Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 19: Wealth comes from women

Chapter 19: Wealth comes from women (1)
If women want to win more opportunities to become rich, they must be good at developing a network of contacts.For women, a good business is their real wealth, and this kind of network is their intangible wealth.Business always needs mutual support and cooperation in order to go further, so the more people you know and the higher the level, the greater the cooperation opportunities will be for you, and the closer you will be to wealth.

Use good popularity to win the love of everyone

In the business world, popularity is the source of wealth, connections are wealth, and connections play an important role in the process of doing business.Good connections can bring great wealth, and businessmen can only get a lot of money if they make connections in business.

1.How women gain popularity in the business world

15% of a person's success factors can be attributed to his professional knowledge, and 85% can be attributed to good interpersonal relationships.Anthony Robin, a well-known American success scientist, has conducted a 2000-year follow-up study on more than 10 target groups. His conclusion is that a person's achievements are often directly proportional to the number of supporters and helpers he has.The most important factor affecting success in life is not a person's talent, family background, etc., but a good social relationship, that is, "good popularity".

Good popularity is the source of every woman's career success and happiness in life, the capital for women to live a wonderful life, and the source of wealth for women's life.With good popularity, you can have a passport to wealth, and you can be like a fish in water in the business world.So, how should women grasp themselves and win better popularity?

The key points for women in the workplace to gain popularity are as follows:

First of all, we must be able to trust each other and share some "little secrets" that can be said, which can enhance everyone's understanding and deepen their relationship.While taking the initiative to talk about private matters with others, others will also share her "secrets" with you, and sometimes they can help each other to get to know each other better. Trust is formed on the basis of mutual understanding.However, this kind of "secret" sharing must be mastered to a certain extent. It is not to take out all the short stories of the parents, but to share some "secrets" that seem to be irrelevant to the individual and will not be involved with work.Of course, you can also share the time outside of 8 hours of work, such as shopping, eating and other entertainment activities, which can inadvertently make colleagues accept and like the other side of themselves, and the relationship will also be harmonious.The most taboo in the workplace is to sit by the side without saying a word, showing a nonchalant demeanor.Over time, colleagues will certainly have reasons to say that you are high-minded or arrogant and difficult to get along with.On the contrary, occasionally "sharing" with colleagues will make everyone get along better.

Secondly, share more opinions with colleagues at work, listen to and accept the opinions of others, so that you can gain the acceptance and support of everyone and carry out your work smoothly.Show a friendly smile to your co-workers, no matter what their job is, be it a sweeping aunt or an intern or a manager, give them a big, friendly smile.The communication between people is mutual. If you treat people well, others can treat you well, so that you will not be isolated and helpless in the company.Maintain a friendly relationship with every colleague, and don't be thought of as someone who belongs to a certain circle, which will undoubtedly shorten your network.In normal work, perhaps the strict attitude is to do a good job, but in the eyes of others, it is easy to be regarded as a mean performance.If you don't take your colleagues seriously and treat your colleagues and subordinates harshly, you may make enemies for yourself.

How should women win better popularity in the business world?
First of all, if you want to gain good popularity in the business world, you must first cultivate yourself, develop good qualities such as broad-mindedness, kindness, humility and kindness, and sincere treatment of others, and cultivate your own sense of humor. In the process of communication, humor can give you benefits. Popularity helps.When dealing with interpersonal relationships, you can't be harsh and narrow-minded.When others have success, they should not be jealous or envious; when others have problems, they should not gloat, add insult to injury, let alone "put on little shoes" for others.And be honest with everyone, because honesty is the first virtue of people.To be a man, you must be frank, and even more chivalrous.Being open and aboveboard, open-minded, makes people feel like a spring breeze, and only in this way can they have a good relationship with others.

Secondly, if you want to be popular, you have to be close to "good popularity".Choose some well-connected people in the business world, so that your interpersonal communication will be smoother, because these people can quickly establish or expand interpersonal relationships and have a great effect.Moreover, a "good relationship" partner has many friends, a good mass base, and great energy. If you ask him for help, the chances of success will be much higher and faster.

To gain good popularity, it is necessary to communicate with collaborators of different personalities.At work, we all inevitably have to interact with people of different professions and ideas. When we see the difference between others and ourselves, we should not show an expression of disgust or even disgust. Everyone People have different personalities, so you can't force others to be consistent with you in every way, and you must be able to tolerate differences in personalities.

2.Use good popularity to achieve great business
Some bright and successful women have discovered early on that human interaction can provide them with all kinds of possibilities and opportunities.In a certain sense, interpersonal communication activities are the givers of opportunities. Taking care of and developing the interpersonal relationship resources around us, and having good karma that brings us friends and opportunities, for women, this is equivalent to having a direction. A successful pass has the great significance of getting twice the result with half the effort.

Wang Liqin, a member of the Women Entrepreneurs Association and general manager of Yaru Cosmetics Co., Ltd., was asked how she felt about her achievements. She felt that women must rely on their own wisdom to manage if they want to have happiness.She regards good popularity as the most fundamental reason. She is sincere to her friends, sincere to her employees, and even treats them as family members. It is precisely because so many people support her that she can go on smoothly.

Wang Liqin loves beauty very much, and always goes to some counters to feast his eyes on beautiful cosmetics.After failing the college entrance examination, she gave up the chance to repeat her studies and the "political arrangements" of her family, and decided to go into business and open a cosmetics store.

Against the opposition of his family, Wang Liqin went into business, running a small cosmetics shop in Rixin Store.Her small shop is very small, and they all sell some popular cosmetics and skin care products at that time.Because the cosmetics industry has just started, the market is chaotic, and fake products are rampant, so she has adhered to a principle and belief since the first day of opening: "Make a store with integrity and only sell genuine products."She insisted on this concept for 9 years. After 9 years, she had some savings and applied to join "AVON Avon" and opened an Avon store.Wang Liqin adheres to the concept of "business is like a person" in business, and sincerely hopes that his efforts can bring actual value to customers.She earnestly studies professional knowledge, helps customers choose the most suitable cosmetics with the confidence of an industry expert, and brings real beauty to female friends. In May 2001, due to Wang Liqin's great reputation and good reputation in the industry, she was able to meet the boss of a famous German cosmetics company, and she began to set foot in beauty salons.After returning from participating in beauty and business management training, she transformed the cosmetics store from a simple cosmetics store to a front store and a backyard.Good service has been welcomed and recognized by the majority of female friends.The scale of her shop is also getting bigger and bigger.

Afterwards, Wang Liqin's career further heated up. She established Fanchang Yaru Cosmetics Trading Co., Ltd. (a cosmetics company integrating agency sales and after-sales service of brand cosmetics). The company now has a 400-square-meter after-sales service women's club, 80 square meters Mi's brand-name cosmetics store and cosmetics wholesale department of more than 1000 square meters, with more than 60 employees, have become the most famous and professional cosmetics trading company in Wuhu and even southern Anhui.

Wang Liqin has made such a big business, but she is not arrogant about her talents. Her employees all say that Boss Wang is a very humane person; customers say that she is a messenger who can make them beautiful; parents say that she is a filial child; in the eyes of her husband , she is a wise and gentle "little woman".It is perfect to be able to run your career and family so smoothly with your popularity.

The business field is also a public relations field. Without a certain network of people, doing business is simply difficult.Treating interpersonal relationship as your network can become your intangible asset. With such an asset, your business will be smoother.

Let the opposite sex become the main force in the network

From a gender point of view, women are more emotional and men are more rational.If female businessmen can get help from confidants of the opposite sex and let their rationality help you jump out of the established thinking mode, your road to business will be smoother and unimpeded.

1.How to develop heterosexual contacts in the business world

Many conservative women are apprehensive when it comes to communication and entertainment, but in modern society, interpersonal communication is a very common and important thing, and women have an advantage in communication.Gentleness, modesty, and delicacy are almost the nature of every woman. These characters will create a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere when you interact with men.No matter how difficult the problem is, if a woman is sent to handle it, most of the results will be satisfactory.Therefore, any smart woman can deal with people easily, open up good situations easily, and expand her network of contacts.

In the business world, don't always regard men as opponents, but learn to become friends with them.Moreover, men naturally like to help the weak. If you have a few truly capable friends of the opposite sex in your network, you will gain a lot.

So, how can women properly make friends with the opposite sex?

First of all, "know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles", that is, you need to understand the other party's interests, such as football, basketball, cars, politics, etc. You only need to know a little bit about what men are interested in, and you don't need to be thorough. , you can tell why.Although you don't know much, they are also very willing to communicate with you and tell you what they know, so that you can talk freely with him and make him show his knowledgeable side. As for the conversation between the two, it was like playing the piano against a cow.You can also talk to them about some common sense in life. Maybe they don't know it very well, but it will definitely be useful to them and will be very helpful to their life.

Secondly, you must be able to give full play to the advantages of women, such as being gentle and considerate.Successful men have a domineering spirit in their bones, whether in life or business, they can always show their kingly demeanor, so they hope that the opposite sex they get along with will not challenge their vigor, but hope to get their affirmation.In the process of communicating with the opposite sex, women must know how to control their tears and emotions, so as to win the respect of men.You can't turn to the opposite sex for help in everything, try to solve the problems you can solve by yourself, and show your potential in difficulties.Women must know how to pack themselves with charm, and don't let men think you are artificial.Of course, when the opposite sex needs help, you should also lend a helping hand appropriately to make men look at you with admiration.

Finally, women should have a sense of humor.A smart woman will show her humor at the right time to defuse the tense atmosphere. A woman's humor and wisdom are more popular with the opposite sex than her beauty.Men are usually informal, so women should try to learn generosity and tolerance, self-esteem and self-love.When getting along with the opposite sex, women should be neat and generous, have a sense of proportion in words and deeds, and pay attention to the differences between men and women.You don't have to be too restrained when dealing with the opposite sex, but you can't be too casual, and you should try to avoid getting too late or being alone.

The wife of Carnegie, the world-renowned master of success, once said: "A woman's success is inseparable from two things, one is contacts and the other is money." Gentle and kind women are like a magnetic field that can release powerful energy , deeply attracts every opposite sex around them, if they can achieve both hardness and softness, and gain contacts among the opposite sex, it will bring opportunities for their careers and pave the way for them to make money.

2.Develop financial resources from heterosexual contacts

Some women are always looking forward to meeting noble people and helping themselves to a higher level.The noble people in their eyes are those who are in high places or have strong financial resources, or people with certain expertise in experience and knowledge. As long as they recommend you or help you, they become your noble people.In the list of the 400 richest people in the world, almost half of them are "born with a golden key". They may be lucky enough to be born into a rich family and easily rank among the rich on this basis.So how do you get closer to success for the majority of women who don't have such a background?In addition to one's own hard work, the assistance of external forces is also very important, that is, the assistance of "noble people".Of course, if you want to meet such a "noble person", women must have good luck and use communication skills and affinity to create good contacts.

Liang Fengyi met He Wenhui for the first time when she was studying at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and they entered the marriage hall in 1972.Whether He Wenhui went to the UK to study for a doctorate or to teach at the University of Wisconsin in the United States, Liang Fengyi followed.However, due to her husband's meager salary, after living for three years, Liang Fengyi returned to Hong Kong and was employed by a Hong Kong TV station as a screenwriter and drama producer.Later, she established the first "Filipino Maid Introduction Company" in Hong Kong. Although the company failed to make a lot of money, it had a great influence in Hong Kong. The board of directors of Sun Hung Kai Securities Group also began to pay attention to her.

Feng Jingxi is the boss of Sun Hung Kai and the head of Hong Kong's Huazi Financial Kingdom. She personally invited Liang Fengyi to hire her as a senior staff member of the Sun Hung Kai Group, in charge of the public relations department and the advertising department.It was at this time that Liang Fengyi officially entered the Hong Kong financial circle.She was very diligent, and soon became a key figure in Feng Jingxi's subordinates.And this period of life has also become an important material for her to write financial novels.

In 1990, Liang Fengyi wrote 6 novels including "Drunk Red Dust", and in the following year, she published a series of works such as "Flower Banner" in one go.Afterwards, she established the "Qin+Yuan" Publishing House. Only one and a half years after the establishment of the company, it recovered an eight-figure investment and became one of the top three publishing houses with the highest turnover in Hong Kong two years later.

For Liang Fengyi, people know that she is well-known for writing financial novels, but few know that Feng Jingxi, the boss of Sun Hung Kai, once helped her embark on the road of finance and economics, thus changing the pattern of Liang Fengyi's life.She stepped into the financial world, experienced the life of a wealthy family, wrote financial novels, and established a publishing house. Without the support of the "noble people" at the beginning, it would have been difficult to achieve such fruitful results later.

Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, said that "high touch is as important as high technology".Get in touch with successful people, especially the opposite sex, to get more opportunities.For those women who are naturally introverted, this is not a question of character, but a question of how to behave. As long as you have the courage, you can also exercise your amiable communication skills.

In life, you may see that some women do not have commendable backgrounds and professional skills, and they are not outstanding, but the achievements they have achieved are difficult for some people with superior basic conditions.This is because they have many relationships to rely on and know how to cooperate with others.The more men there are, the more effective women's means of communication will be.Psychologist David Barash confirmed that "half of a man's success is achieved through actual competition, while a woman's success is often achieved through a social network."

(End of this chapter)

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