Chapter 25 So what, love (11)
After my grandfather passed away, my grandmother lost a lot of weight.After all, the blow came too suddenly.That night, grandma kept crying, telling everyone who came to comfort her that her companion was gone.Singing with the local mourning song: "My old man, no one will watch TV with me anymore, and no one will drink my rice porridge..." The doctor who gave first aid to grandpa told his mother that grandpa left Don't worry, I didn't leave a last word to my children.But when the old man realized that he was going to die, he squeezed out three words with his last strength: "Don't cry." I regard this as my grandfather's lifelong entrustment to my grandmother.

I told the story of my grandpa and grandma to Ke Yiyi, and Xiao Yi burst into tears, and she said to me: "Grandpa, can we be together forever?"

One day, while we were talking, we talked about the future.Xiao Yi said, "My lord, after graduation, should I go to Jiangsu, or you to Beijing?"

I was in a daze, "Huh?"

"I said, after graduation, will you go back to Beijing with me, or will I go to Jiangsu with you?"

"Of course you left with me, you are married to me."

"Oh," Xiao Yi sat up, "Then what should my mother do?"

"Come together."

"Then what if she doesn't want to?"

"Then we often go back to see her."

"Hmm..." Xiaoyi hummed for a long time, and then slowly lowered her voice after humming, "I don't know."

When we were making love that day, Xiaoyi bit me all over my body, and in return, I pressed her shoulders firmly on the bed.After it was over, both of her shoulders were a little swollen.Xiaoyi didn't hug me that day, she crossed her hands, covered her shoulders, turned around and fell asleep.I drank some water, got into bed again, went to see her, gently opened her hand, and blew on Xiaoyi's shoulder, "Well, it doesn't hurt anymore, it doesn't hurt anymore..."

"Master, I don't like you like this."

"Mother, I was wrong, I hurt you."

"No." Xiao Yi didn't smile, she turned to me, "Because you are pushing me away, I don't like it."

This is the third autumn I have spent in Nanhu University. I don’t know whether it was because Changsha was very cold that year, or because there was nothing to be happy about. This autumn is particularly bleak, and the leaves seem to fall faster than usual.Our small group has always been full of flowers, but now half of the men are single.Xiao Ma has always been depressed, and he is more and more fond of shoveling when playing football, and has fought several times with other boys in this class; Wei Xing invites a netizen from time to time to open a room, but he goes there by himself. He didn't show off to us anymore when he came back; the second child is still the same, as the last virgin of Nanhu University, he has already accepted his fate.Like many boys in our finance department, he fell into an online game called "Legend". From chopping tree stumps to monsters, he went to Internet cafes to practice leveling when he was free. He clicked 10,000+ mouse clicks a day, and his right index finger often cramped. .In short, all changes have become habits, and our life is as calm as life.

One Wednesday at noon, Xiao Yi went to the dormitory classmate’s birthday party, and I stayed alone in the dormitory in a daze. Brother Bao passed by my balcony (we are on the first floor), jumped twice, and saw me I was still there, so I went to the iron window of the balcony and called me: "Fang Peng, what are you doing?"

"Nothing to do, idle. Why are you going?"

"I'm fine too."

"What about Xu Xu?"

"do not know."

"Aren't you two having lunch together?"

"No, I've been bothering her recently."

"Then you come to me, let's find something to do."


In the dormitory, Brother Bao and I were chatting nonchalantly, and the chatter became more and more boring. I smoked one by one, and he went to everyone's position to touch here and there, and then accidentally knocked down. None of us noticed the honey bottle of the second child, and there was a gap in the mouth of the bottle of honey, and the whole bottle of honey flowed into one of the second's sneakers in the next few hours. , and does not appear to reveal any traces.That night, the second child just complained in the dormitory. Somebody dumped all his honey, leaving an empty bottle on his desk.And the next morning, when the second child stepped into the sneakers filled with honey, that was the orgasm.

However, none of us noticed Honey at that time. Just when we were bored and almost collapsed, and almost wanted to kill each other first and then ourselves, there was a commotion from the direction of the door of the dormitory area, all men's voices: " Hit him, kill him! Kill him!"

problem occurs! ……Great!

Brother Bao and I immediately cheered up, opened the door and rushed out, only to see Uncle Da wrestling with a security guard, and there were two fighting around him.Uncle Da is actually not an uncle. He is in the same class as us, and is in the third class of finance.Because of his mature temperament and old face, and his name is Shu Da, everyone...even his class counselor called him Uncle Da.Uncle Da is the main defender of the financial football team. Because he is big, muscular, tough, and has always been "extraordinary with the ball" on the court, he is appreciated by the captain of the football team, Xiao Ma. The two cherish each other and call each other brothers. We have a good relationship, of course.Although Uncle Da looks vicious, he actually has a good temper and never provokes troubles. Today, he got into such a fight with the school security guard, which really surprised me.Don't say anything, let's fight quickly, Brother Bao and I rushed up, and there happened to be a few classmates wearing the same jersey as Uncle Da appeared at the door, and they all came to fight when they saw this situation.

"Don't pull me, don't even pull me, I can't kill him today!" Uncle Da glared angrily, all the lumps burst out, obviously very angry.Although the security guard on the opposite side was a head short, he was still quite strong. He came over with his fist while swearing and swearing, and was hitting the back of a classmate who was fighting. He yelled and grinned in pain.

Let me interject here and talk about our security guards.The security guards in our school are divided into two types, one is old security guards who have worked for more than ten years or even decades, and the other is because when the school builds new dormitory land acquisition, the work compensation is given to the local demolition households, and some demolished households are resettled. Employment of children.The first type of security guards is relatively restrained, while the second type of security guards are originally the children of local farmers. Most of them have never even attended a technical secondary school, but once they wear security uniforms, they feel confident that they are managers. .This kind of security guards don't think about keeping the students safe, but how to manage and clean up the students. I even suspect that when they catch us, they will have a perverted pleasure of sadomasochism.After the closing time, students are not allowed to enter the dormitory. If you want to enter the dormitory, you have to go through a series of interrogation by them, especially girls. If you don’t interrogate you for ten, twenty or ten minutes, don’t expect to leave the security room at all; you are not allowed to buy meals. Take it into the dormitory to eat, see you eating box lunch in the dormitory, grab it and throw it away, regardless of whether it is your personal belongings or not.In this rectification movement, the security guards were the main members of the picket team.Student cadres participating in the picket team are hard work assigned by the teacher. It is no different from catching young men. When they see young couples making out, they just turn a blind eye and pass by. But the new security guards are different. Most of them are single. Every day, watching the students chatting about me and me, I have already had evil fire in my stomach and bad breath in my chest. When I meet a couple and grab a couple, if I can't hit them, I hide and wait for the rabbit. It is conceivable that the reputation of this group of people is worse than the current urban management. Poor, the students dare not speak out because they are from the school after all...

Uncle Da hit the gun this time. He just finished playing football and bought a meal to go back to eat. According to the security guard's bullying and fear of toughness, if he grows up to be like Uncle Da, there will be no security guards to take care of him.But this is a newcomer, and he stopped Uncle Da from entering, Uncle Da ignored him, and he actually pushed Uncle Da to stagger, which ignited a keg of explosives that had been hidden for many years.According to Mr. Liu, who witnessed the whole process, Uncle Da threw away his box lunch and jumped on him with an "awow" at that time. Mr. Liu also said that he lived for 22 years, and before he saw someone fighting for the first time, he would really "aww". "Called loudly.

At that time, we didn't know the reason why the security guard and Uncle Da got into a fight, but the security guard punched the student who was fighting the fight. We who were fighting the fight saw it with our own eyes, and everyone's heart was suddenly aroused. So the pull frame becomes a pull frame.The buddies who pull the frame are all football players, and they are more or less muscular. When they came up, they twisted the security guard's arm to the back. Stop hitting...", basically doing nothing.Uncle Da was so impolite, he punched the security guard with two punches, one punch to the eye and one punch to the face, so that the security guard's blood spurted out at that time, he struggled like a trapped animal, and shouted hoarsely: "You guys let go! You pull the frame! Let go!" PS: Some swear words are omitted here.

At this time, you can see the upstairs of the dormitory at the scene, all the balconies are already crowded with students, and the students are shouting for support. The entrance of the dormitory area has become the ancient Roman Colosseum. We don’t know whether we are warriors or beasts.At this moment, a few security guards rushed over from the direction of the management office at the back of the dormitory area. The students and the security guards fought together, "The security guards beat the students! The security guards beat the students!" The entire dormitory area exploded, and many students joined the battle one after another. , and the boys on the first floor even knocked on the washbasin and other things, and some people threw thermos bottles and toilet paper down. All the grievances of time were vented, grabbing a security guard by the collar, and kicking him countless times.

When the turmoil subsided, the secretary of the Youth League Committee also came, the vice principal also came, and even 110 came.When we were taken away by the school, the entire dormitory area rang out a uniform slogan: "Heroes! Heroes! Heroes!" Uncle Da, with his face full of injuries, raised his arms to greet the students. We also acted as if we had just finished a good game. , Raise your hands and applaud, thank you for your support.But the difference from playing football is that we have more panic in our hearts, and no one knows how to deal with what awaits us.

Fortunately, although everyone knows it well, the few of us are going to fight after all.In the end, the students and security guards who went to "struggle" just criticized the education, and each wrote a self-criticism.Uncle Da was severely warned and punished, and the new security guard was fired... It was a long time ago, when I was smoking and chatting with a familiar old security guard, I found out that the new security guard was not yet 20 years old, and he was not The child of the demolition household is a fellow of the security team captain. His family found acquaintances through connections, and finally found a job as a security guard at the school. It has been less than a month since he came to Changsha from the countryside.The old security guard said: "This child is also pitiful. He actually just wants to do his job well. Look at how fierce your students are. They knocked out his teeth."

After this incident, the security guards restrained a lot, which directly affected the implementation of the rectification movement. A series of incidents triggered by the "pomegranate tree incident" gradually disappeared with the dismissal of a security guard.And through this conflict, we also know that the school has always had such a rule: security guards, dormitory management, and even small shopkeepers who open shops in the campus, they all have a high-voltage line, "shall not have direct conflicts with students", as long as something like this happens No matter who caused the incident, even whether you reasoned or not, there is only one result - pack up and leave.

Xiao Yi showed great support for my participation in the group fight. Fortunately, I was basically unharmed this time except for a few bruises on my arms.That day, Xiaoyi invited me to have a steak meal at Fort Tucker Restaurant in the city at her own expense. She said she would calm me down. I knew she was following my grandmother’s example. She made me feel very warm.

But not long after, Xiao Yi and I had an unprecedented big fight, almost to the point of breaking up.

There was only less than one month left in 2002, and the school suddenly wanted to hold a "Four-Star Competition".

The so-called "Four Stars" are singers, dancers, comedians and host stars. The so-called "Four Stars Contest" is a big contest between the art troupes of various colleges.Originally, this matter had nothing to do with me, because my position as the head of the financial drama troupe has been removed, but Lao Tang is very realistic, knowing that this competition is the first literary competition at the school level. It's important and must be won, so Xu Ning and Brother Bao came to me, promised me the title of deputy head, and asked me to be in charge of the script creation and rehearsal this time.As the former head of the regiment, I really don't care about the position of deputy head of the regiment, but no matter whether you give Laotang face or not, Xu Ning and Brother Bao must give face. When it comes to acting, I can't hold back my eggs.I agreed to this matter, and co-wrote a sketch called "Can't Say Goodbye" with Brother Bao. I took my second child and rehearsed intensively, preparing to participate in the "Coming Star" competition.

Ke Yiyi was also handpicked by Lao Tang to participate in the "host star" competition.Brothers fighting tigers, young couples in battle, our family is really mobilizing for the literary and artistic career of the School of Finance, and we even use our small nest in the blue apartment as a rehearsal ground for free.Xu Ning was deeply moved by our support for his work, but at the end of the year he was not rich enough to ask us to finish it, so he took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and used the calligraphy boy skills he had practiced since kindergarten. , wrote down a banner and gave it to the two of us, and wrote nine big characters "comrades sleeping on the same bed".Brother Bao said that Xu Ning was too long-winded, so he just wrote the two characters "friends with guns".Because of this sentence, Ke Yiyi originally bought cantaloupe for everyone that day, but he just waited until the rehearsal was over and everyone dispersed without cutting it.

After half a month of preparation, the work took shape. At the party previewed by the School of Finance, "Can't Say Goodbye" was a great success.We were all satisfied, and so was Old Tang. At the summary meeting after the party, Old Tang praised us repeatedly, saying that we were not only lively and interesting, but also positive.In this competition, we will keep three and compete for one. I am deeply disdainful of this goal. Guoan will always strive for the first place. I, Fang Peng, only want to be the first, not the second.

After praising us, Old Tang named and criticized Ke Yiyi, saying that she was stiff and lacked energy in hosting, and asked her to be more fully prepared.Xiao Yi cried on the spot, and I sat down and stared at Old Tang for more than half an hour, not sure if the grandson saw it.I know Ke Yiyi, she is the kind of person who can't listen to criticism at all, it's not that Xiao Yi is not humble, she has a bad psychological quality, the more she criticizes, the less confident she is, and the less confident she is, the more she will die.There are still two days before the competition, and criticizing her at this time is like "self-destructing the Great Wall", so you just don't let her go.

Back at the blue apartment at night, Xiaoyi didn't say a word, just sat down at the desk and began to revise her host draft.I knew she hadn't eaten dinner yet, so I took out toast, meat floss, and condensed milk and made a sandwich for her, "Honey, write after eating."

"No! I have to finish writing first, how can I eat until I finish revising this manuscript?"

"Hey, in fact, old Tang is a radical method. I hope you will make further progress. There is no best but better. In fact, you hosted very well today."

"No, I feel like I'm out of shape."

"It's because you didn't have dinner. Think about it, people are iron and rice is steel, and the host will feel hungry if he doesn't eat..."

"Okay, don't bother me, I have to revise the manuscript first."

"Then you eat the food first. It doesn't matter how long you change it. I won't bother you if you change it overnight."

"I don't eat!" Xiao Yi became anxious, turned her head and said to me, "I'm different from you, I like to procrastinate, when I have something on my mind, I can't eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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