Be a Man and Do Things Pillow Book

Chapter 37: Be a Mentally Healthy Person

Chapter 37 Be a Mentally Healthy Person (2)
In the history of China, all the heroes and people with lofty ideals who have become famous and shined in the annals of history can't bear it.In the world, life and death, profit and harm, fortune and misfortune, happiness and anger, small body, big world country, are all inseparable from forbearance.In modern society, many very successful entrepreneurs and financial tycoons also regard Ninja as a scripture for self-cultivation and foundation.Therefore, forbearance is an important task of cultivating the mind, a magic weapon to settle down, an auspicious auspiciousness for the harmony of all living beings, and a sharp weapon for great achievements.

Forbearance is a kind of broad mind, and forbearance is a kind of spirit that tolerates everything.Forbearance pays attention to strategy and embodies wisdom. "The bow bends when it is too full, and it breaks when the knife is too rigid." A ninja pursues great wisdom and courage, and will never be a hot-headed reckless man.

Patience is a kind of wisdom in life and a magic weapon for establishing good interpersonal relationships.The bitterness of forbearance can be exchanged for sweet results.

Duke Wen of Jin, one of the Five Overlords in the Spring and Autumn Period, whose real name was Chong'er, had to wander around because he was hunted down by his younger brother Yiwu before he ascended the throne.

One day, he and his entourage passed a piece of land, because the grain had run out, they begged for some grain from the farmer in the field, but the farmer gave them a handful of soil.

Facing the farmer's teasing, Chong Er couldn't help being furious and wanted to beat the farmer.His entourage, Hu Yan, stopped him immediately and said to him: "My lord, this soil represents the earth. This means that you are about to become king. It is a good omen!" Collect the soil well.

With a heart of tolerance, Hu Yan resolved an embarrassment with wisdom, which is a manifestation of greatness.If Chong'er beat the farmers or even killed people in a rage at that time, their whereabouts would be exposed instead, and Hu Yan's faithful words would not only tolerate the farmers, but also resolve the humiliation, and achieved great things.

Patience is the generosity of the wise and the cultivation of the strong.Forbearance does not mean cowardice, nor does it mean incompetence.Forbearance is a good cure for pain and a talisman for a lifetime of peace.

Many things in life should be tolerated and tolerated, and let it be allowed.Being good at forbearance and magnanimity is a state and a kind of wisdom.People who are in this state have less worries and impatience, and can have a more beautiful life.

Control the emotions that are about to spiral out of control.

The hustle and bustle of the city, the fast-paced life, doing everything is like running a race.Living in such an environment, it is inevitable that people will have mood swings and impatience. If something goes wrong again, it is inevitable to lose their temper.Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are natural and beyond reproach, but if they are not well controlled and left to be, they will become a major obstacle to success in life.When you are extremely happy, you will be sad, and when you are in a rage, you are more likely to do stupid things, and afterwards, you will beg for regret medicine all over the world.

In life, we feel the things around us, form our concepts, and make our judgments, all of which are carried out by our minds.However, bad emotions often interfere with our minds and make us appear various deviations.Therefore, successful people can successfully manage emotions, while unsuccessful people let emotions control.When you are angry, you can't control your anger, making the partners around you discouraged; when you are depressed, you indulge your depression and waste many fleeting opportunities.

"Severe qi hurts the body", this is really the truth that has never changed through the ages.Anger, whatever its cause, can affect a person's physical health.Modern medicine believes that when people are angry, it can lead to disorders of the physiological functions of the digestive system, and the content of adrenal hormones in the body will increase significantly, which will lead to rapid heartbeat, coronary artery spasm, myocardial ischemia, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, etc.In short, losing control of your emotions is harmful but not beneficial. Getting angry is punishing yourself for other people's mistakes.

In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Zhuge Liang angered Zhou Yu three times. Under the anger and rage, Zhou Yu shouted: "Since Yu was born, He Shengliang", and the story of finally spitting blood and dying is well known.In the "Empty City Strategy" section, Zhuge Liang was able to calmly deal with the critical situation in which Ma Di Jieting fell, the Shu Han army suffered heavy setbacks, and Sima Yi led 10,000+ troops to the city without haste. That's all, then lead the two children, take a piano, sit on the railing in front of the upstairs in the city, burn incense and play the piano, with pleasant smiles.Although it was an empty city, the sound of the zither was true, which made General Sima think that there was an ambush in the city, and Zhuge's army division was sure of victory, so he had to lead the troops back quickly.

Getting angry is bad for your health, but holding back your anger is also bad for your health.If anger cannot be resolved in time, it will cause great harm to the body.The correct attitude is to vent your anger and use appropriate methods to release the anger in your heart.Of course, the best way is to stop the anger from happening.Self-cultivation, learning tolerance is the best way to control anger.Encountering things that are not random, stay calm, clear-headed, rational, not emotional, and face sudden dangers with a peaceful mind, so that you can get out of the low ebb of life.

Only by transcending inferiority complex can we improve ourselves.

Competition in modern society is fierce, and there are still strong players among the strong. When comparing each other, it is inevitable to have a sense of inferiority.Self-confident people are often able to face challenges bravely, while those with a sense of inferiority can only regretfully put themselves in the position of "spectators".

If there is only one lemon left in our life, people with low self-esteem say, I am broken, I have no chance at all.Then, he began to curse the world and let himself be in self-pity.Confident people say, I still have at least one lemon, how can I improve my condition?Can I make lemonade from this lemon?What can I learn from this unfortunate incident?

Therefore, successful people refuse to be inferior, because they know that inferiority will drag themselves down.If a person is controlled by low self-esteem, his mind will be severely restrained, and creativity will also wither.

There is such a fable:

God wants to play a game of hide and seek with humans.

God wanted to hide something called "inferiority" in human beings, so he discussed with the angels: "Give me an idea, which part of the human body should I put it in the most secretive place."

Some angels replied that they hid in people's eyes; some said they hid in people's teeth; some said they hid in people's armpits.

But a wise angel smiled and said, "These places above are easy for people to find. They will immediately return their inferiority complex to God. You'd better hide it in people's hearts, it's the last place they can think of. "

People with a sense of inferiority are always accustomed to comparing their shortcomings with the strengths of others, and the more they compare, the more they feel inferior to others, forming an inferiority complex.Inner inferiority complex is the most fatal to a person's growth and development. Therefore, if you find yourself inferior, you must eradicate it with a rational attitude.

If you want to perfect yourself and find happiness, you must overcome low self-esteem.Inferiority comes from low self-evaluation, from not being able to correctly position one's own life coordinates.To overcome inferiority complex, we must first understand and evaluate ourselves correctly. "The ruler is long and the inch is short", everyone has both advantages and disadvantages.People with low self-esteem should learn to look at their own strengths and weaknesses correctly, try to discover their loveliness, strengthen their strengths, and make up for their shortcomings.

To overcome inferiority complex, we must also learn to compare scientifically, master the correct method of comparison, and determine a reasonable comparison object.If you compare your own shortcomings with the strengths of others, you will definitely only increase the ambitions of others, destroy your own prestige, and eventually fall into the quagmire of inferiority complex and lose the motivation to move forward.Of course, you can’t go from one extreme to another, and always use your own strengths to compare others’ weaknesses. It’s easy to be self-centered, and you always feel that you are superior to others, and you will feel complacent and arrogant.

In addition, to overcome inferiority complex, you should also focus on making up for your own shortcomings so that you can achieve greater development.Anyone who has made outstanding achievements in their careers has done a good job in this regard.Former Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka was talented and intelligent, but he suffered from a stuttering problem in middle school, which brought him great distress. As a result, he became inferior, shy and withdrawn.Once in class, his deskmate made trouble. The teacher mistakenly thought it was Tanaka who did it. When Tanaka stood up to defend himself, he blushed and couldn't explain clearly. The teacher decided that he had done something wrong and refused to admit it. Other students also laughed at him. Come.This incident greatly stimulated Tanaka. After he returned home, he analyzed that the reason for his stuttering was mainly due to his personal inferiority complex.From then on, he always encouraged himself to speak in public, actively asked to participate in drama performances, and practiced frequently, and finally overcame his stuttering problem, which laid the foundation for him to embark on the road of a professional politician.

A correct and comprehensive understanding of one's strengths and weaknesses, full affirmation of oneself, belief in one's ability, tapping one's potential, and improving oneself can eliminate inferiority complex, regain self-confidence, and win a perfect life.

Reject the proud heart.

In life, an unavoidable fact is that everyone's ability is always very limited, and no one person is proficient in everything, so everyone can be our teacher in some aspects.When you think you have some talent, you have to remember that you are still very lacking, and you will always be lacking.As the saying goes, there is a priority in studies, and there is a specialization in art.Be sure not to be arrogant and conceited, otherwise, success will not be with you.

Conceited people are usually quite self-confident, ambitious and difficult, and are quite proud of their achievements. Although they appear confident, they can still make big mistakes by underestimating the situation.A conceited person often thinks that the world would not know what to do without him.As everyone knows, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people, and the earth will continue to revolve without anyone in this world.Because of pride, they lose the principle of how to conduct themselves, and end up destroying themselves in pride.

The arrogant and conceited master, it seems that Mi Heng of the Eastern Han Dynasty should be promoted.

Mi Heng is very talented, but has an arrogant personality and always looks down on others.At that time, Xudu was newly built as the capital, and sages and scholars gathered here from all directions.Someone said to You Heng: "Why don't you go to Xudu and make friends with famous people Chen Changwen and Sima Boda?" He asked, "How about Xun Wenruo, General Yue Zhichang?" You Heng said, "Xun Wenruo is good-looking, so it's okay to let him mourn for others; the more young and grown-up, he has a big belly and is good at eating, so you can let him go." The chef invites you."

You Heng is friendly with Kong Rong and Yang Xiu, dukes of the state of Lu, and often praises them, but the praise is also arrogant: "The eldest son Kong Wenju, the younger son Yang Zude, and the rest are mediocre people, not worth mentioning." Heng said that Kong Rong was the eldest, but in fact he was nearly half the age of Kong Rong.

Kong Rong valued Mi Heng's talent very much. In addition to recommending him to Chaoyan, he also praised him in front of Cao Cao many times.So Cao Cao wanted to see Mi Heng very much, but Mi Heng claimed to be madly ill, not only refused to see Cao Cao, but said a lot of ugly things.Cao Cao was very angry, but he was very talented, so he didn't want to kill him hastily.But later, Ni Heng repeatedly insulted Cao Cao and his officials, and was eventually killed.

There is an idiom called "Xu Huai Ruo Gu", which means that the mind should be as empty as a valley.This is a very apt way of describing modesty.Only emptiness can accommodate things, but complacency cannot accommodate anything except yourself.

There was a self-righteous nouveau riche who went to visit a master and asked him how to cultivate himself.

But from the very beginning, the man babbled on and on.The master couldn't get in a word next to him, so he had to keep pouring tea for him.I saw that the water in the cup was already full, but the master continued to pour water.

Seeing this, the man hurriedly said, "Master, the glass is already full, why continue?"

At this time, the master looked at him and said slowly: "You are like this cup, which is completely filled with self. If you don't empty yourself first, how can you realize the Tao?"

In life, we often unconsciously become a cup full of water, which cannot accommodate other things.Therefore, learn to let go of your thoughts first, listen and learn with an open mind, and you will find that the master is right in front of you.

Selfishness is the self-destruction of the mind.

Greed is boundless and can expand without limit. The driving force behind this is selfishness.Selfishness arises from an overvaluation of one's own reputation and self-interest.Selfishness is the cause of all evil and the source of all mistakes.It makes the self only seek to satisfy one's own self-interest, one-sidedly pursues one's own reputation and status, and disregards the interests and even lives of others; it makes the large group ignore the interests of the whole society in order to cater to the narrow fame and fortune of the members of the small group rear.

Selfish people are only full of themselves in their minds, they don't know how to love others, and they don't know how to pay for others.They always think that they are the center of the world, and everything outside is a part of themselves.Therefore, they are unwilling to give because it would be tantamount to cutting their flesh.

Once upon a time, there were two very pious and good believers who decided to go on a pilgrimage to a distant holy mountain together.The two of them carried their bags on their backs and set out on the road in a hurry, vowing that they would never return until they went to the holy mountain to worship.

The two believers walked and walked, and after walking for more than two weeks, they met a gray-haired saint.Seeing these two devout believers traveling thousands of miles to pilgrimage, the saint was very moved and told them: "It is ten days' walk from here to the holy mountain, but unfortunately, I will part with you at this crossroads." Now, and before parting, I will give each of you a present! But one of you must make a wish first, and his wish will be granted immediately; while the second will get twice as much."

One of the believers thought to himself: "Great, I've already made up my mind about what I want to make, but I can't say it first. It's too bad, so I should let him say it first." Thought: "How can I tell him first, let him get twice the gift." So, the two believers began to give way pretending to be polite. "You talk first!" "You are older than me, so make your wish first!" "No, you should make your wish first!" The two pushed each other back and forth.In the end, the two became impatient, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense. "What are you doing?" "You talk first!" "Why don't you tell me first? I don't talk first!"

At the end, one of them yelled angrily: "Hey, you really don't know what to do, and you don't know what to do. If you don't make a wish again, I will break your dog legs and strangle you to death!"

Another person saw that his friend had changed faces with him and threatened him, so he thought, you are ruthless to me, and you have no intention of getting what I can't get, and you can't get it.So, he simply broke his heart and said fiercely: "Okay, I will make a wish first! I hope... that one of my eyes will be blind!"

Soon, the believer lost one eye, and at the same time, his friend lost both eyes immediately!

It was originally a happy event, but it became a tragedy because of the selfishness of the two.The selfish man tries to own the whole world, only to lose everything that is rightfully his and become poorer instead.It's all selfishness!

(End of this chapter)

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