Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 16 Investment can also be so "gentle"

Chapter 16 Investment can also be so "gentle" (2)
Lei Jing's starting point is to transform these economy houses into dormitories, divide them into girls' quarters and boys' quarters, and rent them in the form of beds to young people who are looking for jobs or just entering a strange city and preparing to struggle. It is easy to accept for floating migrant workers.Because Lei Jing is engaged in hotel management, she knows how to ensure the safety of customers' property, so she can fully enjoy the services brought by big hotels here.And the "dormitory" is also combined with recruitment. The staff will tell you the relevant recruitment information of the city and put the residents' resumes into the talent market.Lei Jing made the website a one-stop service, and arranged food, clothing, housing and transportation for people after entering a city.

Lei Jing did not build a hotel, but invested money on solving problems for people. Although some investments cost tens of thousands of yuan, they can bring her a lot of profits and allow her to gradually change her policy according to market changes. , seek progress steadily.

Good at judging investment advances and retreats
Under what conditions can you invest?Under what conditions should the investment be recovered?Only by controlling the investment freely in the business world can more wealth be obtained.

1.Women's investment should not go to extremes

There will always be a trend in the market, maybe building materials are starting to sell well today, and catering may be singing all the way tomorrow.The market is like a hot pot. There is always a time when it boils. After reaching a boiling point, it will cool down and start to go backwards.When women invest, they should not invest blindly following the market. Although the market is a very important indicator of investment, it is not the only reference factor. "When three people agree with your idea, then the idea must not be feasible. If they all agree with your idea, there is no need to implement it. However, when two of the three people disagree and one person strongly agrees, this idea Then you can boldly put it into practice." It can be seen from this that when people think that this is a very profitable business, the risks you take are quite large, and people unconsciously make their own decisions according to the market. judges, but when the projects they judge are quite good, maybe the market has reached a state of near saturation.

Many women will tell their friends about their investment philosophy before investing, and ask them to make an estimate for themselves.This is a process of information feedback, which is beneficial for investment reference, but the key is how to absorb this information?The advantages and disadvantages that investors get from the information need to have a degree. If people can make a proper analysis and give correct guidance to the market you want to invest in, then you can avoid blind investment due to overheating of the market.

Successful investors know how to master comprehensive information and measure the current market situation. If they cannot find their own advantages to compete with the existing market, then this business war will not last long.If the market for a certain project is gradually declining, and you can survive the recession with your own unique conditions, then you will also face success.Female investors should correctly grasp the advance and retreat of investment, and don't blindly follow the market and go to the extremes of overcooling or overheating the market.

Annie, chairman of Shenzhen Yinxinbao Investment Development Co., Ltd., has the investment experience: equity investment has become the "last feast".She started in 1996 with 200 million yuan of her own funds and established Annie Investment Consulting Co., Ltd. In 1998, he led the formation of an investment team and registered and established Shenzhen Yinxinbao Investment Development Co., Ltd. with 3000 million yuan. At present, the company's net assets have reached 6 million yuan, and its accumulated profit has been 10 times in 300 years.

Initially, Annie used her own funds to purchase a large number of legal person shares of listed companies, such as Shenergy, Ewushang, etc., and participated in the large-cap blue-chip stocks Baosteel, Sinopec, and China Southern Airlines as a strategic investor, and gained rich returns.She regards convertible bonds as long-term attention and investment targets, and chooses some small and medium-sized technology companies with potential for investment, which is also an important way to obtain excess returns.

Her investment principle is "rational investment, long-term benefit", using the "value plus trend" investment method, looking for and investing in listed companies with high-speed growth and industry inflection points.Therefore, her investment direction in the first half of the year may be finance and real estate, and resources and consumption in the second half of the year.Before investing, Annie will determine the investment principles, select the focus on various stocks and bonds based on research reports or other information provided by consulting agencies combined with quantitative analysis, and conduct follow-up research on various investment varieties and propose investments according to investment requirements Suggestions, and finally formulate investment decisions.

Stocks are the most risky investment. Annie has her own investment philosophy and will not cause ups and downs due to blindly following the trend.She believes that investing in stocks is a lifetime thing. To win in the long run, you can't blindly chase high.It is precisely because she has her own leverage in the direction of investment, knows when to buy, when to sell, when to invest in this project, and when to withdraw shares in another project, so she has today Such a brilliant achievement.

2.Clever in and out
Many businessmen still have illusions when the investment situation is not very optimistic, hoping to develop according to their own expectations, instead of objectively analyzing the situation and taking remedial measures. Trapped, irretrievable.Some businessmen may think that investment students will miss a lot of good opportunities if they have good opinions. Although this possibility exists, after you have some interests, the saturation of the market is already expanding. If the demand cannot meet the previous trend , your investment will enter a period of decline along with the market.

And those who accept the bad are because they realize that there are huge risks hidden in the opportunity. The seriousness of many problems may occur at any time, and the longer the time, the bigger the loophole and the more irreparable it is.At this time, things have shown a bad trend. If you are still expecting good luck to come, this is undoubtedly handing over your own interests to unknown external forces.It is not wise to sacrifice many immediate interests for unpredictable future interests.Only by cleverly integrating various pros and cons factors, having your own investment proposition, and not being confused by market phenomena, can you gain a firm foothold and avoid wasting time and missing good opportunities.

In ancient times, a man came up with a method of catching pheasants. He used a box to make a trap. As long as a pheasant entered, he could block the entrance and catch the pheasant by pulling a rope.Once, he grabbed a large handful of corn and sprinkled it along a road outside the box into the box, and then he watched from a distance, waiting for the pheasants to throw themselves into the net.Soon, everything was as he expected. A group of pheasants saw the corn kernels and ate them all the way to the box. The pheasant catcher saw one, two, three... slowly entering the box. After the box, there were only two pheasants that could be fully caught. The man thought: hurry up and get the two pheasants in, so that I have enough food for a week.But just as he was thinking about his wish, a pheasant came out of the box. He was very conflicted, whether to pull the thread or not, because he could easily take away the seven pheasants in the box with just a light touch. pheasant.He seemed to be expecting the other pheasants to come back into the box again, so he watched one, two, and three until the last pheasant walked out of the box, watching helplessly as all the food that reached his mouth ran away again. Only then did he truly regret his decision.

In the business field, you can't play wishful thinking too hard. If you are [-]% sure, you will still be [-]% risky. At this time, you must "take it as soon as it is good" to prevent things from turning in a bad direction.When things are only three-pointed and seven-point risky, you should end up, and you can't make a quick decision. You will only make things worse in fantasy and hesitation, and you will suffer even greater losses.

Female investors must correctly grasp the close relationship between advance and retreat, advance when it is time to advance, or miss good opportunities; retreat when it is time to retreat, otherwise all previous efforts may be wasted.Mastering market information, making correct adjustments, and being able to move freely in and out of investment are the hallmarks of a successful investor.

Use your eyes to see investment trends

Use your sharp eyes to observe the market prospect, so that you can grasp the trend of the financial situation and make judgments on future changes, so as to properly plan your funds and prepare for future actions.

1.take a longer view

Some women do not keep their eyes on the short-term interests when they do business. They are good at grasping, can see the trend of the business world thoroughly, and give up some small things to achieve greater benefits.However, some women do not have this momentum when they are in business. Although they are also good at calculating and can get a lot of benefits in a business, they are like eating porridge. They often only want to finish the porridge in the bowl Satisfied, I never think about the pot or other places.Therefore, due to the limitation of their vision, they can only make small troubles in the business world.

Women in business need to be sensitive to the market, be able to smell the profit from the market at any time, and set a correct benchmark for their business according to the market trend.Once you are separated from the market and cannot grasp whether the road ahead is smooth or tortuous, you are doomed to stumble.Therefore, no matter when you start investing or when you are preparing to continue to invest, you need to make a correct judgment on the market. This judgment is, for you, under this situation, whether your business can bring benefits ?How big is the benefit?How will this situation change with the market?Whether there is a possibility of gambling, etc., you must see the market trend clearly before you can invest with confidence.

The Bureau of Waterworks of Guam City, Japan draws a schematic diagram that can be controlled by an electronic computer based on the location and laying time of the electric wires, gas pipes and water pipes buried in the urban area.The Waterworks Bureau's predetermined price was 1100 million yen, while the eight companies participating in the bidding at that time offered 8 yen, 2700 yen, 980 yen, and 55 yen.And at this moment, the final price of the large-scale computer manufacturer Fujitsu turned out to be a symbolic 45 yen, which made all the companies in the audience leave one by one, and Fujitsu successfully won the bid.

Why is Fujitsu willing to produce a product that costs 1100 million yen and only charge 1 yen?Of course, Fujitsu is not not looking for profit, it is just taking the big from the small, and earning a bigger business than this by giving up the "small profit" of 1100 million yen.Because the Ministry of Construction of the Japanese government has issued a notice requiring 11 major cities, including Tokyo, to draw the underground pipelines as schematic diagrams that can be controlled by electronic computers, and to design and install electronic computers based on the drawn schematic diagrams. This Hiroshima bid is nothing more than a pilot.If Fujitsu succeeds in this pilot project, it will naturally increase its winning weight in the bidding competitions of the other 10 cities.Therefore, Fujitsu gave up the interest of 1100 million yen, successfully won the bid and won the design right of the schematic diagram.This move can design drawings that meet the characteristics of their own computers, which is equivalent to excluding all non-Fujitsu computer hardware and software from the market, making Fujitsu the only computer manufacturer that controls underground pipelines.It is conceivable that such a huge market potential and business profit can be compared with 1100 million yen?
If your goal is one mu of land, then your maximum harvest is one mu of land; if your vision is one hectare, then your maximum harvest is one hectare, which is the indirect benefit brought by vision.A foothold and a long-term perspective are the direct determinants of the size of your business.Why do some women achieve a big career, while others can only act in a small area?In addition to innate conditions, a large part of the reason is that these women are not clear about the market.When people see fat in the market, everyone wants to grab it, but those who actually do business will turn this piece of fat into the value of a whole pig. This is the difference.

2.Factors Affecting Changes in Financial Situation
Smart female businessmen are good at long-term planning, can plan for the future, and can make investment decisions after seeing the financial trend clearly.So, what factors do changes in wealth generally depend on?How should people grasp it?

First of all, female businessmen must start from themselves, because the business direction and scale of their own enterprises are the standards for all work. No matter how big the market is, it will be difficult to make profits if they can’t eat; if they don’t consider the market potential, they will lose money if they don’t have enough.An enterprise has its own limitations, which directly lead to the size of its carrying capacity. If the enterprise has a strong background, the income will be large. If the enterprise is not too rich, the income will be much smaller.The development of anything has a gradual process, and only by taking measures that are suitable for oneself can we maintain balance.

Secondly, it is necessary to inspect the market and make timely adjustments according to market changes.Some commodities sold very well before, but they may not be able to sell now; or some commodities that no one cares about in the past have become popular ones now.It is difficult to explain such market changes on the surface, but they are all related to the quantity and quality of commodity production, promotional measures of operators, and the influence among consumers.

Li Ka-shing initially ranked first in the sales performance of iron barrels. With the launch of plastic products, he resolutely decided to leave the iron barrel industry and specialize in the work of plastic flowers. After several years of hard work, he gradually pushed plastic flowers to the market. It became plastic flower No.1.When the plastic flower market became more and more popular, Li Ka-shing sold the plastic flower factory and invested in pharmaceutical manufacturing with the funds. He used the power of all the big cosmetic brands to establish his own brand, which is "Watsons". "Watson's" was established in a small pharmacy in Guangzhou in 1828. At the beginning of the 20th century, it had laid a solid business foundation in Hong Kong, mainland China and the Philippines. It had more than 100 retail stores and pharmacies. It was acquired by Li Ka-shing in 1981.After careful management, Li Ka-shing turned Watsons into the world's leading business leader in personal care products, beauty and skin care.In addition, Li Ka-shing also invests in real estate. According to the statistics of "Forbes" magazine in 2008, Li Ka-shing's total assets are as high as 265 billion US dollars.With a long-term perspective, Li Ka-shing is keenly aware of changes in the market and makes adjustments according to market changes, thus achieving his status as a business tycoon today.

Finally, in addition to the factors that must be considered in itself and the market, it is also very important to pay attention to changes in government policies.The government will make regulatory policies on commodities according to certain situations, which will definitely cause changes in the market.If the government raises the purchase price of grain and cotton, a chain reaction will occur, and the price of cotton cloth and knitwear produced from cotton will also rise, as will food and feed that use grain as raw materials.A good grasp of these changing factors can lay the foundation for predicting market conditions.

Regardless of the size of the investment funds, the evaluation of the market must be cautious. Some factors that will inevitably affect market fluctuations are important criteria that every businessman sees and calculates in his heart.Therefore, we must use a keen eye to detect the market, so that our business can achieve steady progress.

(End of this chapter)

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