speak humor, be humorous

Chapter 16 Humorous Conversation

Chapter 16 Humorous Conversation (1)
When our society is widely known through a capacity for laughter, when every citizen has been conquered by laughter, he is placed in an atmosphere of harmony, and thus truly comprehends the inner meaning of humor.Laughter is often helpful to people's rational understanding and moral evaluation. It is a compound of knowledge, meaning and emotion, and a unity of truth, kindness and beauty.A sarcastic smile affirms beauty indirectly through the negation of ugliness; while a complimenting smile affirms beauty through the experience of pleasure and joy.

Good words and sentences, using local materials

Stalin is a humorist who is good at oratory. In his "Speech at the Voters' Meeting Before the Election of Stalin's Constituency in Moscow City", there is such a passage:

Comrades, you know that every family has ugly children (laughter, applause)... People who are neither human nor ghost." (jubilation, applause)...

I cannot say precisely that among the candidates for the deputies (of course I am sorry for them) and among our activists, there are no people who are mostly political philistines, who are not very similar in character and appearance to the people of the people. People who said "neither like candles offered to gods, nor like steamed buns fed to ghosts" (laughter, applause).

Listening to such a speech, you can't help but be overwhelmed by the speaker's use of folk tales and witty language to create humor.In fact, an excellent orator can always intersperse folklore, allusions, and fables in his speech to enhance the sense of humor and irony of the speech, and to improve the vividness, interest and fighting power of the speech.Through such speeches, the audience gets to know the speaker, and the speaker "sells his point."The speaker and the audience have a high degree of tacit understanding with each other, and they understand each other, creating a sense of humor and explaining the truth. Although the words are not righteous, they have given people a profound education. It can be said to be "talking about the truth with a smile." ", making it easy for those who don't know clearly to listen to it, and arouse their high attention.

Smart speeches and conversations are always full of humor. If you can make the audience laugh a few times in a speech, you can get good results.Stalin's speech was less than 200 words, but it caused three laughter and applause, which shows how strong his sense of humor is.

Talking about the truth with a smile is often welcomed, so why not do it?Some people praise laughter as the flower of politeness and the bridge of friendship.Gao Shiqi, a famous science popularization writer, said: "Smile is the sister of beauty, a good friend of kindness, and a companion of love; philosophy of laughter, literature of laughter, and pedagogy of laughter." It is magical, and there is no lack of comfortable, comforting, and hearty laughter in life.Humor, on the other hand, can contain solemnity and harmony, give people a sense of relaxation and grace, and can make truth more intriguing.A proverb says well: "Laughter is the brother of strength." Laughter expresses the ability of human beings to conquer adversity; laughter can also strengthen people's friendship, trust and connection.And a humorous laugh is a kind of funny, noble, knowing and meaningful laugh.

In speech reports and social conversations, some clever words and sentences at your fingertips, witty words from local materials, and philosophical flashes produced by inspiration, relieve the listener's fatigue even if the speaker adjusts the rhythm.This will not only help to deepen the theme, but also enliven the atmosphere of the conversation.

Adjust the atmosphere, shorten the distance

A good speaker's humorous words often not only enliven the atmosphere, but also shorten the distance between the two.Therefore, countless examples can prove that humor is an effective way and means to establish a harmonious relationship between the speaker and the listener.

Due to the negligence of the commodity operator, the interests of the customers were damaged, the customers were strongly dissatisfied, and great contradictions arose between the consumers and the operators.

One day, a customer rushed into the director's office of the dairy factory.Holding a bottle of yogurt in his hand, he said angrily to the factory manager, "Is this kind of yogurt safe to drink? I demanded compensation, but your salesman still didn't agree. It's unreasonable! Now, let's go to court to argue!"

The factory manager took the bottle of yogurt and was surprised to find that it was mixed with glass shards.But he quickly calmed down and asked the customer, "Excuse me, have you ever drank this yogurt? If you have, then let's go to the hospital for an examination first, and then go to court later!"

The factory manager's humorous words were beyond the customer's expectation, and made him a little embarrassed.I saw that more than half of the anger on his face disappeared immediately, and he began to put forward his opinions and suggestions calmly.The atmosphere that was about to explode with anger suddenly became relaxed, and the distance between the two parties began to shorten.

Here is another example:
During the thought remolding movement, such a thing happened.Due to the rough style of some grassroots cadres, an old professor committed suicide by throwing himself into the river (because he was discovered in time, he was finally rescued).After Comrade Chen Yi found out, he called the relevant cadres to severely criticize them and asked them to take the initiative to apologize.Later, at a meeting of senior intellectuals attended by an old professor, Comrade Chen Yi said: "I said you, you have been studying for a lifetime, and you were confused for a while. Is the Communist Party's ideological remolding just to kill you? We just want to help you Let go of the burden and move forward together with the workers and peasants. Why do you want to deal with the Dragon Lord instead of making friends with me, Chen Yi? If you want to throw yourself into the river, you should call me and we can discuss it! Of course, This incident is mainly blamed on grassroots cadres who don't understand the policy, and I, Chen Yi, are not educated enough..."

Comrade Chen Yi's remarks enlivened the atmosphere, enhanced the intimacy of the language, and made the criticism and self-criticism contained in it seem so natural and decent, easy to be accepted by others.

Relax spirit, feel the beauty

Someone said: "A language without humor is a document, and a person without a sense of humor is a statue." This is very insightful.Today's modern society is highly efficient, fast-paced, and has a large amount of information, which will inevitably make people's brains prone to fatigue.If we have more laughter and humor in our lives, we will eliminate people's restlessness and maintain emotional balance.Talking, in a way, is entertaining.It should not make people feel tense and strenuous, but should give people a sense of comfort and relaxation.

There is such a ridiculous thing:
One night a gentleman lost a gold ring on the road.At that time, the street lights were very dim, and he could not find it.

The gentleman hurried home and searched around the room.His wife asked, "What are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for a ring."

"Did you lose it at home?"

"No, on the road."

"Then why are you looking here?"

"Because the road is dark, the house is bright."

Humorous conversation often makes people laugh out loud. However, humorous conversation is also a kind of aesthetic feeling, which gives people the enjoyment of beauty.

There was a rich man who made a rule: every farmer who met him had to salute, otherwise he would be whipped.

One day, Avanti passed by here and ran into a rich man.

"Why don't you salute me, poor boy!" the rich man was furious.

"Why should I salute you?"

"I am the richest. If you are rich, you have power. Poor boy, you have to salute me, or I will beat you."

Avanti stood still.

There were more and more people watching, and the rich man felt guilty, so he lowered his voice and said to Afanti: "Well, I have 100 yuan in my pocket. I'll give you 50 yuan, so you can salute me!"

Avanti put the money into his pocket slowly and said, "Now you have 50 yuan, and I have 50 yuan, why should I salute you?"

The people around laughed, and the rich man was angry and impatient, and immediately took out the remaining 50 yuan: "Listen, if you listen to me, then I will give you the 50 yuan too!"

Avanti accepted the 50 yuan again, and then said seriously: "Well, now I have 100 yuan, but you have nothing. If you have money, you have power, so salute me!"

The rich man was dumbfounded.

Although Avanti's story has the color of fable, his words are indeed interesting and give people a beautiful enjoyment.

Get rid of difficulties, eliminate embarrassment

Humorous conversation can often make cramped and embarrassing scenes relaxed and gentle, so that both parties can get out of the predicament and eliminate embarrassment.

The famous American novelist Mark Twain once went to a certain town.Before leaving, he was told that the mosquitoes there were particularly severe.When he arrived in that small town, just as he was checking in at the hotel, a mosquito hovered right in front of Mark Twain.The clerk showed embarrassment and hurriedly drove away the mosquitoes.

But Mark Twain said to the staff nonchalantly: "The mosquito in your place is much smarter than the legend. It will pre-watch my room number so that it can visit at night and have a good meal."

Everyone couldn't help laughing.As a result, Mark Twain slept very soundly that night.It turned out that the hotel staff listened to Mark Twain's speech, and all the staff mobilized together to try to prevent this beloved writer from being bitten by "smart mosquitoes".

Judge right and wrong, comprehend philosophy

In speaking, wit and humor skillfully combine human wisdom and language skills, revealing the profound meaning of things, rich in philosophy, with inexhaustible meaning beyond words, making people judge right and wrong with a smile, comprehend philosophy, and increase wisdom .

A young painter visited the famous German painter Adolf Menzel and complained to him: "I really don't understand why it only takes me a while to paint a painting, but it takes a whole year to sell it."

"Try it upside down, dear." Menzel said earnestly. "If you spend a year painting it, you can sell it in just one day."

Menzel's humorous words do contain endless meaning beyond words, making people judge right and wrong with a smile and increase their wisdom.

The famous modern aviation master Simodo von Karman won the first "National Medal of Science" in the United States at the age of eighty.As he walked down the steps after the award ceremony, von Karman suffered from severe arthritis and seemed to be struggling.The President of the United States who was on the side hurriedly stepped forward to help him.The old man thanked him, then gently pushed the President's hand away, and said a wisecrack:

"Mr. President, those who walk downhill don't need help. Only those who raise their feet to climb can ask for help."

A humorous remark made everyone laugh out loud.Such jokes not only make people feel relaxed and happy, but also have profound meanings, and make people understand the philosophy in laughter.

1 minute of little humor and great wisdom
◎ A few straw bags
A: "My wife and I talk about democracy the most. If my opinion is the same as hers, she will obey me. If not, I will obey her." B: "My wife and I are the most equal. She manages the servants and me in the living room, bedroom, and kitchen." C: "I advocate dictatorship. I am in charge of major matters in the family, and she is in charge of minor matters. Fortunately, in the five years of marriage, there has not been a major event in the family." Ding: "Now I am a strict wife, and my wife is in charge at home, but from tomorrow onwards, I will be in charge of the house." Everyone nodded: "Not bad."

■Everyone has their own weaknesses.If you have the courage to admit it, you have the courage to face it, and then overcome it, but for those who dare not admit it, they will always be like this!

◎ Large wastebasket

The day Einstein was brought into his office at Princeton, he was asked what tools he needed. "I think a desk or table, a chair and some paper and pencils will do. Oh, yes, and a big wastebasket," he said. "Why big?" "So I can throw all my mistakes in."

■Success is actually very simple, that is, dare to admit your own shortcomings and mistakes, and throw them into the "trash" without hesitation.

◎ spoon
Mike walked into the restaurant, ordered a soup, and the waiter immediately brought it to him.

As soon as the waiter walked away, Mike yelled, "I'm sorry, I can't drink this soup."

The waiter served him a soup again, and he still said, "I'm sorry, I can't drink this soup."

The waiter had to call the manager.The manager nodded respectfully to Mike and said, "Sir, this dish is the best in this restaurant and it is very popular with customers. Could it be that you..."

(End of this chapter)

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