speak humor, be humorous

Chapter 15 The Power of Humor

Chapter 15 The Power of Humor (2)
Silent records, special shells—whoever wants to be famous can do it all: get as high a title as you want; be as big an official as you want; What a rich fortune; if you want to show your blushing face, show your blushing face.Business card——Bright deception, a small piece of paper, infinite power.

Mr. Yang Handuan's "depreciation rumor" satirizes the strange phenomenon in the big pot:

Those who are over [-] years old are counted as "youth", three months of short-term training are counted as "college colleges", those with full working years are counted as "professors", and copying from books is counted as "examination papers".A leader's refusal to take bribes is considered "news", and withdrawal from occupying households is considered a "model".Poor quality is regarded as "famous and excellent", and not scolding customers is regarded as "smiling face".Singing a song is considered a "singer", sponsoring a pen is considered a "director", making up random words is considered a "poet", and putting on a false name is considered an "editor-in-chief".Two short articles are considered "writers", dubbing by others is considered "actor", wearing a hat is considered "famous", and publishing a mediocre book is considered "classic".

... Hugh Road depreciation is everywhere, it is rare to be confused and close your eyes, whether you are hello, me or him, the most delicious is a big pot of rice...

Why do people satirize and flog all kinds of unreasonable social phenomena with the humorous method of "correcting the current situation"?The main reason is that people hate it so much that it is hard to get rid of their hatred by directly criticizing or cursing, so "extreme sorrow brings joy", and there are ways to vent their emotions through laughter, cursing, ironic doggerel and other forms.

Humor teaches through laughter

Numerous practices have proved that humorous critical education is easy to be accepted amid laughter, and the effect is more obvious.When it comes to education, people tend to think of serious, unsmiling faces, a set of abstract theories that make no sense, and a group of sleepy audiences.In fact, people's understanding and impression of this kind are entirely caused by improper methods of educational work.Education, of course, is a serious matter, but this does not preclude the educated from laughing happily.Teaching through laughter is an effective method of education.

There is a humor of "a lazy teacher worships a lazy man", which is used to educate those idle prodigal sons.

A loafing prodigal son, he only hates himself for being too lazy to go home, and really wants to find a lazy shop to study.So, he asked around where there is a lazy shop.

One day, he found out that there was indeed a lazy school, so he happily went there.When he arrived at the door of the lazy shop, he used his buttocks as a face, and stepped back to enter the door.The master of Xuelaan shop yelled: "Hey, why don't you know the rules, why don't you turn your face to me!" The prodigal son still turned his back to the master and replied: "Respect the master, let the foolish: when you come, turn your back on me!" Master, you don’t need to turn around when you say goodbye.” The master was dumbfounded when he heard this.After a while, it was like waking up from a dream.The prodigal son said outside the door: "I can respect you as a teacher."

Another example is the "reconstruction of Efang Palace", which is used to criticize the level of education administrators and the low level of education.

The inspector visited a middle school, and casually asked the students, "Do you know who burned the Efang Palace?"

The student was full of panic, and said repeatedly: "I didn't burn it, I didn't burn it!"

The inspector couldn't help laughing, and accused the principal: "The students in your school have a low level of Chinese, and they actually said that he didn't burn the Efang Palace."

In a rage, the inspector wrote a letter to the Director of Education, explaining the whole story.Not long after, I received a reply from the director-general saying: "Forget it if you burn it, and allocate funds to rebuild Efang Palace."

Criticism is a weapon in the fight against various undesirable phenomena in education.If criticism is to achieve results, it must be kind to others, and it must pay attention to methods and language arts.Sometimes, a clever humorous remark can indeed outperform many bland sermons.

Then, why humorous and witty discourse can play an educational role, mainly in the following two aspects.

First of all, because everyone has self-esteem, practice has proved that it is never a good way to directly criticize someone in public. It may cause strong rebuttals from the other party and find some reasons to defend themselves; He refused to accept it, and has since accumulated resentment in his heart.In this way, the purpose of criticism is naturally not achieved.So psychologists all say with one voice: "Don't reprimand people in public." This is very reasonable.However, the humorous criticism method gives the other party face and will not make the other party feel confrontational.In addition, because the method of insinuation rather than direct speaking is adopted, the critics have a room for thinking and maneuvering, and they can more deeply understand the critics' good intentions.

A young painter found a nearby house. Before moving, he said to his friend:
"I want to give the walls of the room a nice paint job and paint some pictures on the walls."

You are better off painting the walls first and then painting them. "A friend who knows the level of this young painter persuaded him.

This friend implicitly expressed his opinion, and the young painter would naturally understand and think deeply about how to make his own paintings well.

Secondly, humor can subtly and unexpectedly connect two previously irrelevant things, making people wonder and laugh.In association, people will realize the real purpose of the speaker, and thus happily accept the speaker's opinion.

1 minute of little humor and great wisdom
◎ pig

Every morning when she wakes up, Mummy Pig spends a long time making herself up and putting green onions into her nostrils to pretend to be an elephant.Baby Pig said on the side: Why don't you just make a long nose, people are old and have no creativity at all!

■Life requires creativity, but creation should respect the laws of nature and social norms!

◎ Well-managed housekeeping
One night I went to an art gallery to see an art exhibition. When I was admiring an abstract painting made up of some ropes, train tickets, wire mesh, snapshots and a broken wheel, I heard a woman next to me whisper to me. Another woman said: "It's proof enough - never throw anything away."

■Life is actually very compact and delicate, nothing is useless, as long as we carefully excavate and arrange carefully, garbage is actually a treasure!

◎ bland and tasteless

There was an old scholar who would shake his head and say, "It's bland."

One day, the old scholar was talking to a guest and asked, "What's the news recently?"

The guest replied: "Yesterday evening, a salt boat was smashed, and all the salt it carried was poured into the river."

The old gentleman shook his head and said, "Bland and tasteless."

■If we treat life so indifferently, carelessly, and don't work hard, everything will be as indifferent as plain boiled water!

◎ Viewing paintings
A painter holds a solo exhibition.A lady came to the exhibition room, stood in front of a painting and looked at it for a long time, she said: "It would be great if I could know the author of this painting!" The painter standing aside came over and said: "Madam, I am the author," said the lady. "This is a wonderful painting! Can you tell me who is the tailor who made the dress for the lady in the painting?"

■We often say that art has nothing to do with ordinary people, because it is difficult for ordinary people to appreciate art itself.In fact, the purpose of art is to bring enjoyment to people.In my opinion, it is not necessary to understand the art itself to enjoy it, and there is no difference in the enjoyment itself.

◎ Golden eyes

In the Song Dynasty, the Zhongwu Army Jiedu envoy Dangjin asked painters to paint his own portrait.After finishing the painting, he was furious and reprimanded the painter, "I saw you painting a tiger a few days ago, and you used gold leaf to cover the eyes. Can I still not bear a pair of golden eyes?"

■The one that suits you is the best.No matter how good a person or thing is in the eyes of others, if it doesn't suit you, what's the point?

◎ Wearing the wrong coat
In the dining room, a very humble person timidly touched another customer, who was wearing a coat.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Pierre?"

"No, I am not." the man answered.

"Ah!" He breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'm not mistaken, I am him, and you are wearing his coat."

■It is not easy to be confident.People who are upright are often humble, while people who are crooked are as strong as an ox.

◎ Straightforward
Tom is a teacher in elementary school. He is tall and majestic, but he stutters when he is nervous.During one exam, he discovered that a student was cheating, so he pointed at that student angrily and shouted, "You...you...you...you...you dare to cheat, stand up for me!" 5 students stood up at the same time...

■It is often said that "rags also have the function of stuffing the nose".is not that right?From this point of view, we should really pay attention to some small details in life, which may be your noble person and turning point.

◎ Marriage certificate

Xiao Cai: Hello, I would like to make an appointment to apply for a marriage certificate tomorrow.

Liu Yiwei: Okay, have you done the pre-marital examination?
Xiao Cai: I checked, her father runs a company, and the family has a house and a car.

Liu Yiwei: Hi, I mean go to the hospital for an examination!
Xiao Cai: Oh... (hesitating, sorry) I also checked, it's a boy.

■"What exists is reasonable", in today's pluralistic society, maybe we should look at things around us more tolerantly.

◎ needle

The old grandmother sighed and said, "Well, almost none of these girls know how to use a needle nowadays..."

"Grandma, I will!" cried the granddaughter, "I know a needle will have to be replaced after a while, or it will damage the record."

■There is no more appropriate explanation for the so-called generation gap than the passage of time.

◎ show off

"I saw your lady at the theater yesterday. She coughed so badly that everyone was looking at her. Did she have a cold?"

"No, didn't you see she was wearing a beautiful embroidered dress?"

■When people try to attract attention in an exaggerated way, people can't see what they want to show.

◎ Freedom of cats
Because cats have always been in and out of other people's houses and gardens, causing many neighborhood disputes, the Darmstadt court made such a judgment that "cats can freely enter neighbors' houses and gardens without permission", because according to the land law, pet management regulations and private housing management regulations, there is really no legal basis for restricting the freedom of cats.The judge also explained that a cat is a predator. It may chase a neighbor's mouse and enter a neighbor's house confidently, or it may chase a butterfly and stray into someone else's garden for fun.

■In fact, the seemingly rigorous law also has many unsolvable problems, which may be related to all aspects of our lives.As an ordinary person, it is impossible not to care about the law.

◎ Frog Witness

Russian physiologist Ivan Sechenov published a paper on "Frog Brain Inhibition of Spinal Nerves" and other papers in 1863 through dissection experiments on frogs. made a great contribution.However, the Tsarist Russian government arrested Sechenov on trumped-up charges.

During the trial, the judge asked: "Defendant, can you find a defender for yourself."

Ivan Sechenov replied: "Let the frog be my witness."

■ If you want to add to the crime, there is nothing to worry about.

◎ Humorous Americans

The lawyer's wife said to her husband: "The style of our house and furniture is too old, and it is time to redecorate it."

Lawyer: "Don't worry, I just took over a divorce case, and the man is a rich tycoon. After I break up their house, I'll come to renovate our house."

■If the law becomes a tool used by some people to gain benefits, it will be more harmful than ordinary crimes.

◎ Strain
on the stage.At the moment of killing the enemy, the pistol did not fire.When firing again, there was still no sound.The audience in the audience was in an uproar.The actor was at a loss for a moment, he raised his foot in a panic, and kicked hard at the enemy.The actor who played the enemy was very experienced. I saw him slowly fell to the ground, then raised his head with difficulty, and said in a weak voice:

"His boots... turned out to be poisonous, I... really can't do it..."

■Is the stage of drama not the stage of life?An unexpected moment tests people's ability to adapt, and this ability is the accumulation of life experience.

◎ Computer

The scholar said to his colleagues:
"The computer I have invented has all the characteristics of a real human being."

"You mean to say that it can think?"

"That's not true. But if it makes a mistake, it blames someone else."

■For some people's self-righteous cleverness, it's hard to tell whether it makes or breaks people.

◎ Nobel Prize

The trainer whispered to his boxers during a pause in the bout:
"If you can't go all out to subdue your opponent, then the Nobel Prize will have to be taken by someone else."

■ Unscrupulous encouragement can be regarded as a kind of deception.

◎ The Mystery of Three Daughters
"You know what? Honey, I always thought our neighbor had three daughters, and now I've figured it out. It's just that their girl has three wigs."

■Through disguise, the same person becomes many different people in the eyes of others.

◎ Mental illness

Patient: Doctor, my neighbors think I'm mentally ill.Because I especially like ham sausage.

Doctor: Stop messing around?I also like ham sausage.

Patient: Really?Then when you are free, please come to my house, and I will show you my collection.

■There is nothing wrong with liking something, what is wrong is whether the way and degree of liking meet the acceptable limit.

◎ Withdrawal

"Yesterday's lunch, why did you leave in the middle?"

"That's because the soup is as cold as the wine, and the wine is as bland as the fish, and the fish is as thin as the host of the luncheon."

■The taste of life is not like this, when it should be sweet, it is like honey, and when it should be bitter, it should be like coptis, there is no confusion at all.

◎ Can speak English
A German robber was brought to court. The judge asked him if he could speak English. The young man replied, "A little." "What can you say?" "Give me all the money."

■The motivation to learn any skill comes from our needs.Those immediate needs are often the ones that give us the most solid grip.

◎ Prisoner's work

In a prison in New York, several prisoners have recently arrived.One day, the warden called them together and said to them: "This is a model prison. We are very democratic. Every prisoner can continue to do their original work when they come here." The prisoners were very happy when they heard this. One of the prisoners suddenly started dancing.The prison warden asked him quickly: "What did you do before?" The prisoner replied loudly: "Mr. Warden, I used to watch the gate!"

■When people are cheering for a fair and reasonable system, what they may want to express is not their reverence for this system. More often, people are seeking a kind of selfishness.

◎ The soup is not hot

A new waiter came to work in a restaurant where Mr. Lindemann used to have his lunch.On the first day Herr Lindemann was very angry with the waiter.

"Monsieur Waiter," he cried, "you stuck your thumb in the soup!"

"Never mind, sir!" explained the waiter, "the soup is not hot at all."

■Other people's reasonable demands on you may not be so obvious in many cases, but this does not mean that we can ignore such demands or even understand them as a kind of reward.

◎ Rare objects

Waiter: Please pay!
Customer: Oh my God!How come two fried eggs cost one hundred yuan!Are eggs so rare here?

Waiter: No, sir!What is rare here is not the eggs, but the customers!

■Sometimes it's better to make yourself unique and rare to those around you.Because even if you get the same thing, the latter tends to pay more than the former.

◎ Nautical Miracle
Someone asked a navigator: "You have traveled the sea for so many years, must have encountered many miracles?"

"The greatest miracle is that I landed on land without incident!" said the navigator.

■Only when you have seen the sea can you know what is calm; only when you have experienced hardships can you know that peace is a blessing.

◎ Apple and ass

The female teacher drew an apple on the blackboard, and then asked: "Children, what is this?" The children replied in unison: "Ass!" The principal walked into the classroom and said with a serious expression: "Why did you make the teacher cry? Ah! You even drew a butt on the blackboard!"

■We always think that the game of life is unfair, and we are the ones who get hurt—but, have you ever thought that it is because we don't understand the rules of the game?

◎ I want to drink chocolate flavor too!

A white mother was breastfeeding her child, and the black mother next to her was also breastfeeding. The white child cried, and the mother asked what was wrong, and he said: I want to drink chocolate flavor too!
■There are many forms of life, maybe various, confusing our eyes - but the essence of life is true and eternal!
◎ I am sick
A girl has been secretly in love with a doctor. In order to meet the doctor and attract his attention, she goes to see the doctor every day.However, this girl hadn't appeared for a week, and when the doctor was wondering, she finally appeared at the hospital gate again.The doctor asked curiously why she hadn't come these days?The girl replied, "Because I'm sick."

■When an excuse is perfect and reasonable, the only way to break it is to make it a fact.

(End of this chapter)

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