is realized.

Our Family's "Minister of Finance"

Jiang Ninghua

There are three people in my family, and usually either my father takes care of me or my mother takes care of me.I refused to accept it, and hoped that I could take care of them if I had the opportunity. After some discussions, everyone agreed: I will be the "Minister of Finance" at home!
On the second day, with the help of the "deputy minister" mother, I set up a small family account book, and I wrote on the cover: "Save expenses, manage the family thriftly!"

After lunch, my father quietly said to me: "Hey, Minister, you were elected this time because of my support!" When I heard this, I raised my head and looked at my father up and down. There are other attempts, I have to be more vigilant. "So what?" I spun around on the swivel chair and asked casually. "I, I think, want to buy a pack of cigarettes!" As expected.I immediately frowned and said seriously: "No! Smoking is harmful to health, pollutes the environment, and is a serious waste! The minister will not approve it!" My father was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, but I was secretly happy: I finally managed my father once.

After a while, my mother said to me again: "Minister, give me 50 yuan!" When I heard it, 50 yuan, this is too much!I frowned and asked, "Why do you need so much money? Huh?" My mother spread her hands, "I'm out of food tonight, and the washing powder at home is also used up. I have to buy some more snacks for you, Minister!" When I heard it, I felt happy: Wow, I can improve my life again!So open the accounting book, ready to approve!But I heard my father muttering on the side: "Oh, it's almost not worth 'bribing' the minister!"So I gritted my teeth and said: "Eating snacks is not good for your health, so you don't need to buy them. I'll give you 25 yuan!" My mother was overjoyed when she heard that: "Oh! Finally, I saved 25 yuan!" Look, I wanted to control them , On the contrary, it became their magic weapon to cure my gluttony!No way, who made me the "Minister of Finance"!

One month later, under the leadership of the deputy minister's mother, the masses' representative father made a summary of my work.After the inspection, the cost of this month is 300 yuan less than last month.My mother happily said to me: "The Minister of Finance is really good at management. If this continues, we must be rich and strong!" I am very happy. I can be a good minister.
The young author selects specific examples in life and describes the unique experience of "I" being the "Minister of Finance" of the family.Based on the principle of "saving expenses and managing the family diligently", the author strictly rejects father's "pretense" and mother's "bribery", and resists the temptation to eat snacks, but also wants to be a competent minister. Take the opportunity to give the young author a test and exercise.

The article describes the characters' actions, psychology, and expressions accurately and vividly, and the characterization is meticulous.

crack the code
Wang Bijing

My father in Guangzhou sent me a package with a few small words on it: "For my 'little idiot', I hope you like the gift I gave you." I immediately opened the package, ho!There are so many books.These books are all my favorites, such as "Sherlock Holmes", "Detective Conan"... Yes, I have to put the books away and savor them carefully.


I took the note and looked at it while thinking, and suddenly discovered a rule: the structure of each character corresponds to a number, for example: the upper part of Shang character = 20, and the lower part = 21.In this way, and so on, 20=; 24=month; 29=chen.A combination, 20/24=Xiao; 23/29=Morning.Wow, Xiao Chen, it's my elder sister!Now I finally found the "criminal", but according to the "criminal", the book is still in a box in her cabinet, because she gave me a clue.

There are four boxes in the old sister's cabinet, which have been numbered by her in sequence and locked.I thought about it for a while, and came to a conclusion: it must be in box No. 1.Because "dish" is separated, "I" "I" "I" "I" is "1" "1" "1" "[-]", and the addition of four ones equals four.Sure enough, after opening the No. [-] box, what came into my eyes was my book.Immediately, I was overjoyed, and couldn't help shouting: "I found my book, I found my book..." At this moment, the mother who stayed aside laughed: "The little detective has a good mind, comparable to the great detective Sherlock Holmes." Do you like the program I arranged for you! This is my New Year's Day gift for you." "What? A program? A gift?" I asked puzzled.At this time, my mother and cousin said in unison: "Yes!" Then there was a burst of happy laughter...

I touched the back of my head in doubt and said, "It seems that I am still far from the great detective Sherlock Holmes!"

After reading this article, applaud this smart family.My mother gave "me" a gift of deciphering the code, which was unexpected and full of wit; the handling of materials is unconventional and the layout is reasonable, making it a masterpiece with tension.

(End of this chapter)

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