Han Fei

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Lord Jingguo is in harmony with each other, and the queen died, and she didn't know where she was placed, so she offered Yuer to know it.One said.Xue Gong was in harmony, Qi Wei Wang's wife died, and there were ten children who were more precious than the king. Xue Gong wanted to know what the king wanted to establish, so he asked one of them to be his wife.When the king listened to it, he said that it was more important to set his wife than to do it for the king, but if the king didn't listen, he said it was impossible to do so and it was less important than to set his wife.Wanting to prophesy what the king wanted, he persuaded the king to buy it, so he offered it for ten yuer and beautiful one. The king gave ten children to sit down tomorrow.

Gan Maoxiang Qin Huiwang, Huiwang loves Gongsun Yan, and said to each other: "The widow will meet the son."Gan Mao's official Taoist point heard 4 to tell Gan Mao.Gan Mao came to see the king and said: "The king is a worthy minister, and I dare to congratulate you again."The king said: "If a widow entrusts the country to his son, how can he get a good minister?"Confrontation: "General Prime Minister Rhinoceros Head."The king said: Zi'an heard about it?Confrontation: "The rhinoceros head sues the minister."When the king's anger is vented, the rhinoceros head is chased away.One said.The head of the rhinoceros, the good general of the world, and the minister of the king of Liang.The king of Qin wanted to win and rule the world, Xishou said: "Those who are descendants of their subjects will not dare to leave the kingdom of the lord."During the period of residence, the head of the rhinoceros was blamed on the king of Liang and fled to Qin. The king of Qin was very kind.The disease in Xili, the general of Qin, fearing that the rhinoceros head will replace it, the general who digs holes in the king's place and often whispers, the king of Erer and the rhinoceros head plan and say: "I want to attack Korea, Xiru?"The head of the rhinoceros said: "Autumn is coming."The king said: "I want to tire my son with the country, but the son must not vent it."The head of the rhinoceros went back and worshiped again, saying: "I am ordered."So Xiliji also listened to the Dao acupoint, and all the doctors said: "The soldiers will rise in autumn and attack Korea, and the rhinoceros will be the head."So Ri Ye, the doctor knows it all.So the sun is also known in the territory.Wang Zhaoli Ji said: "Who are the Huns?"How to tell?Xi Li Ji said #5: It looks like a rhinoceros head.The king said: "I have nothing to say to the rhinoceros head, what is the rhinoceros head?"Xi Liji said: "The head of the rhinoceros is also imprisoned, and it is a new crime. Its heart is lonely, and it is said that it will marry itself to everyone."Wang said: Yes.He made people call the head of the rhinoceros, and he fled to the princes.

Lord Tangxi called Zhaohou and said: "Now there is a jade pen with a thousand pieces of gold, which is open but useless. Can it hold water?"Zhaohou said: "Impossible."If there are earthen vessels that do not leak, can they hold wine?Zhaohou said: Yes.Confrontation: "Waterware is the cheapest, it doesn't leak, it can hold wine, although there are thousands of gold and jade, it is very expensive and worthless, and it can't hold water with leaks, so who is pouring grout?"Today, it is unreasonable to leak the words of his ministers for the sake of being the master of the people. Although there is sage wisdom, it is not possible to do his best, because it is leaking.Zhaohou said: Yes.Zhaohou heard the words of Duke Xi of Tang, and since then, if he wanted to make a major event in the world, he would sleep alone in fear of talking in his dreams so that others would know his plan.One said.Tangxi Gong saw Zhaohou and said: "Now there is a lot of white jade, but there is no right, and there is tile, but there is a right. If you are thirsty, why will you drink?"The king said: Yiwa.Lord Tangxi said: "White jade is so beautiful, but if you don't drink it, you think it's useless?"Jun said: Yes.Lord Tangxi said: "It is wrong to leak the words of his officials for the sake of being the master of the people."Every time Tangxi Gong came out, Zhaohou would lie down alone, lest his dream words would be leaked to his wife and concubine.

Shen Zi said: Those who see alone are called wise, those who hear alone are called wise, and those who can judge arbitrarily can be the master of the world.

three.People in the Song Dynasty had wine drinkers, the promotion was very flat, and they were very polite when meeting guests. They thought the wine was very beautiful, and the county flag was very high. They did not sell it, and the wine was sour.Strange why, ask him what he knows, ask the elder Yang Qian, Qian said: "You dog is fierce?"If the dog is fierce, why is the wine not sold?Said: People are afraid.Or let the child carry the pot and urn with money to drink it, but the dog comes and eats it, so the wine is sour and cannot be sold.There are also dogs in the Husband Country. The wise men have their own skills and want to use them to understand the master of the ten thousand chariots.Therefore, Duke Huan asked Guan Shen, "Governing the country is troublesome?"Confrontation: "The most troublesome social rat."The duke said: Why bother with social rat #6?Confrontation: Do you also see your husband's wood?Paint the trees, rats will wear them, dig holes in them, fumigate them for fear of burning the wood, and irrigate them for fear of smearing them.Today, when people are on the left and right of the emperor, when they go out, they are powerful and benefit the people; The law will be chaotic, and the king will be uneasy if he is punished.The old ministers hold the handle and prohibit without authorization, knowing that those who are self-serving will benefit, and those who are not self-serving will be harmed, this is also a ferocious dog.Husbands and ministers are ferocious dogs and righteous people, and the left and right are social rats, and the master's affection is not noticed by the master. In this way, how can the master be free from obstacles, and how can the country be safe from death?One said.In the Song Dynasty, there was the Zhuang family who drank wine, and the wine was always delicious. Some servants would drink the wine of the Zhuang family, but their dogs would drink the wine of the man.The questioner asked: "Why not brew the wine of the Zhuang family?"Confrontation: Today's Zhuang's wine is sour.Therefore, it is said: If you don't kill the dog, the wine will be sour.Duke Huan asked Guan Zhong, "What's wrong with governing the country?"Confrontation: The most bitter community rat.If the husband sheds the wood and paints it, the rats are self-supporting. If it is smoked, the wood will be burned, and if it is irrigated, it will be painted. This is why the rats suffer from the community.Today, when people are around the ruler, if they go out, they will gain power to benefit the people, and if they enter, they will insult and deceive the ruler compared to Zhou. If they are not punished, the law will be disrupted. and also.The old ministers hold the handle and prohibit without authorization, knowing that those who are self-serving will benefit, and those who are not self-serving will be harmed, and they are also ferocious dogs.Therefore, the left and right are social rats, and those who use things are fierce dogs, so the technique will not work.

Yao wanted to spread the world to Shun, but Gun remonstrated, saying: "It's a bad omen!"Which one is passed on to everyone in the world?Yao refused to listen, and raised his troops to punish him. Gun was killed in the suburbs of Mount Yu.Gonggong also remonstrated, saying: "Which one will pass on the world to everyone?"Yao refused to listen, and raised his troops to punish Gonggong in the capital of Youyou.Therefore, no one in the world dares to say that there is no rumor about Shun in the world.Zhongni heard it and said: Yao's knowledge and Shun's sage are not difficult.It is very difficult for a husband to pass on Shun, who must be passed on to those who criticize him.One said#7 It is difficult not to defeat what one suspects and one observes.

The king of Xingzhuang has the law of Maomen, saying: When the ministers, officials and princes enter the court, if the horse's hoof tramples on them, the court will cut off their legs and slaughter their royals.So the prince entered the court, and the horse's hooves slipped away. The court ruled that he beheaded and slaughtered his royals.The prince was angry, and when he entered the throne, he wept and said: "I will kill court officials for me."The king said: "That's why the Dharma respects the ancestral temple and the community."Therefore, those who can legislate and respect the country are the ministers of the country, how can they be punished?Husbands who break the law and abolish orders and do not respect the country are ministers who take advantage of the emperor and go down to the school.If ministers take advantage of the emperor, the master will lose his prestige, and if he goes down to the school, he will be in danger.The prestige is in danger, the country is not guarded, why will I leave behind my children and grandchildren?So the prince left and slept in the open for three days, and then went to the north to ask for death.One said.The king of Chu called the prince urgently.According to the law of the Chu State, the car must not reach Maomen.It was raining, and there was trouble in the court, so the prince drove to Maomen.Ting Li said: "It's illegal for a car not to go to Maomen."The prince said: "The king is in a hurry, so he must not be careless."Then drive it away.Ting Liju received and hit his horse, defeating his driver.When the prince entered the throne, he wept and said: "There are so many people in the court, and I drove to Maomen. The court reasoned that it was illegal, and the king must punish the ministers who were attacked and drove the defeated ministers."The king said: "There is an old master in the past and he does not go beyond it, and there is a heir in the future who does not belong to him. It is reserved."He is a law-abiding minister of Zhenwu.Nai Yijue is the second level, and he opened the back door to leave the prince, so don't go back.

Wei Sijun called Bo Yi and said: "Your son is small and widowed. The country thinks that it is not enough to be an official, so the widow can be an official. Please enter the noble and take your son as the top minister."It is ten thousand hectares of fields.Bo Zi said: Doubt is the mother of doubt, and doubt is the ability to be able to relate to ten thousand vehicles.However, those who suspect that there is Cai concubine in the family witch, doubt their mother and love to believe her, it is a family matter.Doubtful wisdom is enough to believe in family affairs, and doubting mothers is enough to listen to doubts.However, those who have already spoken with doubts must also decide on Cai Yuye.Therefore, when discussing the wisdom of doubt, doubt is regarded as being capable of multiplication without being slim.In terms of their relatives, it is also between mother and son.However, I still don't discuss it with Cai Yu.Today, it is suspected that the owner is not the relative of the son and mother, and the owner of the person has Cai concubine.The Cai woman who is the master of the people must respect others, and those who respect others are those who can do selfish things.A husband who acts privately is beyond the rope.But what is said in doubt is within the law.Outside the rope and within the law, there is no mutual acceptance.One said.In the Jin Dynasty of Wei Jun, Bo Yi said: "I want to do it with my son."Bo Yi said: "My wife is also here, please return it to me."Mr. Wei asked Mrs. Bo, and Mrs. Bo said: "Doubt, the king's minister is also, the king intends to follow him, very kind."Wei Jun said: "I will invite you, and she will allow me."Thin doubts come back to the old lady, saying: Wei Jun Zhiai #8 Doubt Xi and old lady?The woman said: "It's not as good as my beloved son."Wei Jun's virtuous suspect Xi and Lao?Said: "Not as good as my virtuous son."The family affairs between the woman and the doubtful plan have been decided, but the decision should be made by the fortune-teller Cai Ruo.Now Wei Jun acts from suspicion, even if he decides against doubt, he will be defeated by Cai Yu, if he is in doubt, he will not be able to grow up as a minister.

Husbands who teach singing, make the first call and hum it, and those whose voice is contrary to Qingzheng are the ones who teach it.One said.Those who teach songs should first use the law, call out for Zhonggong, and Xu call for Zhongzheng.Illness is not in the palace, Xu is not in the disease, it can not be called teaching.

Wu Qi was also a member of the Wei Zuo family.He made his wife's organization narrow and narrow, Wu Zi sent him to change it, and his wife said: Nuo.When it is successful, it will be repeated, but the result is not moderate.Wu Zi was furious, and his wife said to him: "I have learned it from the beginning, but I can't change it."Wu Zi went out, and his wife asked his brother to come in, and his brother said: "Wu Zi, he is also a law-abiding one."It is also the law, and if you want to make a contribution with Wancheng, you must first practice your wives and concubines, and then do it, and the children and mothers will get involved.His wife's younger brother is more important than Wei Jun, because he invited Wu Zi with Wei Jun's importance, but Wu Zi refused to listen, so he went to Wei and entered Jingye.One said.Wu Qi showed his wife to use the group and said: "Son, I know the group, so let it be like this."The group has worked on it, and its group is very good.Qi Qi said: Let the children form a group, make them like this, why is it different now?His wife said: If you use money as one thing, do it better.Wu Qi said: "It's not a word, let's make his clothes go back."When his father went to invite him, Wu Qi said: "There is nothing wrong with starting a family."

Duke Wen of Jin asked Yu Huyan, saying: "The widow is sweet and fat Zhou Yutang, and the wine, beans and meat are gathered in the palace. The pot of wine is not clear, and the raw meat is not distributed. Killing a cow is all over the country. The merits of one year are all spent on soldiers. It is enough to fight. Folks?The fox said: "Not enough."Wen Gong said: "I relax the levy of Guan City and suspend the punishment. Is it enough to fight the people?"The fox said: "Not enough."Wen Gong said: If there are people who have lost money in our people, the widow will personally envoy the doctor to see things, the guilty will be pardoned, and the poor will be given to them. Is it enough to fight the people?The fox said to him: "It's not enough."All of this is why you should be cautious in giving birth.Those who fight will be killed.The people follow the public because they are prudent in their production, and the public welcomes and kills them, and the loss is why they follow the public.Said: But how can it be enough to fight against the people?The fox said to him: "If you have everything, you don't want to fight."The duke said: "What can we do without fighting?"The fox said to him: "If you believe in rewards, you will be punished. They are enough for war."The duke said: How safe is the punishment?Confrontation: Don't forsake relatives and nobles, practice what you love by law.Wen Gong said: good.Tomorrow, the field will be ordered to land in Pulu, and the period will be in the middle of the day.So those who love the public said that in the later period of Dianjie, the officials asked him for his crime, and Wen Gong was worried because of tears.The official said: "Please do what you want."So he cut off the spine of Dianjie, in order to favor the people, and to understand the faith of the law.Afterwards, the common people feared and said: "You are as valuable as Bishi to Dianjie, but you still follow the law, so what's the matter with me?"Duke Wen saw that the people were capable of fighting, so he raised his troops to attack the plains eastward and conquer them.Fawei, Dongqimu, took Wulu.Attack Yang, win Guo#9, defeat Cao.South Wei Zheng, vice versa.After Song #10 Wei, he also fought against the Jing people in the city of Pu, and defeated the Jing people.Returning to the alliance of practicing the soil, Suicheng Hengyong's righteousness.Eight meritorious deeds are achieved in one fell swoop, so there is no other reason and foreign matter, following the plan of Hu Yan, it is also the backbone of the fake Dianjie.

Husband's acne pain is also unbearable if it does not pierce the bone marrow.If this is not the case, people can't hit it with a half-inch whetstone.The same is true of people's governance in today's world. If you don't know suffering, you can be at peace.If you want to govern your country#11, if you don't, you can't listen to the sages and punish the rebellious officials.Rebellious ministers #12 must respect people.Those who respect others must be very dear to the owner.The person who is very dear to the owner is also firm and white.Husbands who use the resources of ordinary people and want to leave others with the firmness and love of their masters are those who say that they can't do it because they untie their left viscera and say they can't.


#1 "Goods" is obviously a mistake of "loan", it should be corrected.

#2 "Yue" The word is removed, according to Chen Qiyou's original supplement.

#3 Zhao Yongxian's version and Ling Yingchu's version as "King", according to the modification.

#4 Zhao Ben did not have the word "say", so it was deleted.

#5 "口" is obviously an error of "Yue", so it should be corrected.

#6 "San" is obviously an error of "Zai", so it should be corrected.

#7 "日" is mistaken for "日", it should be changed.

#8 The word "love" is removed here, according to Ling Yingchu's original supplement.

#9 "Number" is obviously an error of "Guo", so it should be corrected.

#10 "Song" was mistaken for "Zhu", which was changed according to Chen Qiyou's original version.

#11 The word "country" is removed, and it is supplemented according to the Yuanping version and Ling Yingchu's version.

#12 The word "random minister" is removed, and it is supplemented according to Ling Ying's original and round-the-clock commentary.

(End of this chapter)

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