Han Fei

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

A loving mother is also for weak children, love cannot be preceded.You can't raise it with love first.However, the weak have their own way of doing things, so let them follow the teacher.If you have a bad disease, make it a doctor.If you don't follow the teacher, you will be punished, and if you don't practice medicine, you will be suspected of death.Although a loving mother loves, it is not conducive to vibrating punishment and saving death.Then those who survive are not love.The sex between mother and child is also the #12 power of the minister.A mother cannot preserve the family with love, but can Junan maintain the country with love?Those who understand the master are connected to the rich and powerful, and they can get what they want.Therefore, be careful in listening to governance, the law of prosperity and strength.Understand its laws and prohibitions, observe its schemes, if the laws are clear, there will be no danger of chaos inside, and if the plan is right, there will be no calamity of death and captives outside.Therefore, those who preserve the country are not benevolent and righteous.The benevolent, the benevolent and the light on wealth.Those who are violent are also those who are determined and easy to punish.Compassion is not forbearable, wealth is light, love is good, perseverance is hatred, and easy to punish is killing others.If you can't bear it, you will be punished with more forgiveness, and if you are kind, you will be rewarded with more rewards.If you hate your heart, you will blame your superiors, and if you punish yourself, the people will betray you.Therefore, when the benevolent man is in power, he will lightly violate the forbidden law by going down, and look forward to the top by stealing luck.When the tyrants are in power, the laws will be reckless and the ministers will be obedient, and the people will complain and be confused.Therefore, it is said: Those who are benevolent and violent will all perish.

You can't persuade hungry people to eat with delicious food, not for the sake of surviving hungry people.It is not for those who can #14enrich the people by persuading loans and giving rewards.The words of today's scholars are not to focus on the original work but to focus on the last thing. Knowing that the sage is talking about the people, this is the theory of persuasion.The saying of persuading rice is not accepted by the Ming Lord.

Disciple argues when writing a contract, and saves law while civil litigation is simplified.Therefore, the book of the sage must be written, and the law of the master must be detailed #15事.Do your best to think about gains and losses, which is difficult for a wise man.Without thinking or worrying, it is easy for a fool to focus on the foreword and take responsibility for the latter.The wise master considers the easy things of the foolish, and blames the difficult things of the wise, so the country is governed without the use of wisdom and effort.

Sour, sweet and salty, if you don't judge by mouth but by Zai Yin, then the cook despises the emperor and is more important than Zai Yin.If the upper and lower are clear and turbid, if the ear is not broken but the music is upright, then the blind work despises the king and emphasizes music and uprightness.In governing the country right and wrong, not judging by skills but by favoring others, the ministers will despise the emperor and favor others.The master does not personally watch and listen, but controls the subordinates, and is also the one who entrusts food to the country.

To make people without food and clothing without hunger or cold, and without aversion to death, does not mean anything.If you want not to kill the king, you can't make it.In this life, the handle of killing lies with the minister, and there are people who can carry out the master's order.Tigers and leopards will not use their minions to be as powerful as mice, and the family of ten thousand gold will not be as rich as prisons.The ruler of the land said that people cannot benefit, and wicked people cannot harm them. If you want to ask others to be afraid of yourself, you can't get it.

The ministers wantonly express their desires to be chivalrous, and the masters wantonly express their desires to call chaos.A person who is superior is called arrogant, and a ruler who is inferior is called violent.The principle is the same as the truth, the lower ones are praised, the higher ones get wronged, the ministers gain greatly, and the ruler loses greatly.In the country of the Ming Lord, there are noble ministers but no important ministers.Noble ministers are noble and high-ranking officials.Those who are important ministers are those who listen to their words and have a lot of strength.In the country of the Ming Lord, the officials are moved to the next level, and the officials and nobles receive merit, so there are noble ministers.Words do not measure deeds and falsehoods will be punished, so there are no important ministers.

Eight Classics
one.Whoever governs the world must be based on human feelings.Human beings have likes and dislikes, so rewards and punishments are available.If rewards and punishments are available, prohibitions can be established, and prohibitions can be established to rule props.The king holds the handle to deal with the situation, so the order is prohibited.The one with the handle is the system of killing, and the one with the power wins the capital of the crowd.Excessive abolition will desecrate power, and rewards and punishments will result in prestige.It is to listen to the master without love, and to plan without leaving words.Therefore, if you listen to the words and do not participate, then the power will be divided into traitors;Therefore, the rule of the Ming Lord's actions is also heavenly and unpredictable.Its employing people are also ghosts.As secret as a ghost.The sky is not wrong, since it is unpredictable, who can be wrong?Ghosts are not sleepy.Since it is dark and secret, who can trap it?The trend is strict, and it is not against it. Although #16 against the world, you dare not violate it. This trend is also useful.It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad.The whole world dare not criticize a line of reputation.Therefore, rewarding the virtuous and punishing the violent is the one who does the best.Those who reward and punish the virtuous are also those who commit the most evil.It means that rewards are the same and punishments are different.There is nothing better than generous rewards to benefit the people.There is nothing better than beauty, so that the people will be honored.There is nothing more important than punishment, which makes the people fear it.Destruction is worse than evil, which makes the people ashamed.Then follow the law and prohibit punishment for private use.If the family does not commit crimes, rewards and punishments must be known.The way to know is exhausted.

Due to circumstances
two.Power is outnumbered, wisdom is inexhaustible.Instead of using one person, it is better to use a country.Use the intelligence of one person as a king, and use the country without knowing how to let the crowd.Therefore, the intelligence is the enemy and the group wins, if you are in the middle, you will do your own work, and if you are not in the middle, you will be in the wrong.The lower rulers do their best, the middle rulers do their best, and the upper rulers do their best.It is based on the fact that things come to form wisdom, and one listens to the association.If you don't hear the same thing, the back is against the front, and if the back is against the front, you will not be able to distinguish between wisdom and wisdom.Injustice will hesitate and continue, and if it continues, things will remain.Take one by yourself, and you will not be tired of falling into the gully.So make it ironic, ironic and angry.Therefore, it is said that Chen Zhiri #17, there must be a book, and the wise will test it out, and the capable will seek success or failure.There are signs of success or failure, and rewards and punishments follow.If things are successful, the ruler will make meritorious deeds, and if the rules fail, the ministers will accept their crimes.The emperor and the man are in harmony, but they are not close, let alone in strength?Things are still not close to wisdom, let alone hanging?Therefore, non-employees do not agree with each other, and the king will be angry if they are the same.Make people use each other, then the king will be the god, and the next will be exhausted.When the bottom is done, the ministers will not be due to the emperor, but the master's way will be completed.


three.The king who knows the different interests of his ministers and masters thinks that those who are the same will be robbed, and those who work with him will be killed.Therefore, the Ming judges the distinction between public and private, and judges the interests and harms, and adultery has nothing to do with it.There are six things born of chaos: mistress, concubine, son's surname, brother, minister, and virtuous.The mistress, the monarch and the child are called the system.The surnames of Hou Ji and Zi are strong and forced.Brother, the son is good at the country.Minister, acting on behalf of the owner.If you are a virtuous person, you will hide your name with a false name.If you are an official and a minister, the mistress will not let you go.The officials are responsible for the chaos.The etiquette is different, and Empress Ji does not doubt it.The power is not divided, and the concubine #18 is not in contention.Don't let the concubine be the second son.The right and status are not lost, and the brothers do not invade.Authority and nationality are not lost.If you don't go to the same door, the ministers don't embrace you.If you don't make a dictatorship, you don't have power.The prohibition of rewards must be done, and the virtuous will not be chaotic.There are two reasons for ministers, which are called external and internal.Externally, it is called fear, and foreign ministers act in awe, and everything is fearful.Inside is love.Seeking what you fear, listening to what you love, this is the cause of this chaos.Those who set up officials in foreign countries punish their intimacy and pay a lot of money, but they will not borrow from outsiders.Juelu follows meritorious deeds, and those who ask for it are all guilty, so there is no internal cause #19.If you don't borrow from outside and don't cause from inside, you will be filled with adultery.Officials attack the festival and advance, and even take great responsibility, wisdom is also.Those who are in the position to be the big ones hold it with three sections, which are called quality, township, and solidity.Relatives and wives, quality also.Juelu is thick and necessary, and the town is also.Participating in the army is expensive and solid.The sage stops at the quality, the gluttony turns into the town, and the treacherous and the evil are poor.If you can't bear it, you will go up and down #20, if you don't get rid of the small ones, you will be punished, and if you don't get rid of the name, you will go straight.Birth and harm, death and injury, then eat and drink.Otherwise, instead of stalking, this is called eliminating adultery.The doctor said it was tricky, and it was called Yi.See #21 reward for merit, punish for crime, and stop cheating #22.Right and wrong are not disclosed, and remonstrance is unreasonable, but Yi is not used.The father and brother are virtuous and good, and they broadcast the misfortune of traveling, and they suffer a lot from neighbors and enemies.People who kill and humiliate are more commonly known as thieves, and they suffer from anger, suspicion and humiliation.Hiding anger and holding on to crime without expressing it will increase chaos, and its troubles will be caused by those who are lucky and reckless.The ministers are double-weighted, and the balance is not considered. It is said that it is a disaster.Tuoyi is not self-sufficient, and the gods say Danwei, and he suffers from the chaos of thieves, husbands, poisons and poisons.These five patients, if the owner does not know, there will be robbery and murder.When things of disuse and disuse are born inside, there will be order, and if they are born outside, there will be chaos.Therefore, the Lord of the Ming Dynasty judges the internal by merit, and outside by profit, so the country is governed and the enemy is in chaos.That is the way of #23 chaos, the minister hates the outside like dizziness, and the minister loves the inside like medicine.


Four.The way to join the army is to join the army to seek more, and to fight the army to blame for mistakes.Participation must be #24 off, and Kui Wu will be angry.If you don't break, you will prosecute, if you don't get angry, you will be harmonious.The sign of folding is enough to know how many people are there, but it is not enough to know how many people are there before anger.The trend of watching and listening is characterized by the comparison of Zhou and the difference in rewards, and the crime of punishing is the same.To speak to the masses, one must use the ground to seek it out, plan it with the sky, test it with things, and participate with people.The symbol of the four signs can be observed.Refer to the words to know its sincerity, easy to see to change its luster, stick to it to get extraordinary, use it to learn from the past, repeat words to fear the distant, lift it up to know it before, that is, to know it from the inside, and place it sparsely To know what is beyond, hold the light to ask what is dark, deceitful to vent by absolute arrogance, talk back to taste doubts, discuss the opposite to gain adultery, set admonitions to guide one's actions, make mistakes to observe adultery, and speak clearly to lure Avoid, be humble and flatter with observation, spread the news to understand what you haven't seen, fight to break up cliques, deeply respect the hearts of the people, and vent differences to ease their worries.If it is similar, it will be combined, and if it is old, it will be clear.Conviction of crimes is used to stop prestige, Yin makes time follow to avoid decline, gradually becomes more separated from Tong, and makes a promise to invade above.The prime minister makes appointments with his courtiers, the courtiers make appointments with his officials, the soldiers make appointments with their military officials, the sent envoys make appointments with their intermediaries, the county officials make appointments with their officials, the doctors make appointments with their left and right sides, and the concubine make appointments with their court ladies. This is called Tiaodazhi. road.If you talk about things, you can't do tricks.

Standing road
Fives.Mingzhu's mission is careful, so he will be rewarded with virtue when he is happy, and he will be rewarded when he is angry.Therefore, the words of the Lord of Ming are blocked and impenetrable, and they cannot be seen carefully.Therefore, those who get ten with one will go down the way, and those who get one with ten will go up the way.The master of the Ming Dynasty walks both up and down, so there is nothing to be lost in adultery.Wu Guan is adjacent to the county. He has rewarded him but punished him if he failed.What is above is below, and below is above above.That's why the high and the low are afraid of each other and use the law to teach each other to make peace.The nature of the people has the reality of life and the name of life.A ruler has the reputation of being wise and wise, and the reality of rewards and punishments.Both the name and the truth are there, so good fortune and goodness must be heard.

six.If you don't listen to it, you can't take responsibility, and if you don't supervise it, you will fall into heresy.It is also necessary to believe in what is said, otherwise, ten people will doubt it, a hundred people will agree, and a thousand people will not be able to understand it.Those who speak are suspicious, and those who argue are believed.The food of treachery is also high, taking money from the public, relying on trust to argue, and using similarities to cover up its selfishness.If the owner is not full of anger and waits for joint participation, his power will be lower.The master of the way listens to the words and supervises its use, teaches its merits, and rewards and punishments for homework, so useless arguments will not stay in court.If the person in charge knows that he is not good enough to govern, he will be let go of the official.Talking big and boasting is poor, so you get angry when you are raped.It is not appropriate to make a false accusation without a reason, and if a false accusation is committed, the minister's words must be rewarded, and the words must be used, so the words of cronies are not heard.Wherever the way of listening is, people and ministers are loyal to hear about traitors, and they are one-sided in their opinions. If the master is not wise, traitors will gain capital.To understand the way of the Lord, if you are happy, you will seek what he accepts, and if you are angry, you will observe his structure. After the change, you can get public and private signs.All the admonitions are based on wisdom, so that the king can take one to avoid crimes.Therefore, the remonstrance of the masses is also the remonstrance of the defeated king.There is no sub-word in the above to assume that it will be the case, and today's amulet is used to know the sincerity in the future.In order to understand the way of the Lord, the ministers must not make two remonstrances, but must let them speak one word.Don't do it without authorization, you must join it.Therefore, rape has no way to enter.

hearing method
seven.Officials are important, but there is no law.The breath of the law is also, if there is no limit to the darkness, the officials will act arbitrarily, and the officials will be respected if they do what they are good at, and if there is no precedent, they will collect more, and if they collect more, they will be rich.Officials are rich and heavy, and they are born of chaos.The way to understand the Lord is to take responsibility, and to take responsibility for things.Those who are virtuous in the official position will be praised if they can keep the official position.Rewarded for merit.It is said that if the master of Cheng is happy, it will benefit, but if he is not the master, anger will harm him, so people will not be selfish to their father and brother, but will go to the enemy.Power is enough to practice the law, Feng is enough to give things, but selfishness has nothing to do, so the people work hard and despise officials.It is not important to do anything, so that its favor must be in the noble.Those who are in office should not be selfish, so that their profits must come from their salary.The old people honor the title and value the salary.Jue Lu is rewarded, and people are valued so rewards are also governed by the country.Punishment is troublesome, name is misleading, and improper rewards and rewards will make people suspicious.The people's reputation and their rewards are also equal.Rewarders have slander, which is not enough to persuade.Punishers have a good reputation, which is not enough to ban them.In the way of the Lord, rewards must come from public interests, and fame must be the most important thing.When honor is on the same track, both non-punishment and non-punishment should be done, but the people have no honor to reward.Those who are severely punished must have a bad reputation, so the people fear it.Punishment is prohibited, and the people are afraid of it, so the country is governed.

Eight.Demonstrating righteousness will lead to authority, and listening to benevolence will destroy the law.The people are afraid of the superior by the rule, and the superior is humbled by the power, so the custom of ruthlessly touching the lower law and honoring the light of the monarch is the main prestige.It is difficult for the people to offend the superior with the law, and the superior uses the law to harass the benevolent, so the subordinates love to give and do the government of the grain, and the business is the wealth of the goods.It is based on the law.Respect private behavior with the prestige of the two masters, act with respect and doubt the law, listen to it and rule in chaos, and don't listen to it and slander the master. Therefore, the ruler is light on the position and the law is chaotic to the officials. This is called the country of impermanence.In order to understand the way of the Lord, ministers are not allowed to be honored by doing righteousness, and they are not allowed to make meritorious deeds by family interests.Born of fame must come from official law.The law #25 is outside, although it is difficult to do it, don't show it.

The old people have no private name.Try to guide the people, believe in rewards and punishments to do the best of the people, and slander them to persuade them to discourage them. Names, rewards and punishments, and laws are three corners. Therefore, the ministers respect the emperor when they do what they do, and the people benefit when they have meritorious deeds. This is called the right way Country also.

Main Wei #27

#1 The Tibetan version of the word "zhu" is removed, and it is supplemented according to Ling Ying's first version and the Yuanping version.

#2 The word "punishment" is removed, and it is supplemented according to Ling Ying's first edition and the tortuous commentary edition.

#3 "Chaos" was mistaken for "Ci", it should be changed.

#4 "Must" was mistaken for "Xin", which was revised according to Ling Ying's original and round-the-clock commentary.

#5 It is derived here that "it wants to be cured but it is not very good", which was deleted according to Chen Qiyou's original.

#6 The word "name" is derived, deleted according to Chen Qiyou.

#7 "Too" is obviously a "big" mistake and should be corrected.

#8 The word "cure" is removed, and it is supplemented according to the literal commentary.

#9 "Qianqi" is obviously a mistake of "Qianqi", it should be corrected.

#10 The word "heng" is derived, deleted according to the literal commentary.

#11 The word "tui" is derived, deleted according to the literal commentary.

#12 The word "Zhi" is obviously removed here, so it should be added.

#13 "Ze" was mistaken for "Yu", which was changed according to Ling Ying's first edition and the tortuous commentary edition.

#14 "Can do" is mistaken and changed according to the text.

#15 The character of "Jin" is derived, deleted according to Ling Hao's first edition and Yuanping commentary edition. .
#16 "Although" was mistaken for "who", according to Zhao Yongxian's original revision.

#17 "日" was mistaken for "日", which was changed according to Chen Qiyou's original version.

#18 "Shu Guo" is obviously an error of "Shu Shi", modified according to Chen Qiyou.Appropriate to pass through.

#19 "Because" was mistaken for "solid", according to Chen Qiyou's original revision.

#20 "Xia Shang" is mistakenly changed to "Xia Shang", which is the opposite of meaning, so it should be changed.

#21 "Yi" is an error of "seeing", which should be corrected.

#22 "Stop" is mistaken for "Up", it should be changed.

#23 The word "Zhi" is extended, deleted according to Chen Qiyou's suggestion.

#24 "Must" was mistaken for "Yi", which was changed according to Chen Qiyou's version.

#25 The word "法" ​​is removed, according to Chen Qiyou's original supplement.

#26 『Up』Mistakes 『Stop』, according to Chen Qiyou's original revision.

#27 The title of this section is missing, according to Zhao Yongxian's version, fill in the word "main prestige".

(End of this chapter)

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