speak humor, be humorous

Chapter 11 Humorous Attitude

Chapter 11 Humorous Attitude (1)
It is impossible for a person's life to be smooth sailing, everything goes smoothly, there is no suffering, and it is impossible to stay away from the world.Humor controls mentality, and mentality determines success.Use humor to make yourself optimistic and open-minded, and let troubles and depressions go away from you; use humor to stimulate your thinking vitality and make life more flavorful; use humor to adjust your mood and help you overcome difficulties, surpass yourself, and go to success .

humor is the bane of discouragement
There are many things that frustrate us in life, such as missing the bus or the elevator in the morning, these seemingly insignificant things may make us bored all day.Anxiety is a very dangerous emotion for those who seek happiness. If we don't pay attention to it, it can drag us to the brink of mental breakdown.Therefore, a wise person cannot but think about the way of liberation.

Humor can change our gloomy and depressed state of mind, help us regain confidence, passion and interest, and make us bright and happy.The power of humor lies in adjustment. It can create a new atmosphere and bring psychological balance after comprehending all the connotations of life.

Kaufman, a famous American playwright, earned more than 20 US dollars when he was in his 1s, which was a huge sum of money for him at the time.In order to make the ten thousand dollars productive, he accepted the advice of his friend, the tragic actors Mark Brothers, to invest all ten thousand dollars in stocks, and these stocks all became waste paper in the Great Depression of 1929. .However, Kaufman took it very seriously. He said jokingly: "Brother Mark specializes in tragedies. Anyone who listens to his words and invests their money should be ruined!"

In the face of such a large loss, Kaufman did not complain, but used the method of pretending to complain and taking pleasure in suffering to face pain and difficulties. He is an optimistic and open-minded wise man.

Sometimes the pain will come suddenly, and the danger will fall from the sky. At this time, do you have the calm attitude to enjoy the suffering?

Mr. Mike finally bought a car with the money he had saved for several years.Once, when he was teaching his wife to drive, the brakes suddenly failed when the car went downhill.

"I can't stop!" screamed Mrs. "What should I do?"

"Pray, my dear," cried Mr. Mike. "Your life is at stake, but you'd better find something cheap to hit!"

The car hit a cast-iron dumpster on the side of the road, damaging the front of the car.However, when they climbed out of the car, instead of being depressed at the loss of a large fortune, they laughed at the conversation just now.Passers-by who witnessed this thought they were crazy, or that millionaires were looking for thrills in grotesque ways.Someone came up and asked, "Do you want to crash the car?" Mr. Mike said, "My wife saw a mouse and she wanted to crush it to death."

Although Mr. Mike and his wife wrecked expensive cars, they made even bigger fortunes.Humor can make people open-minded and calm in times of crisis. The moment when humor is produced is also the moment when people's emotions are calm and open.Humor can also help others and oneself to get rid of their troubles. A person with a deep sense of humor can sweep away the haze in others' hearts.

A Japanese tour group was traveling in a province in the south of my country. It was the rainy season, and they felt very disappointed. Fortunately, they met an understanding and humorous tour guide.The tour guide said in the car: "You brought the rain from Japan to China, but the rain is outside the car; you also brought the sun from Japan, and it is inside the car."Among them was an old woman who sat on the ground discouraged because her skirt was cut by thorns when she was visiting Wuyi Mountain. "Old man, don't be angry," the tour guide said kindly, "This is Wuyi Mountain. It asks you not to leave in a hurry, and asks you to take a closer look!" These words blew away the sorrowful clouds on the old man's face, It made her regain her sense of humor.

We are all familiar with the always cheerful Maitreya Buddha with a big belly. His creed is: a big belly can tolerate things that are hard to tolerate in the world; he always smiles and laughs at the ridiculous people in the world.We should learn from this optimistic wise man. When we encounter troubles, we might as well smile and have some humor, and don't take it too seriously.

humor can ease pain
It may be exaggerated to say that humor can relieve pain, but according to a report in Chicago’s “Medical Life Weekly”, some hospitals in the United States have begun to employ “humorous nurses” to accompany seriously ill patients to read humorous cartoons and talk and laugh, as a means of psychological treatment. One of the methods.Because of humor and laughter, it can often help patients relieve some pain.

In real life, humor can really help you alleviate pain when you are sick, hospitalized, or injured in an accident.Even in the simplest of situations, humor can help change the mood of sickness.You can learn this from the sick old lady below.She relieved her own pain and comforted her friends in humorous telling.

An old woman slipped on the snow and not only broke her left arm, but also dislocated her shoulder.But she was still able to smile and say to her friend: "If you have a chance to slip, I would rather break your arm and protect your shoulder."

It is true that the disease has dealt a great blow to people, but a person with a detached and unrestrained attitude towards life will not lose hope and joy in life because of it.

Humor and laughter are inseparable, and "laugh" is the product of humor.Since ancient times, there have been such proverbs in our country, "Smile, you will be young for ten years", "Smile often, and you will be free from all diseases."There is such a story, which confirms these proverbs:

In ancient times, there was a governor who suffered from a kind of mental depression for a long time. He saw many doctors, but none of them worked.One day, he passed Taierzhuang, Shandong by boat on business, and suddenly fell ill. The local officials recommended a well-known local old doctor to treat him.After taking the pulse, the doctor said: "You are suffering from irregular menstruation." When the governor heard this, he laughed, thinking that he was old and confused.From then on, every time he thought of this matter, he would laugh for a while, and after a long time, his illness healed by itself.A few years later, the governor passed by Taierzhuang again. Remembering the incident of his illness, he came to the old doctor specially to make fun of him.The old doctor said: "You are suffering from mental depression. There is no cure for it. Only when you are in a happy mood can you recover. I deliberately said that you suffer from 'irregular menstruation' to make you laugh often."

It is often said that "disease is born from the heart", and it seems that a bad mood can indeed affect health.The latest medical research has also found that smiling often can also prevent infectious diseases, headaches and high blood pressure, and can reduce excessive stress.Because humorous laughter can increase the oxygen content in the blood and stimulate endocrine in the body, which is of great help in resisting the invasion of germs.People who don't like to laugh have a higher chance of getting sick, and once they get sick, they are often seriously ill.

American writer Cassens once served as the editor of "Saturday Review" magazine.He worked day and night for a long time and suffered from a serious disease-complications of the tuberculosis system. The symptoms of this disease are weakness, inability to move, and extreme pain.Although he sought medical treatment in many ways, he gained little. Many famous doctors diagnosed him as an incurable disease.

Later Cousins, following the advice of a friend, decided to use a curious humor therapy in addition to the necessary medication.He moved out of the hospital and lived in a hotel full of joyful atmosphere. He often watched some humorous comedies, talked with some humorous friends, and listened to people telling some humorous stories. In a relaxed, cheerful and carefree state, I laugh out loud for a long time every day.Cousins ​​has found that a 10-minute comedy can give him two hours of pain-free sleep.He was also pleasantly surprised to find that laughing can reduce inflammation symptoms, and this "therapy" can last for a long time.At the same time, he also supplemented with appropriate nutritional therapy.A few months later, a miracle happened, and Cousins ​​returned to health.

When Cousins ​​summed up his experience in overcoming the disease, he wrote a "humor prescription", which he wittily named "Cassons Prescription".Some of them include:
“Recognize the fact that every human being has an inner healing capacity that can be enriched. Use laughter to create an atmosphere that stimulates positive emotions in yourself and those around you. Develop the confidence to feel love, hope, and faith, and cultivate A strong will to live."

The core of this prescription is to use laughter to stimulate the power of life, the will to survive, and the ability to recover, thereby enhancing energy and overcoming diseases.

Both life experience and scientific research have proved that the important guarantee of good health is "happiness in the heart".A healthy mind leads to a healthy body.Humor is always there, and the spirit is cheerful, and the body will recover easily; on the contrary, if you are sad and depressed, the disease will take advantage of it.

Attachment: "Song of Healing Diseases"

People may be born with weak qi and blood, so they will not suffer from happiness and disease.

Once the disease occurs, the heart should be happy, and the heart should be happy, and the disease will be cured.

Heart disease requires heart medicine, and medicine is empty if the heart is not happy.

And come and sing my happy song, it is the elixir of life.

Pretending to be fine and "quiet"

There are some ambiguities in life that don’t need to be detailed, such as how many grains of rice you eat every day, how many steps you take every day, etc. It would be ridiculous if these things were counted in detail.Pretending to be precise is to use very precise numbers to express where there is no need for precise calculations, or to make precise divisions where it should be vague.

A statistician who never took care of his own children reluctantly agreed to take care of his four young and active children when his wife was going shopping.When his wife came home, he handed her a note that read:


A statistician is precise, because without precision his scientific research cannot be carried out.However, "precise" has become his habit and occupational disease. Therefore, it is not only uncoordinated, but also ridiculous to conduct accurate statistics even on "non-scientific issues" such as watching children.

Bill violated the rules and went to get a haircut during working hours, but happened to be discovered by the manager.

The manager said, "I saw you getting a haircut during work."

"Yes, sir," Bill said quietly, "but the hair grows out at work."

"Not all of them," said the manager. "Some hairs don't work long hours."

"Sir, you are right." Bill said politely, "so I only cut off the part of the working hours, and left the part of the spare time on the head!"

Bill must be a slack and loose person in normal times, but he was very rigorous and delicate in this debate.The manager's eloquence is really not very good.It was a sophistry when Bill said that hair grows during working hours. The manager did not point out the fallacy in time.At this point, Bill caught the conversation. Bill used this reasoning to fine-tune the division: some hairs are long in working hours, and others are long in spare time. Keep it all.

Bill defends himself by dividing hair into those with long working hours and those with long spare time, and the wit and humor of his argument can be seen in the subtlety.

Humor is a "pistachio"

Humor is a kind of talent, a kind of strength, or a kind of civilization created by human beings in the face of common life difficulties.It expresses people's sincerity, generosity and kindness of heart in a pleasant way.It is like a bridge that shortens the distance between people and bridges the gap between people. It is an indispensable thing for those who strive to make progress and those who hope to establish a good relationship with others, and it is also for everyone who wants to lighten the burden of their own lives. The "crutch" that must be relied on.

When living in society as a natural person, you must become a social person consciously or unconsciously, and this is not determined by your will.Sure, the power of humor won't make you grow taller or thinner, pay your bills, or get your job done, but it can help you with all kinds of difficult relationships.Never lose sight of this magical power when you're hoping to become a person who can overcome obstacles and win the likes and trust of others.Because humor is a bridge for you to socialize and communicate, and it is a "pistachio" that makes you happy anytime, anywhere.

Social occasions are the moments when the power of humor is most active.Some couples know this trick. In the case of being late for a dinner, the couple can blame each other and blame each other for responsibility, such as the wife changing clothes one after another, the husband taking a detour, and so on.But if the roles are reversed, a better humorous effect will be achieved.

For example, the wife said, "I'm sorry we were late. It's all his fault. It took an hour to look in the mirror." The awkwardness of the situation disappeared in the wife's humorous words.

Use your wit and humor to calm anger, eliminate disputes, and get out of trouble.For example, to settle an argument at the dinner table, you might say something like, "Stop arguing. Could it be the chicken you just ate? That's not a cockfight." Sometimes you have to use the power of humor to stimulate Others cannot.

The writer O'Xijin mentioned in his book "Ms." that one night, Ms. Rubinstein, the tycoon of the Hibiscus Products Company, entertained guests at home.During the dinner, a guest constantly criticized her for saying that her ancestors burned 'Joan of Arc'.The other guests were uncomfortable, and tried several times to get him to change the subject without success.The conversation became more and more intolerable.Finally Ms Rubinstein herself said: "Well, someone has to do that."

In modern social life, a person's social activities have expanded to an omnipresent range.To some extent, it can be said that wherever people live, there are social activities.Similarly, wherever there are social activities, humor and the power of humor are indispensable. Humor has become an indispensable part of our lives.

1 minute of little humor and great wisdom
◎ dare not be unhappy
In the Ming Dynasty, there was a Xiaolian named Chen Cong, who had a free and easy temperament.He once built a villa in a place called Erligang.This place is in the north of the city, and the front and back of the villas are densely packed, full of tombs.Someone who visited his villa said:
"I see these things in my eyes every day, and my mood must not be happy."

But he laughed and said: "No, watching these things every day makes people dare not be unhappy!"

■Whether you are happy does not depend on external things, but on your attitude towards external things.

◎ Harlequin Double Salary
Once, an arrogant audience walked up to Durov, a famous Russian circus clown, and asked sarcastically, "Mr. Harlequin, are you very popular with the audience?"


"Does a clown have to have a stupid, ugly face in order to be popular in a circus troupe?"

"Indeed," said Durov, "if I could have a face like yours, I'd be paid double!"

■Real ugliness does not refer to being ugly, nor is it because of playing a "clown", but an unhealthy mentality.

◎ Self-dissolution
Kerr dreamed of owning a motorcycle race car as a child.When he was in college, he finally got one.When he was driving out that day, he was suddenly knocked down by a big truck, and the motorcycle was all broken.Kerr returned to school, still very calm, and his classmates said he was very understanding.Kerr self-deprecatingly said: "When I was a child, I thought that one day I would have a car, and it seems that there is such a day, and I am content."

■An open-minded attitude is the best way for us to face difficulties and disasters.

◎ The writer chooses the weapon of the duel

Georges Couterin is a well-known French playwright and humorist.Once, a young, pretentious author, wishing to make a big splash, wrote to Kutlin, proposing a duel to him on three trivial grounds, but the letter really didn't make it to the table, because the handwriting was illegible and there were even many spellings. mistake.

Kutlin quickly wrote back to him: "Dear sir, since I am the one who hurt you, it is up to me to choose the dueling weapon. I will use the 'orthography' to duel. Before you receive this letter, you It has already failed."

■It is one thing to be able to do one thing well, but another to have a correct attitude.If you don't have the right attitude, you'll fail before you even start.

◎ At the ball

A man and a partner whirl around at a dance party where dance music is played from a record player.The dance partner was so dizzy that she fell to the ground.

"Sir, why are you spinning so fast? You know it's four steps slow!"

"Four steps too slow!" the man shouted, "That record clearly says 1 minute and 33 rpm!"

■Life is also a stage, and everyone needs to find their own rhythm and pace, so that they can dance wonderfully and calmly.

◎ bad idea

The doctor asks the patient:
"Who gave you this bad idea? Telling you that castor oil can cure a cough?"

"It's a friend of mine. He told me that if I just take two teaspoons of castor oil, I'll forget my cough."

(Note: castor oil is a laxative)
■Sometimes after experiencing a greater degree of pain, people look back and find that the problems that were once unbearable are not as serious as they imagined.

◎ hair loss

"Doctor, I always lose my hair. What do you think is going on?"

"Generally, it's caused by excessive anxiety. Tell me, what are you always thinking about?"

"I'm always thinking, I'm losing too much hair."

■The terrible thing about anxiety is that it brings people a vicious circle of bad emotions. You must know that the only ability of anxiety is to make people more anxious.

◎ good luck
A cyclist hit a pedestrian.

"You are so lucky!" The cyclist comforted the one who was hit.

"Why are you not ashamed! Didn't you see that my leg was hurt by you?"

"Anyway, your luck is really good! Today I rest, I usually drive a big truck."

■When encountering bad luck, we might as well tell ourselves: Fortunately, things are not worse!

◎ Fake benefits
A: "Anything fake will not bring benefits to people."

B: "You're not quite right. My dentures have brought me great benefits."

(End of this chapter)

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