Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 13 Wisdom and beauty walk together on "Qiantu"

Chapter 13 Wisdom and beauty walk together on "Qiantu" (1)
Some people say that beautiful women have no brains, which is a misunderstanding.We do not rule out that there are many beautiful women who will pay too much attention to the creation of the image and ignore the existence of other problems. However, once these beautiful women can balance their investment points, they will be able to achieve wisdom and Beautiful travel, accompanied by money and status.

Madonna: Domineering with the greatest ability

Madonna is a symbol of popularity and a symbol of fashion, and has left a deep mark on the history of fashion in the 20th century and the new century.Not only that, the American business magazine "Forbes" commented that she "has a brain full of bad ideas and business ideas", and her business skills and entrepreneurial ability can be called a myth.

1.Madonna sticks to 'plan'

Madonna was born into a devoutly Catholic family with seven brothers and sisters. When he was 5 years old, his mother passed away, and his father supported the whole family by himself. He raised the children very strictly and made many rules.In this kind of organized life, Madonna has created the habit of regular life in the future. Even on holidays, she will plan her itinerary in advance and spend her holidays according to the plan, which is not easy at all.

After Madonna finished college, instead of becoming a lawyer or accountant according to her father's wishes, she went to New York with $35 to pursue her dancing dream.By accident, Madonna joined the orchestra, met Bole, was introduced to a major record company, and got her first record contract.After that, she not only had many classic performances on MTB programs, but more importantly, she appeared on the list of VMA nominations every year.

Every time Madonna's plans are astonishingly huge, around 1990 is another peak of her career.At the Blonde Ambition world tour concert that began in the spring of 1990, she adopted an unpredictable and luxurious big stage, and cut the theme of the concert into four parts, separated by various distinct subjects, and then separated by storytelling. The way is coherent, making the musicality, artistry and drama of this concert close to perfection, thus establishing her undefeated status as the queen of pop music.Madonna increased her popularity by shocking audiences in the mid-'4s with her controversial look at the inaugural MTV Music Video Awards in 1984.

Madonna always plans ahead of time for her next move and completes it within the plan.Whether in life or work, Madonna is always very planned, and she never fights unprepared.Before she goes to bed every day, she thinks about the things to do the next day, and draws up a list, sorting them out in order.She divides the 24 hours of each day into 30 minutes, because she knows that time is money, and she must hold on to every second.

Madonna discusses the goals and plans of the day in detail with the staff every morning. Her employees call her an "organized thinker" and she can always arrange a lot of things in order very quickly."She doesn't waste time," said her publisher, Liz Rosenberg.Her agent, Freddie Dayman (Michael Jackson's former attorney), said: "I believe that Madonna has not had a full week in nine years. The child’s plan—maybe forever.” Madonna often said to her friends: “I will not be a lazy person, and it is impossible for me to let myself have any slack.” It is exactly the same, every sweat of her can be rewarded .

Madonna said: "I am a very disciplined person."She credits this self-discipline for her business and artistic success, and her mantra is to put every aspect of her life in order: "I sleep a few hours a night, then I get up and do things, and I schedule 3 hours... …calls and business, I schedule physical activity, then create activity.” She is definitely what she calls a “wizard of control,” and it forms part of her personality.Her planning also allows her to be cautious enough in each transaction, and to plan each transaction in advance, so that she can be prepared.

2. "Max Business"

Madonna's shrewd business skills and entrepreneurial talents have become myths, and "Forbes", a male capitalist-occupied territory, has also listed her as the smartest business woman in the United States.Madonna's greatest talent lies in her marketing skills. Contrary to the traditional marketing thinking of maintaining the brand image, she often changes the outer packaging (hair style, clothing, music theme, public role, etc.) to keep the content fresh - she is good at One of the marketers who use the web to keep up with the times.

Madonna is a very open, straightforward and transparent person.She is good at capturing the curiosity-seeking psychology of the public, so as to create more controversial gimmicks for herself.For example, her R-rated performance and the ban on the sale of "SEX" have promoted the curiosity of consumers, thereby increasing the market demand.Harvard professors even included her approach to selling Sex as a business case because they were amazed that such a crappy book could sell 150 million copies at a hefty price tag. "Bed with Madonna" made a profit of 1500 million US dollars in the United States. As a producer, Madonna's investment was 400 million US dollars, and the net income was 2.75 times.

In 2005, the wealth list released by the British "Mirror" showed that Madonna became the highest personal income among British singers with 3500 million pounds.Football player David Beckham earned £1300 million by virtue of his contract with Real Madrid and multiple product advertisements, which was more than a third of Madonna's income in the same period.According to the data, from 1, Madonna earned about $3 million in total from various music, film and advertising projects, including the $1991 million she earned from the Blonde Ambition world tour. Fifteen years later, this figure has escalated from US$6000 million a year to hundreds of millions of pounds in three months.

Madonna created a single-name image for herself—Madonna, memorable, spiritual, powerful, which in a way explains her narcissistic personality.Marilyn Monroe could never be just Monroe, and even Michael Jackson couldn't get public attention with "Jackson" alone, Madonna became an icon with a name to match, and she pulled off one of the smartest real Great marketing move.

Madonna knows more about how to actually do business than anyone with a Harvard MBA, said a Los Angeles attorney who defended the Madonna-Sippan lawsuit: "What Madonna lacked in formal education was made up for in practical knowledge." He is a legendary businessman with a shrewd mind, who can always achieve amazing wealth figures with his own personality sales.

Ma Yanli: Fashion Power in Business
After female stars occupy the top resources of fashion trends, they are no longer obsessed with the spokespersons of certain companies, but transform their own charm into brand style and maximize their personal ideals.

1.Ma Yanli's "Forbearable Luxury"

The entry of celebrities into the business world poses no threat to real entrepreneurs, because they often just open restaurants, open bars, petty bourgeoisie, and make small troubles.Most of the time, this simple business appears mediocre under the management of close relatives.But people have to believe that when business is linked with ideals and wisdom, this kind of commerciality becomes more bold.Because they hope to achieve their ideals in life with stronger strength, greater ambition, and more charm.Moreover, when female stars enter the business world, they will definitely lock in the fashion industry, because they themselves are the highest point of fashion voice, and can transform personal charm into brand style and re-express it in a commercial way.

In 1995, China's fashion industry was out of touch with the world, and Ma Yanli became a fashion coordinate that caught people's eyes. However, she chose to retire at the peak of her modeling career because she found an ideal path that made her feel more at ease.Her father once told her to be self-respect, self-love, and self-reliance. Ma Yanli said: "This kind of career has given me a higher vision, but my life is not just coming and going on the runway. I believe that I can own myself." Designed clothing brand."

After two years of further study, Ma Yanli founded her own brand Maryma in 2003. Having no business skills training, she knew that the enthusiasm and taste of design alone were far from enough to achieve success.Afterwards, she went through another two years of experience, and finally at the end of 2005, the Maryma brand found a suitable position—the establishment of the Ma Yanli Haute Couture Custom Center, which returned with a high profile in the name of Haute Couture.In that "on the red carpet" Haute Couture conference, she showed people 60 haute couture evening dresses, allowing people to see the irresistible charm of haute couture.Now, in her haute couture customization field, she can also pull out a long list of VIP customers that her peers can hardly match: David Beckham, Tan Jing, the heroine of "Aida", and Hollywood movie star Chris Tucker.

Ma Yanli's high-end fashion customization founded by Ma Yanli has become the most international new local brand in China.Every visit to study, every season of new product releases, and every series launch makes the brand more and more full, and Ma Yanli herself is also able to change her identity as a designer and an entrepreneur with ease. In the past 14 years, she let go of the dream of becoming a champion after many years of hard training as an athlete. She forgot the exhaustion of trying on more than 200 sets of clothes in one night and the anxiety of moving 8 times a year. She calmly faced the complicated relationships in the business world. The sense of accomplishment brought about.

"Tolerant luxury" is Ma Yanli's most direct positioning of her brand, and anyone with a discerning eye can feel the deep meaning of these five words for Ma Yanli herself.When she took off her fancy clothes and appeared in fashion parties, public welfare activities, or at the negotiation table in professional trousers, she was taking her own destiny into her own hands and trying to influence the Chinese fashion industry in her own way, even Shining on the international stage with a unique new Chinese style, this is her thinking on life and positioning on business.

When Ma Yanli talked about the "fashion" of Chinese private entrepreneurs, she said: "Whether the Huizhou merchants in the past, or the early merchants, they were very particular about clothing and were very fashionable, but we did not pass it on well. I hope that through my Trying to revive such a tradition is of course very difficult, but this is what I have to do." In addition to identifying the market positioning, she also identified her own goals and effectively integrated them into the market. Ma Yanli's "forbearable luxury" is the way to go.

2.Liu Zi "is not a business, but a life"

Liu Zi was born as an actor. When she spent 90% of the year filming, but was playing a role she didn't like and couldn't stop working, she tried to slow down the pace and got a master of fine arts from Beijing Film Academy.

From performing arts to business, Liu Zi just said: "When your mentality changes, your perspective on the world will also change. Suddenly one day, your dreams will come to you by yourself." When she arrived at the "Premium Pet Service Shop", she immediately became excited as a pet lover, and her interest in design burst out when she was a child.So Liu Zi became the owner of "Pampers" high-end pet shop. She did the whole design and decoration of the pet shop herself. She said: "This is the place where people who really like pets communicate and chat." For Liu Zi, the pet shop is just At the beginning, by chance, she got the agency of Kartell, an Italian home furnishing brand. This brand, founded in 1949, has won countless reputations for its original and innovative ideas. Liu Zi, who likes design, also has a soft spot for it.

In the fields of performing arts and home design, Liu Zi takes a leisurely pace, and does not stick to a certain industry, and does not like the life of being labeled.Shang Hai is just another outlet for Liu Zi's life.Liu Zi is good at describing the realm of dreams in her mind. She believes that the so-called business is not business, but life. Making money in business is one aspect, but it is more about conveying a way of life and ideas.So she will change the furnishings in the store every half a month, and do some exhibitions about design.

Liu Zi's "Kartell" furniture store quickly got on the right track, and her "Kongxiang" design studio was interpreted as "a hedonist in the space".Her first customer was a pianist. At first, she only bought a few items, but Liu Zi went to his house to help match them, and the pianist was very satisfied. He has a soft spot for a sofa (in fact, the pianist had already bought a sofa before), and said that one of the things he wanted to see when he returned home after the performance was to see that sofa, which inspired Liu Zi to a large extent.Liu Zi's "Kongxiang" design studio is jointly run by her and an architect. The other party focuses on architecture, while she herself focuses on decoration.Most of the customers who come to buy are interested in understanding their own designs.Her ideal state of life is "a kind of spiritual freedom", a light calm and peace, just like her favorite design style, which is simple and plain.

From the cross-border business in the entertainment industry with rich clothes, from the initial fashion pet shop to the agent of the international first-line home furnishing brand Kartell (Italy), and the establishment of her own "Kongxiang" design studio, Liu Zi's "gorgeous turn" is somewhat amazing , In the trend of celebrities opening restaurants and bars, entering the design industry is an odd number, and gaining recognition in the professional field is even more rare.By virtue of designing her own villa into a "tiramisu style", Liu Zi won the "Most Taste" home design award in 2008 from "Fashion Home" in one fell swoop.In the financial crisis, "counter-attack" home furnishing stores are becoming more and more popular. "Kongxiang" studio took over the developer's order to design a clubhouse". It seems a bit like a dream, but the dream wakes up But I found out that it was all true." Liu Zi said, walking step by step seemed to be a matter of course, and he didn't pursue it deliberately, "I didn't even think that these dreams would come true one by one at first."

Actor, owner of a pet store, home furnishing store and design studio...Liu Zi has more and more titles, and her career is getting more and more brilliant.She still insists on her philosophy, so she is not so tired like other businessmen, because she regards business as life, and puts all her ideas of life into business, so she can realize her dreams and be able to have wealth.

Liu Xiaoqing: Success is the best tonic for women
1.Liu Xiaoqing's "Success Theory"

(End of this chapter)

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