speak humor, be humorous

Chapter 14 The Power of Humor

Chapter 14 The Power of Humor (1)
Like all forces in the world, the power of humor is not omnipotent.However, the power of humor can really help your life.It helps you look at the surrounding environment and personal life with new eyes, helps you face up to and properly estimate and deal with the problems that bother you, helps you fill your relationship with others with warmth and harmony, and helps you turn many impossible things into reality. as possible...

keep an ordinary mind
The environment of modern society changes instantly, and the speed and efficiency are greatly accelerated. Therefore, modern people often feel a kind of inexplicable psychological pressure and anxiety, and humor is the best "relief valve".It can not only make you feel relaxed and happy, talk and laugh happily, and laugh often, but also help you to be successful in your communication and career.Many visionary and insightful company managers and chairman of the board like to choose those who can laugh at themselves, improve the environment, and create a happy atmosphere.Because these people are easy to gain people's trust, people are willing to accept their views and the products they sell.

When the famous British astronomer James Brafalley was appointed as the director of the Greenwich Observatory in the UK, the Queen of England saw that his salary was low and wanted to increase his salary. He begged: "If this position can bring a lot of income once , then it will no longer be an astronomer who comes to this position in the future.”

This humorous and heartfelt statement is a summary of the scientist's decades of vicissitudes of experience. He has witnessed countless ups and downs in the world, and studied the corruption of money on people. Only then did he get this interesting and philosophical statement. in conclusion.

The famous Italian composer Rossini heard that a group of his wealthy admirers planned to build a statue for him in France.After being moved, he asked, "How much are they going to spend?"

"I heard it was ten million francs."

"Ten million francs," Rossini was astonished, "if they would give me five hundred francs, I would stand on the pedestal of the statue myself!"

Judging from the above two examples, James Brafalé's humor seems to attach great importance to the position of director of the Greenwich Observatory in England, while Rossini's humor seems to value five hundred francs. The composer's "indifference" to positions and statues.It is precisely because of his contempt for money that Brafalé has such humor; likewise, if Rossini had not had such humility, but was ecstatic about spending 1000 million francs for a statue, he would never have been so so humorous.

Be comfortable with grades and accolades
Many highly accomplished figures have used their humorous language to take credit lightly and become exemplary.

Someone asked Lincoln, who had made extraordinary achievements, how he felt about being president.Lincoln said: "You must have heard a story about a man who was tarred and feathered and put on a train to be transported out of town. People asked him how he felt, and the man said that if it wasn't for the honor of the event, I'd rather get out of the car and walk."

The famous American novelist Faulkner said in his speech when he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1949: "I feel that this prize is not awarded to me personally but to my work--to my life's painstaking work on the human spirit." work. I do this work not for fame, still less for profit, but to create something out of human mental material that has never existed before. Therefore, this bonus is only entrusted to me. For It is not difficult to find a use for the bonus money that is commensurate with the original purpose and significance of the bonus. But I also want to find a recipient for the honor of the bonus.”

When my girlfriend visited Mrs. Curie's house, she suddenly saw her little daughter playing with a gold medal that the Royal Society had just awarded her. She couldn't help being surprised and asked, "Mrs. How can you play with your children?" Madame Curie smiled and said: "I want to let children know from an early age that honor is like a toy, which can only be played with and cannot be kept forever. Otherwise, nothing will be done."

This is exactly what Chekhov said: "Dissatisfaction with oneself is the fundamental characteristic of any truly talented person."

Mr. Lu Xun once said a famous saying: "Where is a genius, I even spend time on my work when others drink coffee."

These celebrities and great men, because they all treat their honor with the power of humor and indifferent attitude, their images are indelible in people's minds.

Many successful people are also comfortable with honor.

Mr. Huang is in charge of the secretarial department of a large enterprise company and has achieved quite a lot.Not long ago, his company merged with another company, but he was in the ups and downs of personnel changes.The new colleagues don't know much about him, so the colleagues are as cold as water.Until one day, Mr. Huang used the power of humor to change the interpersonal relationship."They didn't dare fire me," he said, and then he explained, "Because I'm so far behind in everything." Listen, everyone laughed.In this way, Mr. Huang took his past achievements and honors calmly, and still made fun of himself, making new colleagues laugh with him, and helping him establish a friendly and cooperative relationship with his colleagues.

Humor Helps You Solve Problems
Humor, most importantly, helps us relieve tension at work and solve difficult problems in life.

On the outskirts of a big city, there is a large-scale chemical factory. They produce a chemical product all year round, and a large amount of smoke and dust are discharged from the chimney, causing several nearby enterprises to suffer from smoke and dust.When they worked overtime one after another, the director of a factory next door said half-jokingly: "They are so busy in production, how to deal with the smoke and dust?" The director of the chemical factory also said half-jokingly: "We plan to At the same time, I will also order an extra-large plastic bag from the packaging factory, and use a helicopter to lift the bag over the chimney to cover it.” The two factory managers each had humorous words, making the They came to an understanding with each other, laughed together, and their tension gradually eased.

Humor is communicated to each other when we joke with others and laugh with others.We should give them an attitude of lightheartedness, sincerity, and sharing weal and woe.As long as we pay a little attention, we will find that there are many humorous stories that are not easy to be noticed in our work.At work, sometimes we need to firmly stick to our point of view. Excessive patience is not good for work, so in addition to knowing how to calm things down, it is more beneficial to solve the problem to complain appropriately under certain circumstances, especially you When you have a lot of words in your mind, of course don't forget to use humor.

Staff, teachers and students complained about the poor food in the cafeteria, and some people scolded the person in charge of the cafeteria, but the person in charge said humorously: "It is unbelievable that Jesus could feed the crowd with five loaves and two fish, but we here every day There are already 30 kinds of vegetables, 5 catties of rice, and 000 steamed buns, and now I don’t know where they all went.”

When the famous director Hitchcock was directing a film, a female star always asked him about the camera angle. She told Hitchcock time and time again that she must shoot from her best side. "I'm sorry, I can't do it!" Hitchcock replied, "We can't shoot your best side because you put it on the chair." Everyone present laughed and bent over.

Humorous communication between superiors and subordinates should be conducive to the progress of the work, otherwise it is a boring joke.A wise man will take care to direct the humor in a way that promotes the work.Examples like this abound:

"Our sales volume has risen to an unprecedented height in the chart, but this chart is viewed upside down." The sales chief said.

"The secretary said that I am too stubborn. Because I said that each word can only be written in one way." The chief secretary sighed.

Use the power of humor to encourage others and help them achieve greater achievements. You can entrust others with great responsibilities and lighten your burden so that you can be more active and free to develop your innovative spirit and make a difference in your career. make achievements.

Humor relieves pain
Face yourself with a relaxed attitude and face life with a serious attitude.If we do the opposite, we will be in trouble.An immature personality often consists in seeing oneself as the center of human interaction, while maturity comes with seeing oneself in proper relation to the group.

In the 20s, there was a cross talk about a man suffering from appendicitis. The doctor operated on him and cut off the appendicum.After the patient recovered from the injury, the lower abdomen still suffered from time to time. After examination, it turned out that the doctor left the surgical scissors in it, so the operation was performed again.Afterwards, the patient still felt flatulence in the abdomen. After examination, it turned out that the gauze was forgotten in the abdomen again, so another operation was performed.So the patient said to the doctor: "It would be more convenient for you to put a zipper on my stomach!"

The key to turning pain into humor is entering a supposed state of absence of physical pain.With this, everything that is not related suddenly becomes consistent with a little correlation.

Of course, the scope of humor therapy is not limited to physical pain, sometimes it can be psychological pain.If you can hold back the psychological pain, it is not difficult to bring together different things, or even combine them into one, to make them interesting.

There are two main reasons why people often fail to be humorous enough in painful situations.

First, humor requires people to forget the severity of the reality in front of them. This is against the basic characteristics of human beings. Even hypothetical forgetting is very difficult.

Second, humor requires people to confuse dissimilar things quietly, even verbally, and this is difficult.

The basic principle for people to learn to speak and think is to distinguish different concepts of things and languages, and humor seems to mess up people's daily language and thinking.

If you cannot obey the norms of humorous speech and thinking, then you can only shut yourself out of the door of humor.

humor makes you healthier

Everyone's life is not smooth sailing.Therefore, it is common to encounter pain and setbacks.We all know that some common social problems, such as rising prices, traffic congestion, gas shortage, etc., will make people feel anxious and uneasy.In addition, we also have some problems that are difficult to solve, such as young people feel that youth is perishable; middle-aged people have heavy work and family burdens, and health problems; the elderly have no one to take care of them, there is a generation gap with young people, and they feel lonely in their hearts.If we can use the power of humor well, we can understand that the things you worry about are not necessarily the biggest things in life.

There is a proverb in our country "Smile, ten years less".It can be seen that laughter is beneficial and harmless to human beings.Humor, as a medium of laughter, causes people to laugh.

If there is a satirical skit called "The Knack of Squeezing Traffic", which is written wittily and not superficially, let us enjoy a wonderful excerpt from it:
Despite the increase in vehicles, the construction of subways, and the expansion of the ring road... how can it catch up with the speed of life!Therefore, commuting to and from get off work has become a "knowledge".

Let's talk about getting in the car first. When the car comes, the best policy is to "grab a seat" - just like "grabbing a spot" on the court.Accurately calculate the location, and park the car door next to you, you can get the benefit of "occupying the essentials first", of course, you must resist!The trick here is: lean your upper body towards the direction of the oncoming car, keep your footing steady, and never be swept away by the flow of people coming with the car (fortunately, there are people behind you to help you).The middle policy is "welt".The layman was facing the door of the car, swarming around, wasting his energy in vain.In particular, Beijing is different from other places. In Harbin, "the capable is king" when getting on the bus. Shanghai people care about face, but they yell at every turn, which makes you unwilling to fight.Beijingers want to talk about style and get on the bus quickly, so the front of the car door is not a good place to go.Have you ever noticed that when washing the car, the conductor never has to wipe the sides of the door—there are all wiped clean by the shrewd crowd!Stick to the side, put on a calm look, and push the "rootless" people away bit by bit. As long as you grab the door, you will win.The worst policy can be called "hanging up".Ordinary people, seeing the grinning scene inside and outside the car door, have already retreated.As for the driver, as long as the door cannot be closed, he dare not drive rashly.At this time, you put your toes into the door of the car (don't put your head first), then lean close to the door and "hug" in, it will work...

Seeing this passage, everyone who squeezed past the car will burst into laughter.The author observes carefully and has a clear understanding of the customs of various places, which makes the reading experience immersive, and the choice of words and sentences is both decent and humorous, so that people can not only understand the traffic jam in Beijing, but also treat it with a relaxed mood. It is really ingenious to eliminate worries.

Most people feel that aging and other problems are also difficult to get rid of. Let us see how to deal with this problem with humor.

The famous orator Robert said: "I strive to die when I am the youngest." Whether in private or in public, he regards age very young, and is known for his young and interesting heart.Therefore, on his 70th birthday, he also signed a five-year speaking contract.

That's what humor is about, opening your mind and prolonging your life.

humor can make big things small
The French philosopher Voltaire had a very loyal servant, but he was a bit lazy.

One day, Voltaire said to him: "Russeff, go and get my shoes." The servant hurriedly brought the shoes.Voltaire was stunned when he saw it: the shoes were still covered with mud and dust from yesterday when he went out!

He asked, "Why did you forget to wipe it off in the morning?"

"No need, sir." Russeff replied calmly, "The road is full of mud and dirt. In two hours, won't your shoes be as dirty as now?"

Voltaire walked out the door smiling.The servant ran after him: "Sir, go slowly! Where's the key?"


"Yes, the key to the cupboard. I still have my lunch."

"My friend, what's for lunch, you'll be as hungry in two hours as you are now!"

If the servant does not serve the master well, of course it will cause the master's displeasure, and the master will often reprimand the servant.Voltaire, however, treated the matter with a smile and humor, lightened the unpleasant, and educated the servant with laughter.Voltaire was truly a humorist.

Keeping things small is indeed a great way to use the power of humor in your everyday life.In the face of things that may cause trouble in life, we can use humor and laugh together to put the trouble in an appropriate place without excessive worry and displeasure.Treating troubles with a lighthearted attitude and sharing joys will make troubles seem less important compared with the whole life.

That's what Rockefeller was, using humor to deal with the things that didn't go his way in life.In life, if people can often treat various things with humor, such as telling a few funny jokes on cold, hot, and humid days, it will definitely lift everyone's spirits.

Life is rich and colorful, as long as our imagination and creativity are not bound by some frame, we can use the power of humor to inject excitement into life.

Humor reveals the ugly
Humor has a special function - to satirize ugly phenomena, which is the method of "correcting the current situation".

Throughout the ages, feudal superstition has deceived many people.Some couplets use humorous language to make allegory and exhortation, which makes people laugh after reading it!Try a few couplets below.

There is such a couplet in a temple of the God of Wealth: "There is only a few pennies, and you ask for it, and he asks for it. Who is it better to give it to? Don't do anything, worship in the morning, and worship in the evening, which is embarrassing!" The couplet is the God of Wealth The tone mocked those lazy people who waited for money.

There is also a Temple of the God of Wealth at the foot of Wansong Ridge in Hangzhou. The temple is dilapidated, and the soil of the God of Wealth Bodhisattva has peeled off, but there are still an endless stream of pilgrims.So someone wrote a witty couplet on both sides of the Temple of Wealth: "If I have a spirit, I won't pile up dust everywhere, and my bones and muscles will fall off; don't think about it, you must know that there is everything like diligence and thrift, and nothing like laziness."

Even today, with the in-depth development of my country's reform and opening up, some ugly phenomena have emerged because the various malpractices left over from the old society have not yet been eradicated.Therefore, it is still very necessary to expose and flog these ugly phenomena by using the humorous technique of "rectifying the evils of the times".

For example, Mr. Shihe called some business cards "bright deceit":
(End of this chapter)

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