Han Fei

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Scholars in the world say that people are the masters, not that they take advantage of the power of majesty to trap treacherous officials, but they all say that they are benevolent, righteous, and loving.The ruler of the world is beautiful in the name of benevolence and righteousness but does not pay attention to the reality, so that the big one will perish and die, and the small one will degrade the ruler and humble him.How to explain it?Giving to the poor is the so-called benevolence and righteousness in this world.Compassion for the common people, who cannot bear to be punished, is what is called love in this world.If the husband gives to the poor, those who have no merit will be rewarded.If you can't bear punishment, there will be more rioters.If the state has no meritorious service and is rewarded, the people will not be beheaded by the enemy in foreign affairs, and will not rush to work hard at home.Therefore, the more treacherous ministers there are, the more victorious the rioters will be, so what if they don't die?Those who punish severely are feared by the people, and those who punish severely are hated by the people.Therefore, the sage Chen Qi feared to ban his kin, set his evil to prevent his treachery, and because of the national security, he could not afford to riot.I think that benevolence, righteousness, love and benefits are not enough, but severe punishment and severe punishment can govern the country.Without the power of a whip, and the preparation of a spear, although zaofu cannot subdue a horse.There is no rule of law, the end of the rope and ink, although Wang Er can't make a square.Without the power of majesty and the law of reward and punishment, even Yao and Shun could not rule it.The lords of the present world are lightly released, severely punished, and punished severely, and love and benefit, and the deeds of the overlord are also rare.Therefore, those who are kind-hearted should be rewarded and benefited to persuade them, so that the people will be rewarded with merit and not with benevolence and righteousness.Severe punishments and severe punishments are used to prohibit them, so that the people will be punished for their crimes, not exempted by love.Therefore, those who have no merit are hopeless, and those who are guilty are unfortunate.If you rely on a rhinoceros chariot and a good horse, you can be in danger of being blocked by others.The safety of riding a boat, and the benefit of holding the end, can never end the difficulties of rivers and rivers.If you use the number of spells and punish severely, you can achieve the power of overlord.There are magic rewards and punishments in governing the country, just as there are rhinoceros chariots and good horses in land travel, and there are light boats in water travel, and those who ride on them will achieve success.Yi Yin got Tang Yiwang, Guan Zhong got Qi Yiba, and Shang Jun got Qin Yiqiang.These three people are all clear in the art of overlords, and in the number of powerful rulers, and they are not tied to the words of the world.According to the Lord Shiming's will, there are people who directly serve as civilians and stand as ministers.Governing the country in one position has the reality of respecting the Lord and the land.This is called a noble minister.Tang Deyiyin was established as the emperor with a land of a hundred miles.Duke Huan won Guan Zhong and established him as the five overlords, uniting nine vassals, and governing the world as one.Xiao Gong wins Shang Jun, the land is wide, and the army is strong.Therefore, there are loyal ministers#12, who are free from the troubles of the enemy's country outside, and have no worries about chaotic officials inside.If the husband Yurang is a minister of Zhibo, the superior cannot tell the principle of the master to make people understand the magic power to avoid disasters and disasters, and the subordinate cannot lead his people to secure the country, and Xiangzi killed Zhibo. Rang is self-deprecating, defeating his description, thinking that Zhibo avenged Xiangzi.Even though the body is mutilated and killed in the name of the master, it is really useless to Zhibo Ruoqiu's end.This is my place, and the world lord thinks it is loyal and high.In ancient times, there were Boyi and Shuqi, and King Wu let the world go, but they were not allowed to accept it. They starved to death in the tomb of Shouyang.If the minister is not afraid of heavy punishment and heavy rewards, he cannot be punished or banned, nor can he reward envoys.This is the so-called useless minister, I go away when I have little, and the world lord seeks what I have more.

The proverb says: Strictly pity the king.This is disrespectful.Although there are no false proverbs in ancient times, it must be observed.This is the master word of robbery and death.Renzhu#13 There is no skill to control his ministers. Although they are old and handsome, the ministers will still take power and do things well, and each has his own private concerns.And those who are afraid of their fathers and brothers, heroes, use the power of their masters to restrain and punish themselves.Therefore, killing the virtuous and establishing the young and the weak, abolishing the righteous and establishing the unrighteous.Therefore, it is said in the Spring and Autumn Annals: Prince Wei of Chu was hired by Zheng, but before leaving the country, he heard that the king was ill and turned back. Because of his illness, he strangled the king with his crown and tassels and killed him, so he became self-reliant.Qi Cui Zhu, his wife is beautiful, and Zhuang Gong knows her, and there are as many houses as Cui's family.And when the public went, Cui Zi's disciple Jia Ju led Cui Zi's disciples to attack the public.Mr. Cui entered the house, please divide the country with him, Cui Zi did not allow it, please kill yourself in the temple, Cui Zi refused to listen, so Mr. Cui walked over the north wall.Jia Ju shot the Duke, captured his shares, and fell to the public. Cui Zi's disciples killed him with Ge Chaigong, and made his younger brother Jinggong.As far as I can see, Li Duizhi used Zhao Ye to starve his master and father to death for a hundred days.The use of Nao Chi is also used to pull out the tendons of the King of Min, hang the beams of the temple, and die in the past.Therefore, although severe carbuncles, swellings and ulcers are comparable to those in the Spring and Autumn Period, they are not so severe that they twist the neck and shoot the buttocks.Compared with modern times, it is not until the death of starvation that the muscles are pulled.Therefore, to rob and kill the king of death, the fear in his heart and the pain in his body must be more serious than severe.From this point of view, although the king can be sympathetic.

After all
#1 "Qiu" was originally written as "Qiu", and the old note is also "Qiu", which has been changed.

#2 The word "Ji" should be extended, according to Chen Qiyou, it will be deleted.

#3 The word "cross" is obviously an error in the word "shi", so it should be corrected.

#4 "King of Man" is obviously a mistake of "Lord of Man". According to Chen Qiyou, it was corrected.

#5 The word "disaster" is obviously a mistake of the word "blessing", so it should be changed.

#6 Lingying Chu originally had the word "Zhe", according to supplement.

#7 Zhang Bangben's "zhi" is "it", which fits the context and is modified accordingly.

#8 The word "increase" is obviously a mistake of the word "hate", so it should be changed.

#9 The word "Yu" is obviously a mistake of the word "Wang", so it should be corrected.

#10 There are more than a thousand characters missing here, which belong to the chapter on Heshi and the chapter on treacherous robbery and murder of ministers. It is now supplemented according to the interpretation of Chen Qiyou's collection.

#11 The word "destroy" is removed from the word "Yi", which is supplemented according to Ling Ying's first edition and the Tutorial Commentary.

#12 The word "Chen" is removed from "loyalty", which is supplemented according to Ling Ying's first edition and the tortuous commentary edition.

#13 The word "main" is removed from the "person", which is supplemented according to Ling Ying's first edition and the tortuous commentary edition.

Death March No.15

The country of mortal rulers is small but the family is large, and those who have light power but heavy ministers can perish.Those who simplify the law and ban it for planning, and those who rely on reinforcements in the wilderness will die.The officials are learning, the disciples are easy to argue, the merchants accumulate outside, and the small people are right-handed, and they will perish.Good palaces, terraces, pavilions and ponds, good things like cars, servers, and utensils, don't expose the common people, and those who spend money and money will die.Those who use time, work on ghosts and gods, believe in divination, and love sacrifices will die.Listen to the nobles and wait for the test, and those who use one person as the door will die.Official positions can be sought again, and those who can obtain Juelu can die.Those who relax their minds but fail to achieve, those who are soft and indecisive, who have no secrets about likes and dislikes, and who have no firm decision, will die.Those who are greedy but insatiable, and those who want to gain quick profits can perish.Those who love prostitution but don't think well about the law, those who are prone to debate but don't seek its use, and those who indulge in literary beauty and don't care about their merits will perish.Those who are superficial and easy to see, leak without hiding, and who cannot be thorough and understand the words of the officials will die.Those who are stubborn and unfriendly, remonstrance and aggressive, disregarding the society and underestimating self-confidence, can perish.Those who rely on aid and make close neighbors, and those who are strong enough to save them, but insult the country they are oppressed by, will perish.Those who detain overseas Chinese and spend a lot of money outside, plan schemes at the top, and deal with civil affairs at the bottom, will die.The people believe in their appearance, and the lower cannot be superior, and the Lord loves and believes in it but cannot destroy it, and it will perish.The outstanding people in the territory don't do anything, but they seek the title of scholars outside the country. They don't use their merits to punish them, but they like to ask them for their mistakes.If the prince is undecided and the lord is the world, he may perish.Those who are big-hearted but have no regrets, the country is chaotic and self-sufficient, and those who do not expect the resources in the territory to change their neighbors and enemies will perish.Those who are small but not humble, those who are weak but not afraid of the strong, those who are disrespectful and insult their neighbors, those who are greedy and clumsy in making friends will die.The crown prince has already been placed, but if he gathers with a strong enemy and considers his stepwife, the crown prince will be in danger. If so, the officials will be easy to worry about, and those who are easy to worry about in charge will die.Those who are timid and weak, those who see the fleas but are soft and cowardly, who know what is possible, but who are decisive but dare not act, will die.If the prince is abroad and the state is changed, if the prince is not pledged, the prince will change his son. If this is the case, the state will be carried along, and those who carry the state will perish.If you humiliate the ministers and indulge yourself, punish the small people and go against their envoys, hold anger and shame and focus on learning, then thieves will live, and those who live as thieves will die.There are two levels of ministers, father and brother are strong, and those who use the internal party and foreign aid to fight for the situation will die.Those who listen to the words of maidservants and concubines, who love to play with wisdom, and who are sad on the outside and inside, but who do lawless acts, will die.If you insult ministers, disrespect your father and brother, work hard on the people, and kill innocent people, you will die.It is good to use wisdom to rectify the law, and to act miscellaneously from time to time. Laws and prohibitions change, and those who follow the number of orders can perish.If there is no solid ground, the city walls are bad, there is no stockpile of livestock, few property, and those who are not prepared for defense and attack lightly, they will perish.The species does not live long, the master and the number are the world, the baby is the king, the ministers are autocratic, the tree and the brigade are regarded as the party, and those who cut off the land to be handed over will die.The prince respects and shows, but he belongs to the powerful, and he is a friend of many countries, but he who has power and power can perish.If you become thin and impatient, if you have mild illnesses and are prone to agitation, if you are angry and do not let the former and the latter rest, you will die.The Lord is very angry but good at using soldiers, and those who simplify the teachings but lightly fight and attack will die.The nobles are jealous of each other, the ministers are prosperous, they borrow from the enemy's country abroad, and the people are trapped inside, in order to attack the resentment, and the ruler who is not punished will die.If the emperor is unworthy but his concubine is virtuous, the prince is light but the concubine is married, the officials are weak but the people are outstanding, so the country will be restless, and those who are restless will die.Hiding anger but not expressing it, suspending crimes but not punishing them, making the officials hateful and more fearful, and those who have not known for a long time will die.Those who go out to the army will be very important, and they will be guarded by the Taizun in the frontiers. If they are autocratic and arbitrarily ordered, those who do it without asking for anything will die.The second wife is promiscuous, the master and mother are dirty, the outside and the inside are mixed, and men and women are no different. It is said that there are two masters, and the one who has two masters will die.The second wife is humble and the concubine is expensive, the prince is humble and the concubine is respected, the family is light and the ceremony is important, so that the inside and outside are good, and those who are good inside and outside will die.Ministers are very expensive, partial to the party and the strong, and those who block the ruler and focus on the country will perish.The official use of the private sect, the life of the horse mansion, the mansion of the army horse, and the meritorious deeds.The good deeds of the country song, the labor of the official position, and those who value private work and despise public merit will die.The public house is empty but the ministers are real, the main household is poor but the rich live in it, the men who farm and fight are poor, and those who do not work for the benefit of the people will perish.Those who see great benefits but do not pursue them, who hear disasters but do not prepare for them, those who are superficial in matters of contention and defense, but only pretend to be benevolent and righteous, will perish.Those who do not take the filial piety of the master, but admire the filial piety of the common husband, disregard the interests of the community, but obey the orders of the mistress, and those who use the country for women and use affairs after punishment, will die.Those who argue without the law, who have no skill in the mind, and those who are capable but not practiced according to the law, will perish.Relatives and ministers then retired from the old, unscrupulous use of things and then virtuous and virtuous, no merit is expensive but hard work is cheap, if this is the case, there will be resentment, and resentment will lead to death.Fathers and elders, ministers and ministers have failed in meritorious service, Zhang Fu invaded, etc., and the palace provides extravagant food, but the master can't restrain him, the minister's heart is endless, and the minister's heart is infinite, and he will die.Gongfu, Gongsun and the people are of the same family, and those who rape their neighbors will die.Those who conquered the war did not say that they must perish, but that they could perish.The husband and the Yao cannot be kings, and the two Jies cannot perish.The broken wood will also pass through the beetles, and the broken wall will also pass through the gaps.However, although the wood is beetle, it will not break if there is no strong wind.Although there are gaps in the wall, it will not be damaged without heavy rain.The lord of ten thousand vehicles, if there is one who can subdue the art and practice the law, he will be the king of the wind and rain, and it will not be difficult for him to take over the world.

three guards
The owner has three guards.If the three defenses are completed, the country will be safe and prosperous, and if the three defenses are not completed, the country will be in danger.What are the three guards?People and ministers have mistakes in discussing the right way, mistakes in using things, and the feelings of promoting ministers. The master does not hide and leaks the ability to learn from capable people, so that those who make people and ministers want to speak out dare not be less than the heart of learning from capable people. But it is above all to hear the master of the people, but the straight-talking people will not be seen, and the loyalty and straightness will become less and less.A lover does not only benefit, but also benefits after being praised.Hating people is not the only way to do harm, but to treat wrongdoing and then do harm.However, the ruler has no prestige and the focus is on the left and right.The toil of evil self-government has caused the changes of the convergence of the officials, and the transfer of the transfer of the handle, so that the chance of killing lives must be seized by the ministers, and the ones who do so invade.This is called the Three Keeps.If the three defenses are not completed, then the sign of robbery and killing will also result.

There are three kinds of kalpas: there are Ming kalpas, eventual kalpas, and criminal kalpas.People and ministers have the respect of ministers, and foreign affairs must be supported by ministers, so that external and internal affairs must be done by themselves.Although there are virtuous people, those who are rebellious will suffer disaster, while those who obey will be blessed.However, the officials dare not be loyal to the master and worry about the country in order to fight for the interests of the country.Although the master is virtuous, he cannot be alone, but if the ministers dare not be loyal to the master, the country will be destroyed.This means that the country has no ministers, and if the country has no ministers, how can there be no courtiers but few courtiers?A group of ministers hold their salary and support their friends, practice their own ways without being loyal to the public, this is called Ming robbery.Favoring and arrogating power, correcting the outside to win the inside, making dangerous words of misfortune and fortune in the form of gains and losses, taking the master's likes and dislikes, the master listens to him, humbles himself and despises the country to capitalize on him, shares the disaster with the master when things fail, and shares the disaster with the master when he succeeds. Unique.Those who use things with one heart and one mind to say the words are beautiful, but those who say evil will not believe them. This is called a calamity.As for keeping Situyu, punishment is prohibited, and people and ministers do it without authorization. This is called criminal robbery.If the three defenses are not completed, the three kalpas will rise; if the three defenses are completed, the three kalpas will be stopped; if the three kalpas are stopped, the king will be king.

(End of this chapter)

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