speak humor, be humorous

Chapter 42 Humorous talk

Chapter 42 Humorous talk (2)
Premier Zhou had already arrived on the Tiananmen Gate.When Edgar Snow and his wife Lois Wheeler Snow had just stepped out of the elevator going up to the city tower, Premier Zhou hurried up to greet them.

"Mr. Snow, welcome. Chairman Mao asked me to invite you. You are a sincere friend of the Chinese people." Zhou Enlai said enthusiastically.

"34 years ago, when I crossed the blockade to find the Red Army, you were the first leader of the Communist Party I met. I was surprised when you spoke to me in English." Snow said excitedly.

Premier Zhou said: "I still remember that I drafted a 92-day journey for you and found a horse for you to ride to Yan'an to find Chairman Mao."

Snow broke into northern Shaanxi and wrote "Westward Journey", introducing the Red Army to the world, which is exclusive news.However, Snow hadn't fully realized the significance of Zhou Enlai's scoop on inviting him to Tiananmen.After a while, Mao Zedong came.Zhou Enlai led the Snows to Mao Zedong and said, "Chairman, look, who is here?"

When Mao Zedong saw Snow, he was very happy. He shook hands with Snow and his wife cordially, and said, "Mr. Snow, God bless you, we meet again."

It's going to rain, my mother is going to get married

After Lin Biao's conspiracy to usurp the party and power was revealed, at 1971:9 on September 13, 22, Lin Biao, Ye Qun, Lin Liguo and Liu Peifeng boarded the plane in a hurry, took off from Shanhaiguan Airport, and fled west towards the west of Inner Mongolia.

At 32:[-], Beidaihe's security department issued a report to Beijing: "Lin Biao fled by plane!"

The High Command Office of the Air Force Command immediately reported to Premier Zhou: "Lin Biao's plane is flying north!"

Zhou Enlai made a decisive decision and issued an order: "Close all airports across the country immediately, ground all aircraft, and activate all radars to monitor the sky."

The radar in the dispatch command room of the Air Force Command closely followed Lin Biao's special plane No. 256, and reported the plane's position and flight angle to Zhou Enlai at any time.

"Call aircraft 256 by radio, can they hear it?" Zhou Enlai asked.

"I can hear you," the dispatcher replied.

"I want to speak to Pan Jingyin (the driver), please pick it up for me." Zhou En said.

"He was running the machine and not answering," the dispatcher said.

"Then please send a call to Airplane No. 256, hoping that they will fly back. No matter whether they land at Beijing Dongjiao Airport or Xijiao Airport, I, Zhou Enlai, will pick them up at the airport." Zhou Enlai was making the last effort. "He didn't answer." The dispatcher reported to Zhou Enlai.Zhou Enlai immediately reported to Chairman Mao Zedong: "Should the Air Force ask for instructions to intercept Lin Biao's plane?"

Mao Zedong replied: "I can't stop it. It's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, and if he wants to go, let him go."

At 13:1 a.m. on the 55th, the dispatcher reported: "The plane crossed the border, entered Mongolia, and disappeared from the screen."

Lin Biao's special plane No. 256 exploded, and it ended in a smashing end!

Without me, the earth still turns

Mao Zedong's status is paramount in the hearts of the Chinese people.In the past, there was a song that said: "Chairman Mao travels all over the country, and the mountains are happy and the water is happy..." So wherever Mao Zedong went, he was always greeted by the masses.The welcoming people took his hand and shook it.Sometimes Mao Zedong's body was pushed to the front, but his hands were still pulled by the crowd behind and could not be retracted.The guards were afraid that Mao Zedong's arm would be pulled out of its socket, so they quickly persuaded people to let go of their hands.Mao Zedong sometimes said: "Don't hurt the hearts of the masses!"

In July 1974, Mao Zedong was already 7 years old, and he was seriously ill. It was very difficult for him to walk, and he needed several people to help him get on and off the bus.But he insisted on inspecting Hubei, Hunan, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and other places.It was not until April 80 that he returned to Beijing.Soon after returning to Beijing, Mao Zedong's eye disease worsened and he underwent surgery.As soon as his illness improved, he said, "When my eyes recover, I will go down and have a look."

Seeing that Mao Zedong’s health was not fully recovered, the people around him advised him to rest and recuperate from his illness, but he said humorously: “I have suffered a lot in my life because I know a few words. In fact, without me, the world will continue to revolve. There is a great poet Liu Yuxi who once said, "Thousands of sails pass by the side of a sunken boat, and ten thousand trees spring in front of a sick tree." But, I can't help myself if I say it, because who calls me a Communist!"

Mao Zedong's humorous eloquence is like this, "with some hints and themes in the wit, like the prelude to Wagner's opera, they need to be developed to show their meaning" (Kissinger).

Japan’s Ohira Masaoyoshi talked about Mao Zedong’s humor in this way: My impression of Mao Zedong is that he is a great thinker and strategist who is infinitely profound and open-minded.He was very candid, powerful, free, humorous, and genial in his conversation.

Still Waters Run Deep: Deng Xiaoping's Humorous Talk
Deng Xiaoping wrote many wonderful articles and spoke many wonderful words; these articles and speeches not only shone with the brilliance of thought, but also showed his excellent eloquence.It is not difficult for us to see that he is an excellent eloquent master.Such as "It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches the mouse, it is a good cat", "If you catch it with both hands, both hands must be strong", "Slay a bloody way", "Be bolder and walk faster", "One center, Two basic points" and so on.

a stoned turtle

Deng Xiaoping was lively and active when he was a child, willing to use his brain to think about problems, and he was very courageous.

Once, Deng Xiaoping went to Shiba with several children to play.Shiba is only half a mile away from his home.Speaking of this stone dam, there is a lot of history.

There are two Shinto steles beside the road in Shiba, which were conferred by the imperial court during the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty to commend the achievements of two senior officials from Guang'an, Deng Shimin and Zheng Renqing.The stele is 3 meters high and more than 1 meter wide, inlaid on the backs of two huge stone turtles.The local people respected these two ancestors very much, and some myths circulated that they were in awe of them, saying that these two Shinto monuments should not be touched, let alone climbed.

On this day, Deng Xiaoping and several rural children happened to be playing on the stone dam to their heart's content.He looked at the huge stone tortoise and said to his friends: "Shall we climb on the back of the tortoise and play?"

The little friends were all terrified when they heard it, and hurriedly persuaded them: "No, no, the turtle will have a stomachache when climbing the stone! And I heard from the adults that if you offend the sacred monument, your family will be in trouble!"

Deng Xiaoping plucked up his courage and said calmly: "A tortoise hit by a stone has such great abilities? I don't believe it. People dare not climb, so I will try it!"

After speaking, Deng Xiaoping strode towards the Shinto stele, climbed up to the stone turtle's protruding head, sat on it, kicked his legs and shouted loudly: "Come on! It's fun! It's fun!"

Seeing this, the other friends exclaimed: "Xianwa (Deng Xiaoping's original name is Deng Xixian), come down quickly, you will cause trouble! If you cause trouble, we will not escape!"

Deng Xiaoping was still playing leisurely, turned around and climbed up the back of the turtle, saying as he crawled: "If you cause trouble, you will cause trouble, let's see what it can do to me!" Finally, he climbed up to the Shinto monument and sat down.

At this time, the little friends also showed envious expressions while being frightened.

From then on, Deng Xiaoping often climbed to the stone tortoise and the Shinto stele to play.Gradually, the other children became more courageous and followed Deng Xiaoping to climb on the back of the stone turtle to play.

Sweet potato skin is high in nutrition
Deng Xiaoping arrived in Ruijin, Jiangxi from western Fujian in August 1931, and was appointed Secretary of the Ruijin County Party Committee.At that time, there was a proverb circulating among the people in Ruijin: "Being an official is not making decisions for the people, it is better to go home and grow sweet potatoes." Deng Xiaoping liked this sentence very much. He asked the cadres working in the county to understand the wishes of the masses and earnestly serve them. solve problems.Under his leadership, Ruijin's economic construction is booming.

On the evening of September 1931, 9, a group of fast horses came galloping from the direction of Ningdu. The cavalry dismounted and reported to Deng Xiaoping: "Mao Zedong and Zhu De led the Central Bureau of the Soviet Area and the Red Army Headquarters to arrive soon."

Outside Yeping Village, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Xiang Ying, Chen Yi, Wang Jiaxiang, etc. met Zeng Shan, Chairman of the Soviet Union of Jiangxi Province, and Deng Xiaoping, Secretary of the Ruijin County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China.

It was night, a two-story building under the big camphor tree in the east of the village was brightly lit.Mao Zedong sat around with everyone and listened to the reports of Comrades Zeng Shan and Deng Xiaoping.

Deng Xiaoping was very excited and talked happily: "After a period of hard work, the political situation in Ruijin has stabilized, economic construction has embarked on the track of development, and various preparations for the first National Congress of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers are being stepped up. conduct……"

Mao Zedong calmly listened to Deng Xiaoping's report and nodded with satisfaction.

On November 11, the first National Congress of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers of the Chinese Soviet was successfully held in Yeping Village, Ruijin as scheduled.The first national revolutionary regime in the history of the Chinese nation representing the masses of workers and peasants - the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic was born in Ruijin!
After Ruijin County became the capital of the Chinese Soviet Republic, it was renamed "Ruijing" and designated as a county directly under the central government.Deng Xiaoping, who was only 27 years old, took on the important task of secretary of the county party committee directly under the central government.The central government established Ruijin as the capital, and the funds for housing, food, and other expenses had to be increased. This brought even greater difficulties to Ruijin's already weak economy. Right now, Ruijin's production and construction must be accelerated.

As soon as the "One Soviet Union" conference ended, Deng Xiaoping called the county party committee and county Soviet cadres together for a meeting, and solemnly discussed with everyone: "We must mobilize the broad masses of hardworking people, especially party members and league members, to actively take the lead in action, make suggestions, and think of ways , develop production, and develop the economy. It is necessary to ensure the production needs of the central government and the supply of the Red Army, and the people must not be starved or cold.”

Deng Xiaoping's remarks can be described as comprehensive, and his focus is "development of production and economic development", and he grasped the key points at once.

When Deng Xiaoping was in Ruijin, he lived in private houses, sometimes even in ancestral halls and temples.He stayed in Ruijin for more than 10 months and moved five or six times.He often wears a coarse Chinese tunic suit, and eats the same food as everyone else.He never peeled the sweet potatoes, and said humorously: "Sweet potato skins are highly nutritious, and they are not afraid of wind and rain after eating. It would be a pity to lose them."

All Deng Xiaoping did, as well as his witty and humorous eloquence, was to practice strict economy and support the revolutionary war.

What are you afraid of, you want to go with the party

In August 1931, after Deng Xiaoping became secretary of the Ruijin County Party Committee, he was very concerned about the growth of the cadre team. He often said: "Revolutionary cadres are cultivated by the party and are the party's wealth. We must vigorously train and value revolutionary cadres so that the revolution can succeed. "

At the end of the year, the Ruijin County Party Committee held a training course for cadres in Tongshan Club in the county seat.Yang Rongxiang, who was working in Nanjiao Township at that time, was only fifteen or sixteen years old.Deng Xiaoping treated him like his little brother, caring very much about his studies and his growth and progress in all aspects.

On this day, Deng Xiaoping said to Xiao Rongxiang: "Rongxiang, get ready and attend the cadre training class."

"I'm not going! Secretary Deng." Xiao Rongxiang replied after thinking for a moment.

"Why don't you go?" Xiao Rongxiang lowered her head and said nothing.

It turned out that Xiao Rongxiang was worried.He thought that in the past few months, the "Social Democratic Party" was suppressed and so many people were killed. Those people were all party members, league members, and cadres. Even the old county party secretary Deng Xiping was brutally killed.

After Deng Xiaoping understood Xiao Rongxiang's thoughts, he said kindly to him: "Rong Xiang, it is wrong to eliminate counter-revolutionaries and expand them. Haven't we corrected it? Don't we stop revolution after the old secretary is killed? What are you afraid of? , you can’t be afraid of well ropes for ten years once you are bitten by a snake. If you want to follow the party, you must have a firm belief in the revolution.”

Through Deng Xiaoping's guidance and education, Xiao Rongxiang finally relieved his ideological worries. When he came to Deng Xiaoping's office, he rubbed the corners of his clothes with his hands and said to Deng Xiaoping with a blushing face: "Secretary Deng, I figured it out. Only the poor can stand up and live a good life, let me go to the training class."

"That's what it looks like to be a revolutionary." Deng Xiaoping smiled and scraped lightly on his nose.

After Xiao Rongxiang participated in the cadre training class, she studied very seriously and made rapid progress, and was generally praised by teachers and classmates.Soon he joined the Communist Youth League gloriously, and also became the captain of the Ruijin Young Pioneers.

The spirit of "pants off"
On November 1943, 11, Deng Xiaoping gave a mobilization speech at the beginning of the eighth term of the Northern Bureau Party School.This speech was another important speech by Deng Xiaoping during the Anti-Japanese War, and it was also an important document in the rectification movement.Deng Xiaoping said in this speech: "After the Zunyi Conference, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee headed by Mao Zedong, the 'left and right' opportunism in the party was completely overcome, and the atmosphere of subjectivism, sectarianism and stereotyped party writing was swept away. , put the party's cause completely under the guidance of Chinese Marxism-Leninism, that is, Mao Zedong Thought..."

"Indeed, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee guided by Mao Zedong Thought, we recalled the painful lessons of the past under the leadership of opportunism, and every comrade will feel that these nine years have been very happy.

"Every comrade must make up his mind to rectify his own ideological style. First of all, he should have a good understanding of himself, see if there is any fault in his ideology, and where the fault is, and then he will be determined to reform himself. In the past, some comrades went to the party school , The purpose is just to listen to the report, this kind of thinking is wrong, you must know that the rectification movement mainly depends on your own hard work."

"I must have a high degree of revolutionary enthusiasm and the spirit of being responsible to the party. Only in this way can I be open-minded, have the spirit of 'taking off my pants', and correct my style of thinking. People who do not have this kind of determination, or just Those who try to 'secretly' correct mistakes and refuse to show their 'tails' are absolutely not good. Some comrades in the party school suffered from this in the last period, and it is harmful to the party and not beneficial to individuals."

can not suffer from acute illness
On July 1950, 7, Deng Xiaoping delivered a speech on the issue of ethnic minorities in the Southwest at the meeting of the Central Ethnic Delegation Welcome to the Southwest.He said: "In the history of China, the gap between the ethnic minorities and the Han people was very deep. With our efforts in the past and the past six months, this situation has gradually changed, but it does not mean that we have eliminated it today. It will take a long time and through the facts to remove the ethnic barriers caused by Han chauvinism in history.

"We have to do long-term work to achieve the goal of eliminating this barrier. We must convince them that politically, all ethnic groups in China are truly equal; economically, their lives will be improved; will be improved.

"The so-called culture mainly refers to the culture of their own nation. If we do not achieve results in these three aspects, it is impossible to eliminate this historical gap and historical crack. Our People's Republic of China is a multi-ethnic country. On the basis of ethnic estrangement, only through the joint efforts of people of all ethnic groups can we truly form a beautiful family of the Chinese nation.

"We have the conditions to eliminate ethnic barriers. The reactionary rule in history implemented the policy of big nationalism, which can only deepen ethnic barriers. Today, the ethnic policy stipulated in the common program of our Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference will definitely eliminate this barrier and realize Great unity of nations."

Regarding how to carry out work on ethnic minorities, Deng Xiaoping said: "If we suffer from acute illness, like in the Han areas, we always want to get food quickly, organize the masses quickly, and make the work effective, then there must be trouble. In the past There have been some disturbances in other areas. The most important reason is acute illness. This has taught many of our comrades not to suffer from acute illness. Do not suffer from acute disease or chronic disease, this matter should not be afraid of suffering from "chronic disease". Of course, we still have to work, don't fall asleep because of fear of acute disease, do it steadily, and move forward according to the situation."

Don't get the bacon lost

In the mid-20s, Deng Xiaoping became the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee. On November 50, 1958, accompanied by Li Jingquan, the first secretary of the Southwest Bureau, Deng Xiaoping arrived at Qingzhen Airport in Guizhou by plane to inspect the work in Guizhou.

On the way to Guiyang by car, Deng Xiaoping said to Wu Shi, member of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, secretary of the party group of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, and vice governor, and Tian Weiyang, member of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and commander of the provincial military region: "There are many mountains in Guizhou. We need to do greening.” He also said, “The roads are too narrow, and there are too many thatched houses in the countryside, which need to be remodeled.”

On November 11, Deng Xiaoping pointed out that after the people’s commune was established, the life of the commune members tended to be uniform and monotonous, and he said to the comrades in charge of the Zunyi Prefectural Committee: “In the future, high-heeled shoes, rouge, and lipstick can also be used, and there must be TVs and sports grounds. Running a cafeteria, I do what I eat now. Can I be a little flexible? Everyone has different tastes, so I can make some pickles, pickle some bacon, and add a dish, can’t I? Is life getting more and more monotonous, or is it more and more boring? Rich? Does communism make everyone have the same taste, or does it allow everyone to have their own taste? It’s the same with clothes, you pay yourself to buy them, and you can buy whatever you want; it’s the same with shoes, some people prefer to wear leather shoes, Some would like to wear cloth shoes, and others would like to wear straw sandals. What should be enjoyed should be enjoyed. It is not a big problem to be poor now, but to become rich requires diversity. Life is not only about basic necessities of life, but also learning, culture and entertainment. .”

During the inspection, Comrade Xiaoping found that the life of farmers was very difficult, and proposed that each family feed a pig and pickled bacon, and said humorously: "Don't lose the bacon in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan." He further said: "The thatched houses in the countryside If there are too many, the production team should implement mutual assistance and spend two winters and springs to renovate the thatched house." He immediately estimated that each farmer only needed one or two yuan to buy glass and hardware, and said, "It can be done."

In the Dafengfeng People's Commune of Zunyi County, Comrade Xiaoping said to the person in charge: "Everyone has his own preferences, and people should be allowed to have this freedom. It is also divided into 30 yuan. Some are willing to enter the restaurant, and some are willing to save it to buy it. Watches, everyone is free to control. That is to say, do you want some freedom? Chairman Mao has always advocated a little freedom for the individual, and a little freedom for the collective.”

(End of this chapter)

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