Han Fei

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

This is not the case today, the scholars and the people are free and unrestrained inside, and those who talk are powerful outside, calling evil on the outside and inside to treat the powerful enemy, it is not impossible!Therefore, those who talk about foreign affairs in the group of ministers are not participating in the party of Congheng, but they have the loyalty of hatred and rely on the country.For those who follow, unite the strong to attack the weak, and those who are balanced, do things for the strong to attack the weak.It's not the reason to hold the country.Those who weigh the words of today's ministers all say: If it is not a big deal, you will encounter the enemy and suffer disaster.If the matter is too big, it may not be true, so we will appoint it with a picture, and invite soldiers to follow the seal.If you offer a map, the land will be reduced, if you follow the seal, you will be humbled, if the land is reduced, the country will be reduced, and if your name is humble, the government will be in chaos.Things are too big to be balanced, but the benefits are not seen, and the land is destroyed and the government is in chaos.Those who follow the words of the people and ministers all say: If you don't save the small and attack the big, you will lose the world. If you lose the world, the country will be in danger, and the country will be in danger and humble.Saving the small may not be real, and the army will be raised and the enemy will be large.Rescue the small may not be able to survive, and the Jiaotong University may not be without sparseness, if there is sparseness, it will be a strong country.If you send out troops, you will lose the army, if you retreat, you will pull out the city, and saving the small ones will never see the benefit, and the army will be defeated.It is the story that if the story is strong, the outsiders will have power and non-commissioned officers inside, and if the small ones are saved, they will seek to benefit the outside world.Although the Lord is humble, the ministers are respectful.Although the country and land are cut, private families are rich.If things are successful, they will be rewarded with power, and if things fail, they will be retired with wealth.The master is also heard by him, and by his ministers, if the matter is not completed, the title and salary will be respected.If things fail and you are punished, which lobbyist will not be proud of using the theory of slap in the face?Therefore, what is the reason for the destruction of the country and the subjugation of the Lord to listen to the frivolous words of those who talk?It is a gentleman who is not aware of public and private interests, and does not know what is right or wrong, so there is no need to punish and punish him later.Everyone said: foreign affairs can be king if they are big, but they can be safe when they are small.The husband and the king are those who can attack others, but Ann cannot be attacked.If it is strong, it can attack others, but if it is ruled, it cannot be attacked.Governance cannot be blamed on the outside, but also on internal affairs.Today, if one does not use spells from within but seeks wisdom from without, it will not lead to strong governance.As the saying goes: Long sleeves are good at dancing, and a lot of money is good at business.It is easy to work with a lot of capital.Therefore, it is easy to rule the strong, but it is difficult to rule the weak and chaotic.Therefore, if it is used in Qin, it will change ten times and hope to lose; if it is used in Yan, it will be hopeful after one change. If it is not used in Qin, it will be wise, and if it is used in Yan, it will be stupid.Therefore, Zhou went to Qin as his follower, and it was held every year.Wei Li and Wei Weiheng died at the age of half a year.It was Zhou who died in Cong, and Wei who died in Heng.Let Zhou and Wei slow down their strategy of balance, but strictly #11 the governance of their territory, clarify their laws and prohibitions, and must reward and punish them, use their land power to accumulate more, cause their people to die, and strengthen their city defenses, the world will win The benefits will be small if you attack the land, and the damage will be great if you attack the country. A country of ten thousand vehicles will not dare to subdue itself under a strong city, and let a strong enemy cut its disadvantages. This is a technique that will never perish.It is the fault of those who govern the country that the art of abandoning the art of immortality and the way will perish.If wisdom is trapped inside and political chaos is outside, it will perish and cannot be revived.

The people's political plan is all about safety and benefit, such as avoiding danger and poverty.Today, if you attack and fight for it, if you advance, you will die by the enemy, if you retreat, you will die by execution, and you will be in danger.If you abandon your private affairs, you will have to work hard, and if your family is poor, you will be poor if you talk about Shangfu.Where poverty and danger lie, how can the people be safe?The story is private and the house is finished, and the house is finished, and the long-distance battle is over, and the long-distance battle is safe.Those who are licensed to bribe and attack Dangtu will seek it, and if they seek it, they will be safe, and if they are private, they will benefit.Therefore, there are few citizens and many private individuals.King Fuming's governance of the country made the people who trade, work, travel and eat less and have a low reputation.If you ask for a job in the modern world, you can buy officials and nobles, and if you can buy officials and nobles, you will not be humble in business and industry.If treacherous goods are used in the market, there will be many merchants.If you gather twice as much as the farmers and honor those who are superior to farming and fighting, there will be few honest scholars and many high-priced people.It is the custom of a chaotic country, and its scholars call the way of the former kings based on benevolence and righteousness, pretending to argue with grandeur, and doubting the laws of the world to distract the hearts of the masters.Those who say the ancients set up false names, borrowed external forces to achieve their own selfishness, and left behind the benefits of the community.Those who carry swords gather disciples, and set up exercises to show their names, and violate the prohibition of the five sense organs.Those who suffer from the royal family accumulate in private doors, use up the goods to bribe people, and pay attention to people, so as to get rid of the hard work of sweat and horses.The people who are merchants and workers repair the tools for curing the affliction, gather wealth and save it for the time to benefit the farmers.These five are the beetles of the state.If the ruler does not get rid of the people of the five beetles, and does not support honest men, even if there are ruined countries and ruined dynasties in the sea, don't be surprised.

The prominent schools of the world are Confucianism and Mohism.Wherever Confucianism came, so did Confucius.Wherever Mo goes, so does Mo Di.Since the death of Confucius, there have been Confucians of Zizhang, Confucians of Zisi, Confucians of the Yan family, Confucians of the Meng family, Confucians of the Qidiao family, Confucians of the Zhongliang family, Confucians of the Sun family, and Confucians of Lezheng. Confucianism of the clan.Since the death of Mozi, there have been inks of the Xiangli family, ink of the Xiangfu family, and ink of the Dengling family.Therefore, after Confucianism and Mohism, Confucianism is divided into eight, and Mohism is divided into three.Kong, Mo#12 Can't be resurrected, who will make the world permanent?Confucius and Mozi both taught Yao and Shun, but they chose differently. They all claimed to be the real Yao and Shun. Yao and Shun would not come back to life. Who will make Confucianism and Mohism sincere?Yin and Zhou were more than 13 years old, and Yu and Xia were more than [-] years old, but they could not determine the truth of Confucianism and Mohism. Now they want to examine the way of Yao and Shun before they were [-] years old.Those who have no reference to test it must be foolish, and those who cannot confirm it but rely on it are false.Therefore, according to the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty, those who definitely determined Yao and Shun were not fools, but false accusations.The study of ignorance and slander, the #[-] behavior of miscellaneous opposites, the master of enlightenment will not accept it.The burial of the Mohist also wears winter clothes in winter and summer clothes in summer. The three-inch tung coffin is three inches long, and the funeral is three months. The world considers it thrifty and respectful.A Confucian broke up his family and was buried. He mourned for three years and destroyed his staff.Husband is Mozi's frugality, not Confucius' extravagance.It is the filial piety of Confucius, not the cruelty of Mozi.Today, filial piety, extravagance and thrift are all found in Confucianism and Mohism, and courtesy is also included in the upper class.In the discussion of lacquer carving, don't look at it, don't run away. If you go straight, you will be angry with the princes.According to Song Rongzi's proposal, if you don't fight, you don't follow the enemy, you don't shame, you don't humiliate when you see insults, the world's lord thinks it is lenient and courteous.The husband is a lacquer carving, and he will not be forgiven by Song Rong.It is Song Rong's generosity, which will not be the violence of lacquer carving.Today, tolerance, honesty and forgiveness of violence belong to the two sons, and the owner is also courteous.Self-foolish and slanderous learning, miscellaneous and contradictory rhetorical disputes, and the masters all listen to them, so people in the country have no definite skills in their words and inconsistencies in their actions.Ice and charcoal are different for a long time, cold and heat do not come at the same time, miscellaneous and contradictory learning can be ruled without coexistence, now I also listen to the same and different words of miscellaneous learning, how can there be no chaos?Listening to and doing so is inevitable in governing people.

Most of the scholars in this world talk about governance and say: with the poor, there is no capital in reality.Today's husband is kind to others, and those who don't have the benefits of entering #14 in a good year and only give them all, they are thrifty if they don't have strength.Be kind to others, without suffering from hunger, disease, guilt, misfortunes, and sins. Those who are poor alone will fall if they are not extravagant.Those who are extravagant and depraved are poor, but those who are powerful and frugal are rich. #15 Today, collecting money from the rich to give to the poor is a waste of power and thrift, and a waste of money.But if you want to save people's diseases and use them sparingly, you can't get them.Today there are people here, righteousness does not enter dangerous cities, does not stay in the army, does not use the world's great benefits to change one's shins, the world's lord will respect them accordingly, value their wisdom and magnify their actions, and think that they are people who lighten things and rebirth.Husband, that's why Chen Liangtian's mansion was set up with a noble salary, so the people's lives were changed. Today, people who are noble and despise things and reborn, but it is impossible for Suomin to die and die.Collecting books, learning to discuss, gathering apprentices, serving literature and discussing, the world's lord must respect it accordingly, saying: Respecting the sages is the way of the first kings.The husbands and officials are taxed, and the cultivators are also, and the superiors are supported, and the scholars are also.Farmers are taxed heavily, and scholars are rewarded more, but it is impossible to ask the people to work and talk less.Standing up to observe the Ming Dynasty, do not intrude on the practice, the sword will be followed when the complaint is too loud, and the lord of the world will be respected accordingly, and he will be regarded as a self-loving person.The work of beheading the husband is not rewarded, but the bravery of the family is displayed, and the rapid battle of the people is far away from the enemy without selfishness, which is unattainable.Guoping raises Confucian scholars, but when it is difficult, he uses Jieshi. Those who are raised are not used, and those who are used are not raised. This is why it is chaotic.And the lady master is good at listening and learning. If it is her words, she should be an official and use her body. If it is not her words, she should go to her body and rest her head.Today, if you think it is true, you will spread it among the officials, if you think it is false, you will not let it go, if you think it is true, you will not use it, if you are false, you will not stop, this is the way of chaos and perdition.

Tantai Ziyu, the appearance of a gentleman, Zhongni picked it up a few times, and it doesn't matter his appearance after being with him for a long time.Zaiyu's words are elegant and elegant, and Zhongni took them a few times, but his wisdom is not enough to argue with them.So Confucius said: Take people with tolerance, but lose them.Take people with words, but lose them. #16 Therefore, with the wisdom of Zhong Ni, there are voices of inaccuracy.Today's new debate is indiscriminate in Zaiyu#17, and the world's lord listens to Zhongni, just to please his words, and because he lets himself go, how can he gain nothing?It is because of the debate between Wei Ren and Meng Mao that Huaxia suffered, and the debate between Zhao Ren and Ma Fu caused Changping's disaster.These two, let the debate fail.The husband looks at forged tin and sees the green and yellow, and Qu Ye #18 cannot use the sword.When the water hits the geese, and the horses and horses are broken by the land, they will gain no doubt bluntness.To describe it with kisses, Bole can't be sure.If you give a car, you will drive it, but if you look at its finish, you will not doubt that it is good.Convincing by appearance and listening to words, Zhong Ni can't be sure.If you take the official position of the test and teach its merits, mediocre people will not doubt their stupidity.Therefore, the officials of the Ming Lord, the prime minister must start from the state department, and the fierce general must start from the death of Wu#19.Those who have made great achievements must be rewarded, and the richer the juelu, the more persuasive they will be.If the official is moved to the next level, the official position will be large and the cure will be healed.Husband and Juelu are big and officials are ruled by the way of kings.

Thousands of miles of rocks cannot be called rich, and millions of elephants cannot be called strong.The stone is not small, the number is not numerous, and it cannot be called rich and powerful.Today's merchants, officials and craftsmen also eat without cultivating, which is the same as rocks without cultivating land.Confucian heroes don't work in the army, and those who are prominent and honorable are not used by the people, and they also work with Xiangren.Husbands know that rocks are like people, but they don't know that business officials, Confucians and chivalrous men are uncultivated land, and people who don't let them know what to do.Therefore, even if the king of the enemy's country speaks of my righteousness, I will not pay tribute to him.Although the princes in the pass are not my line, I will make the poultry go to the court.That's why if you have more power, you will be courted #20, and if you are less powerful, you will be courted by others. Therefore, the king of the Ming Dynasty is in charge of power.Fu Yan's family has no violent captives, but a loving mother has a defeated son. From this, I know that power can stop violence, but virtue is not enough to stop chaos.

When a sage governs a country, he does not rely on others to be good for me, but uses them for nothing.I rely on people for my goodness, there are not many people in the territory, and there is no choice but to employ people, and a country can make it all.Those who govern use the many and abandon the few, so they do not practice virtue but practice law.The husband must rely on the straight arrow, there will be no arrow for a hundred years, and the tree that will be rounded by himself, there will be no wheel for a thousand years.There is no such thing as a straight arrow and a round tree in a hundred generations, but why is it that everyone in the world rides a cart and shoots birds?The implicit way is also used.Although there are self-directed arrows and self-turning trees that do not rely on concealment, good work is rare, so why?The rider is not a single person, and the shooter is not a single shot.Do not rely on rewards and punishments but serve the people who are kind to themselves, the Lord is not precious, so why?The law of the country cannot be lost, but it is not ruled by one person.Therefore, a king with skill does not follow the goodness that is appropriate, which is called accidental.And walk the way of necessity.

Today it may be said that people say: If the child must be wise and live long, the world will think it crazy.Husband wisdom, sex also; longevity, life.Life is not learned from others, but what people can't do is to explain people, the reason why this world is called crazy.It is said that it is impossible, but it is also an instruction.Husband Yu, sex also.To teach people with benevolence is to teach people with wisdom and longevity.Therefore, the beauty of good hair and stinginess and beauty will not benefit my face.If you use Zhize Fendai, it will be twice as good as before.Talking about the benevolence and righteousness of the former kings is not conducive to governance.Those who understand my law and must be rewarded and punished by me are also the country's fat, color, powder and daisy.Therefore, the Lord of the Ming Dynasty is eager to help but slows down his praise, so he is not benevolent and righteous.Today, Wu Zhuzhi wished people and said: If you live forever.The voice of Qianqiu Wansui is noisy #21, but the life of a day is not determined by others, so this person is also wished by Jian Wu.When Confucians talk about the ruler of the people, they don't talk about the reason for the rule, but the merits of the rule.They don't judge matters of official law, don't check the feelings of treachery and evil, but follow the ancient legends, and praise the success of the ancestors.Confucianism said: Listen to my words, and you can overlord.The witch wishing this speaker is not acceptable to the master of the degree.Therefore, Ming advocates to cite practical facts, and reject those who are useless and unrighteous, so he does not listen to the words of scholars.Those who don't know how to govern today must say: win the hearts of the people.If you want to win the hearts of the people and be able to govern, Yi Yin and Guan Zhong are useless, they will just listen to the people.The unusable wisdom of the people is like the heart of a baby.If the husband and baby do not pick their heads, they will have abdominal pain, and if the first disease is not cured, the pain will increase.No?Acne is beneficial.That carbuncle also. ?Prestige and collapse, put on?and also.Head off,?Acne must be held by one person, and treated by a loving mother, but it still keeps crying, and the baby does not know that it has committed its little suffering and brought about its great benefit.Today, it is urgent to plow the fields and cultivate the grass to enrich the people's production, but the above is cool.The revision of punishment and heavy punishment is considered to prohibit evil, and the above is strict.It is greedy to collect money and millet to store warehouses, and to prepare the army for famine relief.The territory must be known and introduced, but selfless solution, and the power of the disease, so the poultry and captives, and the above is violence.These four are the reason for law and order, but the people don't know how to be happy.Those who seek sages and masters are not enough for the people to use as teachers.In the past, Yu ruled the river and dredged the river, and the people gathered tiles and stones to attack Yu.Zichan Kaimu Sangzheng people slandered Zi.Yu benefited the world, and his son was born in Zheng, and everyone was slandered. It is clear that the wisdom of the husband and the people is not enough.Therefore, promoting scholars to seek virtuous wisdom, and governing to suit the people are all the root of chaos, and it is impossible to govern them.


#1 "胈" was mistaken for "limb", which was changed according to the Zhangbang version and the tortuous commentary version.

#2 The Tibetan version of "Wen" was mistakenly written as "Da", and it is correct now.

#3 Here, the word "said" is removed, and it is supplemented according to Ling Ying's first edition and Yuping's edition.

#4 "Jun" was mistaken for "Min", which was changed according to Zhang Bang.

#5 The word "Wei" is missing, and it is supplemented according to the literal commentary.

#6 The Tibetan version of "Yi Zhi" is obviously an error of "Robber Zhi", now it is correct.

#7 The Tibetan version of "Mr." was mistaken for "The First King", which was changed according to Chen Qiyou's version.

#8 The word "take" is removed, and it is supplemented according to Chen Qiyou.

#9 "Jietu" is obviously a mistake of "Jieshi", it should be corrected.

#10 The Tibetan version of "Yan" was mistaken for "Min", which was revised according to Zhao Yongxian's and Ling Yingchu's.

#11 The Tibetan version of the word "Yan" was removed, and it was supplemented according to Ling Yingchu's original version.

#12 The word "Kong Mo" is removed, and it is supplemented according to the literal commentary.

#13 According to the text, there should be the word "Zhi", according to Chen Qiyou's original supplement.

#14 "Entry" was mistaken for "person" in the Tibetan version, now correct.

#15 The word "Fu" is misleading and should be deleted.

#16 The word "Yi" was derived, deleted according to Chen Qiyou.

#17 "Zaizi" is obviously a mistake of "Zaiyu".Modified according to Chen Qiyou's original version.

#18 "District Governance" is obviously an error of "District Governance", which was revised according to Chen Qiyou's original version.

#19 "Ping Wu" is obviously an error of "Zu Wu", it should be corrected.

#20 "朝" was mistaken for "or", which was changed according to Chen Qiyou.

#21 The Tibetan version of "音" was mistakenly written as "栝", which was changed according to Zhang Bang's version.

(End of this chapter)

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