Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 15 Investment can also be so "gentle"

Chapter 15 Investment can also be so "gentle" (1)
The achievements of large enterprises are not only innately possessing strong capital, but also starting from a small business, steadily seeking improvement, and finally strengthening their business.For many women, there is not much monetary capital to help them start their business, and they often start with small investments.Although the starting level can affect the career progress, they have a keen sense of the market and can clearly see the market trend.They can rely on various business opportunities to follow the trend, from expanding stores to opening branches to chain stores, etc., and can gradually expand the market in a step-by-step manner.

Investment plans take the "catwalk"

Investing without an investment plan is like gambling, and a detailed investment plan ensures the implementation of the investment strategy.Without an investment plan, no matter how smart investors are, they cannot guarantee that they will not make mistakes in the actual investment process.

1.Attitudes of Women to Invest
There is a big difference between men's investment and women's investment, and most of this difference comes from gender differences.Compared with men, women are more rigorous, meticulous, stable, conservative, and emotional.Therefore, their prudence in investment is very obvious. They are good at using their delicate thoughts to make the investment pace more stable. This is the "catwalk" investment plan exclusively for women.Like a cat, keep an eye on the road ahead with keen and sharp eyes, and you will be able to walk more steadily in the process of walking.

But what people can't ignore is that while women have inherent advantages in terms of gender, they also have many weaknesses.Most women are emotional, they tend to be emotional or blindly follow the trend, these are enough to constitute their fatal injury in the investment field.Therefore, women must establish correct investment concepts when investing, and make this "catwalk" more in place and more perfect in investment.

The most important thing is for women to evaluate themselves before investing, that is, to understand their own or their family's financial situation, risk tolerance, investment preferences and financial needs, etc., and be able to make an assessment of these financial issues.This kind of evaluation also needs to be based on one's own age, family, experience, assets, etc. As these variables change, there is a rough estimation formula that is "risk-bearing ratio = 100-current age", that is, if Your age is 34 years old, so the risk ratio you can take is 66, which means that you invest 66% of your idle funds in high-return, high-risk financial projects, and the remaining 34% should be conservative type investment.All investment plans must be balanced with these realistic conditions. Once the load is too large, the quality of life will be seriously affected by investment.In addition, they must understand basic financial management knowledge when investing, understand the risks and benefits of financial management tools, and be able to have a general grasp of market changes and national macro-control.

Women should also have a positive investment mentality when investing, and should not lose their adventurous spirit because of one or two wrong judgments.You have to be clear about one thing. If you deposit money in the bank, it is equivalent to facing risks such as principal shrinkage, inflation, and currency devaluation.It is best for women to set the risk into two parts: the first part is to set aside an emergency reserve fund to maintain daily expenses. This part of the fund should be your income for 3 to 6 months, and it should be deposited in the bank on a regular basis for emergencies .In addition, another important event is insurance, mainly health insurance, accidental injury insurance, third party liability insurance, pension insurance, etc., which can prevent or reduce unpredictable risks.

Some women may show more hesitation when investing. At this time, they can choose the projects of regular quota purchase of funds. These projects pay more attention to the practical welfare effect, suitable for medium and long-term financial management goals, and prevent speculation.Monthly forced savings investment, regardless of market conditions, investors do not have to think about timing.

Women should properly listen to the opinions of financial investment experts.There may be some women who don't like to let others take care of their money, but if they don't have financial knowledge and can't spare time to learn, they can rely on some professional financial investment institutions to combine "self-reliance" and "skillful borrowing" Combined, but the entrusted person must be a trustworthy person.

2.Formulation of investment plan
As a successful investor, you need to have an investment plan. If you make the investment plan well-organized, then the steps to realize it will be more stable.Those investors who fail are often because they do not have a detailed investment plan before investing. They may always invest in hot spots, or follow the hot investment projects of the day, jumping from one field to another, and the final result is often Nothing happens.

Zhou Xiaohui saw that everyone around her was rich, and her mentality of making money became urgent.She decided to open a big restaurant with her husband. Zhou Xiaohui said: "If I want to do it, I will do a big business, and if I want to do it, I will be a rich person." So her husband couldn't stand it under her coercion, and he went to friends everywhere. fundraising.Zhou Xiaohui also took out all her savings of 15 yuan to invest in this restaurant.The restaurant is huge, with street advertisements and TV advertisements. Even Zhou Xiaohui sighed: "The city is full of wind and rain." Business is worse day by day, not to mention earning money, there is a lot of money spent on business every day.Zhou Xiaohui gritted her teeth and said that it would be fine if she survived these few months.But the reality is not as good as she expected. Although the business has improved, it can only maintain basic expenses.

After entering the eighth month, Zhou Xiaohui was unable to bear the financial pressure, and finally transferred the restaurant to another big boss in Wenzhou.The big boss in Wenzhou unexpectedly used the same staff in the same restaurant to bring the restaurant back to life.Zhou Xiaohui went to the boss in amazement and asked the reason. The boss smiled and said: "You just want to make a lot of money when you first come here. You are a bit whimsical, and the truth is to know how to make progress in a steady way. This is not your fatal injury. The fault is that I don’t have a definite investment plan, I’m just blindly typing.” Zhou Xiaohui woke up like a dream, but it was too late.

Like Zhou Xiaohui, many women think that it is the only or the best investment plan after finding an investment plan, and they don't consider whether the plan they adopted is correct until the situation changes.

Therefore, the formulation of investment plans for women should be based on investment strategies.The investment planning process is usually divided into:

First of all, as a female investor, she should be clear and able to determine specific investment goals and priorities.The specific investment goals are to recover the principal quickly or in the short term, eventually recover the principal, capital appreciation, insurance of current income, etc.

Second, investors must be able to determine the type and magnitude of risk they are taking.Because the degree of risk in the investment market varies with different types of investment, such risks include market risk, interest rate risk, purchasing power risk, business operation risk, and financial risk.

Finally, female investors should determine investment plans, which include the determination of investment vehicles and the choice of investment markets.Of course, these investment media and investment markets can be single or multiple.

There are tricks to "sprinkling water" investment
Every investment has skills, and you must know how to win from "smartness".Especially when women make small-cost investments, although they are not very vigorous, they are moderate in strength and in a proper way, and they can also pry up big rocks like using a lever.

1.Investing in the right way

In addition to maintaining financial independence and self-sufficiency, modern women should also have unique insights into investment, which not only avoids losses caused by inflation, but also protects your property from shrinking.If women want to ensure that their investment is risk-free, even a small investment can bring big returns, they must master some investment knowledge, figure out what they want to achieve, understand what their investment attributes are, and How much risk can be tolerated and the expected monthly income.After sorting out these contexts, the investment method can be more appropriate.

Because women have different experience and wealth, their investment styles are also very different.For example, some office workers who have just started work, in addition to maintaining basic expenses, can only deposit a small part of their money in the bank. They use this method of pocket deposits and lump sums to accumulate wealth. When the amount is considerable, it is their own investment ability. when available.For example, some women have more wealth themselves, so they can bear greater risks and can trade some better stocks.Of course, there are still some women who hope to obtain stable income, so they will choose some investment methods that are more coordinated with themselves.

The most important thing in choosing an investment method is to suit your own characteristics. There are investment methods with less money and less money, and investment fields with more money and more money. As long as you find the one that suits you, it is the best.

Zhao Yanling has been working as an accountant for 5 years, and her salary has risen from 1500 yuan to 4000 yuan today. On average, she saves 30% of her salary every month. No matter what the reason is, she has never touched the money. 5 years.After Zhao Yanling collected 6 yuan, she felt it was time to invest.Maybe 6 yuan is dismissive to many wealthy businessmen in this era, but for Zhao Yanling, it is a result of 5 years of work and a reward.How to maximize the value of the 6 yuan, Zhao Yanling thought every step of the investment plan very carefully.

She used 50% of her assets, which is 3 yuan, to order a batch of clothes from a garment factory in Wenzhou, and then recruited 100 art students at the art college with a basic salary of 15 yuan per day plus a commission.The job Zhao Yanling gave them was to paint various patterns with dyes on the ordered clothes.After screening, Zhao Yanling knew the level of those who stood out from the 15 students.Her trust really gave these students room to display their talents. After the "tossing" of these art students, these seemingly ordinary clothes were suddenly full of summer colors and felt youthful.It took a total of 2 days to rush to make this batch of clothes, and the total cost paid was nearly 3.Basically, Zhao Yanling's savings have been spent on these 5000 pieces of clothing. After that, she found her friend who is learning English and contacted a buyer of a private company in the United States.Through communication, after viewing this batch of goods, the American buyer repeatedly said "Good" and was willing to buy them all at a price of $55 each.

Zhao Yanling succeeded. This is her first investment. Because she is cautious, she considers every step very carefully.Although the start-up capital is small, the final harvest of 6 yuan from 27.5 yuan is also a very impressive development speed.Therefore, the amount of investment funds does not lie in the amount, the most important thing is to see whether the method is appropriate.

2.Women invest in gentle tricks

There may be no shortage of rich wives and wealthy women in this world. They are easy to come by, and they can also show a very heroic side in investment.But in real life, people face two types of women: the first type is women with little knowledge, insufficient funds, and limited connections. They sometimes feel confused when facing investment; the second type is women who have a Hundreds of thousands, I know some middle-level people in the society, and I have a little understanding of investment theory.These two types of women will be different in investment. As long as the former use their brains, pay attention to observation, and identify business opportunities, even a small investment can bring good returns; Combine the funds and choose some more moderate entrepreneurial methods.There is a common point in investment between the two, which is to try to use the "gentle" investment skills of women, because those who are rich enough live at the top, they can be fast, ruthless, and accurate, but some women do not have enough conditions to invest. do that.What kind of hero is achieved under what kind of conditions.Women should tailor their investment plans according to themselves, and be "gentle" enough.

Case 35: Bi Yinghua, 5 years old, graduated from technical secondary school, majored in fashion design, with an annual family income of 8 yuan.Bi Yinghua worked on the production line of a garment factory for 1080 years, and her salary rose from 1600 yuan when she first entered the company to 2600 yuan. Her husband worked as a director in a cotton and linen company, and his monthly income was 9 yuan. As the children grew up, Life started to get really hard.After discussing with her husband, Bi Yinghua decided to start a business. Bi Yinghua thought that relying on his own technology might be a way out, so they chose to rent a 4-square-meter storefront near a large supermarket, add decoration, buy sewing machines, electric irons, cutting tools, etc. , A total of nearly [-] yuan was spent.Many people who go to the supermarket can see her small shop at a glance. Within a few days of opening, Bi Yinghua is constantly busy. Some trousers need to be trimmed or clothes need to be resized. As long as it can be done, Bi Yinghua will do it.Although Bi Yinghua's fee is relatively high, the residents of this community don't care about it at all. They just want to solve the problem well.

Afterwards, Bi Yinghua began to import some high-end fabrics to make clothes for old men and women. The elderly are not very strict about the style and color, but they must be comfortable and fit. This is what Bi Yinghua likes.Now every month, except for some basic expenses, the net income can reach 5000 yuan, and even nearly [-] yuan when I am busy.

A small sewing shop can also get gold out of it. This is the result of Bi Yinghua's effective use of his own technology, allowing small funds to maximize its value.

Case 28: Lei Jing, 40 years old, is a hotel manager, her husband is an engineering director of a state-owned enterprise, and her family's annual income is [-] yuan.Lei Jing wanted to start a business, but she was not strong enough to run a hotel by herself. Finally, she found a suitable business idea: starting from the Internet.Her website is mainly engaged in recruitment, gourmet food, hotels, and fun, and the highlight is the "hotel" section. She has traveled all over Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other large cities. In some places where job fairs are often held, pay attention to some Residential areas are rented out as a set at an appropriate price, and they are uniformly changed to the name of the website for operation.

(End of this chapter)

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